Final fantasy транспорт
Список продаваемых на кораблях предметов и магии:
* После событий на Mt. Bur-Omisace
** После событий в Giruvegan
*** После событий в Pharos at Ridorana
В игре существует два типа кристаллов - синие (Save Crystal) и оранжевые (Gate Crystal). Оба позволяют сохранить игру, а также автоматически восстанавливают HP и MP партии при активации.
Оранжевый, кроме всего прочего, позволяет телепортироваться между кристаллами такого же цвета, расположенными во всех ключевых локациях игры. Для перемещения, необходимо выбрать опцию "Teleport" и иметь в инвентаре хотя бы один Teleport Stone (выпадают из врагов или выдаются за успешное вполнение охот). Перемещаться можно только между кристаллами, которые вы уже предварительно активировали.
Список местностей, в которых встречаются кристаллы телепортации:
Dalmasca Estersand
Nalbina Fortress
Dalmasca Westersand
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
The Tomb of Raithwall
Mosphoran Highwaste
Eruyt Village
The Henne Mines
Golmore Jungle
Mt. Bur-Omisace
The Stilshrine of Miriam
The Salikawood
The Phon Coast
Tchita Uplands
The Sochen Cave Palace
Balfonheim Port
The Lhusu Mines
Barheim Passage
Nabreus Deadlands (Crystal Bug)
The Pharos at Ridorana
В редких случаях (три раза за игру), при попытке активировать кристалл партия вступит в бой с монстром Crystal Bug. Настоящий кристалл появится после того, как он будет уничтожен.
После сюжетных событий в Giruvegan, партия получит возможность путешествовать по миру на воздушном корабле Балфира под названием "Strahl". Перемещения станут практически мгновенными и, в отличие от кристаллов-телепортов, совершенно бесплатными. Впрочем, число точек, к которым может причалить корабль, ограничено. Посадка на Аэродромах осуществляется у стойки "Private Airships".
Список локаций, к которым может причалить "Strahl":
Rabanastre - Aerodrome
Giza Plains - Crystal Glade
Dalmasca Estersand - Passage Entrance
Dalmasca Westersand - The Western Divide
Bhujerba - Aerodrome
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Yensa Border Tunnel
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - The Sandscale Bank
Ozmone Plains - Sunlit Path
Paramina Rift - Path of the Firstfall
Nalbina - Aerodrome
Mosphoran Highwaste - Bubbling Vale
The Phon Coast - Kaukula Pass
Tchita Uplands - The Chosen Path
Archades - Aerodrome
Balfonheim Port - Aerodrome
The Ridorana Cataract - Footfalls of the Past
Cerobi Steppe - Journey's Rest
Rabanastre - Sky Fortess Bahamut (после событий в Pharos at Ridorana)
При помощи лодки вы можете пересечь реку Небра в локации Dalmasca Estersand, перемещаясь между двумя поселениями, расположенными на южном и северном берегу реки. Чтобы получить такую возможность, вам нужно поговорить с мальчиком Tchigri и выполнить квест по спасению его отца (читайте раздел "Секреты"). После этого, сервис будет доступен в любой момент игры совершенно бесплатно.
Транспортные кабинки служат основным видом транспорта в городе Аркадес. Чтобы получить возможность проехаться из района Nilbasse в Tsenoble, вам необходимо заполучить 9 Pinewood Chop (выдаются за помощь местным гражданам, читайте в разделе "Секреты"), а чтобы попасть затем в High Terrace, нужно заработать все 28 Pinewood Chop и обменять их в любом магазине на Sandalwood Chop.
Путевые камни (Way Stone) позволяют вам перемещаться между разными под-локациями внутри определённой местности или сокращать путь. Работают они по принципу обычных телепортов.
