Humankind закрытая бета
Please push the release date out, this game is not ready for an 8/17 release
I left feedback in the various pinned threads about specific aspects of the game. But I just want to say overall, this is not even close to ready for release. It feels like an early access game with very good art. On the surface it looks and smells like a full game - but once you start playing, it has a lot of systems that need to go back to the drawing board. I was very eager for this to release, until I played the closed beta. This needs a lot of time and attention folks. I hope you take this back to th.
Hey everyone! Please use this thread to share all your feedback about the user interface and user experience. We've made various improvements since Victor, and would like to know what you think.
Hello everyone! Much of the feedback we received in our previous tests revolved around the pacing of the game, its economy, and how in many areas numbers just grew too quickly. We have already made many changes, but we know that we are not quite there yet, so we want to hear from you what you think about the pacing now. Here are some questions to consider: How does your progress through the eras feel? Is it too fast or too slow? Do you feel your research progress roughly matches your progress through th.
Hey everyone! If you have any feedback on Diplomacy, War, and Independent People, this is the right place to discuss it. In your discussion, please keep in mind that as this is a Closed Beta, we will not be able to implement any feature additions or overhaul for release. However, that does not mean such suggestions are not valuable, as they will give us great insight into what you consider important in diplomacy, war declaration and resolution, and interactions with independent people. We're also stil.
The Lucy OpenDev was the first chance for our players to try out the Civics and Ideologies. Using Civics to shape the laws and customs of your people and nudging their ideologies with your choices in narrative events resonated well with many players, though many felt that pushing to the end of an ideology axis was always the best choice, that some ideologies were more valuable than others, or were frustrated by not knowing how to unlock more civics.
- Balanced ideology axes now grant a bonus to Stability
- Changed the effect of several ideologies:
- Tradition now gives Faith instead of Influence
- Liberty gives Influence on cities
- Authority slows down Influence conversion of your territories
- Homeland gives fixed percent food bonus
- World gives a percent food bonus scaled with number of alliances
1) I like putting stability at the starting point for civics. It's a great fit thematically.
2) All told, I still find the system to be more annoying than compelling. A lot of times I don't even notice that I've unlocked a new Civic point, and honestly, I don't really care that much. So eventually I get around to allocating a point and trading a little Science income for Faith income, good for me. Every now and then there's a more meaningful choice to be made, but by and large the "cry wolf" effect means that after the third time of not finding a compelling civics choice to make, I'm not going to devote much time or energy to keeping up with the mechanic.
I'll probably end up repeating this on the feedback I leave here (and in the 30-point numbered lists I submit with the survey, sorry about that!), but Humankind's cup runneth over with a lot of small, frequent, ultimately unexciting or inconsequential choices, and I would much rather have fewer, more meaningful choices.
23 апр в 2:33Stability could be a bit more granular, the "90% or nothing" approach means that i'm either 6 turns away from unlocking a civic point (and thus swimming in them which takes away allocation choices) or 16 turns away (and then it's more balanced). Something in the middle would be nice.
Otherwise I concur with the comment above, choices look interesting until you realize that they're not very impactful (and by impactful I don't mean from a bonus perspective but more from a gameplay perspective, civics should push you to play in different ways and very few of them do that)
I also feel that one or two additionnal axis could diversify the system a bit, but that's maybe for an expansion than the base system.
23 апр в 7:35 Only 3 hours in, did I miss how civics get unlocked? Every now and then I get notified a new civic is available but why does that happen. 23 апр в 7:43
1Civics are very exciting, I got to nationalize means of productions and replace press with loyal propaganda!
Not sure why I was presented with all those choices as Medieval England where there's no press and all means of productions are effectively nationalized anyway though.
23 апр в 10:21 Only 3 hours in, did I miss how civics get unlocked? Every now and then I get notified a new civic is available but why does that happen.Unless I get a notification for being able to change it, I have no fing idea how to even find them on the UI.
23 апр в 11:06 Only 3 hours in, did I miss how civics get unlocked? Every now and then I get notified a new civic is available but why does that happen.Unless I get a notification for being able to change it, I have no fing idea how to even find them on the UI.
23 апр в 12:52
I think a 3rd circle button appears on the bottom left for civics when it becomes available.Given the abundance of stability from luxury resources, after meeting 2-3 other civs I was at easy permanent 100 stability. leading to me having up to 5 unspent civic points simply because I was gaining them faster than I was able to spend them.
Maybe offer an alternative way of spending civic points? I.e. to influence civics of other empires (forcing Osmosis events?), or to be able to fine-tune your axis alignment?
As well I feel like the axis' should have more impact. +10% yield is pretty meager for 'fanatic devotion to ideology X'. Maybe give the axis' more segments and make it +10/20/30? It's not as if flat percentage boosts would be more game breaking than the various exponential synergies (i.e. trade) already in the game.
