Европа универсалис 4 португалия тактика
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.29.
Since Portugal is in the Iberian culture group, it has the ability to form Spain militarily. Note that this is even possible (again) if Spain had been formed before by Castile , and then fully annexed. The AI will never do this, however.
Form Spanish Nation Militarily
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.28.Global expansion in newly discovered areas and the establishment of colonies is transforming Spain into one of the most powerful and wealthiest nations of our time. Spanish explorers are constantly moving into new lands and extending our borders. Immense amounts of gold and silver are being brought back to our motherland, filling the coffers of our state Treasury.
Flee to Brazil
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Portugal is in ruins! The monarch and the court must make haste across the sea before our enemies descend upon us once more. Though it will be painful to leave Portugal behind, we shall surely create a glorious new Empire in Brazil.
- is not playing with random New World.
- has not enacted a colonial nation formation decision before.
- has not taken this decision before.
- is playing with normal or historical nations.
- is Portugal :
is a monarchy. has fewer than 5 provinces in Europe. has a colonial subject nation with its capital in the Colonial Brazil region.
Administrative technology is at least 10.
- is not a subject nation other than a tributary state.
- is not at war.
- has a colonial subject nation
with its capital in the Colonial Brazil region owns at least 20 cities
If Rio de Janeiro (763) (or, if not owned, a random province in the Brazil colonial region) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then:
- is a member of the Holy Roman Empire and not an elector or the emperor
- then all its provinces are removed from the HRE.
- then it gets the ‘New Traditions & Ambitions’ event.
Institute the Societas Jesu
His Holiness has approved a new missionary order called the Society of Jesus. However without royal support it will not thrive, shall we support the Jesuits?The country gets the modifier ‘The Societas Jesu’ until the country:
- either changes its religion
- or gets the event ‘Expulsion of the Jesuit Order’
with the following effects:
+1% missionary strength, +0.5 yearly papal influence.
Catholicism loses 2% reform desire.
Portugal 's events are focused around colonization and expansion in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, as well as its volatile relations with its colonial competitors, particularly the Dutch.
The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Portugal. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players.Dominating Colonization
The usual strategy to play Portugal is just to ally Castille -> Spain and let them do most of the heavy lifting for you while you colonize and take Morocco. This strategy does the opposite and involves allying Aragon and preventing Spain from forming. Castille -> Spain is one of the biggest colonization competitors that Portugal has, along with Britain and France. Spain also has the habit of taking Flanders, which inevitably triggers the Dutch rebellion. If successful, the Netherlands also becomes another colonization competitor.
To prevent the Iberian Wedding from firing and giving Castille the PU over Aragon, you must reduce Castille to less than 25 provinces. They start with 32 provinces, so you must cause them to lose 8 provinces. The event can fire between 1450 and 1530 if both Castille and Aragon have rulers of different genders. The event has a mean time to happen of 10 years, or 1 year if Aragon does NOT have a regency (which is most of the time). In other words, the event has a very high chance of firing if Castille and Aragon have rulers of different genders between 1450 and 1530. This does not give you much time.
Opening moves
It is absolutely essential to ally Aragon to fight Castille. If you cannot do this for whatever reason, you may as well restart. Aragon with its PU over Navarra and Naples will do most of the heavy lifting for you, but you need to build up your trade power in Sevilla as well so you can help out. The best thing that can happen is that Morocco’s subjects declare an independence war with Castille backing them, as this will weaken both threats to you. Morocco should lose their army and this will give you the chance to take Tanglers easily, and if possible, Fez. Fez has a mountain fort in a strategic location and it will block all attacks from the south easily.
Improve relations with England to +100 to complete the mission, then drop the alliance after allying Aragon. You do not want Britain to form as they will be a major colonization competitor. You want England to be as weak as possible, but most of the time they will easily conquer the British Isles because they have the advantage of starting with the English Channel node. It is essential that France maintain an alliance with Scotland and kick England off the mainland. If necessary, ally Scotland as well to deter England from attacking them. France is a good ally as well, but Aragon usually rivals them and Aragon is essential for fighting Castille.