Карты позволяют установить своё точное местоположение в пределах текущей локации, а также выбрать оптимальный маршрут. Войдя на новую местность без карты, вы сможете увидеть только те зоны, которые непосредственно посетили. Для того, чтобы сразу увидеть всю карту целиком, необходимо либо найти в пределах местности специальную урну с соответствующей картой, либо приобрести карту у слоняющегося поблизости мугла из гильдии картограферов (Cartographer's Guild).
Местонахождение муглов и цена за карту:
Giza Plains (30 gil) - Giza Plains - Nomad Village (во время засухи);
Dalmasca Estersand (50 gil) - Dalmasca Estersand - South Bank Village;
Bhujerba (70 gil) - Bhujerba - Travica Way/Lhusu Square;
Lhusu Mines (650 gil) - Bhujerba - Travica Way/Lhusu Square;
Dalmasca Westersand (550 gil) - Rabanastre - Southern Plaza;
Jahara (30 gil) - Jahara - Banks of Sogoht;
Ozmone Plains (1700 gil) - Jahara - Banks of Sogoht;
Mt. Bur-Omisace (15 gil) - Mt. Bur-Omisace - Sand-strewn Pass;
Paramina Rift (3200 gil) - Mt. Bur-Omisace - Sand-strewn Pass;
Mosphoran Highwaste (2400 gil) - Dalmasca Estersand - North Bank Village;
The Phon Coast (1800 gil) - Phon Coast - Hunter's Camp;
Archades (230 gil) - Archades - Bulward's Technicks;
Tchita Uplands (3300 gil) - Archades - Bulward's Technicks;
Balfonheim Port (30 gil) - Balfonheim Port - Sea Breeze Lane;
Cerobi Steppe (4100 gil) - Balfonheim Port - Sea Breeze Lane.
Nalbina Fortess - получите автоматически в начале игры;
Rabanastre - получите автоматически после очистки канализации от крыс;
Royal Palace of Rabanastre - локация Cellar Stores, сразу после входа в замок из канализации;
Garamsythe Waterway - локация East Waterway Control;
Nalbina Dungeons - получите автоматически после победы над Galeedo, Gwitch и Daguza;
Barheim Passage - локация Great Eastern Passage;
Dreadnought Leviathan - получите автоматически во время сюжета;
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - локация Platform 1 - Refinery;
Nam-Yensa Sandsea - локация Augur Hill;
Tomb of King Raithwell - локация Royal Passage, после победы над Demon Wall в Hall of the Sentinel;
Golmore Jungle - локация Paths of Chained Light;
Henne Mines - локация Phase 1 Shaft (нужно переключить Gate Switchboard);
Stilshrine of Miriam - локация Ward of Steel после победы над боссом Vinuskar);
The Salikawood - локация Trunkwall Road;
Draklor Laboratories - получите автоматически, войдя в комнату "C.D.B.";
The Feywood - локация Walk of Stolen Truths;
Giruvegan - локация The Trimahla Water-Steps (после первого посещения);
Ridorana Cataract - локация The Colosseum;
Pharos - First Ascent - локация Wellspring Labyrinth (на юге);
Pharos - Second Ascent - локация Station of Suffering (на северо-западе);
Pharos - Third Ascent - локация Spire Ravel - 1st Flight;
Pharos - Subterra - посетите все уровни и комнаты локации, чтобы карта полностью открылась;
Zertinan Caverns - локация The Balamka Fault;
Nabreus Deadlands - локация Vale of Lingering Sorrow;
Necrohol of Nabudis - локация Cloister of Solace после победы над боссом Humbaba (читайте раздел "Секреты").
Свечи (Candles) позволяют увидеть на картах скрытые изначально местности. Появляются позже в игре, после ключевых сюжетных событий:
Giza Plains Candle - локация Tracks of the Beast во время дождей;
Feywood Candle - локация White Magick's Embrace;
Barheim Candle - локация The Zeviah Span;
Garamsythe Candle - локация East Sluice Control (после победы над боссом Firemane);
Lhusu Candle - локация Site 5;
Henne Candle - локация Phase 2 Dig Section.
