Команда для лечения покемонов в майнкрафт
/breed <player> <slot 1> <slot 2> : This command will give the chosen player an Egg that would result from the breeding of the two Pokémon in the specified party slots. If the two Pokémon are not able to breed with each other, the command will fail.
/breed <player> : This command will attempt to find two Pokémon in the chosen player's party that can breed, giving an Egg to the player if a pair is found. The command will fail if no pairs in the player's party are compatible.
/checkSpawns [specific | type] : Provides a percent-chance based list of all the Pokémon that may spawn in the player's current area at the current time/weather/etc. under the Better Spawner. If the 'specific' argument is added, only the block being stood upon is checked. If a type is provided, only spawns of that type (see permissions) will be shown.
/dynamaxband <player> : This will give the specified player a Dynamax Band, used to Dynamax Pokémon.
/endbattle [player] : Immediately ends the battle that the player is in (if any). If the player argument is omitted, the command will be executed on the player who used the command.
/freeze : This will make all Pokémon stop moving in the world. Using this command while it is already in effect will allow Pokémon to move again.
/givemoney <player> <amount> : This command gives the specified amount of PokéDollars to the specified player. The amount may also be negative to deduct PokéDollars from a player.
- /givepixelsprite (player) <Pokémon> : Gives the player a photo depicting the specified Pokémon. All arguments are in the form of a Pokémon spec.
/legendaryspawn : Attempts to spawn a legendary Pokémon near the calling player, using normal spawning chances for valid legendaries in the area.
/megaring <player> : This will give the selected player a Mega Ring, used to Mega Evolve Pokémon.
/pokebattle <player> <participant2> [<participant3> <participant4>] where participants 2-4 can be a Player, a Pokémon by species name, an NPC Trainer or random for a random Pokémon.
This command will initiate a battle between the participants. If 4 participants are defined, participant1 and participant2 will fight participant3 and participant4 in a double battle. The same Player or NPC Trainer can be set for both slots on one side of a double battle, making them participate with 2 Pokémon.
/pokegive <player> <Pokémon | random> [arguments] : This command will directly put the chosen Pokémon into specified player's party, or the player's PC if the player's party is full Using random in place of a Pokémon name will cause a random Pokémon to be given. If the party is full, it goes to the player's PC. All arguments are in the form of a Pokémon spec. If the player is in a battle, the Pokémon will be sent to the player's PC regardless of whether the player has empty party space.
/pokeheal [player] : This command will heal the specified player's Pokémon, or the command user's Pokémon if no player is specified.
/pokereload : If external JSON files are enabled, this command reloads the data from the shopkeeper and NPC external JSON files without needing to restart the server.
/pokesave < all | flush | player..> : This command will immediately save the specified player's Pokémon to the world. The all argument can be used to save the Pokémon of every player in the world.
/pokespawn <Pokémon | random> [arguments] : This command can spawn in a Pokémon of the player's choice, or a random Pokémon if "random" is used in place of a Pokémon's name. All arguments are in the form of a Pokémon spec.
/pokestats <player> : This command will display the number of times a player has won and lost battles against other players.
/printstore : This command will log brief descriptions of all currently loaded player Pokémon storage data to the console. The following information is displayed for each player.
- The player's username
- Whether the player currently has a GUI open
- Whether the player is online
This command can be used to copy a selection of blocks within a defined area (rectangular prism) and place it elsewhere. There are several steps for doing this, triggered by using different arguments with the command.
- /psnapshot read <file name> : Loads a set of blocks previously saved to a file by /snapshot save.
- /psnapshot set : Sets a corner of the area to save at the player's location. If there are already two corners set when this command is used, the corner that was set first will be overwritten by the new corner.
- /psnapshot save : Saves the blocks in the area defined by the two previously set corners. Two corners must already be set in order for this command to work. If a set of blocks was already previously saved, it will be overwritten by the newly saved set of blocks.
