Fable 3 dlc описание
Details [ ]
Day 1 DLC Pack [ ]
The following DLC is part of the Xbox pack labelled Fable III Day 1 DLC. The file's size is 241 MB, and the pack costs a combined total of £13.08/$19.93 (1600 MSP), or 1040 MSP if you already have the Fable III Free Game Content from retail purchases.
This DLC is also part of the PC DLC Pack 2, which has a file size of 236 MB and costs £7.94/$11.96 (960 MSP) in total.
In-game content. Communication is very important in Fable III, and what better way to communicate with the world than to bash it in the head with the new hammer, Bloodstone Bludgeon, and shoot it in the face with the brand new rifle, Gusket's Musket? These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when weapons are unlocked in the storyline.
Your dog is your best friend, always there for you when you need him. Isn't it time you gave something back? Now you can dress up as a dog yourself and turn Fable III into an all-canine adventure. The outfit comprises a head piece, body piece and front and back paws. This items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Summon the spirit of the highlands with this new tattoo set, perfect for charging into battle with a rebellious roar. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when tattoos are unlocked in the storyline. Please be aware that retail copies of Fable III contain a code to receive this set and you may already own it.
Summon the spirit of the highlands with this new outfit, perfect for charging into battle with a rebellious roar. The outfit comprises a bonnet, bracers, boots, bodice and kilt. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline. Please be aware that retail copies of Fable III contain a code to receive this outfit and you may already own it.'
Summon the spirit of the highlands with this new outfit, perfect for charging into battle with a rebellious roar. The outfit comprises a bonnet, bracers, boots, top and kilt. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline. Please be aware that retail copies of Fable III contain a code to receive this outfit and you may already own it.
Breathe new life into your hair and clothes with this collection of dyes, including the long-awaited black dye. Those preferring lighter colours will make good use of the cream, hot pink and turquoise dyes. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when dyes are unlocked in the storyline.
Always wanted to be an industrial age cyborg? Well, now you can at least look like one. The outfit comprises a helmet, gloves, boots, gauntlets and armour. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Transform your faithful collie into a red setter with this amazing potion. Just let your dog have a sip when he's lying in his basket in the Sanctuary. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when it's unlocked in the storyline. Please be aware that retail copies of Fable III contain a code to receive this potion and you may already own it.
Teaching your dog to be a better fighter, treasure hunter and trick performer can be hard laborious work. So why not cheat and bypass all that fancy book-learning by giving him a swig of this potion? He will immediately maximise all his abilities. To use it press up on the D-Pad while facing your furry little friend. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when it's unlocked in the storyline.
Some people like to express themselves through speech, others through song, and yet others find that their hair-style does all the talking. Here are three brand new hairstyles to give your Hero a truly unique look: cornrows, afro and asymmetrical bob. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Discover a whole new town built beneath the streets of Bowerstone. This full size region contains new houses and stalls to own, new creatures to fight and a major mystery to solve. As a special bonus, you will also receive two extra quests for free: the Mercenary Shooting Range, where you can earn prizes by hitting a variety of targets, and the Wheel of Misfortune, which gives you a chance to return to Reaver's manor and participate in his insane combat arena.
This DLC is obtained with a download code included in all new retail copies of Fable III. It includes the three Highlander sets and the red setter dog potion, as well as a free Slow Time and Summon Creatures potion.
The road to revolution is hard, but here are some perks to help you on your way. Confuse your enemies with the male and female Highlander Outfits, complete with Highlander tattoos, and go into battle ready with a Summon Creatures potion and a Slow Time potion. There's even a potion to turn your dog into a red setter. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and won't be available until they are unlocked in the storyline.
Dog Breed Offers Pack [ ]
The following DLC is part of the Xbox pack labelled Fable III dog breed offers. The file's size is 15 MB, and the pack is free to download from the Xbox Marketplace.