When you can afford it, use a cheap +2 trade power flagship to help protect trade in Sevilla. Make sure to always use some heavy ships to hunt pirates in Sevilla to prevent the coastal raids.
Attacking Castille
Try to time the first war while Castille is busy with another war. Make sure to allow allies to attach to your army/fleet and you should have no trouble defeating Castille unless they have very strong allies. Even if Castille allies Tunis or other states in Maghreb, they will be held up by your forts and any allies in Italy or Germany will usually attack Naples first, allowing you, Aragon and Navarra to outnumber Castille's army in the field.
After the war, take the state of Leon for yourself (5 provinces) and either take one more province or give it to Aragon. This will prevent the Iberian wedding from firing and buy your time. For follow up wars, take Asturias then Lower Andalucia for the COTs and then Gallicia. Completing the mission will give you claims on the rest. When the Castillan civil war fires, choose to support the rebels to make Castille weaker.
It is important to always call Aragon in when attacking Castille, if for no other reason than to prevent them from attacking Castille on their own and taking land. You do not want Aragon to get stronger as you will eventually have to attack them to conquer Iberia.
Take exploration first followed by expansion. Colonize the Caribbean first, focusing on high dev provinces. Keep in mind that you do not need to colonize adjacent provinces as long as you have sea access, its fine to leave gaps to seize the high dev provinces first. Use the native repression policy and station 1 infantry unit to deal with native uprisings, and take the Portuguese settler increase splendor ability as soon as possible. The Caribbean’s high trade value will flow to Sevilla and will dramatically increase your income after its colonized. If you have troops to spare, use 3k with a conquistador to explore South America as well and try to find the seven cities. Expel minorities for free dev whenever possible.
Ideally, you would want to complete both exploration and expansion to unlock the colonial expansion policy, which will give you a large bonus to native assimilation, which is important for colonizing Africa due to the high native count there. But this will take a long time, and eventually France, England and perhaps Scotland as well will begin colonizing. Depending on how fast they start colonizing, you may need to colonize the Ivory Coast right after forming the Caribbean or you may have time to form Brazil first. It may be possible for you to limit your competitor’s colonization range by colonizing all the small islands and provinces along the way to the Ivory Coast, but this does not stop them from chartering companies to get started. The Ivory Coast will also bring in a very large amount of trade value to Sevilla.
If possible, charter a province with a COT from Jolof before colonizing there as there is a large penalty to chartering if you have already have at least one province there. Colonize the provinces with COTs and Estuaries first whenever possible. Swap to the Native assimilation policy before colonizing the Ivory Coast for the goods production bonus.
When colonizing Africa, an easy way to get more provinces there is to threaten war after fabricating claims on one of the small African states there. This will save you a lot of time and you can conserve manpower for wars in Iberia.
Limiting competitors
Ideally, England has been kicked off the mainland and is locked in a stalemate with Scotland. France does not usually rush exploration so this will give you more time, and Castille, your biggest competitor, is too busy trying to survive. Don’t be afraid to declare colonial wars to seize colonies, your colonial nations will occupy it for you so all you need to do is maintain naval supremacy for an easy win. Do not attack France when they start colonizing until you are ready to fight them though, as they have a land route to Iberia and you want their help to deal with Aragon.
Note that for the concede colonial region option to appear when offering peace or to get the colonialism casus belli, you must have your own colonial nation in the region or it will not appear. For trade companies, you must have an adjacent colony of your own to get the casus belli to get a casus belli to take it. Try to form your colonial nations with 5 provinces in South America, Mexico and Louisiana asap to get as much trade flowing to Sevilla as possible and make full use of the Treaty of Tordesillas. Even if someone breaks it, or isn't Catholic, having your own colonial nation there will give you the peace option to make them concede it to you which will save you a lot of time.