List of vehicles and transportation devices used in the Final Fantasy VII series.
Other [ ]
Chocobo [ ]
Chocobos are large birds that can be ridden like real world horses. Depending upon the breed, they can ride over every sort of terrain on the world map. Yellow chocobos can only ride over flat ground. Blue chocobos can also ride over shallow water. Green chocobos can run over tall mountains and cliffs. Black chocobos have all the abilities listed combined into one. Gold chocobos can ride over every type of terrain, even the deepest water. Chocobos are often the only types of transportation that can go to certain places, such as the Materia Caves.
Chocobo cart [ ]
Only two chocobo carts are seen during the game. One is used by Don Corneo to transport captured women to his mansion in the Wall Market. It is an antique wooden kart carried by a chocobo similar to a real world horse and buggy. Another is seen near Corel Prison, if the player gets lost on the desert it will come up and take the party back to the prison entrance.
The chocobo cart morphed into Sam's Delivery Service in the remake.
Snowboard [ ]
The Snowboard is a small means of transportation that involves sliding down snow slopes. It can be obtained from an injured kid in Icicle Inn, and is only used once to go to the Great Glacier. There is a brief minigame that can be played on the snowboard, and depending upon the player's choice at the forks, the party will land in different locations on the Glacier. Afterwards, the minigame can be played at Gold Saucer. The snowboarding minigame was later released for mobile phones as a stand-alone game.
Stats [ ]
Snowboard | |
Length | 153.0 centimeters |
Width | 116.0 centimeters |
Waist Width | 25.1 centimeters |
Ropeway [ ]
The Ropeway is a cable-car system running between Gold Saucer and North Corel.
Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.
Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Final Fantasy X (FF10), то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.
Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.
Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Final Fantasy X (FF10), то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.
Nautical [ ]
Cargo Ship [ ]
The Cargo Ship is a boat that travels the waters between Junon and Costa del Sol, being the only link between the Eastern and Western continents for much of the game. The player cannot control the Cargo Ship, but it can ferry the party back and forth between the ports. The Cargo Ship can also carry the Buggy.
UV type submarine [ ]
Submarines are the only vehicles that can submerge below the ocean floor and explore the underwater locations. There are two colors of submarine, red and grey. Neither are different in any significant fashion. They are limited by the areas in which they can go; only being able to sail in the center ocean between the three continents. They dock in a port next to Junon.
Unnamed Shinra boat [ ]
Zack boards an unnamed Shinra boat on his vacation to Costa del Sol in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. He can also attend certain missions on it.
Aerial [ ]
Highwind [ ]
The Highwind.
The Highwind is the party's main airship in Final Fantasy VII. It can fly over every type of terrain and sea, but can only land on flat grassy plains. It can transport chocobos.
Shera [ ]
The Shera is the second major airship, appearing in later Compilation titles that chronologically follow Final Fantasy VII. Shera is the WRO airship fleet's command ship.
Shinra Transportation unit Gelnika [ ]
The Gelnika is the main transportation unit for Shinra. It is depicted as bombing the town of Modeoheim in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, and transferring the Huge Materia from Junon to Rocket Town for the attempt to destroy the Meteor with Shinra No. 26. Another craft of this type is shown crashed on the ocean floor near Costa del Sol, having crashed while transferring weapons to be used against Sephiroth. It is accessible as a dungeon containing many of the more powerful enemies in the game.
Tiny Bronco [ ]
The Tiny Bronco was designed to be a small aircraft built for speed. However, when Rufus Shinra tries to steal it from its builder, Cid Highwind, Cid defects and joins with Cloud Strife and the party. The Tiny Bronco is hit by shots from Shinra soldiers, and is then forever disabled. In Final Fantasy VII it serves not as the party's aircraft, but as a mere boat. It can only sail through shallow water.
Shinra No. 26 [ ]
Shinra No. 26 in Rocket Town.
