Monster train достижения
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Hello and welcome to my first ever guide :)
This will help you acquire all the achievements to fully complete Monster Train
I've linked my run summary and challenge to the hardest achievements to get.
**However since last update, many links have been broken, if you can please post in the comments for new ones, i'll update the guide from time to time **
**Note from community member: A Big Hairy Monster
Multiplayer Custom Challenges count towards achievements. This means you can make the covenant achievements VERY easy to acquire without needing to grind repetitively and hope for the luck of the draw.
Level Up!
Level up any clan.
The achievements below can be obtained by playing until you meet the criteria required to unlock the 3 additional races (playing spells, units, killing ennemies, etc.)
Into the Deep Sea
Unlock The Stygian Guard.
Diabolical Automation
Unlock The Umbra.
Guided by Candles
Unlock The Melting Remnant.
Then you will have to play each of the races until you reach level 5 and 10 respectively, higher score means more XP, don't worry you will max easily reach level 10 with all of them by just playing.
The Breaker of Horns
Reach Level 5 on The Hellhorned.
Hellhorned Dominance
Reach Level 10 on The Hellhorned.
A Semblance of Sentience
Reach Level 5 on The Awoken.
Fully Awakened
Reach Level 10 on The Awoken.
Guardian of the Styx
Reach Level 5 on The Stygian Guard.
Stygian Defender
Reach Level 10 on The Stygian Guard.
A Wisp Reanimated
Reach Level 5 on The Umbra.
Reach Level 10 on The Umbra.
A Vicarious Remnant
Reach Level 5 on The Melting Remnant.
An Endless Flicker
Reach Level 10 on The Melting Remnant.
Igniter of Pyre, Savior of Hell
Achieve max level on all clans.
From now you should start climbing the covenant ladder, covenant are modifier that add stackable difficulties to your runs, levelling covenants require you to beat the highest available to you.
The Long Journey Begins
Win a run at Covenant 5.
The Devil is in the Details
Win a run at Covenant 10.
Hell Hath No Fury
Win a run at Covenant 15.
We Were Born of Monsters
Win a run at Covenant 25.
For the last convenant achievements, luck and skill are required in order to succeed, I have linked my ''deeplink'' for every clan at covenant 25 to give you an idea of how I did it. Just copy paste it into your windows file explorer and the game should start at the challenge section. You can also start a challenge with favorable modifiers to help you with you run.This method WILL net you the achievements, and you don't need to have those levels unlocked to create the challenge, It doesn't count towards unlocks/progression though.
The Hellhorned
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Hellhorned.
The Awoken
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Awoken.
The Stygian Guard
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Stygian Guard.
The Umbra
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Umbra.
The Melting Remnant
Win a run with all covenants enabled on The Melting Remnant.
The achievements below can be obtained by doing a full successful run or before they enter their combat phase, custom challenges modifier can help you get the ''before combat phase'' achievements more easily as you can get advantages you wouldn't be able to have in normal runs.
Early Survivor
Defeat the first boss.
Angel Hunter
Defeat Fel.
Seraph the Defeated
Defeat Seraph.
Defeat Daedalus before his combat phase.
Defeat Fel before her combat phase.
Sans Seraph
Defeat Seraph before his combat phase.
Ta-Ta Talos
Defeat Talos before her combat phase.
Defeat Archus before his combat phase.
The Ragtag Bunch
Win a run with 10 or fewer cards at the end of the run.
Easiest way to farm it would be to do a custom challenge with the ''Yeetpocalypse'' modifier
A Cramped Train
Win a run with at least 40 cards at the end of the run.
Easiest way to farm it would be to do a custom challenge with the ''Two for one'' modifier
Only Determination
Win a run without collecting any artifacts.
note: The red, yellow or blue crystals don't count as artifacts since they can't be skipped
All Brain, No Brawn
Have a spell deal at least 120 damage in one hit.
Very easy to get with the Stygian guard clan and this upgrade path.
Spell weakness stacks as double base damage from first spell casted on target.
Hell’s Finest
Have a monster deal at least 60 damage in one hit.
Almost unmissable if you aim to get all other achievements.
Hellhorned have to best monsters to get higher attack value with rage or basic high stats
The demon fiend upgraded with 5 rage or + 10 attack is the most common way I can think of.
Buy Something, Won't You?
Click on the unit's seller until the achievement pops
Creators of Hell
View the credits.
My Game, My Rules
Create a Custom Challenge.
Play an Imp card.
*Imp cards are from the hellhorned clan*
Upgraded Champion
Upgrade your Champion twice.
You Died!
Lose a run.
The most random achievement to get in the game, you need to enter a cavern and get the 'petty thief'' card then keep playing your run and enter another cavern that will ask you to sacrifice life for money, with ''petty thief'' in hand, you will have a third option to discard it and gain money, the achievement will unlock at the same time.
From user Holdmyshoulders
Dante’s Inferno
Enter a cavern where you will be asked to get 3 candles card that damage your pyre unless played, survive long enough for Dante to come reward you with his cloak and his card.
