Just cause 3 оружие в игре список
There are 3 types of weapons that you will have in Just Cause 3, Two-Handed, Dual-Wield and Special Weapons. Here in the list you will find the detail of each weapon and also what is it good for and where is to best use.
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Two-Handed Weapons
Assault Rifles
Assault rifles are good weapons because of their range, fire power and speed. They are versatile than LMG’s and Shotguns, so pick them up if you don’t know what to choose for your next mission.
It is a light hitter assault rifle with a very good rate of fire. Keep your target in your sights and whittle them down.
This is very deadly assault rifle. Its Accuracy and Stability make it a delightful weapon to shoot; you hit your targets quite well at most ranges. The drop in Firing Rate and Capacity is a small price to pay for most applications.
This is a weapon with high damage and good accuracy. This lethal weapon allows you to have many of the advantages of a normal Assault Rifle while still approaching the Accuracy of a Sniper Rifle.
With amazing accuracy, this gun keep shooting the target like a pro. And the UPM61 loses enough of its Firing Rate that its total damage output suffers a little. When you need accuracy, this rifle should be your first choice, but think about the Misfortune or Predator when you’re simply trying to keep the damage pouring.
Light Machineguns
Light Machineguns (LMGs) offer serious stopping power with sustained fire. If you are defending a position then Light Machineguns are the best choice.
This LMG is very good for extended firefights. It doesn’t have the sniping potential of the Assault Rifles. However, it’s made to keep putting shots on target in prolonged bursts. When you’re taking down large groups, this excels.
Shotguns are best weapons at close range and they do massive damage. They’re the best two-handed choice if you’re assaulting a base, or going into a city environment.
If you are fighting at close range then this shotgun is the best choice for you. Kladivo is entirely designed to eliminate a single target quickly at almost point-blank range. That’s what it’s for. That’s what it does well.
This is a shotgun with potential better than Kladivo. It retains the catastrophic damage, but gives you more time to fire. You still take this for close quarter’s battles, but it can handle heavier single targets or even small groups of targets in its ideal range.
Dual-Wield Weapons
Pistols are good choice for your dual – wield slot. They are easy to use, hit their targets often, and don’t have a big downside. The Exotic Dual Wield options are superior when it comes to firepower.
It’s a mediocre weapon that doesn’t have any use compared to its alternatives. It is good because of its stability and rate of fire.
This pistol is very lethal because of its high damage. It is very good choice for pistol lovers. It’s still usurped by the Peacebringer, but you won’t be disappointed when you’re using it.
Submachineguns have the most deadly fire rate that you need to finish off the group of enemies.
This is a good SMG with fast firing rate but weaker secondary stats. It’s quite nice when you’re fighting enemies that can be staggered (because your Firing Rate is too high for them to handle). Against anything else, it’s a poor choice.
The Wraith has highest fire rate among all SMG’s in the game. You can use it any time in the game but it is best to destroy groups of weaker targets.
CS9 has much slower rate with very high damage. You won’t obliterate groups of weaker targets quite as well because of the loss in Firing Rate, but you can still put the hurt on them and the damage often makes up for it. It is good to take down heavier and single targets.
The Exotic guns are best to deal heavy damage in the battlefield. These heavy hitters take out big targets with prejudice.
Peacebringer is the best to take down high health targets. This pair of Revolvers is able to give a knock-down punch to your most worrisome targets. Combine it with a two handed weapon that can take on groups so that you have one gun for soft enemies and another for the big guys.
It is also designed to kill big enemies. Pair these Shotguns and ambush your targets around corners. Though weak out in the field, this weapon combo is amazing when you’re fighting inside bases or in other close quarter’s situations.
Special Weapons
Rocket Launchers
Rocket Launchers are best ranged weapons to deliver a massive amount of damage. You can take out Tanks, APCs, Helicopters, Planes, and everything with the help of them. If you’re going into a vehicle-based mission or situation, make sure that you have some type of Rocket Launcher with you.
This is the most basic Rocket Launcher. It’s fine for taking out individual vehicles, but it doesn’t have the truly murderous power of the Fire Leech or the Capstone Hydra.
This is the Rocket Launcher with much more spread. You can take up to eight targets at once with this. But some aiming and Lock on time is necessary. It is recommended for Liberations or defensive Story missions.
Hydra can fire five rockets at a time. When you’re taking on the heaviest Tanks and Helicopters, it helps to have this thing packed away.
Grenade Launchers
You can clear group of targets with grenade launchers quickly. Rocket Launchers are superior for anti-vehicle work, while Grenade Launchers excel at anti-personnel applications.
Infantry elimination is good enough with the Negotiator. It takes out a decent spread and does moderate damage.
Firing a wave of grenades, the 210 annihilates weaker troops, letting you clear a field without much delay.
Sniper Rifles
Sniper Rifles are best to take down enemies from a long distance. Commanders, Black Hand troops, Elites, and Assault Troops are all great examples of enemies that are better killed before they have a chance to shoot at you.
This rifle has nasty recoil and it takes more time to aim because of that. Save this for long-range fights, especially when the targets have massive health.
