Гта 5 брюс ли
Как мы знаем, Брюси – маньяк во многих аспектах своей буйной жизни. У него есть страсть к женщинам, спорту и… машинам, да. Так вот, если по ходу игры вы будете проверять свою почту, то там почти наверняка начнут появляться письма от Брюси.
Ниже идет описание заказов Брюси. Я не упоминаю мест, так как они всегда разные. Но обстоятельства, при которых произойдет угон, одни и те же. Так же, для большей наглядности, указан транспорт, бывший в моем прохождении. Нумерация случайна.
После добычи транспорта, его нужно отвезти к Брюси в гараж на Monahet Avenue, Broker.
Все десять миссий (кроме одной) пройдут на острове Dukes-Broker, поэтому теоретически можно уложиться за час на всё про всё.
Мотоцикл нужно будет угнать у двух байкеров, в переулке. Как только вы сядете на мотоцикл, жмите на газ. Байкеры будут вас преследовать, избавьтесь от них. Затем отвезите байк к Брюси в гараж.
Нужная нам машина не будет стоять, она находится в пути. Поэтому слегка стукните ее, а когда из нее выберется водитель, угоняйте. Предварительно можете размять кулаки.
Возле машины стоят три парня, устраните их.
Возле байка будут ошиваться три негра со стволами, убейте их и вы получите две звезды розыска. Дальше вам нужно будет оторваться от полиции и доставить мотоцикл Брюси.
Возле машины люкс-класса будут стоять один солидный человек и три телохранителя с битами. Способов достать «пимпи» несколько, но я бы посоветовал вам просто сесть в машину, никого не трогая. Телохранители и владелец слишком медленные, так что можно рискнуть и не тратить здоровье.
Единственным охранником этой машины является ее водитель, и он двигается по улицам Либерти Сити. Вынудите его выйти из машины и завладейте ей. Можно даже пострелять через боковое стекло. Но после этого обязательно загоните машину в Pay 'N Spray.
Этот заказ так же не стоит на месте, а передвигается в одном из районов Либерти. Поэтому никакого GPS, все как в старые добрые времена – цель, HUD и вы. Помимо этого, при прямом контакте, на машину обращает внимание стрелка. Итак, ваша задача простая – избавиться от водителя и завладеть тачкой.
Сабре стоит возле обочины, а его хозяина обыскивают полицейские. Вам нужно будет запрыгнуть внутрь и гнать, что есть мочи, так как тут же появится две звезды розыска.
Это единственное авто, находящееся в Bohan. Парень за рулем ищет проститутку на улицах. Разбейте его сладкие грезы своим крепким кулаком.
Опять же, колесит по городу. Мне осталось всего лишь сбить с него водителя и все.
Его можно увидеть лично во время побочных миссий менеджера клуба. Когда Спейд планирует посетить Maisonette 9, Гей Тони настаивает на использовании вертолета для доставки Брюса до парадного входа в Maisonette 9. Луис отправляется в Нортвуд забрать Спейда, где тот пользуется кредиткой Fleeca. Брюс говорит что он не заказывал вертолет, и он обычно пользуется нейтральными транспортными средствами, и в добавок он говорит что боится высоты, но все-же соглашается на полет до Maisonette 9. Однако Луис должен лететь очень низко, дабы Спейд не испугался. Улицы вокруг Maisonette 9 были отчищены он посторонних машин, дабы Луис мог спокойно приземлиться.
Брюс списан со многих актеров, в частности, с Леонардо Ди Каприо, Шона Пенна, Боно и Брэда Питта. Также, судя по его имени он может быть списан с Брюса Уиллиса и Дэвид Спейда, но общего с ними у него мало.
Kibbutz is a luxury automotive entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and lifestyle coach. He is also a frequent user of steroids and possibly a closeted bisexual.
Friendship and Favourite Hangouts
At some point after completion of the mission "No. 1" for Brucie, he will call the player to do some activity with them and it's possible to become friends with him. The player can do most of the activities with him that are available for other friends (except playing pool or darts), and he has two unique activities: Heli Rides, and Powerboat Rides.
Brucie is one of five friends the player can make within Grand Theft Auto IV and he's usually available between 7 AM to 1 AM.
When the player gets above 75% in Brucie's Like Stat, they will gain his Special Ability which is being able to get him to transport the player anywhere by helicopter. This will add a Chopper option in his entry in the Phonebook.
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4 февраля 2020
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Bruce Lee from Enter the Dragon movie
Or Replace any Ped you want just rename the files to whatever ped you want to replace "example: mp_m_freemode_01"
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543 загрузки , 9,8 МБ
4 февраля 2020
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More mods by mstfa:
Bruce Lee from Enter the Dragon movie
Or Replace any Ped you want just rename the files to whatever ped you want to replace "example: mp_m_freemode_01"
Childhood and insecurities
Bruce Kibbutz was born in 1977. Brucie occasionally mentions to Niko that he was once a "fat loser" that "no girl would want to date." In the mission Search and Delete, he awkwardly claims that if he were gay, Roman would be in big trouble, but then quickly states he is only joking about being attracted to Roman. He also makes a definite point of saying to Niko "Brucie likes pussy. remember that, all right?"
