Кровожадный клинок terraria alchemist npc
-Improved animation of Crystal Dust.
-Magic Bullet's shot now goes through tiles.
-Sniper Scope effect can now be toggled by using Rampage Components.
-Nerfed Crystal Dust bullets (-4 damage).
They are still pretty powerful.
Update v5.5
-Added config file for changing Fallen Stars price.
Default value is 1000 = 10 silver.
10000 = 1 gold
-Added 2 new weapons. 1st post ML and 2nd post EoC.
Another fix-update v5.4.1
-Fixed shop conditions with multiple mods.
Update v5.4
-Fixed doubling potions bug in Brewer's shop.
-Added a secret way to resummon Young Brewer. Can be done in Hardmode.
-Fixed Alchemist Horcrux.
Update v5.3
-Added Tank Combination (Vanilla). Contains same buffs as Tank Combination (w/Modded), but without modded ones. Costs 9 Gold..
-Removed Fortitude buff from Tank Combination (w/Modded).
-Improved Young Brewer textures (a bit).
-Corrosion debuff now visible on enemies while active (red sparkles).
Update v5.2.1
-Removed Tremor integrations. Should fix mod crash.
Update v5.2
-While Tremor Mod is active, you could craft Corrosive Flask in Alchemical damage type.
-Added Blurring Potion. Grants Blurring buff, which activates Shadow Dodge every 20 seconds.
Costs 15 gold. Avaible after beating Mechanical Bosses. Can be crafted.
-Added new pet. Obtainable from Hardmode Treasure Bags with 1/80 chance. Gives some benefits while active.
FIX v5.1.2
-Fixed spawning problem of Young Brewer
Update v5.1.1
-Fixed mod crash while Calamity Mod is disabled.
Big thanks to jopojelly for help.
Update v5.1
-Added Universal Combination. Same as from Autoinjector.
Costs 50 gold. Avaible after beating Moon Lord.
-Added Calamity Combination. Contains Yharim's Stimulant, Omniscience, Titan Scale, Cadence and Fabsol Vodka buffs.
Costs 50 gold. Avaible after beating Golem.
-Added Destroyer Emblem to Autoinjector. Now it also adds 10% damage and 8% critical chance to all weapon types.
-Reworked side sprite and code of Otherworldly Amulet mount. Now it negates knockback and fall damage.
-Fixed some typos
-Fixed Rainbow Flask buff. Now it counts as buff again.
-Removed doubling potions from Brewer's shops.
Update v5.0
-Reworked Rainbow flask. Now it simply increases DPS by
1K and cuts 60 defense from enemy.
-Added tier 2 Otherworldly Amulet. It's called "Watcher Amulet". Allows to buy Flasks of Rainbow from Young Brewer.
Also working as Sentry Minion. More than 1 cannot be summoned.
Can be crafted with Otherworldly Amulet, some hardmode and luminite bars and ore and 20 of each fragments.
Can be used to make Autoinjector.
-Added Clairvoyance buff (Crystal Ball) to Mage Combination. Cost increased.
-Fallen Stars and Pink Gel are avaible in Alchemist shop after beating EoW/BoC.
-Brewer's 2nd and 3rd shops are changed their places.
-Brewer's 2nd shop now contains all potions, added by this mod.
-All Brewer's shops now has headings (Vanilla, Mod/Thorium/Calamity/RG, MorePotions, UnuBattleRods/Tacklebox)
-Fixed party hat for Alchemist, Brewer and Jeweler.
-Changed NPC naming from "the Alchemist" to "Alchemist". NPC needs to be resummoned.
-Added Artificial Altar. Maded with Ebon/Crimstone, Deathweeds, Rotten Chunks/Vertebras, some Thorns and Battle potions on Demon/Crimson Altar.
-Changed Jeweler's conditions for Rubies and Diamonds to defeat EoW/BoC.
-New phrases for Alchemist and Brewer during invasions and Blood Moon.
Upgrade v4.9.1
-Fixed 4th Brewer shop.
-Renamed Unknocking Potion.
-Now Masks Bundle recipe can use any vanilla Cultist Mask.