The Shinra No. 26 is the number and official name of the rocket piloted by Cid Highwind. It was one of the successful rockets developed by Shinra's Space Exploration Department. Because of a mishap that occurred inside the rocket during the day of the launch, it was aborted. The site of the aborted launch served as a landmark years later for Rocket Town. The rocket was later successfully launched to space with Huge Materia on board.
B1-Alpha Helicopter [ ]
B1-Alpha Helicopter.
There are two types of helicopters in Final Fantasy VII, yet both look highly similar. Rufus uses the B1 Alpha to arrive at the Shinra Headquarters, and also uses it to retreat from a confrontation with Cloud Strife. It also is seen picking Rufus up at Costa del Sol, and later overflying the Sister Ray at Midgar.
B1-Beta Helicopter [ ]
B1-Beta Helicopter.
The B1 Beta is the helicopter used by the Turks to escape from Sector 7 with Aeris as a hostage.
Other helicopters [ ]
Shinra uses a military transport helicopter to deploy SOLDIERs and Turks to missions in Crisis Core and Advent Children.
Final Fantasy VII Remake shows a different helicopter model than the B1 series seen in the original and some entries to the Compilation. The helicopters are used by the Turks for transport and aerial offense, by Shinra medical team for extractions, and by Avalanche HQ. The medical helicopter is red and white, whereas the others are metallic colored. The Turks' helicopters have the Shinra Electric Power Company logo .
Ground [ ]
Hardy-Daytona [ ]
The Hardy-Daytona is the motorcycle Cloud Strife uses to escape from the Shinra Building. The motorbike is one of the vehicles on display in the Shinra Building Exhibition Room. It is used briefly in a motorcycle minigame, that can later be played at Gold Saucer. Cloud acquires another motorcycle after the events of Final Fantasy VII.
The Hardy-Daytona appears as Cloud's vehicle in the game, Chocobo Racing.
Fenrir [ ]
The Fenrir is Cloud's motorcycle in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. It appears to have been customized for Cloud, as it comes with special compartments to hold Cloud's Fusion Swords.
Motonox Gust [ ]
Motonox Gust artwork.
The Motonox Gust is driven by Cloud and Wedge during Final Fantasy VII Remake chapter Mad Dash to get topside from the slums. Before this, Cloud can spot a man in the slums with one. Similar to how Hardy-Daytona was based on real world motorcycles, the Motonox Gust appears to be based around dual sport motorcycles (akin to a Honda XR605L or a Suzuki DR-Z400S). The segment takes cues from the motorcycle minigame from the original Final Fantasy VII where the player swats Shinra bikers with their sword while trying to avoid damage to both Cloud and to Wedge. The boss of this segment is Roche.
Shinra Public Security motorcycles [ ]
Shinra Highway Patrolman artwork
As seen in Chapters 4 and 18 of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Shinra's Public Security operators ride on motorcycles to apprehend Shinra's enemies. Like Cloud's Hardy-Daytona, these bikes are based on a real-world design, taking inspiration from models driven by law enforcement officers around the world. Judging from the shape of the chassis, the height of the windshield, and the large saddlebags, it can be assumed these bikes are based on a Harley-Davidson FL model (one of the most popular police bikes in use).
SOLDIER motorcycles [ ]
Roche and his bike.
In the Final Fantasy VII Remake, SOLDIER operatives (typically seen as 3 rd Class) drive motorcycles during Chapter 4 and Chapter 18. Like the Hardy-Daytona and the Shinra PS bikes, these models are based on real-world motorcycles, but take a more retro vibe (likely being based on a 1977 model Magni MV Agusta 850 SS Monza). The SOLDIER operatives in Chapter 18 ride green variants, while the most famous rider of this model, Roche, rides a bike that is bright red.
The remnants' motorcycles [ ]
The Remnants on their motorcycles.
