Magicka 2 достижения
The following is a list of achievements in the game Magicka 2.
List of Achievements [ ]
Icon | Name | Description | ||||||||
Archmage | Kill 10,000 enemies. | |||||||||
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Beat the | Bring Your Orcs to Work Day | Win the | Burying the Past | Kill all | Did I Do That? | Kill your friends 100 times. | |||
Doctor | Heal over 500,000 hit points. | |||||||||
Don't Touch My Food! | Finish the | Even Dead Gods Can Die | Activate and survive all Dark Altars in the | Focus Saver | Finish Chapter 5 of the Magicks. | |||||
Focus Spender | Finish Chapter 3 of the | Game Development is Hard | Find all six development jokes in the | Heart Hoarder | Put out all the torches in | Horse Whisperer | Find and interact with all the special horses in the | Humble Beginnings | Inflict over 1,000,000 total damage. | |
I Meant To Do That | Kill yourself 100 times. | |||||||||
Into the Caves of Insanity | Find and read all journal fragments in the | It's "Football" not "Soccer" | Defeat the | Just Another Wizard Day | Die 100 times. | |||||
Miracle Worker | Heal over 2,000,000 hit points. | |||||||||
My Loot! | Kill the looter Goblin in the Prologue of the | No Collateral Damage | Defeat | Nurse | Heal over 100,000 hit points. | |||||
Oh, My Bad | Kill your friends 1000 times. | |||||||||
Pet Sematary | Defile the remains of your beloved pet, Behold, in the | Professor's Diploma | Beat the five base RESS PLZ! | Revive your friends 1000 times. | ||||||
Respect Your Elders | Find and talk to all | Ress plz. | Revive your friends 100 times. | |||||||
STRIKE! Oh, Wrong Game. | Interrupt the Kubb game in the | Sage's Diploma | Beat the five base | Serious Damage! | Inflict over 5,000,000 total damage. | |||||
Shank Master | Finish the prison arena encounter in the | Shroom We Will Be Together | Unite the mushroom-obsessed farmer with the Humongous Fungus in the | Summer is Fleeting | Listen to everything that | Terrible Terrible Damage! | Inflict over 20,000,000 total damage. | |||
That Escalated Quickly | Activate and survive a Dark Altar in the | The Circles of Life | Listen to all of | The King's Speech | Listen to the | The Safe Word is "Bananas"! | Beat the | Trial and Error | Die 1000 times. | |
Trial by Fire | Beat all the | Trial by Fire+Lightning | Beat all the | Trial by Fire+Lightning+Death | Beat all the Trying to Get "Trial and Error"? | Kill yourself 1000 times. | ||||
Warlock | Kill 1000 enemies. | |||||||||
We Have Normality | Beat the | Wizard's Diploma | Beat the five base See also [ ] |
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Magicka 2
СтатистикаThe world’s most irreverent co-op action adventure returns! In the next chapter of Magicka, players ascend from the ruins of Aldrheim to experience a Midgård almost wiped free of Wizards after the Wizard Wars, with the few that do remain having either gone mad or extremely hostile toward all.
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