Age of reformation
It is best for Portugal to stay Catholic, as otherwise, AE from conquering Iberia will be a problem. Converting Iberia will also slow you down and generate a lot of unrest. The papacy also gives you an easy inflation reduction mechanic, and if you decide to form Spain via the decision, you need to be Catholic to take full advantage of Spain’s ideas.
That said, going Protestant does have advantages for a colonizer, they get a +15 settler bonus which your colonies will have as well, making them much faster early on. If you do want to go Protestant, you should only do it if you can spawn a center of reformation in your area and do not plan to form Spain.
Attacking Aragon
After Castille has been annexed, rival Aragon. Try to ally France to attack Aragon, and possibly allies in Maghreb, Italy or even the Mamluks to keep Naples occupied. With the Caribbean and Ivory Coast flowing into Sevilla, you should have plenty of money and near total control with all the COTs. This will also help keep Aragon poor. After dominating Sevilla, use light ships to either protect trade in Sati or privateer in Genoa.
Your first war should focus on annexing Navarra and forcing Aragon to release Naples as a subject. If you can ally Naples afterwards, they will also help distract Aragon in later wars by taking Sicily. If France is your ally, fighting Aragon should be pretty easy as any of Aragon’s allies will have to attack through France to help and France will easily be able to stop them. You also have all of Castille at this point and a much better economy.
After taking Iberia, you will probably need to prepare for war with France to limit their colonization unless you get lucky and get a PU over France. While France is powerful, you should be stronger with all of Iberia and a much better economy at this point. You can start privateering the English Channel to prevent England and France from getting money. Building a massive colonial empire for the rest of the game should be easy, as France is the only potential threat to you.
Do not attempt this without sufficient fleet basing rights or your fleet will eventually sink. It should be pretty safe to circumnavigate if you have a province on the far side of South America (I had a province on the far side of Panama), the Cape of Good Hope and fleet basing rights in India or Malacca.
This article has been verified for the current version (1.31) of the game.
Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. "Repeat" action to return.
Colonial Policy
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Throughout Portuguese colonization the salary for officials was only a token sum. However it was assumed that any important position would allow for the person appointed to gain huge personal wealth. It was two sides of the same coin. On one side, the king didn't have to pay high salaries, but on the other hand large parts of the profits stayed in the hands of the officials.
This event happens only once during a campaign.If Portugal has less than 1 corruption:
it gets the modifier “Less Colonial Corruption” for the rest of the campaign with the following effect:
- has at least 1 home port.
- is of the Muslimreligious group.
- is not a subject nation other than a tributary state.
- is not at war with Portugal.
- does not have a truce with Portugal.
- is not allied with Portugal.
- Minas Gerais
- Rio de Janeiro
- Sao Paulo
- Now produces Gold
- Gets "Minas Gerais" until the end of the game, giving the following effects:
+2.00 Local Goods Produced
- One of the following must be true:
- Owned by Portugal or its non-tributary subjects.
- Province Owner:
- Is not a subject nation
- Province owner's opinion of Portugal is at least 50.
- is not a subject.
- is not Portugal or one of its non-tributary subjects.
Else, Portugal gains 3.00 mercantilism.
- One of the following must be true:
- Owned by Portugal or its non-tributary subjects.
- Province Owner:
- Is not a subject nation
- Province owner's opinion of Portugal is at least 50.
- is not a subject.
- is not Portugal or one of its non-tributary subjects.
Else, Portugal gains 3.00 mercantilism.
Iberian expansion
Portugal gains a permanent claim on the following areas:
Portugal gains a permanent claim on the following areas:
Launch a Flagship
Gain 25 Prestige.
Moroccan conquest
Portugal gets permanent claims on Tangiers
Portugal gets permanent claims on the following area:
Portugal gains a claim on on the following area:
10 provinces owned by you or your non-tributary subjects with a Trade depot or Stock Exchange
Other missions
Non-owners of Golden Century have access to the additional mission below.
Читайте также:
+10% global tariffs.
If Portugal has at least 0.01 corruption:
The Duke of Coimbra
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.King Afonso was only 6 years old when he became king of Portugal. For the first 6 years of his reign the country has been ruled by the Duke of Coimbra. Don Afonso has had no reason for complaint and by most accounts this regency has been a just and efficient one.
This event happens only once during a campaign.
However, with the young king reaching majority there are now many in our court who would try to influence their monarch. Jealous of the Duke’s influence a group of noblemen has been trying to sow discord between him and the king, trying to frame him as a would-be rebel.
In a last attempt to mend relations the Duke of Coimbra has arrived with a number of retainers to seek an audience with Don Afonso.It is before 1460.
Mean time to happen
We must place trust in our dear friend and mentor.Portugal gets the modifier “The Duke of Coimbra” until the ruler changes with the following effects:
Commercial Conflict in the Indian Ocean
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.With the arrival of Portuguese ships in the Indian and Arabian Oceans we finally have the opportunity to attempt to disrupt arab shipping in that region. We are in a position to significantly cut the supply of spices and silk to Alexandria, hurting our trading competition in the Near East and Italy alike.
This event happens only once during a campaign.Portugal gets the trade modifier “Portuguese Privateers” in the ‘Gulf of Aden’ trade node for the rest of the campaign, worth:
Every country owning provinces belonging to the ‘Gulf of Aden’ trade node gets the opinion modifier “Careful Trade Expansion” towards Portugal worth:
The Holy Inquisition
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.The Holy Inquisition came from Spain also to Portugal in 1536 and stayed until 1668, however, it had more influence with the Spanish monarchs than the Portuguese ones.
This event happens only once during a campaign.The Papal States exist.
It is at least 1500 but before 1600.Mean time to happen
The Papal States gets the opinion modifier “No Holy Inquisition” towards Portugal , worth:
Governor Martim Afonso de Sousa in Brazil
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.Leading colonists were given strips of land that extended from the Brazilian coast reaching into the interior. The land owners, often captains, settled colonists in their respective captaincies and were required to provide them with protection and justice. As the captaincies were independent, they were unable to defend themselves from foreign pirates. João III appointed a governor general with authority over the captaincies. De Sousa established his capital at São Salvador da Baia. He defeated French pirates in a naval engagement in the bay of Rio de Janeiro. De Sousa also intensified colonization and created stability in Brazil.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1530 but before 1580.
Mean time to happen
Portugal gets the modifier “Governor de Sousa” for 10 years with the following effect:
King Sebastião's Expedition to North Africa
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.In the year 1578, King Sebastião of Portugal embarked on an expedition to conquer Morocco, where Portugal already held the regions of Tangiers and Ceuta. Shortly after his landing, at the battle of Al-Khazar Kebir, the Moroccan Berbers of Moulay Ismaïl so soundly defeated the Portuguese army that the King was killed, along with most of the Portuguese nobility fighting with him. This disaster led the way to Spanish control of Portugal and was the starting point of Portugal's decline.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1500.
Mean time to happen
Morocco gets the opinion modifier “Prepares Crusade” towards Portugal, worth:
Portugal loses 1 prestige.
Epidemic Plague
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.The plague comes sweeping in over the country from Spain with devastating effects and horrible losses.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1550 but before 1700.
Mean time to happen
Portugal gets the modifier “Severe Plague” for 5 years with the following effect:
−10% national tax modifier −25% national manpower modifier
The Methuen Agreement
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.John Methuen was born in 1650. An accomplished diplomat, he is well remembered for the treaty signed in 1703 between England and Portugal. The main purpose of the treaty was to allow free introduction of English wool and cloths to Portugal in exchange of free entry of Portuguese wine into England (Port wine). The treaty made in effect Portugal an economic and political satellite of England, was effectively in place all the way to 1750, when King D Jose I choose to ignore it, even while it was still formally in effect until 1836. John Methuen died in 1706 shortly after his greatest success.