The remnants of Sephiroth also ride motorcycles, although their design is quite different from the Fenrir. The unnamed motorcycle model is distinguished by three large pipes that emerge over the rear wheel and a series of other pipes that cover the vehicle otherwise, although they are not exhaust pipes and are merely aesthetics.
Designer Takayuki Takeya has said he designed their motorcycles "without a face", which gave them character, and admitted he "never really thought about what made [it] move. If I did, I'd be stuck thinking about it all day". In a scene in Advent Children Complete, it is also shown that some type of rapid-fire guns are mounted on the sides of the wheel on the motorcycles' front.
sA-27 type Motor Tricycle [ ]
The sA-27 is one of two motor tricycle type cars on display in the Exhibition Room of the Shinra Building. It is never used, and only depicted during the opening FMV.
Stats [ ]
sA-27 type Motor Tricycle | |
Load Capacity | 820 kilograms |
Cubic Displacement | 760 cubic centimeters |
Engine | 1S-Ge type (Oil-Cooling 1 Cylinder OHV) |
Occupancy | 1 |
sA-37 type Motor Tricycle [ ]
The sA-37 is the other motor tricycle. It is called Shinra Hauler SA-37 in the remake. This one is used by Barret and the other party members when they escape from the Shinra Building and is part of the following minigame segment. If the enemy motorcycles hit this car, then the party takes damage. That damage will be represented in the battle with Motor Ball in the original Final Fantasy VII.
pA-86 type Automobile [ ]
The pA-86 is a vehicle on display in the Exhibition Room of the Shinra Building. It is later seen as the vehicle carrying Rufus Shinra during his parade through Junon, and can also be seen in Cid's garage in Rocket Town, and its wreck is seen in Corel Prison.
Stats [ ]
pA-86 type Automobile | |
Load Capacity | 1,280 kilograms |
Cubic Displacement | 1,004 cubic centimeters |
Engine | 3p-Geu type (Vertical Position 3 Cylinder OHV-6valve) |
Occupancy | 1 |
Locomotive [ ]
Train in Final Fantasy VII.
Trains are used in Midgar as the main form of public transportation. The public train system is the only way to go from the slums up to the upper portion of the plate. There are also abandoned rail systems running through Mt. Corel but are only used once by Shinra to transport the Huge Materia.
Buggy [ ]
The Buggy is a large ground vehicle running on tank-treads. It can run over all ground terrain outside of deep water and high mountains, notably being able to drive through rivers. Cloud and his party get the only known Buggy from Dio.
Pick-up truck [ ]
The truck makes an appearance in an optional flashback sequence where Zack and Cloud ride on it on their way to Midgar. The truck scene is recreated in Last Order -Final Fantasy VII- and is briefly glimpsed in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children as well. As a curiosity, the tire of the truck reads "Good Stone", a mix of real world tire brands Goodyear and Bridgestone.
SOLDIER truck [ ]
The truck in Before Crisis.
The SOLDIER convoy headed by Sephiroth sent to Nibelheim to investigate the appearance of monsters around the Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor was brought in by a truck. The truck is attacked by a dragon and though Sephiroth slays it, it is unknown what happened to the vehicle as the party arrives in Nibelheim on foot. In dummied content there are hints that there were once plans for a scene where the party would have lost the truck and its driver, and thus had to walk to Nibelheim on foot, which is why two Shinra infantrymen arrive in Nibelheim instead of the three seen in the truck.
Shadow Fox [ ]
The Shadow Fox.
The Shadow Fox is an all-terrain, multi-purpose truck developed and used by the World Regenesis Organization which saw great use during the conflict against Deepground. Unlike most other vehicles seen in Final Fantasy VII (or its compilation), the Shadow Fox appears to be powered by hover technology, though no further information is available as to how this was achieved. However, similar to the aesthetic of Final Fantasy VII, the truck appears to be designed based on real world military troop transport vehicles, such as the Praga V3S.
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