Маска медузы pathfinder
This slender, attractive woman has strangely glowing eyes and a full head of hissing snakes for hair.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +10/+5 (1d4/19–20), snake bite +5 (1d4 plus poison)
Ranged mwk longbow +11/+6 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks petrifying gaze
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +10, Disguise +10, Intimidate +13, Perception +16, Stealth +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Common
All-Around Vision (Ex)
Petrifying Gaze (Su)
Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 16 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Poison (Ex)
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Str; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Environment temperate marshes and underground
Organization solitary
Treasure double (dagger, masterwork longbow with 20 arrows, other treasure)
All known medusas are female. Rarely, a medusa may decide to keep a male humanoid as a mate, usually with the help of elixirs of love or similar magic, and is always careful to not petrify her prisoner—at least until she grows tired of his company.
Medusi Revisited
Medusas are avaricious, lustful, and driven by the need for vengeance. They make their lairs far from the societies that shun them, preferring to adopt as their homes either labyrinthine cave systems or neglected structures in remote marshes and jungles, and often construct underground passages that link both such realms in order to bolster their mobility. Though they reside in places of squalor, medusas take pride in how they ornament their abodes, filling each room with resplendent jewels, masterfully crafted works of pottery, and unique pieces of beautiful art. To acquire such decorations, a medusa will sometimes journey to nearby settlements with a veil drawn over her eyes and a hood over her hair, seducing vendors and private collectors alike with her charming wiles or stealing the items while they have their backs turned. When a medusa has a target with particularly desirable wares in a vulnerable position, she may unleash her petrifying gaze, turning her victim to stone and allowing her to plunder his goods at her whim. Of course, the medusa is sure to dispose of the evidence of her crime-destroying her newly created statue and hiding the rubble-lest the surrounding populace become aware of her presence.
Habitat & Society
A medusa is often solitary as a byproduct of her powers, since few allies can survive around her for long, but among those who can withstand their damning gaze, medusas are quite fond of organizing heists and planning other illicit activities. Medusas often find it difficult to work together, as individuals tend to have very particular ideas about how best to accomplish their goals; even if they agree on what those goals are, a medusa is rarely willing to submit to the authority of another, as each feels she should be in control. A particularly strong medusa may be able to recruit others to her cause and enforce a strict hierarchy and chain of command, and a cadre of medusas working in concert is truly a terrifying thing; it is far more common, however, for a single medusa to establish a network of spies and minions of other, lesser races to work for her.
Medusas who dwell in ancient ruins-especially those who fancy themselves clerics or other channelers of the divine-often ally with intelligent undead or animate skeleton and zombie servants, as beings of unlife are immune to their lapidifying gaze. For similar reasons, medusas with a more academic bent may delve into ancient secrets that allow them to control constructs that patrol and protect their lairs. Still others form oracular cults, doling out prophecies and encouraging their monstrous petitioners to wholly blind themselves and rely on their supernatural senses, forcing their subjects to wear hoods or blindfolds, or burning incense from banks of censers and hanging thuribles so as to conceal their faces amid the haze.
Campaign Role
Medusas are collectors of all forms of wealth, and because of their greedy nature some develop obsessive fixations on particular objects of art and beauty. Medusas prize jewelry, carvings, and other types of artistic possessions, and whenever possible they trade raw coin and gemstones for such works. Even finely crafted but mundane items such as lamps, furniture, and utensils appeal to the aesthetic of medusas, who see the beauty in anything that has been crafted from something raw into something functional and magnificent. Favorite magic items of medusas include all types of magical jewelry (such as necklaces, rings, pendants, crowns, and circlets), figurines of wondrous power, marvelous pigments, rods of splendor, and magical cloaks and robes of ostentatious design-and of course jars of stone salve to help them loot their petrified victims. A medusa may stow gaudy items when she requires stealth, but when she reveals herself she wants every eye drawn to her.
Though most medusas are essentially humanoid in form save for their monstrous locks and unearthly powers, in lands where the serpent-haired beauties are particularly prevalent there occasionally rises to notoriety a different sort of medusa, one with the lower body of a snake instead of legs. These beasts are known as brazen medusas, and their powers are just as potent as the common medusa, save that they have a hardened body of dark bronze scales and an animalistic hunger that is difficult to sate. Though it comes from the womb of an ordinary medusa, a brazen medusa is anomalous, and is usually the result of the mother mating with a particularly powerful individual of monstrous nature. Brazen medusas tend to isolate themselves in the more remote regions of the world, as their monstrous figures make it difficult for them to integrate into civilized societies. They still have the trademark greed of medusas, but they satisfy their compulsions through more primitive acts of hunting and slaughter rather than by amassing wealth, and so many brazen medusas take levels in classes that enhance their ability to stalk and kill, especially fighter, ranger, and rogue.
Brazen Medusa (+1 CR)
A brazen medusa is of Large size, and gains two claw attacks and a tail slap attack in addition to her snake bite melee attack. Her tail slap attack can grab enemies, and she has the constrict special attack. In addition, a brazen medusa is immune to poison and gains DR 5/adamantine and magic.
Medusas In Mythology
In traditional Greek mythology, it is said that medusa was one of the three monstrous Gorgon sisters produced by the elder deities Phorcys and Ceto. Later, however, the Roman writer Ovid characterized medusa as a lovely priestess of Minerva (the Roman incarnation of Athena), who after consorting with Neptune (Poseidon) was punished by the goddess-her hair was turned into snakes that transformed anyone who gazed upon her to stone.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythical Monsters Revisited © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Jason Nelson, Anthony Pryor, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Глаза этой стройной и привлекательной женщины излучают странное свечение, а вместо волос у неё клубок извивающихся змей.
КО: 7; Опыт: 3200.
