Ifrit arma 3 прототип
ArmA 3 is the fourth main title in the ArmA series.
The first game in the series to be set in the near-future, ArmA 3 is the fourth main game in Bohemia Interactive's long-running ArmA series.
ArmA 3 was initially released as an Alpha on March 5th, 2013, and was later updated to an open Beta on June 25th, 2013. The full version of the game was finally released on September 12th, 2013, and was later expanded with additional content in the form of three more campaign episodes titled Survive, Adapt, and Win.
Expansion pack (1)
Released on July 11th, 2016, Apex is ArmA 3's primary content expansion pack and adds many new weapons, vehicles, aircraft, boats, and other interactive objects.
It includes a brand new island terrain in the form of Tanoa, along with the Apex Protocol multiplayer campaign. Several new factions have also been added which feature their own set of usable content.
As of April 14th, 2020, the expansion also includes the bonus Old Man mini-campaign/scenario.
Unlike ArmA 2's Operation Arrowhead expansion, Apex is not standalone and requires the base game to install.
Expansion pack (2)
Contact is a military science fiction-themed spin-off expansion that adds two new factions, a standalone campaign, the Livonia terrain, several weapons, vehicles, outfits and equipment. The Contact expansion pack was released on July 26th, 2019.
It was primarily developed by Bohemia Interactive's Amsterdam team in collaboration with the studios in the Czech Republic and Thailand. A teaser trailer was initially released on May 21st, 2019. The expansion's title and content were finally revealed on May 23rd, 2019.
Following on from its predecessor's model, ArmA 3 features a multitude of DLCs that further expand the base game's content:
- Karts, released on May 29th, 2014
- Helicopters, released on November 4th, 2014
- Marksmen, released on April 8th, 2015
- Jets, released on May 16th, 2017
- Laws of War, released on September 7th, 2017
- Tac-Ops, released on November 30th, 2017
- Tanks, released on April 11th, 2018
- Art of War, released on February 23rd, 2021*
(*) Art of War is initially classified as a premium DLC but will become freely available to all players in late Q3/Q4 2021.
Owners of the Supporter Edition (no longer available for purchase) are automatically granted access to all DLCs and both expansions.
For non-Supporter owners, the DLCs can be obtained individually or through the DLC Essentials bundle which includes Karts, Helicopters, Marksmen, Jets, Laws of War, Tac-Ops and the Tanks DLCs in a single package.
Alternatively, either the Apex Edition Bundle or Contact Edition can be purchased. These packages combine the expansion pack(s) and additional DLCs depending on the version:
- The Apex Edition Bundle combines the base game with the first expansion pack (Apex) and three DLCs (Karts, Helicopters, Marksmen). It does not contain the Jets, Laws of War, Tac-Ops and Tanks DLCs.
- The Contact Edition only contains the base game and second expansion pack (Contact). It does not contain any of the premium DLCs.
For new ArmA 3 players looking to gain access to all premium assets, the Ultimate Edition contains both expansion packs (Apex/Contact) along with every official DLC from the Essentials bundle (Creator DLCs are not included).
Existing players who have already purchased all official DLCs (aside from Contact) can also opt to buy the Ultimate Edition in lieu of the latter at a discount. Owned DLCs will be subtracted from the total price without affecting the player's DLC library.
Free content
In addition to the premium DLCs, ArmA 3 was progressively updated with major patches and free DLCs that are available by default to all players:
- Zeus DLC, released on April 10th, 2014
- Bootcamp Update, released on July 14th, 2014
- Nexus Update, released on December 2nd, 2015
- Eden Update, released on February 18th, 2016
- Malden DLC, released on June 22nd, 2017
- Encore Update, released on August 1st, 2018
- Warlords Update, released on December 3rd, 2018
- Old Man Update, released on April 14th, 2020
Creator DLC
Produced by external third party developers but published by Bohemia Interactive, DLCs released under the Creator DLC programme are intended to provide more original quality content to owners.
Unlike in-house premium releases, DLCs under the Creator DLC programme do not contain platform updates and are completely optional to acquire. They will not be downloaded unless the player owns the DLC and activates it via ArmA 3's Launcher:
- Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany, developed by Vertexmacht and released on April 29th, 2019
- S.O.G. Prairie Fire, developed by Savage Game Design and released on May 6th, 2021
- CSLA Iron Curtain, developed by ČSLA Studio and released on June 16th, 2021
It should be noted that owners of the Supporter Edition are not granted access to Creator DLCs.