This DLC is also part of the PC DLC Pack 2, which has a file size of 236 MB and costs £7.94/$11.96 (960 MSP) in total.
Fable III Free Yule Hat
Bring cheer to the people of Albion with this extravagant hat. Whether you want to give them any gifts as well is entirely up to you.
Transform your faithful dog into a poodle, doberman or alsatian with this amazing set of potions. Just let your dog have a sip when he's lying in his basket in the Sanctuary. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when it's unlocked in the storyline.
Traitors Keep DLC Pack [ ]
The following DLC is part of the Xbox pack labelled Fable III Traitors Keep DLC. The file's size is 816 MB, and the pack is free to download from the Xbox Marketplace.
This DLC is also part of the PC DLC Pack 1, which has a file size of 935 MB and costs £4.75/$6.99 (560 MSP) in total. However, there does not appear to be a Free Download version of this pack for PC on Games for Windows Live Marketplace, as the Free Soldier Outfit from this pack only appears as a free download on Xbox Live Marketplace. The outfit itself, however, is included in the Premium version of Traitor's Keep for PC.
Fable III Free Soldier Outfit
Join the ranks of the Bowerstone army with this dashing military uniform. Albion needs you! The outfit comprises boots, hat, top and trousers. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary.
Experience your first grand adventure as the ruler of Albion, visiting the kingdom's secret prison and tracking down the most dangerous criminals in the land. You may have led a rebellion once, but can you survive your encounters with a new wave of revolutionaries? To help you on your way, this pack also includes a Clockwork Dog Potion. Just let your dog have a sip when he's lying in his basket in the Sanctuary.
Exclusive Content [ ]
The following content was originally only unlockable using download codes, but can now be unlocked from Live Marketplace. This content is included with the base game in a pack called Fable III, and the DLC costs a combined total of £7.12/$8.92.
Collector's Edition In-Game Content (Included in the Collector's Edition of the game)
Move into Hunter's Lodge, a beautiful new home in the snowy Mistpeak Valley. Go on a new quest to find a powerful, unique weapon in The Silverpines Curse. Dress up as an Auroran. And even transform your dog into a boxer with a magical potion!
The Shardborne Sword (Included in Fable: The Balverine Order by Peter David)
In-game content. Said to have been forged from a piece of Shard, this weapon is imbued with the power of the Tattered Spire itself.
Swirlwing Tattoo Set (Included with Fable III Limited Edition Wireless Controller)
In-game content. The Swirlwing tattoos reflect the ever-changing nature of the world and all living things in it.
Clockwork Tattoo Set (Included in BradyGames' Signature Series and Limited Edition Strategy Guides)
In-game content. In this day of industry, magical symbols have lost some of their power, but this tribute to all things mechanical will mark you out as a thoroughly modern Hero.
Channeler Sword & Crystal Tattoo (Pre-order bonus from BestBuy and JB Hi-Fi)
In-game content. The Channeler is a powerful conduit for the magic in all Heroes, and it makes for a mean sword too. And it looks even better if you’re wearing the Crystal tattoo set.
Absolver Hammer & Dragonbreath Tattoo (Pre-order bonus from GAME, GameStation and Walmart)
In-game content. The Absolver is the weapon of choice for warrior monks and angry priests. The Dragonbreath tattoo set will ensure your holy fury is aesthetically pleasing too.
Inquisitor Sword & Industrial Tattoo (Pre-order bonus from GameStop)
In-game content. Keep Albion’s factory workers in line with The Inquisitor, a sword inspired by the age of industry. Complete your modern look by wearing industrial tattoos.
"Тебя, как правителя Альбиона, ждет увлекательное приключение. Тебе предстоит побывать в тайной тюрьме королевства и столкнуться с опаснейшими представителями преступного мира. Когда-то тебе довелось возглавить восстание, а теперь придется ему противостоять. В этом путешествии тебе пригодится эликсир механического пса. Твоему псу нужно просто дать эликсир, когда он лежит в своей корзине в Убежище".
Новый контент
DLC добавляет в игру ряд новых квестов. Начать цепочку можно после окончания основной части сюжета Fable 3, встретившись с Хобсоном в сокровищнице.
- "Мятежная крепость: кровавый престол"
- "Мятежная крепость"
- "Мятежная крепость: занимательная механика"
- "Мятежная крепость: зверинец"
- "Мятежная крепость: герои и злодеи"
- "Облава"
- "Вечный покой"
- "Реконструкция"
- "Управление тюрьмой для начинающих"
- новые книги: дневники трёх основных злодеев и "Настольную книгу пенолога" (каждая в нескольких томах).
- 3 новых оружия (требуется игра Fable: Coin Golf для Windows Phone 7);
- эликсир пса-робота (получаете в подарок);
- причёска "Длинные волосы" (также включена в "Understone Quest Pack", можно купить у стилиста Подглушвилля);
- форма нью-глушвилльского солдата (получить можно, если скачаете DLC "Fable III Free Soldier Outfit");
- наряд проститутки (в сундуках на Механическом острове);
- одежда песчаной фурии (в сундуках в поместье Годвинов);
- костюм заключённого (в сундуках на острове Воронья Крепость);
- костюм тюремщика (в Картографилии - локации за дверью-стражем Вороньей Крепости);
- ключ Чернокнижницы Мэри: "Открывает вольер с редкими животными в поместье Годвинов". После завершения сюжета DLC зайдите в камеру Мэри и возьмите ключ из ящика в прикроватной тумбочке.
В DLC добавлена новая демоническая дверь, которая находится на острове Вороньей Крепости. За дверью находится локация под названием Картографилия.
DLC добавляет 10 новых достижений, в сумме дающих 250 очков.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: в этом разделе могут быть спойлеры!
Оказавшись в точке назначения, король/королева получает от Мильтона "правильный" доклад о состоянии дел. Герою рассказывают о генерале Тёрнере - заключённом, который и заказал убийство нашего персонажа. Неожиданно выясняется, что войти внутрь тюрьмы нельзя, потому что во время отсутствия начальника тюрьмы, Мильтона, среди заключённых вспыхнул бунт. Капитан сразу же осознаёт, что убийство было уловкой, чтобы выманить его из крепости. После этого Мильтон ведёт Героя в крепость через канализацию и нижние уровни, где преступники уже поубивали всех тюремщиков. Сражаясь бок о бок, Герой и Мильтон с боем проходят к местам заключения трёх самых опасных пленников: профессора Фарадея, Чернокнижницы Мэри Годвин и генерала Тёрнера, бывшего командующего армией Логана. Увидев три пустые камеры, Мильтон с Героем понимают, что всё это было подстроено Тёрнером. Они оба вместе с подоспевшим Хобсоном решают найти троих заключённых и вернуть их в клетки, начав с профессора Фарадея.
Хобсон изучает библиотеку крепости и узнаёт, что Фарадей ответственен за технологический рост Альбиона, но однажды попал в тюрьму, а его имущество перешло в руки Ловкача. Также Хобсон узнаёт, что центром исследований Фарадея является Механический остров, где когда-то был открыт для посещения парк развлечений и находилась фабрика изобретателя. На этот остров и отправляются Герой с начальником тюрьмы. Когда они прибывают туда, дружелюбный робот по имени Хаксли устраивает им экскурсию. Вскоре они понимают, что Фарадей знает об их присутствии, после чего на них нападают изобретения профессора. Выясняется, что Логан пытался заставить инженера построить для королевства армию роботов, а когда Фарадей отказался, то прежний король посадил его в тюрьму. Профессор верит, что Герой хочет употребить его изобретения во зло, как когда-то пытался Логан. После длительного сражения Герой и Мильтон находят Фарадея, надевшего тяжёлый костюм из металла, увеличивающий его силу, дающий ему способность летать, выпускать молнии и огонь. Победив профессора, вы можете убить его или пощадить. В последнем случае Фарадея вернут в Воронью Крепость, где его вылечат, а затем отпустят.
Герой и капитан направляются к Хобсону, чтобы узнать, не выяснил ли он чего-нибудь о местонахождении Тёрнера. Тут мы узнаём от Мильтона, что Тёрнер, оказывается, никогда не покидал крепость и прячется в секретных проходах под тюрьмой. Мильтон начинает выяснять точное место, но в ходе этого Тёрнер оглушает его и похищает Хобсона. Герой и начальник тюрьмы преследуют мятежного генерала, проходя через тюремный уровень, где содержатся обезумевшие преступники. К сожалению для них же, их клетки оказываются открыты, и завязывается потасовка. Мильтон, раненый во время сражения, говорит Герою идти без него, пока он будет сдерживать заключённых. Герой находит Хобсона связанным в каком-то устройстве, похожем на то, которое Чернокнижница использовала для получения эссенции из других существ. Когда Герой развязывает казначея, Хобсон торопливо пытается рассказать ему, что не было никакого третьего преступника и что за всем этим стоял Мильтон. Но до того, как Герой успевает среагировать, капитан вырубает его и сажает в такое же устройство. Когда король приходит в себя, Мильтон рассказывает всё. Он верил в идеалы Тёрнера, касающиеся правительства из народа, при котором не будет никаких монархов. Мильтон раскрывает ещё одну тайну: генерал Соломон Тёрнер умер за полгода до бунта, а капитан решил завершить его работу. Мильтон рассказывает Герою, что устройство, в котором он находится, и вправду такое же, какое было у Мэри. Затем он активирует изобретение, которое добывает эссенцию "героической" крови, после чего злодей выпивает получившееся зелье. Мильтон претерпевает трансформацию, становясь двойником Героя Яснодола, а также получая все его навыки и способности, но обладая противоположным моральным обликом (что видно внешне). Он атакует собаку Героя огненным шаром, после чего взбешённый король кричит "Оставь. Мою собаку. В покое!", освобождается от уз и нападает на предателя. Во время этой драки босс раскрывает свои планы убить Героя и присвоить себе трон Альбиона, что теперь, якобы, Мильтону удастся без труда, поскольку во время совместных путешествий он тщательно изучил поведение настоящего монарха.
Несмотря на новоприобретённые силы Мильтона, Герой оказывается сильнее и наносит врагу смертельный удар. Умирая, Мильтон поражается, какое могущество он держал в руках. На последнем издыхании он говорит Герою, что Альбиону не нужен правитель, и что однажды люди поднимутся и сами решат, кто должен ими управлять.
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Traitor's Keep is a DLC pack for Fable III. The pack includes the Free Soldier Outfit, but this must be unlocked separately. The quest begins after the events of Fable III when the Hero of Brightwall goes to the Bowerstone Castle royal treasury to speak with Hobson about what is on the royal agenda, now that The Crawler has been defeated and Albion is safe.
Story [ ]
WARNING: This section or article may contain spoilers!
While discussing with Hobson, or rather sleeping while Hobson jabbers on, the King/Queen is nearly assassinated by an unnamed assassin, who has broken into the royal throne room, killing five guards along the way. After a fight with the assassin, the Hero is told by a guard that an unknown ship is docking at the Bowerstone Old Quarter docks. The Hero arrives at the docks in time to see six Elite Guards leaving the ship and standing at attention along the dock. The commander of the ship draws his sword and bows to the King/Queen. After a quick conversation about the man who sent the assassin, the Hero agrees to go with the Commander back to Ravenscar Keep; Albion's most secure prison and where Logan sent most of his enemies.
