Fear мало фпс
На очень многих компьютерах FEAR (и Condemned) работает слишком медленно для такой старой игры, а потом вообще начинает адски тормозить, либо виснет, пока не перезапустишь. Этот старый неисправленный баг можно обойти.
Решение проблемы с тормозами в F.E.A.R.
Проблема с тормозами вызвана багом при использовании Direct Input.
Чаще всего возникает, если используются или использовались раньше устройства от Logitech.
Есть по крайней мере два способа решения.
Первое решение - отключить лишние HID устройства в настройках Windows. Способ известен давно и помог уже многим, но есть отзывы, что у кого-то не работает на Windows 10.
- Заходим в Устройства, (Правой по Мой Компьютер->управление / My computer->Manage)
- В группе Human Interface Devices запрещаем всё с HID в имени. Всякие там мыши Logitech, джойстики и тому подобное. Мышь от этого работать не перестанет, но могут отрубиться мультимедийные кнопки.
- Может понадобиться перезагрузка. А может и нет.
- .
- F.E.A.R. начинает просто летать.
- Пройдя игру можно разрешить всё обратно.
Второе решения. - добавить DLL-файл в папку, куда установлена игра.
Принцип действия: DLL прячет от игры устройства, которые мы запрещали в первом варианте
Внимание: Я не отвечаю за содержимое DLL, там кроме патча может в принципе быть что угодно, и вы используете данный метод на свой страх и риск.
Внимание: Не нужно пытаться заменить DLL с таким же именем, которая лежит в Windows! Просто положите эту туда, где находится exe-файл игры.
Поддерживаемые игры
Исправление не зависит от игры, которая его использует, и поэтому должно работать со всеми версиями поддерживаемой игры, включая Steam или GOG Galaxy. и розничные версии.
FEAR и его расширения
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Не стесняйтесь оставлять отзывы, если DLL работает и в других играх.
Исправление не вносит постоянных изменений в игру или Windows и может быть легко удалено.
Распакуйте файл dinput8.dll в папку, содержащую исполняемый файл игры. Например:
«C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition» *
Начните игру, как обычно, например, напрямую через Steam или GOG Galaxy.
* Обратите внимание, что для расширений FEAR исправление также должно быть установлено в соответствующую подпапку игры
Переименуйте или удалите dinput8.dll из папки игры.
[EDIT] Now also available as a Steam-Guide.
It as a well-known problem that there is a bug in FEAR and its expansions where the FPS will drop to around 20-30 after a few minutes of play. This is especially common with people using Logitech devices. Although this can be fixed by disabling most/all HID-Devices in the device manager, it bothered me a lot that his has to be done, even when using the script someone came up with.
I took some time to investigate this problem and came up with a possible fix that removes the problem without having to disable any HID-Device.
I only tested this on Steam but it should in theory work with every version including the retail one.
[EDIT] I've updated the fix so it should no longer require to install the Visual C++ Redistributable package. It would be nice if someone who hasn't installed the package yet could confirm that this version works. If it doesn't, just use the old version.
[EDIT] I replaced the old version with the new one since it has confirmed to be working by several people.
I say possible fix because up to this point I only tested this myself. Since I didn't do a longer play session (> few hours) I can't say for certain if this will work in all cases and if there are some unanticipated problems with different hardware configurations. However, even if it turns out that it does not work for all people right now, the problem should definitely be fixable using the approach I used here. Feedback would be highly appreciated.
[EDIT] Fix has been confirmed to be working by several people.
Also since this is an executable DLL-File I could have put any harmful shenanigans in there. You just have to trust me that the file is clean. Be aware however, that the file could trigger anti-virus software, although I didn't have any problems on my end.
[EDIT] If you don't trust me -- and why should you -- feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. Be aware however, that the file could trigger anti-virus software without being harmful. Although nobody reported any problems up to this point.
The fix is implemented using a common technique known as 'DLL hooking'.
