Heaven and earth designs вышивка крестом официальный сайт каталог схем
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Акция При покупке 2-х схем для вышивания крестом от Golden Kite, 3-я схема в подарок. Акция действует до 15.10.2021 года.
Предлагаем вам сделать перенабор схем для вышивания крестом из формата PDF в формат XSD. Стоимость одного листа 10 рублей 00 копеек.
Мы сформируем любой набор для вышивания крестом, любыми марками мулине, по любой схеме даже если вы не нашли схему у нас в магазине, а имеете свою. Обращайтесь через форму обратной связи. Действуют накопительные скидки. При формировании набора по нашей схеме предоставляем дополнительную скидку.
© 2021 Мир творчества. Еремкина Татьяна Викторовна. Все права защищены.
В нашем магазине можно приобрести отдельно схемы для вышивания крестом от представленных производителей отдельно от наборов. Заказ производится через форму обратной связи.
Акция При покупке 2-х схем для вышивания крестом от Golden Kite, 3-я схема в подарок. Акция действует до 15.10.2021 года.
Предлагаем вам сделать перенабор схем для вышивания крестом из формата PDF в формат XSD. Стоимость одного листа 10 рублей 00 копеек.
Мы сформируем любой набор для вышивания крестом, любыми марками мулине, по любой схеме даже если вы не нашли схему у нас в магазине, а имеете свою. Обращайтесь через форму обратной связи. Действуют накопительные скидки. При формировании набора по нашей схеме предоставляем дополнительную скидку.
© 2021 Мир творчества. Еремкина Татьяна Викторовна. Все права защищены.
Ирина, если я осилю свой замок, обязательно вышью эту картину, так я влюблена в неё .
С удовольствием наблюдаю за вами)
Вышивка крестиком Хаед запись закреплена
ВВС: Вышивальные Видео Советы
Наша еженедельная подборка мастер-классов, обзоров, советов, лайфхаков для тех рукодельниц, кто следует заветам мудрейших:
- Век живи, век учись;
- Учиться всегда пригодится;
Показать полностью.
- Где учение, там и умение.
Надеемся, что каждая мастерица, с любым опытом и уровнем знаний, найдет для себя что-то новенькое и интересное.
Также будем рады, если вы поделитесь в комментариях своими знаниями, опытом и советами по тематике видео с начинающими вышивалочками
Вышивка крестиком Хаед запись закреплена
It has been quite some time since the blog was updated and I wanted to let everyone know that you will find an update here each every day from now on. We are trying to keep our customers better informed and also offer some insights to who is behind HAED and daily activities.
As of 11/12/2010 HAED has signed M.C. Escher and we are very proud to finally obtain the artwork of this much sought after artist. Here are some examples of his work:
We are hoping to have the first charts available by the end of the year, again this is a very difficult artist to license and we hope that you enjoy our interpretations of his work to the needle.
On a personal note, the HAED Team has been working diligently on trying to make some changes to the site to allow for better sorting and finding various charts by different search types. You will notice some gradual changes to the website over the next 6 months.
As Winter draws in we are expecting our first snow Saturday and I am very much looking forward to the white landscape which always makes the horses happy and Bob especially happy when he can finally pull out the snowmobile and take the girls for a ride. Me? I will be on horseback, I much prefer the quiet breaths of my stead to the loud engine that reflects the power of what I can ride without gas 🙂
There has been alot of changes on the home front here and the lives of our closest family members has been put to the test. I have my son (who is 28) now living with us and the 3 grand babies along with our other Son (1 Grand child here but part time) who moved back home in order to make some life changes of his own.
This means that we house and feed a total of 10 people which makes for some very lively dinners and some rather stressful moments but we are delighted to have family so close and to be able to offer the help when they need it.
The lives of so many have changed in this economy and we must always know that change is good, we often are given the opportunity to analyze where we are in life and re-evaluate what is most important to us. Change can be very scary and I am dealing with my own changes with loss of personal space each evening but that is quickly replaced with the giggles and laughter of 6 children ranging in ages from 9 months so 10 years that surround me and fill my soul and make me proud to say that I am a parent and a Grand Parent to these delightful little people.
Most of all I am finding the need to allow our friends and customers (meant to be read as one in the same) a little view in the life of the people behind HAED. Please feel free to comment with any questions that you may have and we wish everyone a fabulous weekend filled with laughter, joy and quiet moments.
Michele and Bob
Heaven and Earth Designs Update
New Artists to watch out for in coming weeks
First is a new up and coming Melbourne ( australia) artist Bec Winnel, known as My Charlie Girl on Etsy
Her ethereal , fragile faces done in pencil, pastels etc will be stunning in cross stitch!
Next is an artist who has been on the HAED wishlist for years, Howard David Johnson ( site has music if you want to turn the sound off) Haed is hoping to release the first of his charts in the next few weeks
And a new collection.. Face Montages
the first being Kuik Face Montage 1
This weeks stitchers Gallery is for Wonderful Wips, i hope you enjoy these lovely works in progress by stitchers on the Heaven and Earth Designs Bulletin Board
Priestess of Quetzsalcoatl stitched by Nancy
artwork by Jasmine Beckett Griffith
Qs Butterfly 2 stitched by Ineke
Artwork by Ching Chou Kuik
Three Graces Stitched by Jan
Artwork by Josephine Wall
Angel of Mine .. stitched by Blanca on 28 ct
artwork by Zindy Nielsen
Sneak Peek – A HAED Original Up Soon for Release
Welcome to another Heaven and Earth Designs update
stitched 1x1 on 35 ct Kail hand dyed linen from Hand Dyed Fibers (HDF) using the sue - purple suilk range also from HDF
the scan is a little pale, the colours are a lot more vibrant IRL
New Releases for this week
More of the Wonderful New Celtic pieces from Jessica Galbreth have been released this week , along with charts from several popular artists..
Angels ( Sandra Kuck)
Watching Over Us ( Dona Gelsinger)
The Morrigan Tapestry (Jess Galbreth)
Classic Literary Cats ( Carrie Hawks)
Catch A Falling Star ( Julie Fain)
To see all the latest releases, click HERE
Haed Update
Welcome to this weeks HAED update,
Easter Sale is now on..
There is currently 25% off all charts on the HAED website, this live until Midnight Tuesday the 14th of April
there are lots of new charts to choose from , as well as a good chance to clear some of the charts off your wishlist and into your stitching stash
HAED has released some new Storykeeps, after many stitchers have been asking for them, as they are perfect for gifts or a introduction to the joy of haed stitching
Welcome to new artist Howard David Johnson
As mentioned a few weeks ago Howard David Johnson has joined the HAED community
this week HAED released five charts showcasing his work
You can check out his five charts HERE
Only time for one finished Picture this week ( sorry i promise more stitchy pictures next blog entry)
Stitched By Komari on 25 ct
HAED Blog Back up and running
Hopefully someone is reading this and you have not all given up on the blog!!
I have made it my resolution for the year to regularly post updates about the HAED website and images of advanced wips and finishes
Feb 24th Heaven and Earth Designs Online Newsletter
Hi Everyone
You can check out all new releases HERE
The first three piece are finishes of Kinuko Y crafts work
Wildwood Dancer stitched by Henk in Aida
A Quick HAED update
Just a few quick notes about what is happening at HAED right now..
Another new artist at HAED..
stitched by Cheryl
Stitched by U-ko 24 pages completed
Stitched by Judy
And a finish.. stitched by an amazing lady from New Zealand whose HAED count has now reached the amazing 15 completed!!
Stitched By Jan on 25 ct
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