Какой самый лучший стиль боя в yba
Boxing is one of the 5 Specialities in the game, it is centered mainly around melee combat and increasing health points. Boxing focuses mainly on being tanky and massive damage without much range similar to Star Platinum or The World. It is considered to be one of the most reliable in the game for chaining combos. Boxing works extremely well with most humanoid stands and Scary Monsters. People also use this spec for the insane combo potential, such as Chariot Requiem's Triple Barrage Infinite Combo, or using Eye Gouge (Which has one of the longest stuns when mastered.) at the end of a Time Stop for a combo-extender.
The main flaw with Boxing is that all of its damaging abilities require the use of Boxing Gloves, which makes it difficult to use if the user is a Vampire during daylight. It can also be a problem if the boxing gloves deal less damage than your stand, as boxing M1s and M2s replace Stand M1s and M2s. The only way to get around this problem is to equip and unequip the Boxing Gloves where necessary.
You need to talk to Quinton with $10,000 and Quinton's glove in order to unlock the spec. Quinton can be found near The Boss’ Cafe, which is on the castle side of the map.
Tough Skin: This allows you to take less damage. When max upgraded, it reduces damage dealt to you by 25%. (Example: Getting hit by Star Platinum: The World's Skull Crusher with maxed Tough Skin passive will only deal 16.9 damage instead of 22.5 damage.)
Meat Shield: This increases your max health. When max upgraded, it adds about 30 HP.
Muscle Memory: Increases damage of all boxing attacks. (Only applies to the skills in the Boxing skill tree).
Mastered Technique: Reduces skill cooldowns. (Only applies to the skills in the Boxing skill tree).
Sword-Style also known as Pluck is one of the 5 Specialities in the game. It has many attacks, most melee and a few movement-based. All of the moves under the Skill Tree require Pluck to use. To obtain the spec, you must be Level 10+ and talk to Uzurashi located on top of the buildings around ShiftPlox The Travelling Merchant. It costs $10,000 and an Ancient Scroll to obtain from Uzurashi.
LMB - M1: With the pluck equipped, the user will slice with their blade up to 5 times in rapid succession, dealing 7.2 damage for every hit.
RMB - M2: While having the pluck item equipped, the user will thrust their blade down dealing 10 damage. M2 breaks block but can be Perfect Blocked.
X - Thrust: The user thrusts their sword forward in a stab that deals around 15 damage, has a 6-second cool down. Can be blocked, doesn’t breaks block, cannot be parried.
B - Instant Slash: The user teleports to the nearest target and slices them, dealing 10 damage. Has a 10-second cool down. (The teleport has a limited range, but if no one is in range, the move doesn't start and neither does the cool down.) Can be blocked, doesn’t break block, can’t be parried.
H - Aerial Ace: The user dashes forward with their sword dealing 15 damage, has a 17-second cool down. Can be blocked, doesn’t break block, can’t be parried.
Z - Pierce Strike: The user deals a heavy strike with their sword that deals 14 damage, has a 7-second cool down. Max upgrading Pierce Strike will give it large range, a hitbox lasting around 1.5 seconds. Bypasses block, doesn’t break block, can’t be parried.
C - Triple Pierce Strike: The user deals 3 strikes with their sword, dealing 7 points of damage with all 3 hits. Has a 12-second cool down. (Pierce Strike Upgrades do not affect Triple Pierce Strike.) Breaks block, can’t be parried.
V - Crescent Slash: The user deals a sideways slash with their sword, doing 14 damage and knocking back the targets, has a 13-second cool down. After the opponent has recovered from the ragdoll, they will be stunned for a short duration. Bypasses block, doesn’t break block, can't be parried.
Skill Tree
- Swordsmanship: 3 points, increases the damage of your light and heavy attacks by 20% (X1.2).
- Thorn Block: 2 points, when the user is blocking with Pluck equipped, the damage from the enemy is not only blocked but also thrown back at the enemy.
Thrust Upgrades: Buffs the damage dealt from the Thrust skill and improves the range.
- Thrust Upgrade I: 2 points
- Thrust Upgrade II: 2 points
- Thrust Upgrade III: 3 points
Pierce Strike Upgrades: Increases the damage and range from the Pierce Strike skill
- Pierce Strike Upgrade I: 2 points
- Pierce Strike Upgrade II: 3 points
Crescent Slash Upgrades: Increases the damage from the Crescent Slash
- Crescent Slash Upgrade I: 2 points
- Crescent Slash Upgrade II: 2 points
- Crescent Slash Upgrade III: 3 points
Саша, Вамп от хамона пиздов получает +у вампв кровь не инф + горение на солнце
Максим, лмао, если бесит горение просто купи зонт,+кровь можно пить
Саша, А ты сможеш её попить,если чел раниь и юзает дальние мувы,а про зонт с ним же нельзя лкм юзатб и пкм его сбивает не?
Максим, зонт не сбивается, однако ЛКМ и вправду юзать нельзя, знаешь, хамон или вампир, надо смотреть по стэнду
Юра, не понравился, или не смог изучить способность? Если второе, то в баре будет стоять вампир, он научит тебя вампиризму за 5к, и там понеслась, лучи, сосание жизни, заморозка
Visual skill tree of Boxing and its upgrade paths, as it would appear in-game.
All skills require boxing gloves to be equipped to use them.
G - Fist Barrage: This ability lets you do a flurry of punches, similar to a Stand Barrage, but with a shorter range, and a much slower punching speed similar to that of slow stands such as The Hand or Cream. Unlike Stand Barrages, this cannot be used while in hitstun. Deals 3.8 damage per punch if upgraded. With no upgrades the barrage lasts 10 hits, with 1 upgrade it lasts 14, and with both upgrades the barrage lasts a whole 20 hits. There is a separate cooldown between normal barrages and Boxing barrages, which is indicated in the bottom right like any other cooldown. However, this is not counted with Chariot Requiem's Arrow Barrage, as Arrow Barrage is treated as its own move.
C - Jaw Breaker: A heavy punch with considerable windup, and damage to match (24 with no upgrades, 29.9 with mastered upgrade, 34 with mastered and muscle memory upgrades). This move can be landed directly after using an upgraded Eye Gouge. This will deal knockback and will disable the opponent's Stand regardless of Sturdiness. Good for combos for Stands with strong, moderate range attacks and stuns. It normally has a 12-second cooldown but with Mastered Technique, this cooldown period will decrease to 10 seconds. The move cannot be parried or blocked.
V - Eye Gouge: A short-range swipe that blinds and stuns the opponent for a short duration. The stun time and blind effect duration can be increased by getting the mastered version of the move. When fully mastered, this move has the longest stun in the game and is able to true combo into any move. This move is blockable.
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