Кокичи ома прическа симс 4
hai! first of all OMG your blog <3<3<3 literally incredible. you're so talented at modelling! (da only downside is the dead links sometimes but that's not ur fault!!) ANYWAY i waz really wanting to know how to make cc unisex? sometimes i want to make some guys wear epic dresses >:c
Hi @thiccbeanstalks! Making cc unisex is not that difficult, I’ll give you a quick tutorial under the cut:
My stuff on the Sims gallery and help with broken download links
I just uploaded my Danganronpa households to the Sims 4 gallery to make it possible for you to download the sims I used for screenshots. It isn’t complete yet but I’ll keep adding the missing sims over time. (You’ll still have to download the cc separately, it’s not included with the sims you download!) My name on the gallery is the same as my tumblr: chrissie24642
I’m still getting asks from people who can’t download my cc. I don’t know why this happens and the Dropbox links seem to work fine for the majority of people. If you have problems downloading my stuff, please send me an ask and I’ll give you the files directly. But please don’t ask anonymously (log into your tumblr account if you have one!) or I won’t know who asked me and where to send the files.
EDIT: Thank you for sending me a simfile share link! I will upload my cc there, hopefully that helps with broken download links!
Guess who’s still alive!
I finally managed to get a working laptop but I haven’t had the time to transfer over all my sims stuff from my old laptop yet. However, I found this little bear when I looked through my old files today. I finished making Monotaro a while ago and some of you might recognize him from the header picture of the Danganronpa master post. I was originally planning to make all the Monokubs and to release them as one big download. But I then my laptop broke and I think you have waited long enough for new cc from me. So here he is!
This is a full body Monotaro costume for toddlers in the Sims 4, just like my old Monokuma cc.
I have gotten so many asks on how to download my stuff lately and I don’t really know why. I know that stuff from other content creators isn’t available anymore but as far as I know my downloads should still work. And I don’t think Dropbox changed something about it’s downloads either. Here is a detailed guide for downloading files from Dropbox.
If it still doesn’t work, just send me an ask! (It might take me a while to respond but I promise I read them all.)
[Danganronpa x The Sims 4] Recolor & retexture pack
You can see the sims & CC below:
CC download links under the cut!
are you alright? :O
Don’t worry, I’m still alive :D
I know that I haven’t been active on tumblr lately but my laptop is broken. (I’m trying to find a way to access the programs I need for making cc from another computer atm). I will definitely make more Sims stuff in the future as soon as possible but I’ll need to fix my laptop first and I don’t know when exactly that will be.
I have gotten dozens of asks in the last few months and I plan to answer as many of them as I can soon. Many people have asked me if I will make specific Danganronpa characters and my answer is the same as always: I plan to make them but I don’t know in which order.
All those of you who have asked for links to cc from other creators: Most of it can be found in deluxesoap’s masterpost HERE .
Many of you have been asking for cosplaysimmer’s content because that website has been taken down. I can understand that people still want that cc and I know that there are websites that still have the cc. You should be able to find these links in the masterpost, too, but I won’t share direct download links to it here on my blog. Apparently cosplaysimmer took 3D models from other content creators against their will and without credit and converted them to the sims. Reuploading that cc here would be unfair to the original creators and could even cause my blog to be deleted.
Sorry for the long hiatus! I hope I’ll be able to make some new cc for your soon. Until then, have fun!
A masterpost of all the cc for danganronpa you could ever need
(PS I update the list time to time so feel free to check for new stuff)
Eye contacts
Miu Iruma Uniform (mesh required)
Komaeda Ibuki Junko hairs
Junko hair
Hinata Nanami Komaeda Fuyuhiko Peko Akane Mikan Sonia Saionji Mahiru Ibuki Togami Naegi Kirigiri Junko Asahina Komaru Fukawa Chihiro cc (better Junko skirt here the one in the list is broken)
Ibuki uniform (mesh required)
Mikan hair
Rantaro Amami shirt
Hagakure hair
Monokuma Monomi toys
Celestia Ludenberg set
Chiaki Nanami set
Mikan Tsumiki set
Hiyoko Saionji set (optional shoes)
Kaede Akamatsu clothes
Hajime Hinata set
Monomi toddler costume
Kokichi Ouma set
Touko Fukawa set
Aoi Asahina hair
Monokuma toddler costume
Kiyotaka Ishimaru set
Kiibo set
Sakura Oogami set
Kyouko Kirigiri set
Tenko Chabashira set
Rantaro Amami set
Yasuhiro Hagakure set
Shuichi Saihara set
Ryouko Otonashi set
Kirumi Tojo set
Kaito Shirt and Slippers
Monaka set
“Junko”/Junko tops and skirts
Kirigiri hair
Monokuma Usami figurines
Kaede Akamatsu set
Kirigiri scars
Mukuro hair and tattoo
Junko outfits (coat requires seasons)
Fukawa and Miu clothes
Seiko Kimura clothes (requires a pack for the jacket, unknown which one)
Junko furniture set
Souda jumpsuit (requires get to work)
Tenko hair and accessories separated
Junko Enoshima set
Sayaka Maizono set
Kaito clothes
Korekiyo Shinguuji set
Maki Harukawa set
Ibuki Mioda set
Hinata hair
Hinata hair w/ bangs
Aoi Asahina outfit
Nagito Komaeda set
Pixel Name Plates
Kyouko Kirigiri set
Leon Kuwata set
Kokichi Ouma set
Akane Owari set
Mahiru Koizumi set
Kokichi, Komaeda, Junko, Kaede, Rantaro, Shuichi, Monomi, Hajime sets
Komaru Naegi set
Asahina outfit
Tsumugi dress
Reblogging this again because so many things have been added since last year :)
Danganronpa MODS: моды с Данганронпой запись закреплена
Аддон который позволяет поиграть за Кокичи Ому, а также использовать как НПС.
Гайд по установке можно найти в соответствующем обсуждении.
Предмет отмечен как скрытый, или у вас нет разрешения его просматривать. "
Возможно, многие из вас уже слышали о том, что происходит сейчас в Инстаграм-среде фендома. В частности о фан-аккаунтах, постящих на своей стене контент, представляющий собой не только грубое нарушение правил данной соц.сети, но и служащий сильным триггером для людей с неустойчивой психикой (да и не только)
На страницах с припиской «gentle.» перед ником и не только вы можете обнаружить такой неподобающий контент, как (См.скрин 1):
+ с*лфхарм
+ расчл*нёнка
+ тр*пы животных
+ м*ртвых людей
Полное собрание "заражённых" тегов на 3 скрине.
Наверняка, ежели люди из ру-коммьюнити, то у них есть аккаунты во «ВКонтакте». Большинство из них – фейки, но страна же должна хоть чуть-чуть знать своих «героев»?
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