Injustice 2 mobile робин мастер клинка снаряжение
Каждый элемент экипировки увеличивает статы персонажа , а так же дает различные бонусы для персонажа.
+ у экипировки есть бонус за комплект:
Если надето 2 из 5 вещей, то экипировка дает +10% здоровья
3/5 +10% к атаке
5/5 +10% к набору силы
Все 5 элементов подходят только для одного персонажа, на других персонажей их ставить нельзя. Т/е все снаряжение строго индивидуально.
Abilities [ ]
Tactical Strikes (passive 1) [ ]
- 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% Special Attack damage per active Multiverse buff
For each active buff from a Multiverse teammate, Kate's Special attack damage is increased, to a maximum of 150%.
Tactical Prep (passive 2) [ ]
- 11/12/13/14/15 seconds added to a Multiverse buff
Batwoman extends the duration of all Multiverse buff applied to her.
Combat Focus (passive 3) [ ]
- 50%/60%/70%/80%/90% Chance for team to ignore combo hit count interruption
Kate Kane gives her entire team a chance to keep their combo hit count from resetting when hit.
Wealth of Pain (Special 1) [ ]
Consumes 3 bars of power.
- [100% Attack stat] Damage
- 30% Chance for Batwoman's Special 3 to cost no power
Batwoman performs multiple punches, with a chance to trigger her Special 3 for no power cost. Special 3 will remain free until it is used or Batwoman is tagged out.
Class Act (Special 2) [ ]
Consumes 4 bars of power.
With a series of close up strikes, Batwoman brutally smacks down her opponent.
Blood From Above (Special 3) [ ]
Consumes 7 bars of power.
Batwoman launches herself into the air, hurling down a set of deadly Batarangs that deal damage over time (DoT).
High-Wire Act (Supermove) [ ]
Consumes 10 bars of power.
- [800% Attack stat] Damage
- +10%/15%/20%/25%/35% Damage for the duration of the battle
Batwoman uses her acrobatic prowess to strike the opposition with immense force.
Strategy [ ]
Blademaster Robin's passive ability raises the minimum number and starting point of his combo counter to 3-7, depending on the passive's level. Since he is 3 star base and upgrading the passive is cheap, he should have at least 5 combo hits minimum.
If he uses a special, sees the opponent switch out, or is hit by an attack, the combo meter resets to the number specified by the passive. If he switches out, the current combo meter is maintained. If you have started a combo chain with one or more other characters and switch him in, then the combo meter will be increased to 5 if it is lower.
His passive makes him a special-oriented attacker, giving him a 15%-35% "headstart" on the damage of his specials as compared against other characters. He can also perform a very situational support function in handing off a strong combo meter.
His attack abilities are mostly a large number of melee-range slashes with his sword, though some of them include lunges that have modest range, and his second ability features one ranged hit. None of his abilities can hit multiple opponents, or secure a KO on opponents on any hits aside from the final one.
His first attack ability, Sword Dance, (3 power, 100%- damage)
His second attack ability (4 power, 150%- damage) . This attack has a stun chance that tops off at 50% when fully upgraded. The final hit of this attack is a boomerang that hits the target from the opposite direction (!) and so is fully ranged (and may be the only hit necessary to impart stun), although sometimes the opponent is able to leap and dodge this part of the attack. Altogether, this is probably the go-to attack of Blademaster Robin.
His third attack ability, Love and Respect (4 power, 300%-% damage
Like all special-oriented characters, it's hard to conceive of a more optimal partner for Blademaster Robin than Doctor Fate. Doctor Fate gives Blademaster Robin a head start on the unleashing of his already-more powerful specials, and he softens up the opponents' defense as well.
Multiverse Batwoman is a Gold 2-star base, Agility class hero.
Heroes and teams [ ]
The following heroes and teams are considered to be exceptionally strong in Raid battles.
King of Atlantas Aquaman: Aquaman features a powerful special 3 that will remove a percentage of his opponent’s health three times per match. This, combined with the damage bonus he receives from using his abilities makes him a especially good character to use in raids.
Arkham Knight Batman: Batman’s smoke bomb has a 50% chance to stun raid bosses, even those that have stun resistance. This allows for Heartbreaker Harley Quinn to utilize her powerful damage bonus against stunned opponents.
Heartbreaker Harley Quinn: When paired with Arkham Knight Batman, Harley can deal immense amounts of damage to raid bosses after they are stunned.
Raven: Widely considered to be one of the most powerful legendary cards in the game, Raven’s darkness stacks allow for unimaginable amounts of damage to be dealt to bosses. When she was first released, it was possible to break the damage cap with her, with some attempts dealing over a billion damage.