It’s a Secret.
Enter a cavern where you will see fallen soliders, you will have to choice to get a fallen shield, sword or skull. Pick the shield or the sword and keep playing the run until a peace flower will be offered to you, pick it and the achievement will pop.
From user fori
Is That a Challenge?
Start a Daily Challenge.
Trainee of the Pyre
Score at least 30,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Apprentice of the Pyre
Score at least 40,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Master of the Pyre
Score at least 50,000 points in a Daily Challenge.
Theses achievements must be done in the multiplayer daily challenge
Score is based on 3 factors, whether or not you active the difficulty bonus of the round, how much damage your Pyre took and the most important how fast did you beat the boss on said round.
The 30k and 40k can be fairly easy depending of the days, as the daily challenges have a random modifier aspect, However for the 50K it sometimes can be tricky, near impossible depending on the mutators.
A work around I found is to wait for a day where most of the top scores are above 50K to 53K.
Have a friend attempt the daily challenge (it doesn't matter if he fails or succeed as long as his score is above 0 so it can be submitted)
He will then gain access to the top players run summary, select one and ask him to send you a screenshot, which should look like this:
The units, artifacts and spell appears in the chronogical order they were obtained, helping you to choose the correct path between rounds.
From now start the daily challenge and try to mimic as faithfully as possible their deck, it can be retried as many times as you want, you just won't be able to submit the score on the leaderboard.
All bonus difficulty must be activated and bosses must be dealt with on the lower floor possible, even before the boss phase if possible, you can save scum before you slay the boss if you feel like you haven't optimised your run.
On your Own
Win a run without a Champion.
Use the ''fallen champion'' mutator to remove your champion on your run
20/20 vision
Win a run with googly eyes enabled.
How to deckbuilder
Win a run with 0 cards at the end of the run.
The first artifact is the one that dazes enemies when they enter the pyre room.
Heaven's Gold at level 7 in the caverns.
picking up an Ice Tornado after the first fight and giving it two +10s to smooth out the spikes challenge and fight 7.
Otherwise get rid as much cards as possible everywhere else, don't take any other card rewards.
Monster Train — рогалик с элементами стратегии и коллекционной карточной игры. Главный герой путешествует по Аду на поезде и сражается с противниками на трех полях, расположенных друг над другом. Доступно более 200 карт, разделенных на 5 кланов монстров. Каждый клан предлагает уникальные механики и обладает особыми свойствами. Также придется прокачивать своего персонажа, в этом помогут различные артефакты и улучшения.
Даты выхода
Monster Train уже вышла на PC.
Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.
Несколько лучших скриншотов из Monster Train:
Последние и новые скриншоты смотрите в галерее.
Где купить игру со скидкой?
VGTimes ищет и сравнивает цены на Monster Train в разных магазинах, чтобы вы могли купить игру дешевле, чем в Steam, PS Store и других официальных сервисах дистрибуции.
Сейчас Monster Train продается в таких магазинах, как Steam, Gama-Gama, Plati и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 191 рублей. Игру можно активировать в Steam.
Вот некоторые актуальные предложения:
в магазине SteamBuy за 299 руб в магазине Steampay за 191 руб в магазине Zaka-Zaka за 199 руб в магазине Green Man Gaming за 465 руб в магазине Gabestore за 249 руб
Еще больше скидок и вкусных цен ищите здесь.
Похожие игры
Вот несколько игр, которые больше всего похожи на Monster Train:
Смотрите весь список похожих игр здесь и выбирайте, какая из представленных игр больше всех напоминает Monster Train. Там же вы сможете добавить новую игру в список похожих.
Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.
Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Monster Train, то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.
Договорились монстр, по крайней мере, 60 урона за один удар.
Договорились заклинание не менее 120 урона за один удар.
Результат не менее 30 000 очков в ежедневный вызов.
Выиграть работать с 10 или меньшим количеством карт в конце прогона.
Результат по крайней мере 40 000 очков в ежедневный вызов.
Выиграть бегать как минимум 40 карт в конце прогона.
Выиграть бегать со всеми условиями договора, включена Hellhorned.
Выиграть бегать со всеми условиями договора включена в Стигийской гвардии.
Выиграть бегать со всеми условиями договора, включена проснулся.
Выиграть бегать со всеми условиями договора включена на тающий остаток.
Выиграть бегать со всеми условиями договора, включена Умбра.
Последние достижения и трофеи добавлены
Множество трюков, кодов и видеоигр, накопленных с 1999 года. У нас есть самая обширная база данных трюков, совершенно бесплатно и в вашем распоряжении. продолжайте посещать нас!
Сделано Черри Андреа - Авторское право 1999 @ 2017
Системные требования
Минимальные системки для игры:
- Windows 7
- Процессор: Core i3
- 4 GB ОЗУ
- 2 GB HDD
- DirectX 11
- Клавиатура, мышь
Подробные и рекомендуемые требования к PC ищите на странице системных требований для Monster Train.
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