Крючок сценария v донет гта 5
crosire released this Sep 26, 2021
Despite the minor version difference, this version is basically the same as v3.2.0 but with one bug fix, additional enum values for WeaponComponentHash and WeaponAttachmentPoint , and additional properties for missing enum values of WeaponAttachmentPoint . v3.3.0 is skipped due to versioning issues.
- Fixed NaturalMotion.Message not properly sending Vector3 messages
- Added missing weapon component and weapon attachment point hashes to WeaponComponentHash and WeaponAttachmentPoint
- Added WeaponComponentCollection.GetBarrelComponent() , WeaponComponentCollection.BarrelVariationsCount , WeaponComponentCollection.GetSuppressorOrMuzzleBrakeComponent() , WeaponComponentCollection.SuppressorAndMuzzleBrakeVariationsCount , WeaponComponentCollection.GetGunRootComponent() , and WeaponComponentCollection.GunRootVariationsCount
- Made WeaponComponentCollection.GetLuxuryFinishComponent() obsolete
crosire released this Sep 25, 2021
NativeHashes enums are updated (v3 API only). Compiled scripts do not take effect since enums are embedded as constants when directly used. See f0ae67b for the changes.
Fixed NaturalMotion.Euphoria . Now required memory offsets for the class are retrieved using memory patterns.
Added Native.Function.Call overloads with 0 to 16 normal InputArgument parameters. These overloads are provided mainly for performance.
- This is also added in v2 API mainly for the API itself to improve performance, but you can use these overloads in scripts.
- This will be thrown if the properties or methods that are not supported in the game version you are playing (some certain getter properties or methods will return the default value instead).
Added EntityDamageRecord struct, EntityDamageRecordCollection class, and Entity.DamageRecords
Added Projectile class, World.GetAllProjectiles() , World.GetNearbyProjectiles() , World.GetClosestProjectile() , World.ProjectileCount , and World.ProjectileCapacity
Added MeasurementSystem enum and Game.MeasurementSystem
Added PlayerTargetingMode enum and Game.PlayerTargetingMode
Added Game.IsVibrationEnabled and Game.GetProfileSetting()
Added EntityPopulationType enums and Entity.PopulationType
Added the setter of Entity.RotationVelocity , and Entity.WorldRotationVelocity
Added Model.IsAnimalPed , Model.IsFemalePed , Model.IsGangPed , Model.IsHumanPed , Model.IsMalePed , Model.IsMotorcycle , and Model.IsSubmarine ,
Added the getter of Ped.CanBeTargetted
Added Ped.SetIsPersistentNoClearTask() and Ped.GetAllLoadedModelsAppropriateForAmbientPeds()
Added Player.LockedOnEntity property
Added VehicleType enum, Vehicle.Type , Vehicle.IsRegularAutomobile , Vehicle.IsAmphibiousAutomobile , Vehicle.IsAutomobile , Vehicle.IsRegularQuadBike , Vehicle.IsAmphibiousQuadBike , Vehicle.IsQuadBike , Vehicle.IsAmphibious , Vehicle.IsTrailer , Vehicle.IsPlane , Vehicle.IsHelicopter , Vehicle.IsBlimp , Vehicle.IsMotorcycle , Vehicle.IsBicycle , Vehicle.IsBike , Vehicle.IsBoat , Vehicle.IsTrain , and Vehicle.IsSubmarine
- These properties are added mainly for performance. Accessing these properties will be faster than accessing the equivalent properties of Model via Vehicle.Model .
Added Vehicle.IsConsideredDestroyed , Vehicle.GetModelMakeName() , Vehicle.GetModelType() , Vehicle.GetAllModelsOfType() , and Vehicle.GetAllLoadedModelsAppropriateForAmbientVehicles()
Added VehicleWheelBoneId enum, VehicleWheel.MemoryAddress , VehicleWheel.BoneId , VehicleWheel.LastContactPosition , VehicleWheel.SteeringLimitMultiplier , VehicleWheel.Temperature , VehicleWheel.IsTouchingSurface , VehicleWheel.IsTireOnFire , VehicleWheel.IsSteeringWheel , VehicleWheel.IsDrivingWheel , VehicleWheel.IsPunctured , VehicleWheel.IsBursted , VehicleWheel.Health , VehicleWheel.TireHealth , VehicleWheel.Fix() with a bool overload, VehicleWheel.Puncture() , and VehicleWheel.Burst()
Added Weapon.GetAllWeaponHashesForHumanPeds() , WeaponComponent.GetAllHashes() WeaponAsset.IsValidAsWeaponHash
Added World.IsClockPaused and World.MillisecondsPerGameMinute
Added a new overload for World.CreateRandomPed()
Added World.CreateRandomVehicle() with a new signature
- Removed the old signature of CreateRandomVehicle since it did not work at all in all the versions of SHVDN
Added and PlayerTargetingMode enums
Added Screen.AreScreenKillEffectsEnabled , Screen.IsHelpTextDisplayed , Screen.ShowSubtitle() with additional parameters, and Screen.ClearHelpText()
Added new or missing peds, vehicles, weapons, weapon components, radio stations, blip sprites, explosion types, checkpoint icon type, radio station, and vehicle color to PedHash , VehicleHash , WeaponHash , WeaponComponentHash , RadioStation , BlipSprite , ExplosionType , CheckpointIcon , RadioStation , and VehicleColor enums
Added the correct enum names to RagdollType and mark the old and incorrect enum names of RagdollType as obsolete
Added additional shortcut to remove the right character of the cursor with Ctrl + D in console
Added additional shortcut to remove the left character of the cursor with Ctrl + H in console
Added the ability to transpose two characters around the cursor with Ctrl + T in console
Added the ability to keep console history after reloading scripts
Fixed Blip.DisplayType , Blip.CategoryType , Blip.Priority , Blip.NumberLabel , Blip.Rotation , Blip.RotationFloat , Blip.ScaleY returning a incorrect value in v1.0.877.1 or earlier versions
Fixed Model.IsBlimp , Model.IsSubmarineCar , Model.IsTrailer returning a incorrect value in v1.0.877.1 or earlier versions
Fixed All of the properties of Checkpoint and Checkpoint.Exists() crashing the game on access
Fixed Weapon.GetDisplayNameFromHash returning WT_INVALID when some of the weapon hashes that are present in the stock game is present
Fixed Weapon.GetDisplayNameFromHash returning WT_INVALID when some of the weapon hashes that are present in the stock game is present
Fixed throwing NullReferenceException when WeaponCompoent.Active , WeaponCompoent.DisplayName , WeaponCompoent.LocalizedName is accessed via the instance for the invalid component. Now returns false or the empty string if accessed via the instance for the invalid component.