ArmA 3's campaign takes place in 2035, two decades following the events of Operation Black Gauntlet. It is predominately set on the Republic of Altis and Stratis, an island nation located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
Deployed to the island nation of the Republic of Altis and Stratis, NATO peacekeepers and Altian government forces conduct training exercises together and carry out counterinsurgency operations against a growing insurgency movement calling itself the FIA.
Viewed from the perspective of U.S. Army infantryman Sergeant Conway, the peacekeepers will soon find themselves caught between a hammer and an anvil as full-scale civil war threatens to break out once more on the island country.
The East Wind
One year after the events of the Prologue, the peacekeepers from the multi-national Task Force Aegis are scheduled to depart the island nation as their peacekeeping mandate comes to a close.
Seen from the view of U.S. Army infantryman Corporal Ben Kerry, one of the few non-combat support personnel left on the island, what follows soon after will set the stage for an escalating global competition of influence between NATO and CSAT, as the island nation teeters on the brink of all-out war.
Altis Requiem
NOTE: Only available with the Tanks DLC.
As NATO forces launch their retaliatory invasion against the island nation in response to the attack against the peacekeepers of Task Force Aegis, AAF tank commander Captain Kyros Kalogeros is assigned to take charge of his armoured unit in the defence of his country.
Apex Protocol
NOTE: Only available with the Apex expansion pack.
Following the events of The East Wind and Altis Requiem, Apex Protocol has players assume control of a four-man special operations team as they work to hunt down an elusive warlord commanding the Syndikat, a paramilitary insurgent group on the island nation of the Horizon Islands.
Remnants of War
NOTE: Only available with the Laws of War DLC.
War in the Republic of Altis and Stratis has ended, but the many scars of conflict continue to remain in the island nation.
As all sides work to heal the country's wounds, veteran field consultant Nathan MacDade from the IDAP Non-Government Organisation is deployed to the long-abandoned mountain village of Oreokastro after reports come in of a civilian being killed by a landmine.
During the arduous de-mining process, MacDade recalls the events and stories of the village in the lead up to its destruction to AAN News journalist Katherine Bishop.
Old Man
NOTE: Added as bonus free content but requires the Apex expansion pack to play.
Disaster has once again struck the South Pacific nation of the Horizon Islands. A super-strain of malaria has left much of the Tanoa province quarantined, and local authorities are being overwhelmed by the ensuing humanitarian crisis.
Players assume the role of a retired French Foreign Legionnaire known only by his nickname of "Santiago". Santiago has received a tip-off from an old contact of his, and as he will soon discover, the super-strain is far from natural. One chain of events will soon reveal that the outbreak is linked to a much wider conspiracy that could upend the world's balance of power.
First Contact
NOTE: This campaign was included with the release of the Contact expansion pack but is considered to be non-canonical in the official timeline.
At a time of heightened tensions with the Russian Federation, U.S.-led NATO forces are conducting joint military exercises with their allies in the semi-abandoned region of Nadbór, Livonia. Players will be stepping into the shoes of Specialist Aiden Rudwell, a drone technician attached to the U.S. Army contingent.
Not long after the exercises commence however, one incident will spark a chain of events leading to humanity's first contact with unknown entities.
As the fourth iteration in the series, ArmA 3 continues to use the same standard of gameplay set by its predecessors as a tactical shooter in a sandbox platform.
Combining a third/first person perspective camera, players are able to take command of an infantry squad, drive ground vehicles, boats, as well as pilot various fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. ArmA 3 similarly contains both a single player and online multiplayer mode through the Steam client.
Unlike previous games in the series, ArmA 3 does not utilise the old 2D-style mission editor and instead features the new Eden editor, which allows creators to develop far more expansive scenarios and campaigns with greater flexibility.
Думаю вы не раз задумывались о том, как выглядит и называется та или иная техника из нашей футуристичной ArmA 3 в реальном мире. Возможно, некоторых это не затруднило, а для тех кто не знает - пост для вас.
"Ифрит" ("Ifrit", Красная сторона, CSAT), он же ЗиЛ проекта "Каратель". Бронированный многоцелевой автомобиль для спецназа и силовых ведомств, с защитой по принципу MRAP. Загадочная российская разработка, о которой очень мало информации. В интернете можно найти всего пару фотографий и статьи, в которых идут рассуждения "для чего это?" и "кто делает?". Приводить какое-то описание я не буду, так как в разных источниках разное толкование. Можете почитать сами.
В игре бронемашина доступна с боевыми модулями. В реальности об установки вооружения на нее речи не шло.
Предположительно, эту версию использовали в качестве прототипа "Ифрита".
"Охотник" ("Hunter", Синяя сторона, НАТО), он же Oshkosh M-ATV. Машина создана американской компанией Oshkosh Truck. Разработаны по программе министерства обороны США "MRAP" (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected).
Из-за большей надежности и защищенности M-ATV должен будет заменить все M1114 HMMWV. Так же интересно, что он стоит на вооружении всего двух стран - США и Польши.
На его базе существует несколько модификаций.
"Страйдер" ("Strider", Зеленая сторона, AAF) - реальным прототипом является разведывательный бронеавтомобиль "Феннек". Был совместной разработкой Германии и Нидерландов.
Стандартным оружием является один 12,7-мм пулемёт Browning M2 в голландской армии и 7,62-мм Rheinmetall MG-3 в немецкой. На машину также может устанавливаться 40-мм автоматический гранатомёт HK GMG.
Ряд машин разведки может действовать за линией фронта в автономном режиме до пяти дней.
БТР-К "Камыш" (Красная сторона, CSAT) - БМП, базой которого является белорусский 2Т "Сталкер".
Игровая версия 2Т "Сталкер" отличается необитаемой башней.
Так же есть изменения в задней части - в реальном нет отсека для перевозки пехоты.
Т-100 "Варсук" ("Varsuk.", Красная сторона, CSAT) - является своеобразной копией "Объекта 640". "Чёрный орёл" — так называли проект перспективного российского танка, разработанного в 1990-е годы Омским конструкторским бюро транспортного машиностроения. Первый опытный образец был впервые продемонстрирован в 1997 году и представлял собой модифицированную ходовую часть танка Т-80У с установленной на ней башней новой конструкции. Но как мы видим, прошло 45 лет и танк приняли на вооружение армии Ирана.
Шасси танка представляет собой модифицированное шасси Т-80У. Корпус удлинён, что позволило значительно усилить верхнюю лобовую деталь и устранить ослабленную зону в районе перископов механика-водителя.
Вооружение состоит из 125-мм пушки, спаренного с ней 7,62-мм пулемёта и дистанционной зенитной установки с 12,7-мм пулеметом «Корд». Но в игровой версии по каким-то причинам отсутствует спаренный пулемет, а вместо пулемета "Корд" стоит "НСВТ"
Танк оснащён новым газотурбинным двигателем мощностью более 1500 л.с. и имеет боевую массу 48 тонн.
AH-99 "Блэкфут" ("Blackfoot.", Синяя сторона, НАТО) - в реальном мире RAH 66 "Команч" / "Comanche". Первый полёт опытного вертолёта RAH-66 «Comanche» состоялся 4 января 1996 года, но уже 23 февраля 2004 года Армия США приняла решение закрыть программу вертолёта «Команч». Опыт войны в Ираке и Афганистане показал, что гораздо дешевле и эффективнее использовать беспилотные самолёты-разведчики.
Принципиально новой особенностью вертолёта является наличие двух боковых отсеков для внутрифюзеляжного размещения ракет. Также в конструкции предусмотрены съёмные боковые пилоны для дополнительных топливных баков и вооружения.
В соответствии с правилами технологии стелс внешние поверхности фюзеляжа выполнены в виде плоских граней для рассеянного отражения падающего высокочастотного излучения, критические (по уровню отражения) участки поверхности выполнены из радиопоглощающих материалов, использованы специальные покрытия.
UH-80 "Гост хок" ("Ghosthock", Синяя сторона, НАТО) - в реальном мире официально не существует, но в мировой сетке нашлось немного информации. Вертолет, возможно, является модификацией UH-60 (?), так как внешне очень много сходств и поэтому его часто именуют как UH-60X. Сам проект естественно засекречен, нет ни одной фотографии изделия. Хотя, есть мнение, что при убийстве Усамы Бин Ладена спецподразделения использовали "сильно модифицированные" UH-60, а это обнаружилось тогда, когда во время эксплуатации один из вертолетов потерпел крушение. При падении уцелела лишь хвостовая часть.
Из его особенностей известна лишь его малозаметность. Особенности, по-видимому, включают в себя измененный в хвостовой части с дополнительной лопасти хвостовой винт, и другие дополнения, которые значительно снижают уровень заметности в отличии от обычных UH-60-х годов. Он обладает "малозаметной" технологией похоже такой же, как и у F-117, что позволило ему обойти пакистанские радары. Все остальные характеристики никому из сметных неизвестны и о них можно лишь догадываться.
Ми-48 "Кайман" (Mi-48"Kajman", Красная сторона, CSAT) - смесь трех вертолетов, что не может не удивить. По сути, здесь писать нечего - реального единого прототипа нет. Но можно рассуждать, какие использовались.
Внешне он не так сильно отличается от Ми-28. Следовательно, за основу он и брался.
От КА-50/52 он получил соосную схему(т.е. два этажа винтов). Но по каким-то причинам движок армы продолжает считать, что у него обычные винты - ему не подвласна воздушная акробатика КА-52.
По генам от "Крокодиловой двадцати четверки" ему достался грузовой отсек.
Тем самым Bis'ы" />
получили смесь особенностей российского (советского) вертолетостроения. Получилось что получилось. В реальности его не существует, говорить о характеристиках не имеет смысла.
The To-199 Neophron is a light attack and Close Air Support jet used exclusively by CSAT forces in ArmA 3.
The To-199 is a twin-engined, light strike aircraft that uses a conventional swept-wing design. In addition to its primary role as a ground attack jet, the To-199 is nimble enough to perform either combat air patrol or reconnaissance roles if necessary.
By default, the To-199 is armed with a 30 mm cannon that is loaded with 500 rounds of high-explosive (HE) ammunition.
The To-199 has ten pylons that support dynamic loadouts.
- The two wingtip pylons (1, 10) support either of these two types of missiles:
- Scalpel (1×)
- Sahr-3 (1×)
- Scalpel (1×)
- Scalpel (2×)
- Scalpel (4×)
- Tratnyr HE (20×)
- Tratnyr AP (20×)
- Skyfire (19×)
- Sharur (1×)
- RBK-500F (1×)
To-199 pylon configuration
The targeting pod also has a laser designator that can provide self-designation capability when used in-conjunction with the To-199's LOM-250G precision bombs.
In terms of performance, the To-199 has a much higher stall speed compared to its NATO counterpart, but is lighter, and can attain its top speed much more quickly.In addition, the To-199 has an airbrake located on the top of its fuselage and has two sets of air intakes for its engines: frontal for normal flight and on top, which it switches to during low level flight (during both take off and landing).
Although superior to its NATO counterpart when it comes to aerodynamics, the To-199's loadout options - at least when it comes to guided air-to-ground weapons, are fairly limited and has overall reduced ground attack capability. Furthermore, not all of its pylons can actually be outfitted with heavier ordnance like LGBs or the larger AGMs.For instance, the Wipeout can be armed with up to ten GBU-12s at a time; the To-199 on the other hand, is restricted to a maximum of just six LOM-250Gs. The remaining pylons will be occupied by "weaker" and shorter-ranged Skalpel ATGMs, or more (unguided) rocket pods and short-ranged air-to-air missiles.
What not to do as a To-199 pilot: attempt to engage dedicated air superiority fighters.
Needless to say, a To-199 pilot can expect to spend more time on the tarmac rearming after just one or two attack runs; a weakness which its NATO counterpart does not share.
Lastly, it is important to remember that for all its aerodynamic prowess the To-199 is merely a CAS jet with limited air-to-air capabilities.
It remains at the mercy of faster and higher flying fighter jets, and with no active radar of its own, the To-199 cannot be armed with long range A2A missiles. When pitted up against stealthed aircraft in particular, it is even more defenceless and cannot hope to survive in a contested airspace.
Crew Capacity
The To-199 is limited to carrying only the pilot themselves. It is unable to transport any passengers or additional crew.Protection
The To-199 has a base armour value of 80.
The jet's hull can withstand 600 points of damage. Will result in a total loss if the hull's "health" is depleted. It takes 180% increased damage from high-explosive (HE) type munitions.
Both engines can resist 320 points of damage before failure. The engines incur a 220% damage penalty from HE-type munitions.
Destroying the engines will not result in a total loss, though 40% of damage is always transferred onto the To-199's main "health" pool. It can however, potentially cause it to blow up if the hull's integrity is already at critical.
If damaged: Decreases thrust output and can prevent the To-199 from attaining its top speed.
If destroyed: Total engine failure; jet will lose its ability to maintain power completely.Instruments
The To-199's flight instruments, Head Mounted Display (HMD) and Multi-Functional Displays (MFD) can withstand 320 points of damage before failure. All instruments take 400% increased damage from HE-type weapons.
If damaged: Causes periodic flickering of MFD screens and the pilot's HMD. Instruments remain fully functional.
