Кассандра гот черты характера симс 4
Cassandra is one of only two living pre-made adult Sims from Pleasantview that was not featured in The Sims 3 (the other being Brandi Broke). Her parents, however, are shown to be children in Sunset Valley, so it is possible for her to be born in-game once they become young adults.
Cassandra and her family return in Willow Creek in The Sims 4, albeit in a different timeline.
Biography [ edit | edit source ]
Life leading up to The Sims (console) [ edit | edit source ]
With Free Will on, Cassandra and her family will only mourn at the tombstones even if they are in a bad mood.
Life leading up to The Sims [ edit | edit source ]
Life leading up to The Sims 2 [ edit | edit source ]
Like her father, Mortimer, she works in the science career track, where she is a field researcher. Cassandra is an adult and becomes an elder in 26 days. She is generally shy and neat, and is occasionally playful; her favorite activities are playing piano and reading. Cassandra wants to have a family and live a normal life.
She is close friends with Mary-Sue Pleasant, and has been since they were children. One of the Pleasant family's story-telling pictures suggests that Cassandra was the Maid of Honor at Mary-Sue's wedding.
When the Goths are first played in The Sims 2, Cassandra and Don are in the back garden, and a game tip instructs that the player should give Don a romantic gesture to spark things off. It then tells the player to marry them, which can be achieved by simply clicking the wedding arch and "Get married". In these circumstances Don usually leaves Cassandra at the altar, leaving her in a bad mood and, if Nightlife or later is installed, furious with Don. However, it is possible to have Don marry her by simply getting the relationship higher and doing more than just a kiss (getting the relationship to 100).
A bit of trivia is that Cassandra is the only pre-made adult in Pleasantview who can trace back to any of his or her great-grandparents. This is probably because Gunther and Cornelia's parents are buried in the family graveyard and haunt the grounds, and therefore need to have character files. Another interesting fact is that Cassandra and Mary-Sue have memories of meeting during their childhood, even though Mary-Sue is much older than Cassandra. (This can be reconciled if it's assumed that Cassandra had access to the Elixir of Life while Mary-Sue did not - or that maybe Mary-Sue had access to it, and got the negative effect).
The other interesting fact is that Alexander was born before Mary-Sue and Cassandra became best friends. That is noticeable when comparing Cassandra and Mortimer's memories. However, Alexander is still a child and Mary-Sue's daughters (who were born much later) Angela and Lilith are teenagers. This proves that Alexander is older than Angela and Lilith even though he's a child.
Another fact is that Mary-Sue wasn't present in The Sims and that Daniel Pleasant was much older than his sister Jennifer, indicating that he was possibly a teenager, which could've made Mary-Sue a teenager as well, both facts complicating the fact that Mary-Sue and Cassandra were childhood friends. It's possible that Mary-Sue did move to the neighborhood after the main events of The Sims. Also, there is no teen life stage in The Sims.
Strangely, while Cassandra is a Cancer in The Sims, she is a Virgo in The Sims 2. She and her friend, Mary-Sue Pleasant, are the only pre-made adults in Pleasantview to have at least one living parent. Cassandra always visits the Pleasant family the first day the family is played.
If Darren invites Cassandra over when first playing the Dreamer family, there is a high chance that she will flirt with him autonomously. It is unknown whether this was scripted, although it is a strong possibility since it is relatively uncommon for Sims to autonomously initiate romantic interactions on Sims they don't have romantic feelings towards, unless they have previously been directed to do so by the player.
In the neighborhood pictures for Pleasantview, Cassandra is wearing a different dress, which is black with faint white lines. Also, her hair is slightly different from the way it is in actual gameplay. The dress and hairstyle shown in those pictures appear to have been removed from the game itself.
Life leading up to The Sims 4 [ edit | edit source ]
Cassandra appears in The Sims 4 as a teen, living with her parents and younger brother in the Ophelia Villa in Willow Creek. It has been confirmed that this version of Cassandra exists in an alternate continuity to the one found in previous games.
This version of Cassandra has lighter skin than most previous incarnations of the character, and there is a much smaller age gap between her and her younger brother than there was in The Sims 2.
It is still possible for her to get engaged to Don once she ages up into a young adult, since he is present in Oasis Springs, but they will have a much bigger age gap than in The Sims 2, where she was actually two days older than him when first played. If the player chooses, however, they may fix this by giving Don a Potion of Youth (effectively resetting the clock on his Young Adulthood) once Cassandra ages up and is two days into Young Adulthood, which would make her two days older than him. Alternatively, the player can simply get Bella, Mortimer or Cassandra to bake a cake and get Cassandra to blow out the candles, which will age her into a young adult a lot earlier than if she was to be a teenager until her birthday.
Кассандра Гот (ориг. Cassandra Goth) — персонаж, впервые появившийся в The Sims, где она проживала на Виртуальном проезде с матерью Беллой Гот и отцом Мортимером Готом. В The Sims 2 она живёт в Новосельске с отцом Мортимером и младшим братом Александром. Она, её отец и мать — единственные персонажи, сохранившие свои биографии между The Sims и The Sims 2.
Биография [ ]
The Sims (на консолях) [ ]
В The Sims на консолях, Кассандра живёт с родителями: Мортимером Готом и Беллой Гот на Виртуальном проезд, 5. Она прилежно учится в школе. Её чёрные волосы заплетены в хвостики, а на голове розовые солнцезащитные очки с чёрными линзами. Кассандра носит белую блузку, чёрную юбку и чёрные туфли. С обоими родителями её отношения на уровне 20+. Кассандра любит играть со своими игрушками, играть на пианино, кормить рыбок и оплакивать могилы. Если игрок оставит её одну в свою первую игру, они с семьёй подбегут к телефону, интересуясь, что это такое.
При включённой свободе воли Кассандра с семьёй будут только оплакивать могилы, даже будучи в плохом настроении.
The Sims [ ]
В The Sims Кассандра — ребёнок и живёт с родителями, Мортимером и Беллой Готами. Кассандра учится на «отлично», любит пить чай со своей бабушкой Корнелией Гот. Любит читать и играть со своими игрушками. Её чёрные волосы заплетены в два хвостика, а на голове круглые очки в чёрной оправе. Кассандра носит белую блузку с воротничком, голубую юбку до колен, белые носки и чёрные туфли. Девочка застенчива и неразговорчива. Не так много известно о ней, до тех пор, пока у неё не появится своя история в The Sims 2.
The Sims 2 [ ]
Кассандра помолвлена с Доном Лотарио и безумно его любит, но не понимает или, кажется, не подозревает, что он изменяет ей с другими девушками. Так же, Кассандра не знает о том, что в неё влюблён Вальтер Дример, её сосед. (Многие игроки разрывают помолвку с Доном и выдают её замуж за Вальтера, но это, конечно, выбор игрока). В связи с безумной любовью Вальтера, существует вероятность того, что тот будет заигрывать с Кассандрой, тем самым, вызвав взаимные чувства. Но Кассандра помолвлена, и если это произойдёт, то она станет изменять своему жениху Дону.
Как и её отец, Мортимер, Кассандра работает полевым исследователем в научной сфере. Она — взрослая женщина и ей остаётся 26 дней до состаривания. В целом, Кассандра стеснительна и опрятна, время от времени игрива; её любимые занятия — игра на пианино и чтение. Кассандра хочет создать свою семью и жить обычной жизнью.
Кассандра с самого детства близко дружит с Мэри-Сью Новосельских. Один из снимков в семейном фотоальбоме Новосельских указывает на то, что Кассандра была свидетельницей на свадьбе Мэри-Сью.