Made Entity.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded() in v3 API not setting the handle to zero (now behaves in the same way as that in v2 API)
- Entity.Delete() in v3 API still sets the handle to zero, so be aware! If you need to remove entities from collecitions such as Dictionary , remove them from these collection before deting entities from the game.
Made getting entities handles with the methods in World class faster
Made pushing string s to native functions faster
Made Entity.FromHandle and Entity.EntityType values faster
Made World.WaypointBlip and World.WaypointPosition get values faster
Made WeaponComponent.AttachmentPoint get value faster
Made Screen.ShowHelpTextThisFrame() show texts only one frame
Made all of the ped and vehicle properties that directly access to memory more future-proof by using memory patterns, preventing some scripts from easily not working by game updates
Script Hook V
Library provides an ability to access script functions from asi plugins.Native Trainer
Trainer for GTA V with lots of features.Script research
Topic on gtaforums related to the script research.Native database (NATIVE DB)
Project aimed to gather every piece of information about script native functions that we have , think of it as of native wiki where anyone who wants to contribute can do so and everyone who needs the latest script documentation or the header with natives for ScriptHook can get it right there!Decompiled scripts
All decompiled PC scripts in one archive.Classic handling
Car physics from IV in V.Connect
I'm Alexander Blade and this site of mine is dedicated to the software development, especially that ones which require a lot of assembler digging in order to be built. Most of the tools and plugins here are dedicated to the game modding, my mods can be found on this site too. I'm involved into the development of Open IV, this is the biggest and the greatest project we ever did.
For the system software development I prefer to use that programming language which is more suitable for the task, so most of my code is written on C/C++ and Delphi.
Script Hook V - это библиотека, которая позволяет использовать собственные функции скрипта GTA V в пользовательских плагинах * .asi. Обратите внимание, что это не работает в GTA Online. Script Hook автоматически закрывается при переходе в мультиплеер игры
Последняя версия включает в себя Asi Loader и Native Trainer
Скопируйте ScriptHookV.dll в корневую папку игры( где находится GTA5.exe).
Для загрузки asi-плагинов установите asi loader последней версии, который идёт в архиве (dinput8.dll). Удалите предыдущую версию asi loader (dsound.dll), если она установлена.
И, в догонку, как и всегда, в архиве с файлов идет Native Trainer, который при желании можно установить.ВНИМАНИЕ! Если не пускает в онлайн,убедитесь что вы удалили все моды и сам ScriptHook, Файл dinput8.dll - не пустит вас в онлайн!
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Script Hook V [v1.0.2372.0]Script Hook V - это библиотека, которая позволяет использовать пользовательские функции и сценарии GTA V в настраиваемых *.asi-плагинах. Обратите внимание, что ScriptHook закрывает игру, когда игрок выходит в Онлайн, это происходит потому, что игра сообщает установленный список всех модов в Rockstar Games, находясь в режиме Онлайн.
Только для сюжетной игры - не читерите в онлайне, иначе вы будете забанены!
Инструкции по установке:
- Скопируйте ScriptHookV.dll в основную папку игры, т.е. туда, где находится GTA5.exe.
- Для загрузки asi-плагинов у вас должен быть установлен asi-загрузчик, вы можете использовать последнюю версию, поставляемую с этим дистрибутивом (dinput8.dll). Вы должны удалить предыдущую версию загрузчика asi (dsound.dll), если она у вас установлена.
- Этот дистрибутив также включает пример плагина asi - Native Trainer, если вам нужен трейнер, скопируйте также NativeTrainer.asi.
Поддерживаемые версии: 1.0.335.2 - 1.0.2372.0
Так же вас могут заинтересовать другие материалы по игре, которые вы сможете найти в нашем архиве читов.
Установка Script Hook V
- Скачайте архив Script Hook V.
- Распакуйте ScriptHookV.dll и dinput8.dll в корневую директорию игры. Это там, где лежит GTA5.exe.
- Для проверки поместите файл NativeTtrainer.asi (образец скрипта) туда же — в корневую.
- Запускайте игру. Для вызова мода нажмите F4.
Программа совместима с патчами 1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, но, к сожалению, доступ в Online будет закрыт. Для того чтобы снова играть в многопользовательский режим удалите dinput8.dll.
Поддерживаемые версии: 1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4, 1.0.463.1,1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1, 1.0.757.2/4,1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1/1.0.944.2/1.0.1011.1/1.0.1032.1/1.0.1103.2/1.0.1493.0Читайте также: