Factorio space exploration чертежи
1spm of both energy and materials research.
The only real difference would be the Mall+Spaceport are I have.
Mall and SpacePort on Nauvis
The right cityblock is my mall, which is bot based. It gets all ingredients from the LTN trainstop in the bottom, which has a couple of passive provider warehouses.
Okay, now for the real deal. I went 100% spaghetti until space trains. This takes 50 energy research, and a space lab to research it in. I then removed everything and restarted from a cityblock.
Overview of my orbital base
Step 0, make sure the Nauvis base has a good amount of production to sustain the orbital space station and of course for the rockets. You do not want to go back and forth. Each block here needs 4.6K Space station tiles, which each need 1 Low density structure. You really need a lot of resources.
Step 2, build a Mall. Nothing strange here. Just a ton of Space Manufactories to make all the new labs and stuff.
Step 3, build a FluidMall. Bots bring all barreled liquids from the SpacePort to this block. I send up barreled Water, Petroleum, Heavy and Lubricant. It is unbarreled immediately and put into tanks that provide to the LTN network. The outer ring of the FluidMall is 8 fluid (LTN) stations. The inside of the FluidMall is pipe spaghetti by which I make Chemical Gel and Cosmic water. The 2 stations on the left side request Contaminated water and Contaminated Biosludge and wash it to close the recycling loop.
The area on the right does 2 things. The top part requests all types of Insights, because by combining them you can more efficiently make "significant data" which in turn is needed to make the actual science packs (which are sent to the labs by LTN). I really like this part of the mod, as it gives a lot of options to make the builds more efficient :D
All of the left-over "Blank Data Cards" are sent back into the LTN network. The small stuff in the bottom crafts new Blank Data Cards if supply runs low.
A zoom in of the SpacePort area
The green area contains a "Signal Transmitter" and takes the "requested stuff (constant combinators to the north)" - "Contents of the red-marked warehouses" and sends them to Nauvis.
The orange thing in the middle is the landing pad where all the stuff from Nauvis arrives. It is immediately put into the red-marked warehouses which have warehouse balancers between them. The warehouse in the top right is the LTN station.
A lot of people including yours truly have started playing this mod due many youtubers and streamers also playing this mod.
Would love to have some input by people who already progress far in this mod. And I know there are some streamers who progressed far into the game but it would be very difficult for me to sort through the vods.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castthe space platform gives you some resources to start space science research. the space labs need to be in space. normal labs cant do the higher level science research. cargo rockets are used to send resources to your labs, satellite rocket unlocks new moons and planets (not super important in the beginning of space stuff). i think at the beginning your focus should still be on doing science. after launching your first satellite and also for each newly discovered planet or moon, you can remotely explore the planet and place ghosts without needing to go there yourself.
later you can build your own rocket, the advantage is that they are reuseable and only need to be refueled. they can also land on planets and moons and take off again with enough fuel
Changes with every game. You have to solve the puzzle.
Do you mean the vector puzzle with the spidertron dude?
How late in the game you unlock that?
Relatively middle of the game is when most folks find this.
Going to space is considered about 10% of the game mark. If you know the mod, you can rush to find this pretty early. Solving this requires multi steps throughout the game, with final step requiring endgame research.
Only a handful of players have solved this. Alot get it from help of folks that have solved it.
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Чертежи Extreme Early Game
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