Какой цвет у зомби в unturned
Early in the game, zombies may prove to be very difficult for the player, especially in groups. A player can quickly find themselves overwhelmed if they aren't too careful with how much sound they're creating or visibility they are presenting. Large groups of zombies can prove deadly to even skilled players, so an unsuppressed firearm isn't always a viable option for taking down zombies. Small groups of zombies are relatively easy to take down using a melee weapon, as zombies will briefly become stunned when taking sufficient damage. However, this won't happen in hard mode, and even a handful of zombies can easily overwhelm a poorly equipped player.
Zombie Variants
Zombies have different types of professions, clothing grades, sizes, special abilities and movement styles.
By Appearance
- Beach Zombie
- Butcher Zombie
- Chef Zombie
- Engineer Zombie
- Fishing Zombie
- Fishmonger Zombie
- Hazmat Zombie
- Military Zombie
- Coalition Zombie
- RCMP Zombie
- Researcher Zombie
- By Size
- Zombies, the standard zombies, with different movement styles as seen below , a rarer and much larger variant of the Zombie with darker skin and really high health and damage. , larger zombies with unique abilities spawning only in specific locations on the Russia, Greece and Hawaii maps as part of specific quests.
By Clothing Grades
, a type of zombie that spawn near civil service buildings. , a type of zombie found in military locations. , a type of zombie found in civilian locations. , a type of mega zombie that spawns in military locations. , a type of mega zombie that spawns in Scorpion-7 locations such as Crashed Skycrane, Off Limits and Overturned Ship in Yukon. , a type of mega zombie that only spawns at Silo 22 and at a Horde Beacon.
By special ability
- Flanker Zombie: Added in update. These zombies will try to attack The Player from behind or from either side. While idle they cannot be distinguished from normal zombies, but will cloak when alerted, becoming only visible due to their purple aura. They uncloak briefly to attack.
- Burner Zombie: Added in update. These zombies act like normal zombies, but if they are killed they explode and cause nearby Players to bleed, alongside turning nearby normal zombies into new Burner Zombies. They have increased attack strength compared to normal zombies.
- Acid Zombie: Added in update. When alerted, they will spit neon-blue acid at The Player. When this acid spit hits the ground, it will leave an acid pool that damages Players who step on it. If close enough, they can use melee attacks like any other zombie.
- Radioactive Zombie: Added in update. Any zombie in a Deadzone Node becomes a Radioactive Zombie in addition to their original mutation or lack thereof. Upon death, they explode.
- Spirit Zombie: Added in update. They are aesthetically similar to normal zombies with the exception of being translucent, faceless, and making higher-pitched noises than regular zombies, and are resistant to bullets.
- Dying Light Volatile Zombies: Added after the patch in the Dying Light x Unturned crossover event. They are similar to regular zombies except for a slight increase in speed, unique noises as well as different textures. When the in-game time reaches 6:00 PM, they begin to spawn in most locations. These zombies explode in flames once the time changes to 6:00 AM, turning nearby zombies into Burner Zombies.
By Movement Style
- Normal: Normal zombies simply walk towards the player. Their resistances vary on the zombie's clothing. Normal zombies on official maps do 15 points of damage and have one hundred points of health, and are the only zombie variant that can be turned into Burner Zombies.
- Sprinter: Sprinters stand on all fours, when attracted they charge at the player. A player must run to avoid being attacked by a sprinter. Sprinters do reduced damage and have reduced health, with one power hit or even a normal hit from a strong melee weapon being enough to kill them.
- Crawler: Crawlers were first in Unturned Classic and returned later in 3.0. Crawlers are slower than normal zombies and sprinters, but they can both deal and take more damage than their counterparts before dying, with some even taking up to 2 head shots with most firearms. Also, similar to any zombie during a Full Moon, crawlers inflict Bleeding directly, in addition to normal damage.
Loot Drops
Zombies will have a chance of dropping a random item based on what kind of zombie it is. For example medical zombies may drop medical items, police zombies have a chance of dropping civilian ammunition and police clothing, ranger zombies can drop ranger grade items, and military zombies can drop military grade items. Mega zombies will drop a high amount of uncommon or rare loot upon death, like military firearms, ammunition, and grenades. If the zombie was spawned as part of a horde it won't drop any items upon death.
Any zombie killed by the player, horde or not, will drop experience upon death, the exact amount depending on the game's difficulty. If the zombies are killed using grenades, vehicles, or traps, they can still drop items upon death, if they're not part of a horde, but the player won't get any experience.
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Руководство на тему
Как сделать себе скин зомби в Unterned
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ВНИМАНИЕ. Только для игроков которые имеют DLC Gold для Unturned.
Что-же, приступим!
1. Для начала нам нужно снять всю одежду с себя.
2. Далее перейдем в редактор, и уберем волосы и бороду, и поставим себе лицо как у зомби:
3. Мы еще не очень похожи на зомби, не так ли? Теперь главное - подобрать правильную цветовую комбинацию, что-бы мы стали похожи на зомби.
Правильная комбинация: 100,125,100, после ввода этой комбинации в нужные поля, мы станем похожи на зомби:
Теперь ищем одежду которую носят зомби, одеваем, и идём пугать игроков >:D
Dont forget to rate this map please if u played it Thankyou!
This map Contains
* ingame shops where u can buy various items and weapons useing Exp which is located Somewhere.
* Really large map with 7 towns and 3 cities
* 4 Military bases and other random small military locations
* 1 Main Bandit Base that only spawns ranger and civillian guns and other little bandit locations
* 6 Biomes to explore in a large map Canyon,Wasteland,Savanna,Snow,Desert,and the ordinary Grassland
* Yay Caves
* Farms, Prison, Wreckage Hidden areas Easter Eggs all that good stuffs
* Hardcore Zombies and more than 30 diffrent types of zombies with diffrent stats(better know your zombies)
* Long Day and night Cycle Can get REALLY DARK that will make u fear the night (LITERALY!)
* Has Many Servers hosting it including
* ALL GUNSTORES Sells Guns by simply walking to the gunbox in the shop n pressing "F"(Exp is and inventory space is needed)
* Animals Bears Wolves Cows Pigs Deers Dinosaurs Dragons Aliens Sasquache Cowbows Fairys Ponies hehehhee(its a joke)
*3 Empty towns/cities with empty houses for Roleplay servers
Latest update
*updated to
*Fixed the price in safehaven for empire and Devil's bane
*Added jackhammer as a rare spawn also to Construction area's and spots
Previous Update
*Updated to
*Added the new items from
*Made Safehaven Gun Store able to purchase the new guns from including the scalar
Note: There will be More crap coming soon
Servers Owners Make sure you check often for map updates and when trying to join this map for a server if it says somthing like mod assembly that means u need to remove the zombie world map from the server and replace it with the just recent updated one instead
- Flanker (скрывающийся зомби)
Данный вид зомби невозможно отличить от обычного пока он бездействует, но как только он увидит или услышит игрока, то сразу же становится прозрачным. Но все же, если быть внимательным, то избежать его атаки можно. И да, атакует он в спину.
- Burner (горящий зомби)
А вот этого "горячего чудика" Вы сразу заметите. Ну да, как можно не заметить зомби, который горит заживо? Его поведение не отличается от обычных зомби, но при смерти он "взрывается", нанося урон по области, и распространяет вокруг себя огонь, который может перенестись на других, обычных зомби, которые, в свою очередь, начнут гореть. Думаю, что их лучше убивать по одиночку и на больших расстояниях.
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