Last Laugh Joker: Joker grows more powerful with every defeated opponent, which includes minions. This allows him to progressively grow stronger, as well as deal high amounts of damage. Additionally, his special 2 can be easily chained to his basic/swipe combos, allowing for an attack chain.
Red Hood: Though not the most powerful or popular hero for raids, Red Hood does posses a very unique ability in that he can extend the duration of a battle’s timer using his supermove. This means that while he cannot deal lots of damage on his own, he can give your damage dealers more time in the battle.
The Fights [ ]
Each boss has a vast amount of health, multiple modifiers, and is immensely difficult to defeat in one go by a single player. Instead, damage dealt to bosses will accumulate; every player can fight in the raid 3 times per day, done by up to 30 members (max number of players in a league). Each boss also has a "weakness" to three certain heroes; if they are on your team, you gain different team-wide bonuses against that boss (this does not change between raids or difficulty changes). For raids I-IV, each hero you own can be used once per day (max 3 times per raid). For raids V-VIII, each hero you own can only be used once per raid.
Raid Master [ ]
King of Atlantis Aquaman has powerful effects useful for raids. His Passive 1, Building Tsunami, gives him stacking damage buffs on all his specials, which is only active in raids. His special 3, Wrath of King Atlan, allows him to reduce enemy current health by 10% up to 3 times in a match, making it extremely effective against raid bosses with huge amounts of health. The latter especially is very helpful to newer players, as this allows them to contribute significantly simply by having him without needing to have high stats.
When multiple players in a raid attack the same boss, the damage calculation considers Wrath of King Atlan's damage by taking into account the health the boss was at when they entered the match - other player's damage is not registered until after they finish. This means attacking at the same time is more effective. 3 uses of that special by a single player at full health would take off at least 27.1% of the boss's health - up to a staggering nearly 1.6 million in Raid VI. In other words, just 4 players doing nothing else other than using it 3 times each (without being dodged or blocked) would already be able to KO any boss (or one phase in the case of Brainiac).
At one point prior to his release, he was said to be the first Raid Master hero, hinting that there could be more heroes with bonuses in raids in the future.
Strategy [ ]
Her update message only mentions Multiverse Captain Cold and Multiverse Armored Supergirl's buffs interact with Tactical Prep - other buffs may not work.
Wealth of Pain have a chance of reducing the next use of Blood From Above's power cost to zero (not triggering the special 3 automatically as the description may imply). The "no power cost" buff may trigger even if she is 2-star, but she can't do anything with it since special 3 isn't unlocked yet.
Blood From Above is very useful to damage reflecting characters like Armored Superman because it's a DoT damage special
Wealth of Pain would, in addition to its own damage (relatively low due to being special 1), save power equivalent to 2.1 bars per usage on average (or 70% of its own cost). With 4-star Doctor Fate or Power Girl, it costs 1 bar and saves 1.5 bars on average, 150% of its own cost. Its own animation time should be taken into account however as power does not generate during it.
When the zero cost effect is active, the next use of Blood From Above will still have a zero cost even if she is being affected by power cost increase debuffs. If she uses the zero-cost special 3 against Multiverse Black Lightning's Multiverse team, it will still increase the cost of the next use of that special.
Even with the zero cost buff, the AI would tend to be reluctant in using it, so it is not quite as threatening as it seems.
After all 4 sub-bosses are defeated, Brainiac can be attacked.
Raids are special battles than can only be undertaken by Leagues. Raids do not consume Stamina, but each player can only fight 3 times per day in one league. If you quit your league and join another one, it refreshes.
Currently, the "Brainiac: Collector of Worlds" Raid requires the players in a league to defeat 5 bosses. Boss Gorilla Grodd, Boss Doctor Fate, Boss Scarecrow, Boss Captain Cold, and finally Boss Brainiac. Boss Brainiac can not be attacked until the 4 sub-bosses have been defeated. Once the attack has begun, the league must defeat Boss Brainiac in four phases to complete the raid.
Raids on funded by the League through credit donations by members. Once started by an officer, the raid will last 3 days.
Rewards [ ]
For a gallery of possible completion rewards, see here.When a league defeats each raid boss, rewards are granted to every member; additionally, upon completing a raid there is a rank reward that depends on how well the player ranks against other league members in terms of damage dealt to the bosses. This will always include League Credits; other possible rewards include hero shards (including League exclusives), Orbs, level 30, 40, or 50 gear (there are 3 gear drops which are random within the posted possible levels in the chart below).
1 tier 4 Tech Xp Capsule
3,000 Gear Material
10,000 credits
1 tier 5 Xp Capsule of the boss's class
12,000 credits
1 tier 6 Tech Xp Capsules
Gear Drops: 60, 50, or 40
Gear Drops: 60, 55, or 50
Possible rewards from completing a raid.
Once completed, the raid can be repeated (funding again is required) at a lower, same, or higher difficulty level, as denoted by I - VI.
Obtaining [ ]
Blademaster Robin shards are obtainable from the store's Hero Chest, Raid rewards, and in Campaign mode. He can be found on Chapter 5, Battle 12, and Chapter 8, Battle 18.
- Hood — Raid Rewards
- Chest — Chapter 7, Battle 12 (Normal)
- Gloves — Chapter 8, Battle 24 (Normal)
- Boots — Chapter 6, Battle 6 (Heroic)
- Sword — Chapter 7, Battle 24 (Heroic)
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В операциях и боях кампании;
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Будем использовать обозначения:
1-1Н - означает 1 глава, 1 миссия, Нормальный режим
2-4Г - означает 2 глава, 4 миссия, Геройский режим.
СО - Спец.операции
ОС - Основной Сундук
(Х) уровень снаряжения
и т/д
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1) Aquaman / Аквамен
Весь сет можно получить, если разблокировать персонажа, выполнив ежедневные задания, и получить достижение - ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ АКВАМЕНА
2) Aquaman Atlantean Armor / Аквамен Броня Атланта
ШЛЕМ - 5-1Н (5), ОС
НАГРУДНИК - 4-2Г (8), ОС
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 4-4Г (9), ОС
БОТИНКИ - 5-3Н (5), ОС
ПОЯС - 5-4Г (11), ОС
3) Aquaman Justice League/ Аквамен Лига Справедливости
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Арены
В специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
В наборе Лига Справедливости (платный).
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4) Aquaman King of Atlantis / Аквамен Царь Атлантиды
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Лиги
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1)Atrocitus / Атроцитус
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Лиги
1) Batman / Бэтмен
ШЛЕМ - 3-4Н (3), 4-2Г (8), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 2-1Г (4), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 1-1Г (2), СО
БОТИНКИ - 1-3Г (3), 1-4Н (1), СО
ПОЯС - 3-1Н (3), 3-2Г (6), СО
2) Batman Predator / Бэтмен Хищник
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
3) Batman Arkham Knight / Бэтмен Рыцарь Аркхэма
Весь сет можно получить, если разблокировать персонажа, и получить достижение - ЛЕГЕНДАРНОЕ ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ.
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
4) Batman Justice League/ Бэтмен Лига Справедливости
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Арены
В специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
В наборе Лига Справедливости (платный).
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5) Batman Knightmare / Бэтмен Рыцарь Ужаса
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6) Batman Batman-ninja / Бэтмен Бэтмен-ниндзя.
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
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Batwoman Multiverse / Бэтвумен Мультивселенная
ШЛЕМ - 7-1Г (14)
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 4-4Н (4)
БОТИНКИ - 5-2Г (10)
ПОЯС -6-3Н (6)
1) Black Adam / Черный Адам
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
2) Black Canary Sonic / Черная Канарейка Скорость Звука
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
3) White Canary Multiverse / Белая Канарейка Мультивселенная
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
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1) Black Lightning Multiverse / Черная Молния Мультивселенная
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1) Blue Beetle /Синий Жук
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1) Captain Cold / Капитан Холод
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
2) Captain Cold Multiverse / Капитан Холод Мультивселенная
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
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1) Catwoman / Женщина-Кошка
ШЛЕМ - 3-4Г (7), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 2-2Н (2), 2-3Г (5), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 1-3Г (3), СО
БОТИНКИ - 2-4Н (2), 4-4Г (9), СО
ПОЯС - 3-2Н (3), 5-3Г (11), СО
2) Catwoman Master Thief / Женщина-Кошка Непревзойденная Воровка
ШЛЕМ - 4-4Н (4), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 5-2Н (5), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 6-4Г (13), СО
БОТИНКИ - 3-2Г (6), СО
ПОЯС - 4-2Г (8), СО
3) Catwoman Batman Ninja / Женщина-Кошка Бэтмен Ниндзя
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
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1) Cheetah / Гепарда
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2) Cyborg Unbreakable / Киборг Несокрушимый
ШЛЕМ - 6-1Г (12), СО, ОС
НАГРУДНИК - 4-1Н (4), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 3-3Г (7), СО
БОТИНКИ - 2-3Г (5), СО
ПОЯС - 4-4Н (4), СО
3) Cyborg Justice League/ Киборг Лига Справедливости
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Арены
Особые сезоны Арены: Вторжение
В наборе Лига Справедливости (платный).
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4) Grid / Матрица
ШЛЕМ, НАГРУДНИК - Магазин Арены
ПОЯС - 7-4Г(16)
1) Deadshot / Дедшот
ШЛЕМ - 1-2Г (2), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 3-1Н (3), 5-1Г (10), СО, ОС
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 1-4Г (3), СО
БОТИНКИ - 2-1Н (2), 2-4Г (5), СО
ПОЯС - 3-3Н (3), 6-2Г (12), СО, ОС
2) Doctor Fate Soulstealer / Доктор Фейт Похититель Душ
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1) Firestorm / Файршторм
Весь сет можно получить в достижениях, если разблокировать персонажа.
1) Gorilla Grodd / Горилла Гродд
ШЛЕМ - 4-2Н (4), 7-4Г (16), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 1-2Г (2), 1-4Н (1), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 2-2Г, (4) СО
БОТИНКИ - 3-1Г (6), СО
ПОЯС - 2-3Н (2), 5-4Г, (11) СО
2) Green Arrow Ace / Зеленая Стрела Ас
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3) Green Arrow Multiverse / Зеленая Стрела Мультивселенная
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
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1) Green Lantern / Зеленый Фонарь
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
2) Green Lantern Emerald / Зеленый Фонарь Изумрудный
ШЛЕМ - 4-4Г (9), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 3-4Г (7), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 6-2Г (12), СО
БОТИНКИ - 5-2Н (5), СО
ПОЯС - 5-4Н (5), СО
3) Green Lantern John Stewart / Зеленый Фонарь Джон Стюарт
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Лиги
1) Harley Quinn / Харли Квинн
ШЛЕМ - 3-1Г (6), СО, ОС
НАГРУДНИК - 1-3Н (1) ,3-3Г (7), СО, ОС
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 2-3Н, (2) 4-1Г (8), СО, ОС
БОТИНКИ - 2-2Г, (4) СО, ОС
ПОЯС - 1-1Н (1), 1-4Г (3), СО, ОС
2) Harley Quinn Unhinged / Харли Квинн Психопатка
ШЛЕМ - 4-1Г(8), ОС
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 3-4Н(3), ОС
БОТИНКИ - 4-3Г(9), ОС
ПОЯС - 4-2Н(4), ОС
3) Harley Quinn Suicide Sguad / Харли Kвинн Отряд Самоубийц
Весь сет доступен в специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
4) Harley Quinn Heartbreaker / Харли Kвинн Сердцеедка
Весь сет можно получить в достижениях, если разблокировать персонажа.
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
5) Harley Quinn Batman-ninja / Харли Kвинн Бэтмен-ниндзя
Особые сезоны Арены: Вторжение
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1) Hellboy / Хэллбой
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1) Poison Ivy Entangling / Ядовитый Плющ Запутывающая
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2) Poison Ivy Flora / Ядовитый Плющ Флора
ШЛЕМ - 6-2Г(12)
НАГРУДНИК - 6-4Г(13)
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 5-2Н (5)
БОТИНКИ - 5-4Г(11)
ПОЯС - 6-1Н(6)
1) Raiden / Рейден
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3) Robin Batman Ninja / Робин Бэтмен Ниндзя
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*Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
4) Nightwing / Найтвинг
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
1) Red Hood / Красный Колпак
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Лиги
1) Scarecrow / Пугало
ШЛЕМ - 2-2Н (2), 4-1Г (8), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 2-4Г (5), СО
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 1-1Н (1), 1-2Г (2), СО, ОС
БОТИНКИ - 3-3Г (7), СО
ПОЯС - 1-3Н (1), 2-1Г (4), СО
2) Scarecrow Horrific / Пугало Ужасающий
ШЛЕМ - 5-1Н (5)
НАГРУДНИК - 5-3Г (11)
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 6-1Н (6)
БОТИНКИ - 6-3Г (13)
ПОЯС - 4-3Г (9)
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
1) Silver Banshee / Серебряная Банши
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1) Starfire Energized / Старфаер Заряженная Энергией
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1) Sub-Zero / Cаб-Зиро
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1) Supergirl Powered / Супергерл Мощная
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2) Supergirl Dark / Супергерл Темная
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Арены
В специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
3) Supergirl Multiverse / Супергерл Мультивселенная
Весь сет доступен:
Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа
4) Powergirl / Пауэргерл
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Лиги
5) Armored Supergirl Multiverse / Супергерл в броне Мультивселенная
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
1) Superman / Супермен
ШЛЕМ - 3-2Г (6), 3-3Н (3), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 1-3Г (3), 2-1Н (2)
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 4-4Г (9), СО, ОС
БОТИНКИ - 4-1Г (8), СО
ПОЯС - 2-3Г (5), СО
2) Superman Armored / Супермен В Броне
Так же раздавали весь сет прокачанный до 5 уровня в честь 80-летия персонажа.