- /psnapshot save <file name> : Saves the blocks in the area like in /snapshot save. Also saves the blocks to a file (with the given name) in a "snapshots" folder inside the Minecraft folder. This file can be read back into Minecraft with the load argument.
/redeem <fedora | fez | tophat> : If the user of this command is a member of the Pixelmon team or has gained access to hats through a special Pixelmon event, this will make the player wear the specified hat.
/redeem trainerhat [<red> <green> <blue>] : If the player has a linked Minecraft account on the Pixelmon website, gives the player a Trainer hat; the color of the hat can be specified as red/green/blue values from 0-255.
/redeem <slot> : If the user of this command has access to the Spectral Jeweller or Shadow Lugia special textures and specifies a party slot number containing a Haunter or Lugia (respectively), the special texture will be applied.
/redeem toggle hat : Toggles any hat the player may be wearing.
/redeem toggle <sash | robe> : Toggles whether the player's Sash or Robe is visible.
/redeem toggle monocle Toggles whether the player's Black Monocle or Golden Monocle is visible.
/reloadquests : Reloads all the available External JSON files for Quests.
/resetpokestats <player> : This command will reset a specified player's tracked wins and losses to 0.
/setparty <level> [moves] : This command will permanently set the levels of all of the Pokémon in the player's party to the specified level. Adding the moves argument will prompt the player to choose up to four moves from each Pokémon's level-up movepool up to the specified level.
/setstage <quest> <stage> [player] : This command will set the player to the stage number of the Quest specified. If the player argument is omitted, the command will be executed on the player who used the command.
/spectate [player] : If the player argument is left blank, this command causes the command's user to stop spectating a battle if the player is currently spectating. Otherwise, it begins spectating the battle that the specified player is in. The command does nothing if the specified player is not in a battle.
/struc : Spawns a random structure near the player if there is space for it. Structures are randomly chosen to spawn based on the biome that the player is in.
/struc list : Lists all of the possible structures that can be spawned.
/struc <structure> [<level>] : Spawns the specified structure near the player if there is enough space. The structure will be spawned regardless of whether it normally spawns in the biome. The structure argument is the corresponding structure's internal name; these names can be found on the structures page. The level argument is only used when spawning Gyms, and defines the level of NPC Trainers inside the spawned Gym; omitting the level argument will cause the spawned Gym to contain "Equal" boss NPC Trainers.
/teach [player] [position] <move> : This command will cause the Pokémon in the specified position of the player's party to attempt to learn a move (being prompted to replace a move if the Pokémon already has four moves). This will occur regardless of whether the Pokémon is normally able to learn the move. It is possible to use either a move's name (spaces allowed and case-insensitive) or the move's ID to refer to a move. If an argument is omitted (see below), underscores must be used in place of spaces.
/teach [position] <move> : This will execute /teach on the player who used the command.
/teach <move> : This will execute /teach on the lead Pokémon of the player who used the command.
/transfer <player> <amount> : This command transfers the specified amount of PokéDollars from the command's user to the specified player.
/unlock <player> : This command will unlock any Pokémon owned by the specified player that are locked by a ranch block, allowing them to be used for other purposes.
/warpplate set <x> <y> <z> : This will set the warp plate that the player is standing on to warp to the specified coordinates. The command will do nothing if the player is not standing on a warp plate.
Permission nodes
Note: To prevent a player from using a certain command, negate it using a permissions plugin such as LuckPerms.
Перечисленные ниже команды доступны в подключаемом модуле Pixelmon под названием Even More Pixelmon Commands.Это все команды, доступные в настоящее время в Pixelmon ! Когда будут добавлены новые команды, мы обновим этот список. Так что, если вы регулярно играете в Pixelmon , обязательно загляните сюда!
Все лечебные предметы делятся на 4 категории: восстановление HP (очков здоровья), восстановление PP (очков способностей), возрождение и лечение различных негативных статусов.
