Green project фиолетовый гриб
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2. Concentrated Caffeine [ ]
It is a consumable liquid. The recipe for Concentrated Caffeine is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Roasted Coffee Bean: 20
Stats: [ ]
Fabrication time: 10 mins [ ]
Green Factor [ ]
The Green Factor (GF) is the number next to the leaf icon in the top right of the screen. It increases with the amounts of trees planted and the subsequent increase in the surrounding green tiles around the trees.
Planting Trees [ ]
Trees can be planted by placing a tree seed in arable soil. There are 6 types of trees that can be planted in the game at this time.
When fully grown, trees will increase the presence of animals and plants in the surrounding area. The type of animals and plants depends on the species of tree planted.
The Green Factor plays an important part in the game, and as the Green Factor increases it will trigger in-game events, increase the variety of items the player can find while while foraging, and change the sound of the environment with increased nature noises present.
Farming [ ]
Cultivable Plants [ ]
8. Ratus galinae egg [ ]
It can be consumed as well as hatched into a Ratus galinae by dropping it into the ground and letting it hatch. The recipe for Pigus slimus egg is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player at the House of the Necromancer near the cemetary for it to appear in the chemistry table.
English:Thyme is one of the most important plants to survive in Green Project. It is used in several recipes to decreases the radiation level.
Gathering [ ]
English:Thyme can be found under elm trees. It will reproduce itself if there is some thyme left alive. Beetles like to eat thyme so you should plant a cypress next to an elm to get lizards to get rid of the beetles.
Пользователя ждет выживание в постапокалиптическом мире. Герой оказывается в непростой ситуации, проснувшись после сна длинною 300 лет понимает, что на Земле не осталось людей, природа на гране уничтожения. Предстоит выжить, вернуть первозданный облик планете. Рядом находим кейс, наполненный военным пайком - калорийный, безвкусный. Учитывая, что паек упакован, не подвержен образованию плесени. Сразу понимаем, в игре присутствуют характеристики: жажда, голод, здоровье, токсины, усталость. Открываем меню главного героя - видим слоты экипировки, инвентарь (половина секций которого изначально закрыта). Внизу расположена панель, состоящая из 5 ячеек быстрого доступа.
Отключить Жажду - lA6QAjxPs
Голод - fomw8mCnN
Токсичность - Epox6g3AD
Усталость - 2K1LLP5LC
Инвентарь не ломается - m5oatp4Si
карта - oA9vJkfT0
мгновенный крафт, выращивание растений - qwgg12dK9
99х ресурсов (каждого (советуем сразу подготовить много сундуков)) - MiVwCP3oO
Что же произошло: гриб, поражающий растительность мутировал, породил другой вид грибка, который теперь заражал человечество, убивая его медленно, но верно. Используем различные предметы, растения для выживания: Тимьян - очищает, выводит токсины. Ступка - посуда для приготовления лекарственных, химических рецептов, используется в кулинарии, лаборатории. Семя кукурузы - сажать в обработанной земле - производит корм для крыс. Мотыга - обработка земли, выращивание деревьев, овощей. Топор - рубка леса. Лейка - полив растений. Серп - резка трав, растений.
Цель: собираем материалы, ресурсы, выращиваем травы, овощи, растения, рубим, изучаем, выживаем. Действий много, придется попотеть. Проще всего ввести читы, коды, взлом карты (указывает секретные локации ресурсов, вещей, сундуков), мгновенное выращивание растительности, рецепты, 99х ресурсов каждого вида, инвентарь увеличен х10 вкладок, отключаем жажду, токсичность, голод.
Если без паролей: пользуемся котлом - производим напитки, мясные, растительные блюда. Собираем семена вяза - в воде не нуждается, корни будут достаточно глубоко в земле. При выращивании дерево очистит токсичные участки.
Категория: Green Project - читы.
6. Flower Tree Seed [ ]
It is a non-consumable recipe. This recipe converts that inert flower seed found by the player to the flower seed that is plantable. This recipe for is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Inert Flower tree Seed: 1
Mutagenic Mushroom: 1
5. Dead Revival [ ]
It is a consumable liquid. The recipe for Dead Reviv is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Concentrated Caffeine: 1
Mutagenic mushroom: 1
Sporific Mushroom: 5
Stats: [ ]
Crafting [ ]
Inside the player's starting house , three types of crafting tables can be found, the workbench, the chemistry table and the butcher's table. Each table is used to create recipes unique to them. You can also find a place to cook your food. Later, you will be able to craft an enhanced kitchen and a few furniture to transform some items.
