Минас моргул майнкрафт схема
Minas Morgul - карта большого замка на Майнкрафт 1.12.2/1.12, который является достаточно красивой постройкой с любых сторон. Это очень красивый замок подарит волшебное чувство. Вы будто попадёте в волшебный мир, который можно будет увидеть только в фантастических фильмах или книгах. Скачайте и попробуйте побродить в этом волшебном замке.
Как установить карту
Скачайте и распакуйте архив
Нажмите клавиши WIN+R ( Кнопка "WIN" обычно между "ALT" и "CTR" )
В окне введите %appdata%
Перейдите в папку .minecraft/saves
Переместите папку с картой в saves
Мне почему-то кажется, что среди фанатов виртуального кубического мира майнкрафт, а соответственно и наших посетителей, найдется немалое количество людей, которые положительно относятся к фэнтези. А потому представляю вам карту Minas tirith. Задумка и внешнее оформление карты разработчик взял из серии фильмов по трилогии Дж. Толкиена «Властелин колец», точнее, города Минас Тирит. Как по мне, так внешне карта очень даже удалась. Насчет внутреннего убранства, к сожалению, ничего определенного сказать не могу. Пишите о своих впечатлениях.
Комплект брони (особенно шлем) напоминает броню Короля-чародея в кинотрилогии Питера Джексона «Властелин колец».
Она даёт 15 ( ) очков брони, как ванильная железная броня, но имеет гораздо большую прочность.
После надевания полного комплекта моргульской брони игрок получает достижение «Король-чародей».
This page provides download links to schematic files made for the LOTR schematic project.
These files are intended to be freely used in LOTR servers, either with the mod or plugin version of WorldEdit, with the MCEdit program or with the Builder NPC extension of the Citizens 2 Bukkit plugin (the structures included in the mod are provided for this last case).
You might need additional server plugins, such as SafeEdit or ScLoad, to paste really big schematic files into your servers.
There is also a client-side only option to use these files with the Schematica mod (displays a ghost image of a schematic file inside Minecraft to rebuild a structure (or export any part of the world into a schematic file).
The EpicQuestz team also gave its permission to distribute schematics of their awesome builds here, provided due credit is given by users (watch out the Needs crediting mentions)!
Check the instructions at the bottom of this page for help in designing new ones (please keep the contents sorted by factions).
Mordor [ ]
Points of Interest [ ]
Please note: Needs crediting
Mod structures [ ]
Other builds [ ]
Please note: Needs crediting
Hobbit Wind Mill
This build was made for
Ranger Watch Tower
This build was made for
Blue Dwarf Stronghold
This build was made for
High Elven Turret
This build was made for
High Elven Grand Great Hall
This build was made for
Lindon Tower
This build was made for
Dunedain House
This build was made for
Dunedain Lodge
This build was made for
Dunedain Stables
This build was made for
Dunedain Smithy
This build was made for
Angmar Tower
This build was made for
Angmar Temple
This build was made for
This build was made for
Rhudar Hillman House
This build was made for
Rhudar Hillman Chieftain House
This build was made for
Rhudar Castle
This build was made for
Rhudar Castle Ruined
This build was made for
Wood Elven House
This build was made for
Wood Elven Tower
This build was made for
Wood Elven Smithy
This build was made for
Dol Guldur Tower
This build was made for
This build was made for
Dalish Watchtower
This build was made for
Dalish Fortress
This build was made for
Dalish House
This build was made for
Dalish Smithy
This build was made for
Dalish Village Tower
This build was made for
Dalish Bakery
This build was made for
Dwarven Tower
This build was made for
Dwarven Smithy
This build was made for
Design instructions [ ]
Here are some instructions to add new schematics to the library:
1) First you'll need to add the WorldEdit mod (you can download it here) to your existing Minecraft 1.7.10 + Forge + LOTR mod client.
Using the WorldEditCUI mod (client side user interface) is highly recommended to visualize your selections (be sure to follow the instructions here to install the required LiteLoader mod properly).
- Game Mode Creative.
- World Type Superflat with preset "2;7,62x3,2;1;", Generate Structures Off, for cases 1 and 3,
- or import the map in case 2.
3) As soon as you are logged in, issue the "/gamerule doMobSpawning false" command to avoid the generation of mobs everywhere.
- create or modify the build to your tastes,
- copy it to the clipboard (while standing right in front the middle of your build - when pasting later on, be sure to have an y position that will position water level at y=64),
- eventually replace blocks inside with LOTR blocks (use //distr and //replace id1:value1 id2:value2),
- eventually rotate it for easier positioning in a LOTR server (use //rotate and watch out for stairs, torches, doors. the /info tool will come handy for this task),
5) If there are NPCs inside, kill everyone (/butcher -f 1000), make another copy and another save (if you have a soft soul, resurrect everyone with //undo afterward).
6) Before doing something else, set the time to the beginning of day (/time set 0), hide your player (F1 key) and take a picture of your build.
7) Test it in another flat world
8) If everything is OK, upload it somewhere and reference it on this library page.
9) Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere!
After a while we should have a whole library of LOTR buildings and main point of interests!
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