-New Masks Bundle sprite (
21 авг. 2015 в 3:26 so what you do to get the alchemist NPC is you have to have 5 potions on you at once for 2 mins if you have avalible housing then he moves in and he sells vile mushrooms normal mushrooms daybloom blink root etc. all the basic potion making ingrediants 21 авг. 2015 в 4:18 21 авг. 2015 в 5:18 21 авг. 2015 в 5:51 21 авг. 2015 в 5:56 21 авг. 2015 в 6:02 yeah it would help with summoning the eater of worlds21 авг. 2015 в 6:03 yeah it would help with summoning the eater of worlds 21 авг. 2015 в 6:34 I think a better name for this NPC would be the Herbalist 21 авг. 2015 в 6:43 I think a better name for this NPC would be the Herbalist 21 авг. 2015 в 6:53
So. turn the alchemy system into a gold sink?
At this rate, if you just don't like the process, you could simply make all potions reusable except they eat some silver/gold every time you use one.
21 авг. 2015 в 6:54So. turn the alchemy system into a gold sink?
At this rate, if you just don't like the process, you could simply make all potions reusable except they eat some silver/gold every time you use one.
21 авг. 2015 в 7:03So. turn the alchemy system into a gold sink?
At this rate, if you just don't like the process, you could simply make all potions reusable except they eat some silver/gold every time you use one.
But we're talking about a new NPC that sell herbs?
The biggest part of the alchemy system, currently, is to look for ingredients. Ironically, this "Alchemist" NPC would only please people who do *not* like the alchemy system and want to remove parts of it.
I'm saying, if you don't like alchemy, why limit yourself to removing the gathering part of it? You could remove it almost entirely by making potions reusable and then imposing an on-use cost (it could even be Mana).
Of course, that would piss off people who do like alchemy.
21 авг. 2015 в 7:10The biggest part of the alchemy system, currently, is to look for ingredients. Ironically, this "Alchemist" NPC would only please people who do *not* like the alchemy system and want to remove parts of it.
I'm saying, if you don't like alchemy, why limit yourself to removing the gathering part of it? You could remove it almost entirely by making potions reusable and then imposing an on-use cost (it could even be Mana).
Of course, that would piss off people who do like alchemy.
Good point.
The biggest part of the alchemy system, currently, is to look for ingredients. Ironically, this "Alchemist" NPC would only please people who do *not* like the alchemy system and want to remove parts of it.
I'm saying, if you don't like alchemy, why limit yourself to removing the gathering part of it? You could remove it almost entirely by making potions reusable and then imposing an on-use cost (it could even be Mana).
Of course, that would piss off people who do like alchemy.
If someone else didn't say this I was going to say it.
Это тот меч который улучшается при прохождении игры?
Егор, хм, не знал что ое редкий, но штука крутая, сначала надо много раз кликать, а после стенки зажимаешь
Мага, а он у меня легендарный просто, ну или пофиксили, что-то, фз
Егор, да, у меня тоже, сначало было +116 урона, вот щас стенку убил, +156 и возможность зажимать есть, крутая штука
Мага, просто мне кажет Ся прям реааально имба, даже с death и revenge слизней с 3-4 ударов мочит, причем он очень быстрый хочу подметить.
Мага, я ещё стенку не убивал, он мне с самого первого слизня выпал, вот и заинтересовался, типо так и должно быть?
Егор, я так понимаю-да, легендарный, и выпадает с самого начала, так сказать, стимул качать его, интресно еще способности у него будут
Егор, нет, я сам в паре с антиарис модом играю, много нипов, и оружия
Мага, про него нигде ничего не написано, кроме как его можно улучшить
Егор, я правильно понимаю что он при убийстве боссов улучшается? просто когда тока в мир захожу +26 к дамагу, убиваю моба, становится +156
Александр, ну я прохожу в режиме месть. Видимо для него. Но в любом случае что это?
Димон, противодействующая материя эта сфера, которая висит у тебя над головой и периодически уничтожает все снаряды рядом с ней. После такого уничтожения у оружия один хит будет 100% критом.
Из Alchemist NPC вроде. Там есть ещё пара легендарок, увеличивают статы в зависимости от убитых боссов, выпадают из любых врагов с крохотным шансом.
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