Мойра овервотч цитаты
Soldier: 76: You were a disgrace to Overwatch. If I had known what Reyes had been planning, I would have never allowed it.
Moira: It seems to me that it was convenient for you to not look too closely into Gabriel's business.
With Widowmaker
Moira: How are you feeling, Lacroix?
Widowmaker: I don't feel. That's the point, isn't it?
With Zenyatta
Moira: I must know how you function.
Zenyatta: Existence is a mystery, isn't it?
English: (literal) Happy St. Patrick's Day.
St. Patrick's Day blessing be upon you.
Actual meaning: She's wishing good luck to her allies before the fight.
English: I'm almighty!
Giorraíonn beirt bothar.
English: Two shorten the road.
Call-Outs [ ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Hero Change | Moira, by your side. | Link ▶️ |
Moira is here. | Link ▶️ | |
Sniper Sighted | Sniper! We must be cautious. | Link ▶️ |
Enemy Sighted | I've sighted the enemy! | Link ▶️ |
The enemy gathers here. | Link ▶️ | |
Enemy Sighted |
Mission-Specific [ ]
Eliminations [ ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Final Blow | A small loss. | Link ▶️ |
An evolutionary dead end. | Link ▶️ | |
As expected. | Link ▶️ | |
Evolution works quickly today. | Link ▶️ | |
Guinea pigs. | Link ▶️ | |
I will allow none to stand in the way of progress. | Link ▶️ | |
Predictable. | Link ▶️ | |
Thank you for your contributions. | Link ▶️ | |
This was the expected conclusion. | Link ▶️ | |
We are all born mad, some remain so. | Link ▶️ | |
You have served your purpose. | Link ▶️ | |
Your contributions to the furtherance of science are to be commended. | Link ▶️ | |
Your involvement in my research is at an end. | Link ▶️ | |
(vs Mercy) |
Our guardian angel.
Mercy is for the weak.
English: Take that.
English: No good./S***.
English: That's that.
Is binn béal ina thost.
English: Silence is golden.
English: Easy now.
English: Bye for now.
Tá ag éirí go geal liom.
English: I'm getting on well.
(Seeing friendly Reaper get a kill with Death Blossom) Always with a touch of the dramatic.
Communication [ ]
Go raibh maith agat.
English: Thank you.
(Facing Objective)
(Facing Payload)
(Facing Flag)
(Facing Ally)
(Facing Zarya)
(Facing Torbjörn)
(Facing Ally)
(Facing Ally)
Voice Lines [ ]
Nollaig shona duit.
English: Happy Christmas (to you)./Merry Christmas.
English: Cheers./Good Health.
Exclusive 25
Exclusive 25
Exclusive 25
Exclusive 25
Oíche shamhna shona duit.
English: Happy Halloween to you.
Exclusive 75
Exclusive 75
Exclusive 75
Interactions [ ]
- Moira: I always thought you would understand better than most the duality of human existence.
- Genji: I am at peace with it. I suspect you will be forever unsatisfied.
- McCree: Always thought hiring you was a mistake.
- Moira: The best mistake one could ever make.
- Moira: Our courageous cowboy. The years haven't changed you much, have they, Jesse?
- McCree: They certainly haven't changed my feelings about working with you.
- Moira: Why am I not surprised to learn that you grew up in a place like this, McCree?
- McCree: I'm from Texas.
- Moira: Dr. Zhou. I'm interested in your colleagues' research into the long term effects of cryogenic freezing.
- Mei: Well. yes. I'm sure. m-maybe. *soft crying*
- Mercy: Describing your work as unethical would be a kindness.
- Moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries. No. I didn't think so.
- Moira: I know we have our differences, but your brilliant mind would be welcome amongst my colleagues in Oasis.
- Mercy: No thank you. You and your colleagues discredit the field of science. I want nothing to do with it.
- Moira: Well, I must never worry about my safety when the brave agents of Helix are with us.
- Pharah: Don't be so sure about that.
- Moira: Your condition seems relatively stable.
- Reaper: No one's accused me of that in a long time.
- Moira: Your body seems to be adapting well to the changes, Gabriel.
- Reaper: You call this "well"?
- Reaper: Why am I being subjected to this agony?
- Moira: No need to thank me, I only saved your life.
- Soldier: 76: You were a disgrace to Overwatch. If I had known what Reyes had been planning, I would have never allowed it.
- Moira: It seems to me that it was convenient for you not to look too closely into Gabriel's business.
- Moira: Started any wars lately?
- Sombra: I'd have to check my schedule.
- Moira: Look at this world, Symmetra. See what science has wrought?
- Symmetra: Of course, science obeys the laws of nature. It is only to be expected.
- Moira: Your state of chronal uncertainty is fascinating to me Tracer, I do wish you would allow me to study you.
- Tracer: While I'm truly touched by your offer *nervous laughter* I think I'll have to pass.
- Moira: How are you feeling, Lacroix?
- Widowmaker: I don't feel. That's the point, isn't it?
- Widowmaker: Our foes make such a nuisance of themselves.
- Moira: Is that an emotion I detect, Lacroix?
- Moira: Winston, you were never frustrated at the restrictions Overwatch placed on your research?
- Winston: Of course. But sometimes, a measure of caution is needed in a scientist.
- Winston: Overwatch had good reason to shut down your research.
- Moira: I shouldn't be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped. Up. Ape.
- Moira: I must know how your technology functions.
- Zenyatta: Existence is mysterious, isn't it?
Map-Specific [ ]
Map | Quote | Audio |
Horizon Lunar Colony | (Telescope) A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. | Link ▶️ |
(Telescope) We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. | Link ▶️ | |
King's Row | The government here has such a medieval view towards omnics. | Link ▶️ |
Oasis | If only the world could see the wonders that science has built. | Link ▶️ |
This is now my home. as much as any other. | Link ▶️ |
Skin-Specific [ ]
Datamined [ ]
Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.
Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.
Самый первый и единственный паблик по Мойре и по пейрингу Moicy (Мойра х Мерси) со вселенной Overwatch. Арты, тонна мемосов с изысканной, рыжей ирландкой и много чего ещё.
Уважайте чужие вкусы и интересы.
Никаких проявлений гомофобии, расизма и прочего.
Показать полностью.
Можно словить бесплатное, увлекательное путешествие в страну чудес с баном, но стоит постараться.
Предложка с контентом, не имеющего ничего общего с Мойрой ("оцените мой видос заранее пасеба"), отправляется в бан на год и более.
Камиль, и вапще руский изык абсосный люше амирикаснкий изык
ставь лусио если накопил на голд ган но увидев новый голд ган мойры передумал и купил на другого героя
Яна, я уже хз на кого брать 11 голд ганов уже,надеялся что на нового героя,но тут отвратно сделали,наручи которые даже видно не будет(
Роберт, вот бы те реколоры киберспортивные можно было купить за эти поинты, пускай даже и без специальных эффектов.
Роберт, можно иметь больше 6 тысяч фиолеток на голд ган? Рили? Тогда не буду покупать золото :3
А мне очень нравиться голос в русской локализации, тембр интересный
Кто-нибудь знает, кто озвучивает в русской локализации?
я кстати не понял, а почему здесь 2 италии? в середине и в конце, только один флаг с гербом другой без
Настя, и да, это не имхо, это законы природы, у человека не может быть голос моложе его возраста
японская лучше? рили народ?я видимо что то не понимаю, как может нравиться почти престарелая дама с голосом девочки? где здесь связь? ._.
Georgy, голос может быть моложе возраста, высота и тембр голоса у женщин особенно не всегда отражают цифру в паспорте. кучу таких примеров знаю и сама такая, мне часто говорят "взрослых к телефону позови", хотя мне 30 скоро. А ещё не "рашка", а Россия.
Natalia, ок, но причем здесь эти жизненные примеры и этот персонаж? по задумке и истории она не имеет голос школьницы, а значит его быть не должно
Georgy, ну ты же понимаешь, что озвучка (перевод фраз и голос) стилизованы под каждую страну, в Азии самый шик выглядеть как школьница и говорить так, не зайдёт азиатам голос престарелой тетки. К тому же глянь на азиаток, некоторые вообще не стареют из-за генов и пластики.
Georgy, есть такая азиатка, Лю Елин зовут, она ровесница (даже чуть старше Мойры), вот посмотри как она выглядит и постарайся назвать ее теткой, вот это и есть азиатская мода. У Елин голос тоже не соответствует возрасту, вот тебе реальный пример.
Natalia, ну в игре же Мойра не выглядит прям уж молодой, если бы в игре она была девочкой то и вопросов бы не было
Georgy, мне тоже не нравится азиатская озвучка,если что, просто ну это же азиаты, что с них взять. Вдова тоже в игре моложе возраста выглядит.
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