Все предметы можно получить с диких покемонов-боссов или из покесундуков, в том числе и спрятанных.Super Potion
Восстанавливает 50 HP одному покемону.Hyper Potion
Восстанавливает 200 HP одному покемону.Max Potion
Восстанавливает все HP одному покемону.Full Restore
Восстанавливает все HP одному покемону и излечивает от всех негативных статусов.
2.Восстановление PP(очки способностей)Ether
Восстанавливает 10 PP одной способности одного покемона.Max Ether
Восстанавливает все PP одной способности одного покемона.Elixir
Восстанавливает 10 PP всем способностям одного покемона.Max Elixir
Восстанавливает все PP всем способностям одного покемона.
3. ВозрождениеRevive
Возрождает покемона из состояния Fainted и восстанавливает ему 50% здоровья.Max Revive Возрождает покемона из состояния Fainted и полностью восстанавливает ему здоровье.
4. Снятие негативных статусов
Лечит одного покемона от негативного статуса "Poison" (Отравление).Parlyz Heal
Лечит одного покемона от негативного статуса "Paralysis" (Паралич).Awakening
Лечит одного покемона от негативного статуса "Sleep" (Сон).Burn Heal
Лечит одного покемона от негативного статуса "Burn" (Ожог).Ice Heal
Лечит одного покемона от негативного статуса "Freeze" (Заморозка).Full Heal
Лечит одного покемона от негативных статусов "Poison" (Яд), "Paralysis" (Паралич), "Sleep" (Сон), "Burn" (Ожог), "Freeze" (Заморозка), "Confusion" (Смятение).Pixelmon. Основные команды, плагины.
/evs <слот 1-6> - Просмотр EV покемона в указанном слоте
/ivs <слот 1-6> - Просмотр IV покемона в указанном слоте
/eggsteps <слот 1-6> - Количество шагов до вылупления яйца в указанном слоте
/endbattle - Завершить свою битву
/spectate <игрок> - Просмотр боя другого игрока
/shop - Серверный магазин. Там же обмениваются монетки, полученные в различных эвентах сервера./hatch <слот 1-6> - Моментальное вылупление яйца в указанном слоте. Откат 3 часа.
/pc - Открыть ПК
/pokeheal - Вылечить всех покемонов в группе
/ll - Три последних спавна легендарных покемонов
/breed <слот 1-6> <слот 1-6> - Моментальное размножение покемонов из двух указанных слотов. Откат 12 часов.
/checkspawns, (/checkspawns legendary, /checkspawns megaboss) - Проверка шансов спавна для обычных покемонов, легендарных и мегабоссов. Для боссов и легенд также указывается время до следующего тика спавна.Необходимо поймать определённого покемона с определённым характером.
/hunt - Показывает текущие 4 цели охоты
Плагин событий, может быть запущен любым модератором при достаточном онлайне игроков на сервере. Необходимо поймать/победить диких покемонов с определённым условием за указанное время. Условия могут включать в себя определённого покемона, типы покемонов, ловлю определённым покеболлом.
/pe info - Отображение информации по текущему событию
/pe leaderboard - Доска лидеров события
/pe toggle - Включение/отображение информации о событияхНаграды за заполнение ПокеДекса
/dex list - Список всех наград. Получение доступных наград - клик в чате по призу.
Аукцион покемонов. Длительность аукциона - 3 минуты. Максимум аукционов в очереди - 25. Минимальная ставка 1000$, максимальная ставка 100,000$.
Минимальная цена на покемона - 1,000$ эконов, покемоны со скрытой способностью - +50,000$ эконов, легендарные покемоны - +500,000$ эконов./pauc <слот 1-6> <стартовая цена> <шаг ставки> - Создать новый аукцион
/pauc bid <ставка> - Сделать ставку на текущий аукцион. Также возможно делать ставку нажатием на цену в чате. В данном случае она будет той, которая указана в "Шаге ставки" при создании аукциона.
/pauc cancel - Отменить аукцион. Отмена аукциона возможна в течении 1 минуты после запуска.
/pauc hide - Включение/отображение информации об аукционахЧитайте также: