Icewind dale заклинания друида
Complete list of all spells from Icewind Dale 2 - detailed table with descriptions, spell pictures, sorting and filtering features, available in English and Czech languages.
Quest checklist - allows filtering by chapter/area/npc and of course, check each quest as completed by clicking on radio button or text in the "Quest" cell. Your checklist is saved to internal browser's local storage after each check and if you return to this page it is automatically loaded.
Graphics was ripped directly from the game files (using NearInfinity tool) and customized for fit to responsive web design, as close as possible to looks like original IWD II user interface.
Какие наборы заклинаний или отдельные заклинания кажутся вам самыми эффективными в IwD2, и какими вы не пользуетесь. Для любого класса персонажа.
ну магу я всегда беру вызов нежити и перст смерти, клерику(доброму) - божественный щит(Селун) и исцеление, злому клерику опять же вызов нежити и разрушение.
Люблю пройтись паутинкой или корнями по паку и потом его в Облако или фаерБоллом по нему, а ещё перед ним кинуть Череп-Ловушку.
Самый "неостроумный" вариант за чародея/волшебника: читаем зеркальное отражение, собираем по локации как можно больше врагов, затем - солнечный огонь или фаербол себе под ноги.
за мага-заклинания огня, т.к. только ими можно убить троллей, а за церковника - лечения и заклинания щиты, сылу, ловкость и тп
Самое полезное заклинание это цветная сфера. Крайне быстрая. Далеко летит. Ею сразу можно оглушить далеко стоящих стрелков и магов. Оглушает неплохо.
Заклинания огня. Солнечный столп рейнджера.
Плетение и слизь эффективны. Цветные брызги, спрей на этот заплетённый участок, снежную лавину Шилокка(sp?), грозу - второй уровень всего, а эффективность уровня шестого. Короче массового поражения, а самим в барьер стихий, я всё равно с читами играю здоровье восстановлю и всё.
Стража у Йань-Ти мог убить только Распылением. В 30 % случаях оно его сразу убивало. Всё остальное не работало.
Троллей легко добить бутылочкой керосина-)) Постоянно огромную кучу их таскаю - точное поражение единичной цели+эффективность.
Ещё череп-ловушка класс, его используют обычно вовсе не как ловушку, а как боевое заклинание, очень красиво и интересно, первым его показывают в первой главе в пещерах после барабанов, как бы намекают как его использовать.
Дьявольская порча в исполнении врага, как правило, шокирует.
в основном лечение и улучшаюшщие силу и ловкость и заклинания магии огня на троллей
А вообще не шучу цветная сфера - самый лучший спелл в игре.
Доступный, им дофига кто может пользоваться, и жезл дадут(от летучей тётки остаётся). Оглушает всех врагов, надолго - пока можно разобраться с ними бездвижными, некастующими.
лучшие заклинания это улучшенная нивидимость, снятие шкуры, каменная шкура, вопль баньши, глаз палача
Так что если вы еще ни разу не играли в IWD/IWD2, или разок прошли их, но вам что-то осталось непонятно, то вам сюда. На ваши вопросы быстро ответят.
День добрый. Прохожу Icewind Dale (EE). Взял двух персонажей - танка-воина и вора. Но вор почему-то не хочет взламывать никакие замки, хотя уровень взлома у него 75. Взломать силой за воина тоже не получается, сколько не кликай. Это баг или я что-то не так делаю?
Артём, зависит от силы воина. Для того чтобы не испытывать особых проблем с ломанием сундуков, надо бы 22+ силы. Поэтому сундуки обычно ломают паладин или жрец под баффом Draw Upon Holy Might. Неплохо справляется друид в форме земляного элементаля. Помогают и пузырьки на силу, из тех что помощнее. Насчет вора - вообще со скиллом открывания замков 75 он должен по крайней мере с начальными замками справляться. Ты точно прокачал тот скилл, который нужно? А какая ловкость у твоего вора? Он у тебя не мультикласс с надетыми доспехами?