Весь сет можно получить в достижениях, если разблокировать персонажа.
3) Superman BvS / Супермен БпС
Весь сет доступен в специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
Так же раздавали весь сет прокачанный до 5 уровня в честь 80-летия персонажа.
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
4) Superman Classic / Супермен Классический
Особые сезоны Арены: Вторжение
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
2) The Flash Speedforce / Флэш Сила Скорости
Весь сет можно выбить в испытании на персонажа
3) Reverse Flash / Обратный Флэш
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Лиги
4) The Flash Multiverse / Флэш Мультивселенная
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
5) The Flash Justice League/ Флэш Лига Справедливости
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
2) The Joker Last Laugh / Джокер Последний Смешок
Весь сет можно выбить в испытании на персонажа
3) The Joker Batman Ninja / Джокер Бэтмен Ниндзя
Весь сет можно купить - Магазин Арены
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
1) Wonder Woman / Чудо-Женщина
ШЛЕМ - 1-2Н (1), 1-4Г (3), СО
НАГРУДНИК - 2-2Г (4), СО, ОС
ПЕРЧАТКИ - 3-2Н (3), 4-2Г (8), СО
БОТИНКИ - 1-1Г (2), СО
ПОЯС - 2-4Н (2), 3-4Г (7), СО
2) Wonder Woman Warrior Queen / Чудо-Женщина Королева-воин
Весь сет можно выбить в испытании на персонажа
3) Wonder Woman Amazon / Чудо-Женщина Амазонка
Весь сет можно получить, если разблокировать персонажа, выполнив ежедневные задания, и получить достижение - ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ АМАЗОНКИ
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
4) Wonder Woman Myrhic / Чудо-Женщина Мифическая
Весь сет доступен:
В специальном золотом наборе (платном) вместе с персонажем.
В наборе Лига Справедливости (платный).
Так же можно получить если разблокировать персонажа после сезона арены , и получить достижение - МИФИЧЕСКОЕ ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ.
* Экипировка не меняет внешний вид персонажа.
Robin always receives extra Combo Meter Hits, increasing the damage bonus received upon using his Special Abilities.
Essentially , this means that his combo meter will always have a minimum number of hits, and will not drop below that amount. This allows for Robin to be a rather effective combo builder, as he starts of with additional hits and can thus build a high combo faster.
Obtaining [ ]
She was released on 31st December 2018, at which point her shards were only available from the Multiverse Power Up Chest.
Her shards are available from Campaign chapter 4 battle 18, chapter 5 battle 18, and chapter 8 battle 6, starting on 15 January 2019. She is the only hero whose shards are available from 3 battles, other than Grid, making her one of the faster gold heroes to obtain.
All five of her gear pieces can be found in Campaign:
Gear | Difficulty | Location | Level |
Gloves | Normal | Chapter 4, Battle 24 | 4 |
Boots | Heroic | Chapter 5, Battle 12 | 10 |
Batarang | Normal | Chapter 6, Battle 18 | 6 |
Armor | Heroic | Chapter 6, Battle 18 | 13 |
Mask | Heroic | Chapter 7, Battle 6 | 14 |
Abilities [ ]
Perfect Son (Passive) [ ]
- Robin starts his Combo Meter with extra hits, increasing the bonus damage dealt from his Abilities.
- ( X per Level ) Hits minimum on Combo Meter
Sword Dance [ ]
- Robin jump twists forward into a grand uppercut
- ( Attack * 1 + X per Level ) Damage
Vengeance [ ]
- Gadgetry bookends a trio of Damian's sword maneuver.
- ( Attack * 2 + X per Level ) Damage
- +( X per Level )% Chance to stun
Love and Respect [ ]
- Steel and foot combine to knock down Damian's opponent.
- ( Attack * 3 + X per Level ) Damage
Holding Back [ ]
- Combines sword and gadgets into a high damage sequence.
- ( Attack * 8 + X per Level ) Damage
- + ( Xper Level )% Damage for the duration of the battle
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