If destroyed: Both the MFD and HMD will be disabled. Instruments will malfunction and do not provide proper readings.Fuel tanks
The To-199 has two fuel tanks - a primary and auxiliary. The primary tank has an integrity of 440 points while the auxiliary tank is much more fragile, and can only survive 240 points of damage.
The primary tank takes 400% increased damage from HE-type munitions, while the auxiliary tank incurs a smaller 300% penalty instead. 60% of incoming damage onto the primary will be transferred over to the jet's main "health" pool; in the case of the auxiliary tank, it is only 40%.
If damaged: Gradual fuel leaking; will lose up to 60% of the To-199's remaining fuel supply (primary) or 40% (auxiliary).
If destroyed: Rapidly depletes entire fuel supply over the course of several seconds.Control surfaces
The To-199's control surfaces consist of six components:
With the exception of the rear elevator, all other components can take just 240 points of damage before failing. Only the rear elevator can survive up to 280 points of damage, though all components equally incur a 280% increased damage penalty from HE-type munitions.
Losing specific control surfaces (i.e. rudders) can hamper the To-199's handling and agility depending on how severe the damage is and how many components are left. If all parts are destroyed, the To-199 will lose most of its in-flight stability and become extremely difficult to manouvre.
The To-199 is outfitted with a suite of sensors designed to optimise it for ground attack missions:
Yellow = Anti-Radiation
Orange = IRST
Green = VisualActive Radar
The To-199 does not have an active radar as it lacks access to any radar guided ordnance.
Infrared Search and Track/Visual Sensor
IRST detection extends out to a maximum range of 5 km against aerial targets and 4 km against ground targets. Visual detection has a maximum range of 4 km for aerial targets while ground targets can only be detected within 3 km.
Each sensor has a minimum detection range of 500 m, an azimuth coverage of 50 degrees, and an elevation coverage of 37 degrees. They can only detect targets that are moving at speeds of 360 km/h or less.
Target identity recognition registers in at a distance of 2 km out from a target. Both sensors are located in the targeting pod and detect via the camera's direction, working independently from the aircraft's current heading.
Radar Warning Receiver
The RWR has a 360 degree detection radius and a target recognition range of 12 km.
Anti-Radiation Radar
The To-199 utilises a passive anti-radiation sensor in place of an active radar that can detect all radar emissions in a 90 degree hemisphere, with a maximum detection range of up to 8 km.
Laser Spot Tracker
Laser markers and infrared strobes can be tracked within a range of 6 km. It has an acquisition cone of 180 degrees.
NOTE: Only the weapons used on the default loadout for the To-199 are listed here. For full details on ordnance that can be mounted on the To-199, refer to the dynamic loadouts article.
Cannon 30 mm
Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s) Penetration depth (mm) 150 -0.00036 1,120 50.4 30 mm autocannon. Fires HE-based ammunition useful for direct air-to-ground fire support or Within Visual Range (WVR) dogfights.
It can attain a fire rate of up to
1,500 rounds per minute and has a muzzle velocity of 1,120 m/s. Accuracy-wise, it has a dispersion of 0.003 rad at distances of 1,250 metres. The shells themselves have a blast radius of 4 metres and can (partially) penetrate up to a depth of 50.4 millimetres.
Target Lead Indication is provided on the pilot's Heads Up Display (HUD). Landing hits can be accomplished by aligning the crosshair directly on the HUD's circle.
Air-to-ground infrared-guided missile.
Relies on the To-199's Infrared Search and Track sensor to function.
Laser-guided bomb. Relies on the To-199's Laser Spot Tracker sensor to function.
Predicted Impact Point assistance is provided for "aiming" with the LOM-250Gs if no laser guidance is available.
Tratnyr AP
Unguided anti-vehicle rockets.
Tratnyr APs are fired with an initial velocity of 44 m/s and can reach speeds of up to 590 m/s in-flight.
Tratnyr HE
Unguided anti-personnel rockets.
Tratnyr HEs are launched with an initial velocity of 44 m/s and can reach speeds of up to 590 m/s in-flight.
Short range infrared-guided air-to-air missile.
Relies on the To-199's Infrared Search and Track sensor to function.
Ярослав Юматов
Адиль Аблаким ответил Albert
Адиль Аблаким ответил Albert
Albert Wesker ответил Адилю Адиль, хм, я догадывался, что ошибаюсь, спс за инфу
Адиль Аблаким ответил Albert
Денис КиселёвБож, неужели тут и правда у кого-то глаза открылись?
Почему люди настолько ленивы, что не хотят читать вики по игре, которая им нравится.
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