Once on Ravenscar, the King/Queen is given a proper introduction by Commander Milton. The Hero is told about General Turner, the inmate who ordered the Hero's assassination. While preparing to enter the prison, it is revealed that there has been a riot due to the Commander's absence. The Commander quickly realizes that the assassination was a ruse to lure him away. Commander Milton leads the hero through a sewer system into the prison where the inmates have been overwhelming the prison guards. Together, Milton and the hero fight their way through the riot to the cells of the keeps three most dangerous prisoners: Professor Faraday, Mary Godwin AKA Witchcraft Mary, and General Turner, the former leader of Logan's armies. After finding all three cells empty, Milton and the Hero realize the assassination attempt was used to draw Milton away while the prisoners revolted, giving Turner who orchestrated the whole scheme a chance to escape. Commander Milton, Hobson, and the hero resolve to recapture the three inmates starting with Professor Faraday.
Hobson discovers through the Keep's library that Professor Faraday was responsible for the technological growth of Albion, but was imprisoned and lost all of his assets to Reaver. Hobson also learns that the centre for Faraday's research was a former tourist attraction/factory/workshop known as Clockwork Island. The Hero and Commander Milton go to Clockwork Island in search of Faraday. When they arrive on the island, they are given a tour by a friendly robot named Huxley. Soon they realize that Faraday knows of their presence on the island and they are attacked by Faraday's inventions. Faraday reveals that Logan tried to force him to build a robotic army. When Faraday refused, Logan had him imprisoned at Ravenscar. Faraday believes that the Hero wants to misuse his inventions as Logan had tried to do. After much fighting, the Hero and Milton find Faraday clad in robotic armour that increases his strength, gives him the ability to fly, and gives him power over lightning and fire. After being subdued by the hero, Faraday can be either killed or spared. If spared, Faraday is brought back to Ravenscar Keep to receive treatment for his wounds and is then released.
After capturing or killing Faraday and returning to the keep, Hobson discovers that Witchcraft Mary came from a well-to-do family. Despite this, she became interested in alchemy and began performing experiments. It wasn't long before she was declared a witch and was imprisoned at Ravenscar. Hobson points out that she is most likely hiding at her family home, the Godwin Estate. After arriving on the island, the Hero and Milton are attacked by balverines that the Godwin family kept as "pets". Milton remarks that the Godwin Estate is home to a large menagerie of strange creatures. After fighting through balverines and hollow men that can only be attacked when in light and have control over fire (rather than the standard hollow man that uses lightning), the Hero and Milton reach a tunnel where Milton surmises is Mary's hiding place. Inside the tunnel, the duo fight Mary's experiments such as coloured hobbes, fire hollow men, and poison balverines before reaching Mary herself. As they reach her, Mary performs her ultimate experiment, collecting the essences of a hobbe, hollow man, and balverine into a potion and using it to become a hybrid of the three. The Hero and Milton fight Mary as she transforms from a coloured hobbe into a powerful hollow man leader and finally into a white balverine before being defeated. After her defeat Mary reveals that she had hoped to escape the corrupted world of man and join what she viewed as the far more pure world of the ancient and magical creatures of the world. The Hero is then given the option to kill or spare Mary. If spared she is taken back to Ravenscar Keep to await transfer to a facility that can help her.