Workbench [ ]
The workbench is the brown colored table that can been seen at the far left inside of the player's house. It is used to create various recipes in the following categories:
Chemistry table [ ]
It is the blue table next to the workbench and is used to craft chemical recipes.
Butcher's table [ ]
Transforming furnitures [ ]
They are used to convert some items into other ones you will be able to use. At first, you will make a composter, then a seed sorter. Later, you will find an ore extractor used to transform ferrite into iron, and clay soil into clay.
Fireplace [ ]
It is the structure in front of the door, with the boil. It is used to cook your food. It is used to eat better food than the raw items. You need 1 raw wood, stocked next to the boil, to be able to cook any recipe.
Enhanced kitchen [ ]
It is a furniture you can craft mid-game. In addition to the recipes you can find in the fireplace, you will be able to cook preserves. Unlike the fireplace, you can't get your raw wood back.
3. Total Curative [ ]
It is a consumable liquid. The recipe for Total Curative is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Toxic Mushroom: 5
Mutagenic Mushroom: 1
Stats: [ ]
Fabrication time: 30 mins [ ]
Description [ ]
Green Project is a post apocalyptic survival and farming RPG developed by Zerone Games. It is available for both PC (Steam) and Android (Google Play).
The game begins with a story of how Léon or Leona, an astronaut who was sent to the space by V.A.S.A, returns to Earth which has been destroyed in by a fungus. He finds himself a lone survivor in this post apocalyptic world and has to restore back the world to it's previous state by planting trees which reduce the toxic bubbles left by the fungus.
4. Detoxinator 1000 [ ]
It is a consumable liquid. The recipe for Detoxinator is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player in the Bat cave (North west of the player's starting base) for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Total Curative: 1
Toxic Mushroom: 2
Stats: [ ]
Husbandry [ ]
There are three animals that can be caught using traps and two you can create by mutation.
- Rat: A live rat is caught by placing a non-lethal trap.
- Chicken: A live chicken is caught by placing a non-lethal traps.
- Pig: Pigs require special traps, used especially to catch pigs
- Pigus slimus: Hatched from pigus slimus egg. Pigus slimus egg can be made from 1 chicken egg, 2 mutagenic mushroom and 1 pig at the chemistry table. It takes 1 hour to craft.
- Ratus galine: Hatched from the Ratus galine egg. Ratus galine egg can be made from 1 chicken egg, 2 mutagenic mushroom and 1 rat at the chemistry table. It takes 1 hour to craft.
7. Pigus slimus egg [ ]
It can be consumed as well as hatched into a Pigus slimus by dropping it into the ground and letting it hatch. The recipe for Pigus slimus egg is not originally available to the player at the begining of the game and has to be found by the player at the House of the Necromancer near the cemetary for it to appear in the chemistry table.
Recipe: [ ]
Mutagenic Mushroom: 2
Stats: [ ]
Events [ ]
Certain events are triggered by the Green Factor reaching certain number
- A wetter Atmosphere - Space Pod objective 1
Objectives to complete
- 99 thyme
- 99 sage
- 150 green factor
After completing the first space pod objective the main character will mention 'that the atmosphere is getting wetter it will take less water to grow crops now'. You will also notice that the crashed wreck of your space pod has now begun to sprout plant growth.
- Space Pod Objective 2
Objectives to complete
- 99 Dead Black Rat
- 99 Dead Brown Chicken
- 50 Dead Pig
- 350 Green Factor
note: currently all colours of animals contribute to the completion of mission objectives.
-Rain scarcity: After reaching a certain Green Factor (number to be discovered), it will rain every alternate week rather than every week.
-Crow Seed event: After reaching a certain Green Factor (possibly a Green Factor of more than 50), a crow will defecate on Leon's head, when interacted with the crow dropping, it will give a pumpkin or onion and five organic waste. The pumpkin or onion can be added to the seed sorter and the organic waste to the composter to get 1 pumpkin/onion seeds, 1 NPK compost, and/or a tree seed respectively.
-Toxic Mushroom event: After a week of, the player's Green Factor reaching 75, Toxic mushrooms start to pop up. They have to be prevented from spreading around by placing tiles around it or by digging holes with the pickaxe around it. The only way to eliminate it is by blasting the purple grass with dynamite to make a pond, which can then be filled in with sandbags to make regular land.
It is a liquid which when consumed optimizes the player's stats. The recipe for chemical blessing is not originally available to the player at the start of the game and has to be found by the player for it to appear on the table.
Recipe: [ ]
Sporific Mushroom: 2
Toxic Mushroom: 2
Edible Mushroom: 2
Stats: [ ]
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