User input in FEAR is realized via DirectInput, an API by Microsoft for interacting with HID-Devices. The library is ancient and not really relevant today, because there are other ways to get mouse and keyboard input, especially for games.
The fps drops happen because the thread that runs DirectInput massively slows down after a while (as can be seen in tools like 'ProcessExplorer').
If an application uses a library like DirectInput, it needs a so called DLL (dynamic-link library) where the functionality of the library is stored. In many cases, especially for libraries provided by Microsoft, these DLLs usually reside in the Windows folder.
However, there is an order of how an application searches for the DLLs it needs. Since the DLL of the fix gets copied into the main folder of the application and has the same name of a DLL needed by the game (the one of DirectInput), it gets loaded instead of the one in the windows folder.
This means that all calls to DirectInput go through the Hook-DLL and can either be directed to the original DLL in the Windows folder or changed as necessary. This also allows some insight in how exactly the library is used by the game.
As it turned out the game not only unnecessarily registers all HID-devices it also calls several functions every frame that usually only should be called once during initialization. The latter seems to apply only to devices that are not keyboards or mice. This eventually leads to circumstances where a lot of time is spent opening and closing device connections.
The fix changes the DirectInput initialization in such a way that only keyboard and pointer devices get registered.
Use DirectInput FPS Fix, it works in:
- F.E.A.R. main game and its expansions
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
Use DirectInput FPS Fix, it works in:
- F.E.A.R. main game and its expansions
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
I will try this out, thanks. Been getting fps drops for the first time in this game, and I'm just using Microsoft brand KB/Mouse, plus Sony PS headphones via USB. Never really had frame issues before, but that was on Win7 and earlier Win10 versions.
22 фев. 2018 в 22:54Use DirectInput FPS Fix, it works in:
- F.E.A.R. main game and its expansions
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
I will try this out, thanks. Been getting fps drops for the first time in this game, and I'm just using Microsoft brand KB/Mouse, plus Sony PS headphones via USB. Never really had frame issues before, but that was on Win7 and earlier Win10 versions.
I don't have any logitech on my system and was getting fps issues. The patch fixed it.
Now if only somebody would post solution on how to cap fps via the console variable/autoexec command - that would truly make my day.
P.S. (both vsync or nvidia inspector-like fps limiter are not very good, cuz first one adds input delay and second one creates sickeningly massive tearing all the time)
28 дек. 2018 в 2:45Now if only somebody would post solution on how to cap fps via the console variable/autoexec command - that would truly make my day.
P.S. (both vsync or nvidia inspector-like fps limiter are not very good, cuz first one adds input delay and second one creates sickeningly massive tearing all the time)
Enable VSYNC in game. Uninstall Geforce Experience.
Also, update your graphics drivers.
28 дек. 2018 в 2:49 I don't use Geforce Experience and Vsync in-game still provides input delay. I'll settle with a console / autoexec command. 28 дек. 2018 в 3:03 I don't use Geforce Experience and Vsync in-game still provides input delay. I'll settle with a console / autoexec command.The game engine doesn’t allow console use mate.
“I don’t use Geforce Experience”, doesn’t mean that you don’t have it installed. Having it installed can cause issues.
As for the comments about input delay, turn off your mouse acceleration, you shouldn’t be experiencing any at all unless you’re playing on a TV without game mode turned on. Your comment also suggests you never tried using either option.
Also, it’s helpful to state your system specs.
28 дек. 2018 в 3:15That's the only thing you needed to post. Also, I'm not your mate
By "not using" i mean "not using and not having it installed".
Case closed.
Видел тут много подобных тем, но все, как мне показалось, мертвые.
Решил создать новую. Проблема следующая:
При запуске игры тестирование показывает такой результат:
После 2-5 минут игры или повторном запуске тестирования производительности результат меняется на такой:
Кто-то знает как с этим бороться?
ОС - 8.1, железо удовлетворяет всем требованиям (что замечательно видно на первом скрине)
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