Роль: Воитель
Принципиальное злое среднее гуманоидное чудовище.
Иниц.: +6; Восприятие: круговой обзор, ночное зрение 60 футов; Внимание +16.
КБ: 15, касание 12, врасплох 13 (+3 естественная броня, +2 Лвк).
Скорость: 30 футов.
В ближнем бою: кинжал +10/+5 (1d4/19-20), змеиный укус +5 (1d4 и яд).
Дистанционная: искусно сделанный длинный лук +11/+6 (1d8/×3).
Особые атаки: окаменяющий взгляд.
Сил: 10, Лвк: 15, Вын: 18, Инт: 12, Мдр: 13, Хар: 15.
БМА: +8; МБМ: +8; ЗБМ: 20.
Модификаторы народа: +4 к Вниманию.
Языки: всеобщий.
Местность: Болота/трясины.
Климат: Умеренный.
Среда обитания: болота с умеренным климатом и подземелья (пещеры).
Численность: одиночка.
Сокровища: удвоенные (кинжал, искусно сделанный длинный лук с 20 стрелами, другие сокровища).
Особые способности
Круговой обзор (Экс): змеи на голове медузы позволяют ей видеть сразу во всех направлениях, она получает +4 (народ) к проверкам Внимания, и её нельзя взять в тиски.
Окаменяющий взгляд (Св): навсегда обращает цель на расстоянии до 30 футов в камень. Испытание Стойкости со СЛ 16 отменяет эффект. СЛ испытания зависит от Харизмы медузы.
Яд (Экс): укус - ранение; Испытание: Стойкости со СЛ 18; Частота: 1/раунд до 6 раундов; Действие: 1d3 урона Сил; Лечение: 2 испытания подряд. СЛ испытания зависит от Выносливости медузы.
Медузы - человекоподобные существа со змеями вместо волос. С расстояния 30 футов и более медуза, прикрывшая волосы, выглядит как красивая женщина, но если её лицо и голова скрыты одеждой, она неотличима от человека и вблизи. Медузы часто прибегают к обману и скрывают лицо, чтобы подобраться к противнику поближе и обратить его взглядом в камень, но любят и позабавиться со своей добычей, стреляя в неё издалека, чтобы заманить в ловушку. Некоторые любят использовать окаменевших жертв в качестве украшений и обставляют ими жилища, но большинство медуз тщательно прячут следы своей деятельности, чтобы новая жертва не разоблачила их раньше времени.
Медузы привыкли скрывать свой облик, поэтому в городах выдают себя за плутов, а в дикой местности - за следопытов или охотников. Самые известные и знаменитые медузы - те, что имеют уровни в классах барда или жреца. Эти существа обаятельны и умны, поэтому частенько сотрудничают с гильдиями воров или другими представителями преступного мира. Медузы могут объединяться со слепыми существами или разумной нежитью, которые не боятся обращающего в камень взгляда. Медузы-заклинатели обычно служат оракулами или пифиями, обитая в удалённых местах, пропитанных мистической силой или пользующихся дурной славой. Такие медузы очень рады своему положению и могут открыть полезную тайну, если проситель не поскупился на дары и комплименты. Во время таких встреч следует быть крайне осторожным: столь могущественные медузы выставляют на самое видное место окаменевшие тела обидчиков.
Все известные медузы - женщины. В редких случаях медуза может завести себе мужчину-гуманоида в качестве любовника, приворотив его любовным эликсиром или аналогичной магией, и всегда проявляет аккуратность, чтобы нечаянно не обратить его в камень, - по крайней мере, до тех пор, пока не потеряет к нему интерес.
Sorcerer Medusa is a creature in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
Description [ ]
Medusas are human-like creatures with snakes instead of hair. At distances of 30 feet or more, a medusa can easily pass for a beautiful woman if she wears something to cover her serpentine locks—when wearing clothing that conceals her head and face, she can be mistaken for a human at even closer distances. Medusas use lies and disguises that conceal their faces to get close enough to opponents to use their petrifying gaze, though they like playing with their prey and may fire arrows from a distance to lead enemies into traps. Some enjoy creating intricate decorations out of their victims, using their petrified remains as accents to their swampy lairs, but most medusas take care to hide the evidence of their previous conflicts so that new foes won’t have advance warning of their presence.
Used to concealing themselves, medusas in cities are usually rogues, while those in the wilderness often pass themselves off as rangers or trackers. The most notorious and legendary medusas, though, are those who take levels as bards or clerics. Charismatic and intelligent, urban medusas are often involved with thieves’ guilds or other aspects of the criminal underworld. Medusas may form alliances with blind creatures or intelligent undead, both of which are immune to their stony gaze. Spellcasting medusas often serve as oracles or prophets, usually dwelling in remote locations of legendary power or infamous history. Such oracle medusas take great delight in their roles, and if presented with the proper gifts and flattery, the secrets they offer can be quite helpful. Of course, the lairs of such potent creatures are liberally decorated with statues of those who have offended them, so the seeker of knowledge is well advised to tred carefully during such meetings.
All known medusas are female. Rarely, a medusa may decide to keep a male humanoid as a mate, usually with the help of elixirs of love or similar magic, and is always careful to not petrify her prisoner—at least until she grows tired of his company.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Slot head; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This intricate mask is made of gold-plated iron. Writhing snake tails radiate from a gemstone upon the brow, almost as if they were medusa-like hair.
The mask grants a +4 bonus on all saving throws against visual effects, including gaze attacks and sight-based illusions. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause the central gemstone to glow with pale green light, at which point she may target any one creature within 30 feet. The targeted creature must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be petrified for 1 minute, as if by flesh to stone.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, Russ Taylor, and numerous RPG Superstar contributors
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