Ещё один интересный факт заключается в том, что у Кассандры и Мэри-Сью есть воспоминания о их знакомстве в детстве, хотя Мэри-Сью намного старше Кассандры. (Это можно объяснить или предположить тем, что у Кассандры был доступ к Эликсиру жизни, а у Мэри-Сью — нет или, что возможно, у Мэри-Сью был доступ к нему и получился отрицательный эффект от него).
Другой интересный факт заключается в том, что Александр родился до того, как Мэри-Сью и Кассандра стали лучшими подругами. Это заметно при сравнении воспоминаний Кассандры и Мортимера. Тем не менее, Александр ещё — ребёнок, а дочери Мэри-Сью (которые родились намного позже), Анжела и Лилия — подростки. Это доказывает, что Александр старше Анжелы и Лилии, хотя он — ребёнок.
Странно, что, хотя Кассандра — рак в The Sims, она — дева в The Sims 2. Она и её подруга Мэри-Сью Новосельских являются единственными взрослыми людьми в Новосельске, у которых жив, хотя бы один из родителей.
Кассандра появляется в The Sims 4 в качестве подростка, живущей с родителями и младшим братом на участке «Офелия Вилла» в Виллоу Крик. Официально подтверждено, что эта версия Касссандры живёт в альтернативной вселенной и никак не связана с другими играми серии.
В начале игры, у Кассандры оценка «3» в школе. Ей остаётся 13 дней до взросления. В багаже у неё лежит лишь домашняя работа. У неё есть два балла в навыке игры на скрипке и жизненная цель «Музыкальный талант». Кассандра находится в дружеских отношениях с родителями и братом, но не знает никого вне семьи. Она - творческая, угрюмая и мыслитель.
У этой версии Кассандры - светлая кожа, чем у большинства предыдущих появлений персонажа, и разница в возрасте с братом намного меньше, чем The Sims 2.
Несмотря на то, что и Дон также появляется в этой игре, Кассандра не может начать с ним отношения из-за большой разницы в возрасте, в отличие от The Sims 2, где они были почти ровесниками по возрасту, за исключением нескольких дней.
Cassandra is one of only two living pre-made adult Sims from Pleasantview that was not featured in The Sims 3 (the other being Brandi Broke). Her parents, however, are shown to be children in Sunset Valley, so it is possible for her to be born in-game once they become young adults.
Cassandra and her family return in Willow Creek in The Sims 4, albeit in a different timeline.
Biography [ ]
Life leading up to The Sims (console) [ ]
With Free Will on, Cassandra and her family will only mourn at the tombstones even if they are in a bad mood.
Life leading up to The Sims [ ]
Life leading up to The Sims 2 [ ]
Like her father, Mortimer, she works in the science career track, where she is a field researcher. Cassandra is an adult and becomes an elder in 26 days. She is generally shy and neat, and is occasionally playful; her favorite activities are playing piano and reading. Cassandra wants to have a family and live a normal life.
She is close friends with Mary-Sue Pleasant, and has been since they were children. One of the Pleasant family's story-telling pictures suggests that Cassandra was the Maid of Honor at Mary-Sue's wedding.
When the Goths are first played in The Sims 2, Cassandra and Don are in the back garden, and a game tip instructs that the player should give Don a romantic gesture to spark things off. It then tells the player to marry them, which can be achieved by simply clicking the wedding arch and "Get married". In these circumstances Don usually leaves Cassandra at the altar, leaving her in a bad mood and, if Nightlife or later is installed, furious with Don. However, it is possible to have Don marry her by simply getting the relationship higher and doing more than just a kiss (getting the relationship to 100).
A bit of trivia is that Cassandra is the only pre-made adult in Pleasantview who can trace back to any of his or her great-grandparents. This is probably because Gunther and Cornelia's parents are buried in the family graveyard and haunt the grounds, and therefore need to have character files. Another interesting fact is that Cassandra and Mary-Sue have memories of meeting during their childhood, even though Mary-Sue is much older than Cassandra. (This can be reconciled if it's assumed that Cassandra had access to the Elixir of Life while Mary-Sue did not - or that maybe Mary-Sue had access to it, and got the negative effect).
