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Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 10:49am
By chim · Spotlighted on Oct 12th
By Raid Lock · Spotlighted on Oct 9th
Finally, I finished it. I'd like to thank you all for the support and push to make this. I worked really hard on it and I hoped you enjoy it. I put lots of money, time, pain, and love into this and I could probably never remaster this so get a good look because it will be the only one.
The next animation like I said in the video will be longer and crazier so this is NOT THE END for me. Though college is starting for me, the process will be slower but I won't quit. Thanks again, big love from Raid Lock.
By Millward Animation · Spotlighted on Oct 5th
Thanks for watching we have now hit 5000 subscribers so I guess the next big goal would be 10,000 subscribers.
But if you enjoyed the video and you want to subscribe that would be great.
A.T.P. engineers are characterized by wearing grey face masks with yellow visors and shedding yellow blood. They possess engineering skill, as two were seen trying to fix the Portable Improbability Drive in Madness Combat 7: Consternation. They are usually heavily armed with automatic weapons or shotguns, and they also carry extra ammo. Although they are supposedly harder to take down than l33t agents, they perish just as easily as their predecessors and they don't seem to have any improved reflexes or bullet resistance.
Even though advanced engineers do not show much more skill than l33t agents, one of them manages to stab Sanford in the chest in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation. It is possible that they are to have about the same combat skills as l33t agents, but have different roles. In Madness Combat 7.5, a screen shows that qualities A.T.P. engineers have over l33t agents are "intuition, intellect and leadership." (That means that they command groups of agents). This is seen in Madness Combat 6.5 as an engineer armored with a G36 commanded a group of agents to assault The Rift with Sanford and Deimos inside, the A.A.H.W. team blew up the door with a C4 but Sanford and Deimos killed them easily.
The right visor side of the mask appears to be bigger than the left side, possibly for aiming with weapons.
Madness Combat 5.5
The A.T.P. engineer's appearance from debut to Madness Combat 11.
The A.T.P. engineer unit makes its first chronological appearance in the final scene of Madness Combat 5.5. After the train nearly hits Sanford and Deimos, a single engineer, armed with a Colt Revolver, suddenly comes out through the doorway and fires a round at them, abruptly ending the episode. There are also posters of how the A.T.P engineer will look like before an actual engineer showed up.
Madness Combat 6.5
The same engineer from the previous episode fires his Colt Revolver, hitting Sanford in the body. This engineer is then killed by Deimos. Since much of this episode takes place around the Advanced Training Recruitment Center, there are many more engineers in this episode than there are in the previous one.
In this episode we can see an engineer armed with a G36 leading a group of agents to breach the Rift with Sanford and Deimos inside; the A.A.H.W. team blew up the door with a C4. Shortly after Sanford and Deimos dispatched them (though initially distracted).
Madness Combat 7: Consternation
The A.T.P. engineers make their debut in Madness Consternation. Two engineers and a l33t agent were attempting to fix the Portable Improbability Drive until Hank suddenly crashes through the wall before them. They are soon confronted by Jesus, who kills them by surprise.
Madness Combat 7.5
A.T.P. engineers appear alongside agents and A.T.P. soldats fighting against Sanford and Deimos. They are shown to be responsible for running the machine that upgrades the A.T.P. soldats' combat abilities.
Madness Combat 8: Inundation
They appear much more frequently in Madness Inundation as a result of the Auditor increasing the "Advanced Training" level in Madness Consternation. Despite their advanced training, the engineers don't appear fare much better than agents.
Madness Combat 9: Aggregation
An Auditor-enhanced engineer
The A.T.P. engineers first appear in trucks, in which they open fire at Sanford and Deimos's car. However, they failed to kill their enemies, and Deimos manages to mow them down with his dual G36s.
Later in the episode, the Auditor uses his newly acquired powers from Jesus' halo to enhance two engineers guarding a building, who then try to kill Sanford and Deimos. The engineers have gun fighting skills modified to reach a level almost comparable to the protagonists'. Shadow-like flames emit from their heads, similar to the Auditor's, and their eyes turn big and red, similar to Jesus'.