23 апр в 14:41
1The osmosis event, especially early game, is terrible. You either give up your ability to make decisions for your nation and have them overwritten by whatever the other player is doing (because having other players make your decisions for you in a strategy game is fun?) or you lose 50(!) stability.
50 Is such a ridiculous number. It's effectively lose a city or lose whatever choice you made. In a game that's supposed to be about choices, having them overwritten because someone settled close to you is just awful.
24 апр в 2:33 50 Is such a ridiculous number. It's effectively lose a city or lose whatever choice you made. In a game that's supposed to be about choices, having them overwritten because someone settled close to you is just awful.If losing 50 stability makes you lose a city, you should reconsider your approach to maintaining stability in your cities. It's supposed to be at 100.
They should clarify Osmosis events though, because the tooltip always reads 'benefiting from foreign influence', even when the negative variant you mentioned fires (because there's a positive one giving a free tech, too).
24 апр в 10:37 I like the use of stability in the civics system. Many 4X games fail to make similar resources interesting. I agree with many of the comments above that the civic decisions should have a larger impact but are otherwise very interesting. 24 апр в 15:54So far I'm liking civics mechanics. Gives me a way to fine tune my civilization the way I want. I find that most civics are interesting and the choices varied.
On the UI side of things it might be nice to have next /prev arrows to go through your available civics instead of the X button.
24 апр в 16:111) The "Criminal Slaves" option is a joke -- a measly +1 industry for each instance of a district I haven't built even once.
2) I'm starting to see the clear superiority of Civ 6's civics card system, with it's build-a-government nature and regular opportunities to revisit and upgrade those choice. A big problem with Humankind's civics is that on any given run, half of them don't really apply, but I still feel like I'm supposed to use my excess civics unlocks. So at the moment, most of the effects (both from the perk and the alignment axis) are too weak individually because I'm supposed to have a dozen or two of them, and the the effects eventually (maybe? hopefully?) add up to something meaningful.
As a result, there's a massive disconnect between civics choices and playstyle -- I don't feel like my civics choices have a measurable effect that makes me say "oh cool, that's my civics choice in action there!" And since the civics don't evolve or upgrade over time, civics that apply a flat bonus quickly become even more irrelevant than they started out.
24 апр в 16:16 50 Is such a ridiculous number. It's effectively lose a city or lose whatever choice you made. In a game that's supposed to be about choices, having them overwritten because someone settled close to you is just awful.If losing 50 stability makes you lose a city, you should reconsider your approach to maintaining stability in your cities. It's supposed to be at 100.
They should clarify Osmosis events though, because the tooltip always reads 'benefiting from foreign influence', even when the negative variant you mentioned fires (because there's a positive one giving a free tech, too).
25 апр в 2:59
The Free tech osmosis event can also be refused to give a significant science boost. I know from experience in my second game, where I was vastly behind a high difficulty a.i, that the boosts from refusing those osmosis events easily went up to the four thousands in the early modern era. And I was getting one every turn lol1) The "Criminal Slaves" option is a joke -- a measly +1 industry for each instance of a district I haven't built even once.
2) I'm starting to see the clear superiority of Civ 6's civics card system, with it's build-a-government nature and regular opportunities to revisit and upgrade those choice. A big problem with Humankind's civics is that on any given run, half of them don't really apply, but I still feel like I'm supposed to use my excess civics unlocks. So at the moment, most of the effects (both from the perk and the alignment axis) are too weak individually because I'm supposed to have a dozen or two of them, and the the effects eventually (maybe? hopefully?) add up to something meaningful.
As a result, there's a massive disconnect between civics choices and playstyle -- I don't feel like my civics choices have a measurable effect that makes me say "oh cool, that's my civics choice in action there!" And since the civics don't evolve or upgrade over time, civics that apply a flat bonus quickly become even more irrelevant than they started out.
Yeah I'm not against the current system but between the civic choices that don't make sense (separation of church and state/secularism in the ancient era, why ?), those that do so little that you choose them more for the slider effects and the crazy amount of civic points you accumulate, all in all it's underwhelming, boring and offers no real choice at all.
I guess part of the issue is the dynamic system (speaking of, civ 6 is a good example of a theoretically good idea that just fails in practice when you look at the innovations) which is hard to balance between too restrictive or too attainable. A card system at least offers you real choices, even if half the cards are useless or niche.
13 июн в 18:48Can you post your system specs from Steam -Help System information
Also post your player.log from
Some things you can try
* Disable your anti-virus
13 июн в 18:54
* run steam as an administrator
1 will be refunding if this isn't sorted out. system specs are not any problem. player log is too large to post on steam. 13 июн в 19:07 see it's weird because I had no trouble with the previous opendevs, and I actually managed to get it past, but it's a lot slower and the game got to the menu, but wouldn't load the actual game when I pressed play 13 июн в 19:08 Satoru for some reason the closed beta is not showing on the library, to install is needed go to the steam store and start the game from there. I hope this help find what is the problem.
13 июн в 19:08Can you post your system specs from Steam -Help System information
Also post your player.log from
Some things you can try
* Disable your anti-virus
13 июн в 19:46
* run steam as an administratorMy AV was blocking mine (I usually have it in interactive mode and the GUI didn't start up, so it didn't prompt).
Seems to be working fine at the moment.
13 июн в 20:19 This version of the game is less stable than the previous versions. This is not too surprising saying this is a closed beta. I have been able to run the beta but I still get an occasional game crash. 13 июн в 20:34 Mine seems to be crashing upon opening. I did have to tell Norton that the vendor's file could be trusted. The VictorOpenDev ran fine. not sure what the issue is. However, I should not have to disable my AV to run a game. It wasn't necessary for the Victor version.
13 июн в 21:11Humankind/Endless Legend/Endless Space 1&2 запись закреплена
Игорь Дедиков корабль-черепаха против u-boat прямо лейтмотив. Видимо, можно делать предзаказ
Игорь Дедиков ответил Андрею
Игорь, может боксерское восстание? китайцы на кобуксоне против "экспедиционного" У•боат
Кто хочет предзаказывайте, но я бы попросил не спешить. Сега в последнее время страшно косячит, и ведет себя непотребно, так что осторожнее со средствами
Даниил, в данном случае, Сега занята только маркетингом. Amplitude еще ни разу не подводила и только превосходила ожидания. Играл во все версии - багов нет, играется бодро, исправления по делу.Humankind/Endless Legend/Endless Space 1&2, ну про багов нет это несколько лукавство, по поводу исправления по делу, я соглашусь. Я про то, что я, как любитель серий Dawn of War и Total War крайне не доверяю Сеге, ведь там они тоже "особо не лезли", а оказывалось по итогам что была указка, были жесткие рамки релиза, были пожелания акционеров и так получался условный DoW3, кто знает тот поймёт.
С радостью куплю игру после релиза, если все будет хорошо, но предзаказ - увольте. Не доверяю и другим не советую
Даниил, DoW 3 старая история, да и игра та норм была в целом, единственный косяк мало фракций, но в том не только сеги была вина, момент был не удачный, у разработчика просто мало времени было на продолжение он её и забросил
А Total war цветёт и пахнет, косяками как-то и не пахнет
Николай, цветет и пахнет так, что сообщество ТВ страшно недовольно каждым решением КА последние полгодаДаниил, не преувеличивай, там любители исторички лишь бомбят, но они бомбят автоматом уже лет 10, так, что на них можно вообще внимания не обращать, нытики и не более
Выходит Троецарствие не довольны, хотя там да режима сделали, чтобы всем угодить, выходят дополнения не довольны, игра в итоге окупается только за счёт китайцев, все бубнят движок не тот, разработчики окей, закрывают троецарствие и начинают переделывать, опять недовольны
За 10 лет не припомню, чтобы любители исторической тотал вар над чем-то не ныли, в итоге своим нытьем сами же и убили свою игру, разрабатывать историческую тотал вар смысла не имеет, что не сделай это обосрут и будут не довольны
При том, что игры сами по себе качественные и хорошо работают, разработчик действительно над ними работал
До полноценного релиза Humankind еще около двух месяцев и в скором времени разработчики 4X-стратегии проведут закрытое бета-тестирование, где можно будет играть в течение пяти из шести эпох. Кроме того был представлен новый трейлер, анонсирующий бету.
В прошлом Amplitude уже неоднократно проводила тестирования в рамках программы OpenDev, но они были значительно ограничены по количеству ходов или представляли отдельные сценарии. Играть в бету можно пока не достигнешь конца Индустриальной эпохи, или максимум до 200 хода. К этому моменту уже можно будет добывать уголь и нефть, а также строить железные дороги. Мы уже играли в раннюю версию беты, однако достичь индустриальной эпохи с нуля так быстро не получилось. Если играть вдумчиво, то 200 ходов могут легко занять не менее 10 часов.
К сожалению доступ к бете будет предоставлен только в случае предзаказа в Steam и EGS. Иногда ключи на бету раздают в рамках стримов на твиче:
- AmplitudeStudios
- Burke Black
- GamerZakh
- Joueur du Grenier
- Lewis
- Lomadiah
- Marbozir
- Quill18
- ZeratoR
- Shurjoka
Дату старта беты сообщал в рамках PC Gaming Show — начало 14 июня в 00:30 по Москве.
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