On their way to find out if Hobson has discovered the location of General Turner, the Hero finds Commander Milton knocked out in the study. Milton reveals that Turner never left the Keep and was hiding in a network of secret passageways. When Milton entered the study, Turner ambushed him and kidnapped Hobson. The Hero and Milton follow Turner and Hobson through the section of the Keep that contains the criminally insane. Much to their misfortune, the doors to the cells of these madmen are opened and a fight ensues. Milton, who is injured during the fight, tells the Hero to go on without him while he holds off the other prisoners. The Hero finds Hobson tied into a device similar to the one used by Witchcraft Mary to gather the essence of various creatures. As the Hero unties Hobson, Hobson frantically tells the hero that there never was a third escaped prisoner and that Milton has been behind everything. Before the hero can react Milton flips the switch to the device, knocking the hero out. When the hero awakens, Milton explains everything to him/her. Milton believed in General Turner's ideals of a government ruled by the people and not by a monarch. Milton reveals that Turner had died six months prior to the riots and that Milton had decided to carry on his work. Milton tells the Hero that the device he/she is strapped into is the same as the one Witchcraft Mary created. Milton then activates the device which collects the essence of the hero into a potion that Milton then drinks. Milton miraculously transforms into the exact image of the hero with all of their power and abilities, but with the opposite morality. After striking the hero's dog with the fireball spell, an enraged hero exclaims "Leave. My Dog. Alone" and breaks free of the device and attacks Milton. As they fight, Milton reveals his plan to kill the hero and assume their identity as ruler of Albion, which Milton will be able to do perfectly due to his keen observations of the hero's mannerisms during their travels together.
Despite Milton's new-found power, the Hero prevails and deals Milton a mortal blow. As he dies, Milton remarks on how incredible the power he wielded was and whether or not he would have been able to control it. Before he dies, Milton tells the hero that Albion doesn't need a ruler and one day, the people will rise up and decide for themselves how they should be governed.
DLC Summary Statistics (Xbox 360) [ ]
MSP stands for Microsoft Points. These have been retired, but items displayed in the in-game Sanctuary Shop may still use this format.
DLC Summary Statistics (PC) [ ]
Content [ ]
Quests [ ]
Traitor's Keep brings a number of new quests to the game. These can be started after the conclusion of the Fable III main quest by meeting with Hobson in the treasury.
Side Quests [ ]
Collectables [ ]
The DLC pack includes a number of new collectable items. These come in the form of three different sets of diary entries, and the prison warden's Penologist's Handbook.
Items [ ]
A number of new items are included with Traitor's Keep:
- 3 new weapons (requires Fable: Coin Golf for Windows 7 Phones to unlock).
(Added to the Gift Queue upon downloading the pack)
(Also included with Understone, obtainable from the Understone stylist)
(Obtained by downloading Fable III Free Soldier Outfit) (Found in chests throughout Clockwork Island) (Found in chests throughout the Godwin Estate) (Found in chests throughout Ravenscar Keep) (Found inside Cartographilia)
- Witchcraft Mary's Key: Unlocks a rare animal enclosure on the Godwin Estate. After completing the main quest, enter Mary's cell to find the key on the bedside table.
Achievements [ ]
Traitor's Keep also comes with 10 new achievements, worth an extra 250 gamerscore.
Description [ ]
Experience your first grand adventure as the ruler of Albion, visiting the kingdom's secret prison and tracking down the most dangerous criminals in the land. You may have led a rebellion once, but can you survive your encounters with a new wave of revolutionaries? To help you on your way, this pack also includes a Clockwork Dog Potion. Just let your dog have a sip when he's lying in his basket in the Sanctuary.
Delivery [ ]
Fable III's Downloadable Content is stored in "packs"; purchasing any one of the DLC titles of a certain pack will download the whole pack. Any future purchases of DLC from the same pack will "unlock" the content for use. In this way, people who have downloaded the free content from any pack will be able to access other content from the pack if they join a co-op game with someone who has paid to unlock the specific other content. For example, downloading the Free Weapons DLC also downloads the pack which includes the Understone quest set, the red setter dog potion and the Industrial Knight Outfit. Therefore, anyone who downloads the Free Weapons will be able to play Understone if they join a co-op game with someone who has paid the 400MSP to unlock it.
Online Compatibility [ ]
Full compatibility for online co-op should be attainable by downloading the three free DLCs Free Weapons, Free Yule Hat, and Free Soldier Outfit.
Closure of GFW Marketplace [ ]
For more information on Fable III Steam/GFWL Availability, please see this thread.
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