When the enhanced engineers reach the Advanced Training area, Sanford and Deimos split up. The engineers split up as well; one chases after Sanford while the other follows Deimos into the Agent Magnification Chamber. While Deimos was operating the Magnification Chamber, the enhanced engineer kills him with a QBZ-95, and continues firing rounds into his fallen body. As he sees the Magnification Chamber open up, the engineer reloads his weapon and quickly exits the room. Meanwhile, Sanford's pursuer chases him deeper into the building, dodging any rounds fired at him. After a bullet disarms Sanford, Deimos' killer arrives to tells his partner to go outside. They wait outside anticipating Hank's arrival, with their rifles pointed at the door. When the door opens, Deimos' corpse appears and the engineers immediately open fire. Distracted by the decoy, they simultaneously die when the magnified Hank throws a pipe bomb in their direction. Their corpses are later absorbed by the Auditor.
Madness Combat 9.5
A.T.P engineers are seen in The Other Place alongside other A.A.H.W. units as they fight Hank during the episode. This is the first time they are shown to have slightly better dodging skills than the agents, as one engineer is seen evading Hank's M-416.
Madness Combat 10: Abrogation
The A.T.P. engineers continue their role as enemy units against Hank and Sanford. During the battle against the first Mag Agent: V4, an engineer manages to cut the hand Sanford was using to hook the Mag Agent, but is still killed once Sanford turns on him with a Beretta 92.
Madness Combat 11: Expurgation
Deimos seizes a TAR-21 from one A.T.P. engineer, and uses it to kill a megachette-wielding one outside The Bakery!.
Three A.T.P. engineers appear, two of which killed by Deimos, one of which resembling him when killed, and all three of them flashing to look like the enhanced engineers from Madness Combat 9.
Three A.T.P. engineers appear in the animation, all of which are slammed into walls by Deimos. They have received a redesign with a more detailed uniform and mask.
An A.T.P. engineer is among the assault team tasked with breaching the house, killed by 2BDamned's frag grenade rather than the A.T.P. soldat's rocket that killed the rest of the team.
An Experiment
Two A.T.P Engineers highfiving
A.T.P. Engineers make an appearance in An Experiment, with two of them, one wielding a Five-Seven and the other wielding an AK-74U forcing the Grunt who will become Scrapeface into a room with a dumbwaiter in it, with the Five-Seven wielding Engineer firing a warning shot at the grunt to terrorize him into submission before high-fiving his companion.
After the grunt seemingly dies from scraping his face against the wall, an A.T.P. Soldat forces an Engineer, presumably one of the duo from before, into the room where the experiment was held, and the Engineer quickly finds himself facing off against the newly-born Scrapeface. He tries to attack Scrapeface with punches but is quickly overwhelmed by him and torn in half as Scrapeface continues to rampage throughout the experiment site.
Incident: 100A
A.T.P. engineers make their first appearance in a non-canonical animation in 100A. Two engineers are killed by Sanford, while a third fires at the truck Sanford and Deimos use to escape with the civilian.
Incident: 110A
A.T.P. engineers appear in the episode as some of the "100 sinners", appearing in fewer numbers than A.T.P. soldats, only 11 appearing throughout.
Incident: 1000A
Four A.T.P. engineers appear in the episode, one of which killed with their own bullets via Jesus' telepathic abilities.
An A.T.P. engineer appears in each of the first two rooms in this animation, the first wielding a Norinco 97k and the second with an AK-74. Both are killed by Sanford with his MP5.
Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)
In Madness: Project Nexus (Classic), advanced engineers, known as Agent Mk1's in-game, are harder to kill than regular agents. They have TAC-bars, which allow them to dodge bullets. In the Zombie Arena Mode, zombified engineers tend to be more aggressive and bullet resistant than grunt and agent zombies. As A.T.P. agents of any kind do not exist in Episode 1.5 of Story Mode, zombified engineers can only be encountered within Zombie Arena Mode.