Brucie indulges in what he calls "juicing" - injecting testosterone allegedly taken from Chilean bull sharks. It has led to excessive roid rage, and may account for Brucie's overactive excitement in most situations. He is a steroid user and possibly a dealer of performance enhancing drugs, something that has resulted in a few encounters with law enforcement.
In The Ballad of Gay Tony, Brucie's older brother Mori Kibbutz is introduced. Mori ridicules Brucie to no end, even now that they are both adults. During his appearances in Mori's missions, Brucie's arrogant, self-absorbed and egotistic lifestyle is revealed to be the result of living in his older brother's shadow, Mori constantly putting him down and becoming overly competitive. More than once, this results in Brucie quietly sobbing to himself. His bisexuality is also more outwardly hinted at, most significantly in the mission Ladies Half Price when he awkwardly tries to kiss Luis, even though he very quickly covers his tracks, claiming that he was just checking to see Luis wasn't gay. He also denies his bisexuality in an e-mail he sends to Niko if the player wins a race in GTA IV. However, Brucie indicates his potential bisexuality to Niko numerous times in the game, occasionally asking Niko to touch a part of his body to feel how "perfect" it is or saying things like "I'd love to eat with your ass, bro. Not your ass, with your ass." when asked to go out on a friend activity.
Lifestyle and wealth
Brucie is a successful entrepreneur who runs Brucie's Executive Lifestyle Autos, a garage situated in East Hook, Broker. He makes a point of flaunting his money and has even started his own website called Brucie's Executive Lifestyle, the actual purpose of which is unknown, but which seems to be a combined blog/lifestyle guide. Brucie is a V.I.P. at Maisonette 9, and has his name laminated on the guest list (it is implied Roman does as well). His favorite place to eat is at the Superstar Café.
Brucie's unique Huntley Sport.
Being in the business of cars (importing and exporting, customization, etc) provides him many luxury and sport cars for his own use. Two of his own vehicles, a Banshee and Huntley Sport, have a black and gold color scheme. In addition, he owns a Squalo powerboat and a Maverick helicopter, both for purposes of entertaining women and friends. He is a womanizer, and is openly disrespectful towards women; it is implied that they are only drawn to Brucie because of his vast fortune, which he uses to take them on power-boating and helicopter rides throughout Liberty City.
A half of Brucie's Chinese tattoos are derisive, indicating that he might not have a clear knowledge of Chinese when he got them.
- When Brucie has his shirt off, a Chinese tattoo that reads "我" is visible. This translates to "me", or "I" in English, depending on what context it is being used in Chinese.
- "人妖" on his lower back, a derogatory term for a transgender woman or a cross dressing male.
- 二打六 (literally 2 vs 6) on his left arm means "background actor" or "not an important role" in Hong Kong film production slang.
- 愛恨分明 on his right arm means "clearly distinguished between love and hate".
- A tattoo on his lower stomach with the words "Mommy" which is only visible in two missions when he has his shirt off.
Events of Grand Theft Auto IV
Brucie's attitude towards life has also attracted many friends, including Roman Bellic, who aspire to live like him. Roman meets Brucie through his website, and eventually, Roman introduces Brucie to his cousin Niko, who starts to work for Brucie. This well as forms an "odd couple" friendship (Brucie's attitude of loud, egotistical, self-centered and impulsive are the complete opposite of Niko Bellic's). Nonetheless, the two become good friends over time. Despite his protestations that he is not Russian, Niko is praised by the oblivious Brucie for his "Red Army" fighting and driving skills.
At first it appears as though Brucie is working for some sort of crime boss, as he orders Lyle Rivas killed for cooperating with police, his car stolen and his gay cousin Tom killed by Niko for debts. Niko later learns that Brucie is largely a legitimate business owner (though his Executive Lifestyle Auto shop is a "chop shop"), and not involved in organized crime - it is implied that the missions he set you were unnecessarily violent and mostly fueled by 'roid rage. Brucie, however, does not contradict the justifications for his prior missions (silencing snitches, etc.).
Following this revelation, Niko ends the business relationship with Brucie, however the two remain friends and socialize often. Brucie introduces Niko to the world of underground street racing as well, along with a stolen car ring. First, Niko performs a series of thefts for Brucie through email listings, and then eventually he is introduced to a colleague named Stevie, whose list is much more difficult to attain - Brucie's requests take the form of mini-missions, with markers designating the vehicle locations, whereas Stevie's requests merely specify the make of the vehicle, and its general vicinity. Brucie also tips Niko off to a vigilante system set up by the Liberty City Police Department, where they have contracted out assassinations to vigilantes like Niko through a "Most Wanted List".
