Какой порт у the forest
The Forest is an Open-World, Survival, Action, Simulation, Adventure, and First-Person game published by Endnight Games released in 2018.
Port Forward The Forest
If you play The Forest, you may want to consider setting up a port forward for it. There are many reasons to set up a port forward for The Forest, for instance:
- Fewer crashes when online
- Improved connection
- Less lag
- Easier to play with friends
- Better quality voice chat
- Overall enhanced online experience
Interested in getting your port forwarded? Follow one of the sections below to learn how and get it done today.
Forward Ports for The Forest
When you are playing The Forest you might need to forward some ports in your router. Forwarding ports is a useful trick in gaming because it can really help to make your network connection most stable and frequently even faster. Routers were not designed to allow incoming network requests and some games can play tremendously better if an incoming connection is forwarded through the router to the game.
How to locate your Router's IP Address
The easiest way to find your router's IP address is to run our free Router Detector utility. It's a part of the Network Utilities suite of tools and it's completely free to use.
Ports To Forward for The Forest
The required ports that need to be forwarded for The Forest are as follows:
The Forest - Steam
- TCP: 8766,27015-27030,27036-27037
- UDP: 4380,8766,27000-27031,27036
The Forest - Playstation 4
If you want to follow guides that are custom tailored to your exact router and The Forest simply follow one of these links:
That's all it takes to forward your ports. For more on how to port forward, check out our list of games and applications.
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Описание игры: В игре The Forest вы являетесь одним из везунчиков, которым удалось выжить после авиакатастрофы, теперь вам предстоит выживать, поддерживая костёр, чтобы не замёрзнуть холодными ночами, сажать урожай и собирать его, чтобы не умереть с голода. Рубить лес, охотьтесь на диких животных, выживайте любой ценой!
Режимы в Игре: Кооператив.
Максимальное Количество игроков: 8.
Способ Игры: Интернет (Стим) / Локальная Сеть ( эмуляторы или настоящая локалка)
1.2) В папку с установленной игрой устанавливаем сетевой фикс для Стима
- 1) Для Online Игры (через стим).
- 2) Для Online Игры (сетевая локальная)
Запуск The Forest по сети в мультиплеер:
2.1) Открываем Steam , заходим в свой аккаунт.
2.2) Запускаем файл \TheForest32.exe из корневой папки.
Как создать сервер:3.1) Co-Op (Кооперативный Режим) => Ведущий Игры => Ноывя Игра / Продолжить => Теперь сервер доступен.
Как Подключиться к игре:
4.1) Co-Op (Кооперативный Режим) => Совместный Режим => Заходим на один из серверов.
Дополнительная информация и возможные проблемы:
- Проверено на Win 8 (x64) и 7 (x32), 10 (х64).
Встроены 2 фикса, лан + онлайн.
- Играть можно как через внешний IP, Так и через IP эмулятора локальной сети.
- Фикс для версий 13-15b
- Последняя ЛАН версия
- только для нее: 2.1) Открываем любой эмулятор локальной сети .
Описание игры: В игре The Forest вы являетесь одним из везунчиков, которым удалось выжить после авиакатастрофы, теперь вам предстоит выживать, поддерживая костёр, чтобы не замёрзнуть холодными ночами, сажать урожай и собирать его, чтобы не умереть с голода. Рубить лес, охотьтесь на диких животных, выживайте любой ценой!
Режимы в Игре: Кооператив.
Максимальное Количество игроков: 8.
Способ Игры: Интернет (Стим) / Локальная Сеть ( эмуляторы или настоящая локалка)
1.2) В папку с установленной игрой устанавливаем сетевой фикс для Стима
- 1) Для Online Игры (через стим).
- 2) Для Online Игры (сетевая локальная)
Запуск The Forest по сети в мультиплеер:
2.1) Открываем Steam , заходим в свой аккаунт.
2.2) Запускаем файл \TheForest32.exe из корневой папки.
Как создать сервер:3.1) Co-Op (Кооперативный Режим) => Ведущий Игры => Ноывя Игра / Продолжить => Теперь сервер доступен.
Как Подключиться к игре:
4.1) Co-Op (Кооперативный Режим) => Совместный Режим => Заходим на один из серверов.
Дополнительная информация и возможные проблемы:
- Проверено на Win 8 (x64) и 7 (x32), 10 (х64).
Встроены 2 фикса, лан + онлайн.
- Играть можно как через внешний IP, Так и через IP эмулятора локальной сети.
- Фикс для версий 13-15b
- Последняя ЛАН версия
- только для нее: 2.1) Открываем любой эмулятор локальной сети .
Ports Required for The Forest
The network ports for The Forest are as follows:
The Forest - Steam
- TCP: 8766,27015-27030,27036-27037
- UDP: 4380,8766,27000-27031,27036
The Forest - Playstation 4
If you want to follow guides that are custom tailored to your exact router and The Forest simply follow one of these links:
When you are done following those steps your ports will be open. Do you need more games or programs forwarded? Check out our games and programs list.
More From Port Forward
How to Port Forward in Your Router for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
Help improve your connects in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis by forwarding some ports in your router.
Forward Ports on Your Router for Darkest Dungeon
You can help improve your online multiplayer connections in Darkest Dungeon by forwarding some ports in your router.
For Honor Port Forwarding
Help improve your online connections and make connecting with others easier in For Honor by forwarding some ports.
Forwarding Ports for Chicory: A Colorful Tale on Your Router.
You can forward some ports in your router to help improve online connections for Chicory: A Colorful Tale.
Create a Port Forward for Wave Break in your Router
Forwarding some ports for Wave Break can make it easier to play with others and help improve your connections.
Forwarding Ports for Knockout City on Your Router.
Help improve your online connections in Knockout City and connect with more players by forwarding some ports.
Port Forwarding for Dying Light 2: Stay Human
You can connect with friends more easily and help improve connections in Dying Light 2: Stay Human by forwarding some ports.
Creating a Port Forward in Your Router for Far Cry 6
You can help improve your online experiences and more easily connect with others in Far Cry 6 by forwarding some ports.
Вообщем мучаюсь уже вторую неделю с пробросом портов. Нужен всего лишь один порт: 27000
Пересмотрел кучу мануалов, тонну видео, обзоры на всю эту хрень, распространённые проблемы и т. д.
Ничего не помогает. Вот что бы я не делал.
Мой модем: D-Link DIR 615
В настройках модема уже что только не пробовал. Перечислю всё, начнём сначала.
В настройках самой сети проверил наличие включенной функции IGMP
Создал проброс в виртуальных серверах. Всё как надо. Протокол: TCP/UDP, внешние и внутренние порты указал: 27000, внутренний ip проверил через панель управления. IPv4.
Включал зону DMZ. Опять ничего.
На самом компе отключал антивирус и брендмауэр.
Потом более глубоко: В настройках антивируса сделал и исключения для программы (TheForest) и открыл порты там. Всё по той же схеме с TCP/UDP
В брендмауэре винды сделал правила для исходящих пакетов и для программы самой. И ВСЁ НИЧЕГО НЕ ПОМОГАЕТ. ВОТ ЧТО БЫ Я НЕ ДЕЛАЛ.
Люди добрые, помогите. -.
The Forest is an Open-World, Survival, Action, Simulation, Adventure, and First-Person game published by Endnight Games released in 2018.
The Forest includes the following styles of play.
- Open world style games are usually not on rails, meaning that the player gets to go anywhere and solve problems in the order that they choose. The player is usually allowed to roam freely through a normally massive environment.
- Survival games are usually focused on resource management, such as ammo and health, and occasionally include elements of stealth. They tend to be based on either supernatural enemies, have horror themes, or be post-apocalyptic. The primary gameplay mechanic is to simply stay alive.
- Games that are considered action are all about centering the player in the middle of an evolving situation.
- In a simulation game the primary goal is to simulate a real life situation either for education or entertainment. Simulation games have a huge vareity of types including sports, driving, flying, and dating. Some of the most popular sims of all time are SimCity and Madden NFL.
- An adventure game is where the player is usually the protagonist and plays through an evolving story. The storyline is the driving part of an adventure game.
- In a first person style game the main viewpoint is from the player looking forward. This can be either a first person shooter or a first person driving game.
Before You Forward a Port
Before you can forward a port you need to know the following things:
- Your router's IP address.
- Your gaming machine's IP address.
- The TCP and UDP ports that need to be forwarded.
How To Forward Ports
Don't have time? Use our Network Utilities software. It's the fastest way to both open and close ports in your router. Of you can do it manually if you want.
The general process for forwarding a port is:
- Start by logging in to your router.
- Find your routers port forwarding section.
- Put the IP address of your computer or gaming console in the applicable box in your router.
- Put the TCP and UDP ports for your game in the corresponding boxes in your router.
- Sometimes you have to reboot your router for the changes to take effect.
Before You Forward a Port
Before you can forward a port you need to know the following things:
- The IP address of your router.
- Your gaming machine's IP address.
- A list of TCP and UDP ports to forward.
How to Port Forward The Forest
When you are playing The Forest you might need to forward some ports in your router. Forwarding ports is a useful trick in gaming because it can really help to make your network connection most stable and intermittently even faster. Routers were not designed to allow incoming network requests and some games can play tremendously better if an incoming connection is forwarded through the router to the game.
How To Forward Ports
A smart way to forward your ports is to use Network Utilities. Since Network Utilities allows you to both forward and un-forward ports easily you can keep your network security maximized, and then forward ports only when you need them. Alternatively you can do it by hand.
The process for forwarding a port is generally:
- Open a web browser and navigate to your router's IP address.
- Find your routers port forwarding section.
- Put the IP address of your computer or gaming console in the proper box in your router.
- Put the TCP and UDP ports for your game in the matching boxes in your router.
- On occasion you have to reboot your router for the changes to take effect.
How to find your router's IP Address
The easiest way to locate your router's IP address is to run our free Router Detector utility. It's a part of the Network Utilities suite of tools and it's completely free to use.
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