Engineer concept art for MADNESS: Project Nexus
MADNESS: Project Nexus
Commissioned Artworks
The more likely theory is that an enhanced metabolism allows for the engineers to not only be trained more quickly, but perhaps be cloned and developed more rapidly in the embryonic-like, stasis vats. Seeing that multitudes of engineer grunts are slain by the series’ protagonists, it would seem that a lack of man power would arise from the overwhelming number of casualties.
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friday night funkin, fnf, tricky, grafitti, microphone, music battle, game, mod character, fnf mod character, mod, fnf tricky, dj, clown, madness combat, zombie clown
another Tricky fnf mod character graffiti Flat Maskmadness combat, deimos, hank j wimbleton, hank wimbleton, sanford, 2bdamned, dissenter, newgrounds, fnf, friday night funkin, tricky, jebus, sheriff
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madness combat, deimos, hank j wimbleton, hank wimbleton, sanford, 2bdamned, dissenter, newgrounds, fnf, friday night funkin, tricky, jebus, sheriff
madness combat, deimos, hank j wimbleton, hank wimbleton, sanford, 2bdamned, dissenter, newgrounds, fnf, friday night funkin, tricky, jebus, sheriff
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These Tricky Madness Combat cloth face masks are not designed for medical use, or as personal protective equipment against coronavirus (COVID-19). Fitted and Flat masks should only be worn by people ages 13 and up. Younger children ages 3 and up should wear appropriately sized Kids’ masks. Learn more about these masks.
What is the return policy for masks?
Masks can be returned within 14 days of receiving your order. Please see our Help Center for more details.
Так как мать отдых- ОЙ КХМ, очень занята, то мы - отвечаки - делаем пост сами.
Сегодняшний день нас озарил светлыми лучами зелёного дилдака от кельзадницы, что справляет своё дньрждня.
От всего нашего дружного коллектива мы желаем тебе
один раз без вилки побыть)0)))
чтобы после стольких бочек с пивом ты завтра проблевался весь день (с любовью вхвхв)
четыре тонны жаренной картоше4ки
быть таким же охуенным, как всегда
банку гречки
Чтоб мочевой пузырь был прочнее стали и выдержал столько пиваса
чтобы всё пиво поместилось в гаражи и хватило рассола
И ЧТОБЫ ВЫПИТЬ ВСЕ БОЧКИ ПИВА АХАХХАХАХ, а и ещё с днём рождения, братан)
админ долго ждал деда, потому вариант "нет" не принимается
Хы, просто Инженер в костюме Сакуры Харуно
там нужно сначала madnesscombat потом madness_combat потом madness_combat mcask69 потом хэшиег перса потом ответ и или флешмоб
главное чтобы был основной тэг аска, тэг персонажа и ответ/флешмоб
Он был лучшим работником месяца на протяжении 360 месяцев
К сожалению Fellow09 умер окончательно и покинул аск. Роль свободна для бронирования
Приветствую всех Армутян и Армутянок, Землянины не принимаются..
Вашему великому-главадмину снова с утра по раньше ударил понос в голову теперь данный всратоаскач обзавёлся-
*типа барабанная дробь по это хлопки по столу*
Каждый теперь может тут тусоваться как и с другими подписчиками так и с отвечаками и админсоставом это аска
*Достижение получено*вы заставили солнышко засмущаться
Короче каждый день праздник, каждый день кто-то рождается. Мы не ожидали, что наш новенький, но уже горячо любимый толстячок хотдогер придет в аск накануне своего дня рождения, потому произошел наш старый добрый любимый спидран по поздравлениям
Желаем тебе, мил человек, выебать весь всрато аск (с) и большой хуй в жопу (с), выбирайте что из этого нравится больше
Чтоб твой бизнес не увядал, а коллекторы в жопу не кусали
Ну и напоследок желаем тебе долго оставаться в нашем вратоаске, чтобы вдохновение не кончалось и скилл рос в геометрической прогрессии
Мы любим тебя, солнце, с днем рождения
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