The Lost and Damned
He doesn't physically appear in The Lost and Damned, but it is possible to hear his voice in Liberty Rock Radio, and the radio host will make a mark of his use of steroids by saying "Be genetically different baby". Roman also mentions him in the mission Roman's Holiday when he exclaims that he's "Sorry for laughing at Brucie's balls!"
The Ballad of Gay Tony
Brucie is one of the few characters from the original GTA IV that actually engages with Luis in extended dialogue, often appearing along with Roman either inside, or trying to get into Maisonette 9. During the missions for Mori Kibbutz, light is shone on Mori and Brucie's relationship as brothers, mostly consisting of Mori belittling and ridiculing Brucie at every turn, with Brucie refusing to stand up to him until the end of No. 3, where Brucie, having taken enough abuse, breaks Mori's nose, finally besting his brother.
Towards the end of the game, Brucie awkwardly attempts to kiss Luis, but hastily claims it is a test of Luis' masculinity (see above).
In the ending credits it reveals that Brucie and Mori solved their differences and entered themselves into the L.C. Fight Club and are seen fighting in the cage, without behaving overly aggressively towards each other.
Events of Grand Theft Auto V
Circa 2013, Brucie has become the spokesman for Bull Shark Testosterone supplements. The player can look at the website for Bull Shark testosterone and even hear a Weazel News report about the effects of Bull Shark testosterone, both of which mention Brucie as the spokesman. Brucie is also an avid bleeter and his bleets can be read with new ones being posted throughout progression of the storyline, with bleets covering on his life and give-aways on calendars from 2012 that feature pin-ups of himself. His Bleeter profile picture and website picture shows his appearance to be different from GTA IV as he now sports a different shaped head, a goatee and looks quite a bit older, probably due to artificial tanning and steroid abuse. It is implied also that his car is stolen by Lamar Davis in a deleted mission, though it is likely that he still had his car stolen offscreen.
Events of Grand Theft Auto Online
Brucie appears in GTA Online and contacts the character after they reach rank 17, informing them that he will order Bull Shark Testosterone of which the player can then phone Brucie for him to deliver.
GTA Online: The Diamond Casino & Resort
By 2019, Brucie has apparently relocated to Los Santos. He responds to an ad at The Diamond Casino & Resort for a personal masseuse/fitness aide to its then owner Tao Cheng. Brucie soon has the young Triad on a schedule of intense work outs and Bull Shark Testosterone. Unintentionally, the supplements make Cheng highly agitated and spark a war with Avery Duggan and his potent private security force. Brucie stays in his post throughout the ensuring conflict between the resort and the Duggan family. At the end of the conflict, Tao sells the Casino & Resort and boards a plane to return to China.
GTA Online: The Diamond Casino Heist
Brucie is still employed as a masseuse at The Diamond after the events of the The Diamond Casino & Resort update. While scoping the Casino for the heist, if the online protagonist uses the elevator to head to the rooftop, they'll run into Brucie who, along with several other VIP guests, are invited to Yung Ancestor's afterparty. Later on, he'll accompany Yung to help cause a distraction during The Big Con approach if Yung is selected as entrance disguise. Here, Brucie and Yung feign an act that ended up with Brucie getting shot in the leg which he used as an excuse to lure Debbie out of her office in order for the crew to steal a keycard to gain access to the Staff Lobby.
GTA Online: Los Santos Tuners
“ Ey. after that lick, folks starting to talk about y'all. You down for a little side hustle? I met some guy at the meet. weird dude, bald as a motherfucker, real chaotic energy. Anyway, he collects cars, strips 'em down, and then pushes 'em via his little import-export business. All the hard work is on his side of the table. but he likes the sound of you, an all y'all gotta do is steal the cars and drop 'em off t his cargo ship by the docks. ”While he does not physically appear in GTA Online: Los Santos Tuners, his "The Bitch" Banshee (custom license plate D481TCH) can be sometimes be found inside the LS Car Meet warehouse, meaning that he attends the LS Car Meet as of 2021.
He meets Sessanta (off-screen) at the meet and gives her a list of his latest vehicle requests for his import/export business. The player can steal as many of the vehicles they find and deliver them to the Terminal location where they will be loaded onto the Ocean Motion.
События GTA V
Ко времени GTA V, около 2013 года Брюс объединяется с Merryweather Security. Не очень много известно о нем как об актере в GTA V, разве-что он упоминается во время одного из Vinewood Star Tours, где говорится что Брюс является владельцем ночного клуба Eclipse Boulevard , который был открыт в 1996 году.
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