The other interesting fact is that Alexander was born before Mary-Sue and Cassandra became best friends. That is noticeable when comparing Cassandra and Mortimer's memories. However, Alexander is still a child and Mary-Sue's daughters (who were born much later) Angela and Lilith are teenagers. This proves that Alexander is older than Angela and Lilith even though he's a child.
Another fact is that Mary-Sue wasn't present in The Sims and that Daniel Pleasant was much older than his sister Jennifer, indicating that he was possibly a teenager, which could've made Mary-Sue a teenager as well, both facts complicating the fact that Mary-Sue and Cassandra were childhood friends. It's possible that Mary-Sue did move to the neighborhood after the main events of The Sims. Also, there is no teen life stage in The Sims.
Strangely, while Cassandra is a Cancer in The Sims, she is a Virgo in The Sims 2. She and her friend, Mary-Sue Pleasant, are the only pre-made adults in Pleasantview to have at least one living parent. Cassandra always visits the Pleasant family the first day the family is played.
If Darren invites Cassandra over when first playing the Dreamer family, there is a high chance that she will flirt with him autonomously. It is unknown whether this was scripted, although it is a strong possibility since it is relatively uncommon for Sims to autonomously initiate romantic interactions on Sims they don't have romantic feelings towards, unless they have previously been directed to do so by the player.
In the neighborhood pictures for Pleasantview, Cassandra is wearing a different dress, which is black with faint white lines. Also, her hair is slightly different from the way it is in actual gameplay. The dress and hairstyle shown in those pictures appear to have been removed from the game itself.
Life leading up to The Sims 4 [ ]
Cassandra appears in The Sims 4 as a teen, living with her parents and younger brother in the Ophelia Villa in Willow Creek. It has been confirmed that this version of Cassandra exists in an alternate continuity to the one found in previous games.
This version of Cassandra has lighter skin than most previous incarnations of the character, and there is a much smaller age gap between her and her younger brother than there was in The Sims 2.
It is still possible for her to get engaged to Don once she ages up into a young adult, since he is present in Oasis Springs, but they will have a much bigger age gap than in The Sims 2, where she was actually two days older than him when first played. If the player chooses, however, they may fix this by giving Don a Potion of Youth (effectively resetting the clock on his Young Adulthood) once Cassandra ages up and is two days into Young Adulthood, which would make her two days older than him. Alternatively, the player can simply get Bella, Mortimer or Cassandra to bake a cake and get Cassandra to blow out the candles, which will age her into a young adult a lot earlier than if she was to be a teenager until her birthday.
Особой яркостью и таинственностью отличается Кассандра Гот. В четвертой части симпатяга поселилась на территории Офелия Вилла вместе с мамой Беллой и папенькой Мортимером. Прилежная ученица, практически никогда не ссорящаяся с родителями. Локоны у светлокожей девушки черные, но она носит косички. Чаще наряжается в белую блузочку и черненькие туфельки, а также постоянно таскается с солнцезащитными очками.
В числе увлечений – заниматься на фортепиано, ухаживать за милыми рыбками и сидеть возле могил, оплакивая их. Развиваться может по пути Музыкального таланта и даже имеет 2 балла в уровне владения скрипкой. Характеризуется творческими наклонностями, некоторой угрюмостью и смахивает на юного мыслителя.
Александр Гот
Одним из наиболее знаменитых юношей в симуляторе Симс является Александр Гот. Происходит из семьи Мортимера и Беллы.
Катрина Гонгадзе
Среди всех жительниц Оазис Спрингса выделяется Катрина Гонгадзе. У барышни имеется парочка дочурок, с которыми она очень
Кассандра Гот
Особой яркостью и таинственностью отличается Кассандра Гот. В четвертой части симпатяга поселилась на территории Офелия
Мортимер Гот
Настоящим семьянином может считаться Мортимер Гот, правда, до конца верным супруге персонаж не остался. После
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