Hitman blood money сохранения куда кидать
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Show OSD - пoкaзывaть OSD
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InfClip - бecкoнeчнaя oбoймa (пepeзapядoк бoльшe нeт)
Test Cloth - мacкиpoвoчный кocтюм
Complete level - пpoйти ypoвeнь
Time Multiplier - ycкopить вpeмя
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у меня есть файл "hitmanbloodmoney" когда я в него засунул сторку EnableCheats включил игру нажал на "C"и нечего помогите найти файл "hitmanbloodmoney.ini"
Hitman163ru,у меня вопрос.ты знаеш где сейвы на Hitman-Blood Money хранятся?
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google "hitman blood money save editor"
I have no idea if they work or not, but they do exist
or google "hitman blood money save file download" and try to download someone else's complete save, you'll find many options like this one:
I've done that with other games before, but again not blood money, so its on you if you want to try any of them
5 ноя. 2018 в 14:46google "hitman blood money save editor"
I have no idea if they work or not, but they do exist
or google "hitman blood money save file download" and try to download someone else's complete save, you'll find many options like this one:
I've done that with other games before, but again not blood money, so its on you if you want to try any of them
I wouldn't use a save editor. Just use someone else's. I've been using the same file for 2 years and it has never failed. 5 ноя. 2018 в 15:54google "hitman blood money save editor"
I have no idea if they work or not, but they do exist
or google "hitman blood money save file download" and try to download someone else's complete save, you'll find many options like this one:
I've done that with other games before, but again not blood money, so its on you if you want to try any of them
i did download someone else's save but it didnt work, i had THOUGHT i put it in the right folder but WHERE am i supposed to put the saves? 5 ноя. 2018 в 16:37 E:\Windows Documents Folder\Documents\Hitman Blood Money\Profiles\VegaNote: my documents folder is installed on E, you'll need to find your own, most people leave it on C. The last folder has to match the profile name, in my case "Vega".
Did you read the read-me file that came with that one I linked? Because I just tested his and it works just fine, but as the instructions said: change the folder name to John instead of Arul07
You did take the folder out of the zip, right?
5 ноя. 2018 в 20:03 E:\Windows Documents Folder\Documents\Hitman Blood Money\Profiles\VegaNote: my documents folder is installed on E, you'll need to find your own, most people leave it on C. The last folder has to match the profile name, in my case "Vega".
Did you read the read-me file that came with that one I linked? Because I just tested his and it works just fine, but as the instructions said: change the folder name to John instead of Arul07
You did take the folder out of the zip, right?
i unzipped the folder, placed it in my profile folder named "protag" but i didnt get any of the saves. i made extra sure that i did it right by pretty much unzipping the folder EVERYHERE in the hitman folder which, judging by how the game didnt crash, most likely wont do any harm to the game's files. i dont understand what im doing wrong, i even extracted the arul07 folder out of the arul07 .rar 5 ноя. 2018 в 20:10 E:\Windows Documents Folder\Documents\Hitman Blood Money\Profiles\VegaNote: my documents folder is installed on E, you'll need to find your own, most people leave it on C. The last folder has to match the profile name, in my case "Vega".
Did you read the read-me file that came with that one I linked? Because I just tested his and it works just fine, but as the instructions said: change the folder name to John instead of Arul07
You did take the folder out of the zip, right?
i unzipped the folder, placed it in my profile folder named "protag" but i didnt get any of the saves. i made extra sure that i did it right by pretty much unzipping the folder EVERYHERE in the hitman folder which, judging by how the game didnt crash, most likely wont do any harm to the game's files. i dont understand what im doing wrong, i even extracted the arul07 folder out of the arul07 .rar
You can't put it in the folder named "protag" that would be for saves under that profile
The folder in the zip folder is the profile folder, you need the entire folder, it's named aull07 that's the entire save folder, it gets put in the \Profiles folder and then you rename it John like the readme instructions told you to do
The game can handle many profiles but they each have their own set of saves to go with it in their own folder
5 ноя. 2018 в 20:16 i unzipped the folder, placed it in my profile folder named "protag" but i didnt get any of the saves. i made extra sure that i did it right by pretty much unzipping the folder EVERYHERE in the hitman folder which, judging by how the game didnt crash, most likely wont do any harm to the game's files. i dont understand what im doing wrong, i even extracted the arul07 folder out of the arul07 .rarYou can't put it in the folder named "protag" that would be for saves under that profile
The folder in the zip folder is the profile folder, you need the entire folder, it's named aull07 that's the entire save folder, it gets put in the \Profiles folder and then you rename it John like the readme instructions told you to do
The game can handle many profiles but they each have their own set of saves to go with it in their own folder alright, your guidance has helped me. after i did what you said, i managed to get the "john" profile into my game. however, i do not have 100% of the chapters unlocked. it only gets to the mission "a vintage year" and i seem to only have the basic weapons
5 ноя. 2018 в 21:12You can't put it in the folder named "protag" that would be for saves under that profile
The folder in the zip folder is the profile folder, you need the entire folder, it's named aull07 that's the entire save folder, it gets put in the \Profiles folder and then you rename it John like the readme instructions told you to do
The game can handle many profiles but they each have their own set of saves to go with it in their own folder
alright, your guidance has helped me. after i did what you said, i managed to get the "john" profile into my game. however, i do not have 100% of the chapters unlocked. it only gets to the mission "a vintage year" and i seem to only have the basic weapons
You put the entire folder and its contents into the profile folder as is? And you started the game as the john profile?
It was 100% unlocked for me
6 ноя. 2018 в 5:45 alright, your guidance has helped me. after i did what you said, i managed to get the "john" profile into my game. however, i do not have 100% of the chapters unlocked. it only gets to the mission "a vintage year" and i seem to only have the basic weaponsYou put the entire folder and its contents into the profile folder as is? And you started the game as the john profile?
Распакуйте все файлы из скаченного архива в каталог с игрой, где хранятся записанные игры. В игре выберите профиль Unleashed.
Распакуйте все файлы из скаченного архива в каталог с игрой, где хранятся записанные игры. В игре выберите профиль PiZZADOX.
Открыты все миссии.
игра полностью пройдена.
Распакуйте все файлы из скаченного архива в каталог, где хранятся сейвы данной игры.
Вся игра пройдена.
Распакуйте все файлы из скаченного архива в каталог, где хранятся сейвы данной игры.
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