Archangel is smooth and clean with its shots, so you won’t have to lose as much time adjusting between shots. It’s a lovely weapon.
The only exotic here is a Mortar, and it’s great at breaking up parties.
210 is very much similar to grenade launchers, best to take out weaker targets. This is very nice for Story missions where there are battlefields with many targets.
FOWS can be unlocked throughout the story, every FOW has different function.
This weapon designates a site for attack from the air. Allied airplanes fly in and bomb the location that you select.
Thunderbird is used to disable Bavarium shields and enemy vehicles. It is good option for story missions but it is a limited option because there are another versatile weapons are available. So carry this only when shielded targets are involved in the upcoming mission.
This weapon destroys whatever it hits. Even Bavarium-shielded Tanks/Helicopters are destroyed in a single shot as long as you fire when the shields are down.
Just Cause 3 is an open world action-adventure developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix. It is a sequel to 2010's Just Cause 2 and was released for Windows PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One on December 1st 2015. In the 4rth December 2018, the sequel, Just Cause 4, was released.
The story follows newly-bearded professional dictator-uninstaller Rico Rodriguez, now revealed to not be Mexican after all as he returns to his Mediterranean homeland of Medici to deal with the reign of the tyrannical Sebastiano di Ravello, who has built a powerful militaristic state following the discovery of the mysterious super-element Bavarium in his country. Once again, it is up to Rico to overthrow him, largely through the medium of explosions.
The following weapons appear in the video game Just Cause 3:
Just Cause 3 simplifies the inventory system of 2 somewhat and pares down the additional systems; there is now no currency, with all weapons being available as rebel drops for free as long as Rico has a beacon to summon them, and no weapon upgrade system. New weapons can be picked up from defeated enemies or supply closets, and are unlocked for rebel drops by destroying specific military bases. Certain "antique" weapons instead require hidden parts be collected from burial sites around Medici.
Unlike 2 where it was possible to have mixed weapon pairs, there is now only one slot for small weapons which are automatically paired. Rico instead has two back weapon slots, one for his primary weapon (an assault rifle, shotgun or machine gun) and the other for a special weapon such as a sniper rifle, launcher or one of the "FOW" superweapons. Rico now carries more ammunition than before and has regenerating health (which he has a lot of) rather than using medkits and body armour, making gunfights a more palatable solution to assaulting bases.
The weapons in this game are mainly manufactured by two fictional corporations: Urga and Capstone; these respectively use the prefixes "U" and "CS" on their weapons. Urga's weapons are mainly based on Soviet or Eastern European designs, while Capstone's weapons are based on modern Western designs. Besides weapons, Urga and Capstone also manufacture many different types of vehicles.
All sidearms in-game are dual-wielded.
"U-55S Pozhar"
Rico starts the game with two Pozhars. According to the Rebel Drop description, the Pozhar is a single-action, semi-automatic .45 pistol based on the P220. Pozhar (Пожар) is Russian for "house fire"
Оружие в игре следующее, названия конечно не помню, но смысл опишу:
0. Ну собственно кулаки, которыми Рико махать не умеет :)
1. Двойные пистолеты с бесконечным боезапасом, стандартные
2. Крюк - "кошка", даётся после одной из миссий
Слот А - легкое оружие:
1. Пистолет - можно отобрать у бандитов Монтана
2. Револьвер - есть у полицейских
3. Пистолет с глушителем - в первом сейвхаусе
Я использую пистолет с глушителем.
Слот В - среднее оружие:
1. Узи - у бандитов Монтана
2. МP5K - у спецназа
3. MP5L - у военных
4. РПГ - только в одном из домов
Я использую РПГ
Слот С - тяжёлое оружие:
1. Дробовик - у полицейских и бандитов
2. Штурмовой дробовик (SPAS-12) - у спецназа
3. Автомат (M-16) - у военных
4. Мощный автомат, даже скорее пулемёт - на одной из баз
5. Простая ракетная установка - на одной из баз
6. Мощная ракетная установка - на одной из баз
Я использую мощный автомат.
Отдельно хранятся гранаты.
Оружие также появляется после достижения определённых рангов у партизан и картеля Риойа.
Уничтожьте все объекты хаоса на военной базе, не используя оружия, гранат и взрывчатки.
Выполняется только на воен базах. Уничтожить надо объекты хаоса, которые необходимы для захвата базы. На видео ниже наглядный пример. Это воен база ВисЭлектра на острове Фонте. она небольшая и слаба охраняемая. Пользуемся крюком и рукопашной атакой.
после прохождения игры можно перезапустить захват любой базы!
Стрелять даже по ботам нельзя, вообще не доставайте оружие из - за спины.
можно даже умирать и взрываться на вертолете как камикадзе чтобы разнести объект
Как показала практика, вообще не стрелять, не использовать гранаты и взрывчатку.
Возможно можно бочки не проверял.
Возможно можно на скорости выпрыгивая из авто
Можно таранить, пикировать вертолетами, но нельзя стрелять из техники.
Я получил когда несколько построек уничтожила вражина когда я за ними прятался либо был на них (вертушки врага в помощь)
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