вообще голый, ничего не надето. Кирика, дефолтный воин/вор. Ловкость 19.
Cause Light Wounds (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
Deals 8 damage to a single target in touch range with a save for half. Even worse than magical stone, skip.
Single target spell that causes a victim to fall asleep for a turn. No save. While the duration is low, this spell casts fast and takes an enemy out for a single turn. Can be worth memorizing.
The first in a long sad line of healing spells. Heals a measly 8 hit points with a long casting time. This one is barely worth using outside of combat. As a general rule of thumb; healing in combat is a poor choice of action.
Party friendly AoE debuff that lowers enemy THAC0 by 1 with no saving throw allowed. It casts fast. Passable.
Area disabling spell. Similar to the level 1 arcane spell Grease. This one is a bit better since it completely stops enemy movement, they can still attack and cast spells. Might be worth memorizing one for usage against tough melee monsters.
Pathetic single target damage spell. Deals a measly 3-12 damage, barely worth the effort of clicking your mouse.
Decent early game spell for your tank. Worth using until your cleric gets the level 4 area version of this spell.
Identical to the level 2 arcane spell Resist fear. Remove fear removes all fear effects from the party and makes them immune to such effects for 1 hour. Fear effects tend to be very powerful so always keep one of these spells memorized on all your casters.
Protects the cleric from harm until it takes an offensive action. Unlike in Baldurs Gate the enemy does not get a saving throw. Great spell for saving your cleric.
Summons a magical club that deals 2-8 damage and grants a +1 bonus to THAC0. Barely better than a regular weapon, skip.
One of the better low level damage spells in the game. Deals 1d6+1/level fire damage to a single target with a save for half. Creatures that fail their saving throw are also blinded for 3 rounds. Undead take 1d6+2/level fire damage instead. Great spell, clerics really miss out here.
Level 2 spells
This spell acts like a preemptive cure light wounds combined with a single target bless. Decent in the early parts of the game but not amazing.
A single target damage spell that deals 3d6 piercing damage with a save for half. It also lowers the targets AC by 2 with no save allowed. You are usually better off casting the level 1 spell Sunscorch.
Improves the base armor class of a single target to a maximum of -1. Decent prep spell, particularly considering that the best armor for druids is likely the Umber hulk plate that has a base armor class of 2.
Equips a melee weapon that deals 2d4 damage and grants a +2 bonus to THAC0. It also sets the casters strength to 18/72 and the number of attacks to two. The extra attack per round is quite good and this spell is decent in the early parts of the game.
Cause Moderate Wounds (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
Another unremarkable damage spell. Skip.
Another sad healing spell. I suppose you could memorize a few if you are having trouble filling out your spell slots.
Not that good. Summons one berry that acts like a healing potion. It can be consumed to heal 5 hit points. Even worse than cure light wounds. Skip.
AoE silence, save to negate. I am still not entirely certain the silencing enemies actually prevents them from casting spells. Even if this spell works i would still rather cast Hold person or a similar disabling spell. Skip.
Summons a magical warhammer. Starts out with a +1 enchantment bonus which eventually becomes a +3 bonus once your cleric has reached level 13. I would be very surprised if this is ever a significant upgrade over your regular weapon. Skip.
Level 3 spells
Cause Disease (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
Single target "save-or-else". Drains 5-20 strength from a single target within touch range if they fail their save. While it is rather hilarious to see enemies being stuck due to carry weight this spell is not really worth the effort. Skip.
Circle of Bones (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
Basically a smaller version of Blade barrier. Any creature in melee range of the cleric will take 2d6 damage per round but this spell will also prevent the cleric from moving. Freedom of movement sadly does not circumvent this. Casting circle of bones does not cancel sanctuary, so you could cast sanctuary, walk up to the resident bad guy, cast circle of bone and slowly circle of bone them to death. Passable if you like the cheese.
Cures Fear, sleep, Feeblemind, unconsciousness, intoxication, berserk and confused states from a single target and also renders the target immune to these effects for 1 round. The casting time is a bit too long for this spell to be useful in combat. The duration is good enough that it can be used as a prep spell but the states that this spell can cure are rather rare except for Fear. If you made the mistake of casting Blood rage then this is a good solution. Niche uses but skip.
Ignore the spell description, this is just a worse Skull trap. It deals 1d4 electrical damage/level with a save for no damage. The casting time is too long for it to be usable in combat. Skip.
Party friendly AoE disabling spell. Animals tend to not be overly scary in this game. Skip.
Holy Smite (Good and Neutral Clerics only)
Single target damage spell. Causes a disease in a single creature that spreads to nearby creatures. The damage is mediocre but the real problem with this spell is that the disease can spread to party members. Avoid like toxic mold.
Gives a +1 +2 THAC0, damage and saving throw bonus for the entire party and incurs the same as a penalty to enemies. A bit like chant without the slow. Excellent spell.
Grants 80% fire resistance to a single target. Same niche uses as Resist Fire/Cold.
AoE damage cloud effect. This is likely the first good damage cloud effect you are going to get. Deals a lot of damage if you can get enemies to camp out in it. It also hits often enough that it is an effective counter to enemy spell casters. Use it with stinking cloud, web, entangle or similar spells for maximum profit. Decent spell.
Unholy Blight (Evil and Neutral clerics only)
Level 4 spells
Summons 1-6 Black bears or wolves. The bears have three attacks per round but move really slowly while the wolves only have two attacks but move quickly. Hope to get 6 wolves. Decent spell and certainly better than Monster Summoning II.
Turns one of your party members into a serious health hazard for the rest of the party. Avoid like the plague.
Cause Serious Wounds (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
The wounds are sadly not that serious. Skip.
This is like the second level arcane spell horror except that its not party friendly and triggers multiple times. Worth using but remember to cast Remove/Resist fear on the party first.
Apparently 17 hit points count as "serious". In comparison Neutralize poison heals 10 hit points and cures poison. Skip.
Casts fast and grants a +4 AC bonus for the entire party. The short duration limits its usefulness. Might still be worth casting once in a while.
Most powerful charm available. As far as single target "save-or-else" goes this is probably the best in the game. Worth memorizing a few.
Finally a spell that actually cures poison. Sadly its a touch spell and by the time you get access to this you probably have enough money to buy antidotes. Not terrible but not that great either.
Poison (Evil Clerics only)
Party wide protection from evil for a long duration. Always cast this after resting, great prep spell.
Does the same thing as prayer as far as i can tell. I am guessing that someone was a bit sloppy when coding these two spells. The two spells stack. Decent prep spell.
Ignore most of the spell description. This is somewhere in between a cone and a straight line type spell. It deals a tiny amount of damage and has a low chance of stunning or knocking the creatures prone. Skip.
Cone type damage spell. This spell does pathetic damage. Help yourself to another Static charge and skip this spell.
Removes the fatigue condition from a single target. The resting button does the same thing for the whole party while also restoring all your used spells and healing you. I recommend skipping this spell in favor of using the rest button.
Level 5 spells
Very similar to the level 4 cleric spell Blood rage except even worse. Avoid like the plague.
Summons 1-6 cave bears or dire wolves. Not much of an upgrade over the previous incarnation of this spell.
Cause Critical Wounds (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
Raises the strength of a single target to 20-23. The caster then becomes fatigued and loses the ability to cast spells for the duration. Not really worth it, skip.
Renders a single target immune to Suggestion, Charm, Domination, Sleep and Confusion for 1 turn/level. These effects are not that common in IWD. Might be worth memorizing one for Umber Hulk slaying.
Cure Critical Wounds (Evil Clerics cannot cast this spell)
Party friendly AoE disabling spell. This spell causes all enemies in its area to fall asleep if they fail a saving throw. They will wake up when damaged. Awesome spell that trivializes a lot of encounters. Just pick the sleepy bastards off one at a time.
Gives a single target 2% magic resistance for each level of the caster up to a maximum of 40%. This spell lasts for a long time but there are a few spells that are unaffected by magic resistance. It stacks with itself so you can get 100% magic resistance with a couple of casts. Can be worth memorizing.
Raise Dead (Good and Neutral Clerics only)
Shield of Lathander (Good and Neutral Clerics only)
Confers immunity to ALL damage to a single non-evil character. The duration is very short and the cast time is long. The effect of this spell is outrageous but it is offset by the duration and cast time. Might be worth using once in a while.
Slay Living (Evil and Neutral Clerics only)
This spell literally does the same as turn undead. I suppose it frees the cleric from having to concentrate but if turn undead is good then that is probably the best action available to a priest.
Level 6 spells
Summons 1-6 winter wolves or polar bears. The winter wolves have a rather powerful cold attack that is quite useful against the fire based enemies in the game. Great summon spell.
Special kind of AoE effect. The spell summons a circle of blades that surround the cleric. The cleric cannot move for the duration but is free to cast spells or attack. Any enemy that comes in contact with the blades takes 8d8 points of damage with a save for half. Casting blade barrier does not break sanctuary. Enemies will happily stand around being shredded while the cleric hides in the bubble. This spell also seems to ignore magic resistance. Not an overly amazing spell but has some niche uses.
As far as i can tell this spell is completely identical to the level 5 arcane spell. The fire elemental is still quite decent and has its uses.
This spell grants +6 AC, +2 saving throws, 50% resistance to Fire, Cold, Electrical and Acid damage to the caster. It also claims to make the caster immune to all missile based attacks but bullets from slings can still hurt a character protected by this spell. This spell stacks with itself allowing high level priests to become nearly invincible tanks. Great spell, always have at least one cast on all your priests.
Harm (Evil Clerics only)
This is like Slay living except it reduces the victim to 1d4 hit points rather than killing it. Still allows a saving throw to avoid the effect. Skip.
Heal (Evil Clerics cannot cast this spell)
This is a bit like a "straight line" type spell. It does a small amount of damage and has a chance of stunning creatures in its path. It instantly slays 2 HD creatures. Not really worth a level 6 spell slot. Skip.
Level 7 spells
As far as i can tell this spell is completely identical to the arcane spell of the same name. The earth elemental is about as tough as the fire elemental but lacks the fire immunity and troll-killing. I prefer the fire elemental.
Party friendly area spell. It deals a small amount of damage and knocks enemies prone if they fail their saving throw. Big creatures are immune to this spell. The effect is decent enough but the cast time is a bit too long for practical purposes. Not bad, but not great either.
A fireball that does 2d8+1/caster level fire damage. The casting time is rather long for such a small effect. Skip.
Grants a single good or neutral aligned character immunity to damage and 100% magic resistance for a short duration. The casting time is rather long. The outrageous effect is mitigated by the short duration. Might still be worth using in some situations.
Holy Word (Good Clerics only)
Level 1-3: Instant death
Level 4-7: Stunned for 1 turn
Level 12+: Deafened for 1 turn with a 50% chance of spell failure
This spell is completely identical to the arcane spell Mind blank. You could also make the argument that the spell Chaotic commands does the same thing. Same niche uses as mind blank.
Restores a dead character to full health. This might sound like a combat version of raise dead but once resurrected the character will be butt-naked. A less obvious but better use of this spell is to heal a living character. The casting time is still quite long but this spell has a range of "the entire map" and will fully heal a character.
Summons two shambling mounds. The shambling mounds are big tanky minions with a decent THAC0. They do a fair bit of damage and attack fast. Best summon in the game, load up.
An area disabling spell. The area is quite small and the spell is sadly not party friendly. It will blind (and keep blinding) creatures in its area that fail their saving throw. It also deals a bit of damage to undead and fungoids (Myconids). Not really that amazing.
Completely identical to the arcane spell of the same name. Evil and Neutral clerics might want to memorize a few.
Unholy Word (Evil Clerics only)
Same as holy word except it works against good aligned creatures. Good aligned enemies are far less frequent. Skip in favor of anything else.
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