This event happens only once during a campaign.England or Great Britain exist.
It is at least 1650.Mean time to happen
A random Portuguese coastal province of Iberia:
it gets the opinion modifier “Accepted Methuen Agreement” towards Portugal, worth:
+50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 ,
else if England exists:
it gets the opinion modifier “Accepted Methuen Agreement” towards Portugal, worth:
+50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 .
it gets the opinion modifier “Denounced Methuen Agreement” towards Portugal, worth:
−50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 ,
else if England exists:
it gets the opinion modifier “Denounced Methuen Agreement” towards Portugal, worth:
−50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 .
Count da Ericeira
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.Dom Luis de Meneses, the Count da Ericeira was a strong believer of Mercantilism and helped reform the Portuguese state towards a higher control of the Portuguese trade.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1662 but before 1690.
Mean time to happen
Earthquake destroys Lisboa
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.The Earthquake that destroyed Lisboa was a catastrophe of huge proportions that resounded all across Europe and even into the new world. 1 November 1755, a beautiful day, when next to everyone was in the churches celebrating a holiday the ground suddenly started to shake and the churches started caving in, crushing the visitors. For those that escaped it was far from over as a heavy breeze of wind suddenly started to come in over the area beating the small fires into a virtual inferno incinerating thousands. But yet thousands of people would fall victim for the grand tidal wave reaching land just a few minutes later. The death count was estimated to 20.000-40.000 people at the time and given all four elements (wind, fire, earth & water) the explanation 'punishment by god' was a view widely spread both in Portugal and elsewhere.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1700.
Mean time to happen
Lisboa (227) gets the modifier “Earthquake” for 10 years with the following effects:
−0.66 local goods produced, −66% local manpower modifier.
Marquês de Pombal
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.Literally from the ashes of Lisboa, a new leader rose to the power and managed to shake entire Portugal out of the trauma caused by the earthquake. He forced through many far reaching reforms. During his rule Lisboa was rebuilt and Portugal entered into the pre-industrial era. In many ways his excellent governing would, for a time, bring back Portugal almost to its former level of glory a few hundred years back.
This event happens only once during a campaign.The country: It is at least 1729 but before 1777.
Mean time to happen
The Távoras Conspiracy
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.29.A conspiracy to kill King Don Jose I (1750-1777) was revealed and prevented, by Marquês de Pombal. Pombal used this event to forge his power into a virtual dictatorship. Pombal was a radical reformer, but he was also very power-hungry and without remorse he hunted down anyone that could threaten him in the name of the King.
This event happens only once during a campaign.Noble rebels (size 2) rise up in revolt in a random owned province of Iberia that is not the capital.
Нуркасым Медетов запись закреплена
Как выполнить достижение Навигатор за Португалию,а то я дальше южной Африки не дохожу.
Александр РоманенкоЛол, берёшь эксплор, португальский бонус эпохи и вперёд
Александр Романенко ответил НуркасымуНуркасым, я давно не играл за португу, там вроде как забрали у неё ивент на гоа
This is a compilation and strategy article for Portugal.
Traditions: +15% Trade efficiency +25% Colonial range
Mechanics and flavor content are transcluded from other pages.Legacy of the Navigator
−33% Morale hit when losing a ship +5% Ship disengagement chance
Afonsine Ordinance
+10% Goods produced modifier
+10% Global trade power
Land Before Faith
+15 Global settler increase
Encourage the Bandeirantes
+1 Merchant
Royal Absolutism
−15% Construction cost +0.50 Yearly absolutism
Royal Academy of Fortification, Artillery and Drawing
+10% Artillery combat ability +10% Fort defense
+20% Global tariffs
With the Reconquista almost complete, and the Iberian peninsula almost entirely in Christian hands, the Kingdom of Portugal has turned its attention to the shores of Africa. With the conquest of Ceuta in 1415 the founder of the Avis dynasty, João I, has already made the first inroads into the Moorish homeland. A policy that his grandson, the still young Afonso V will continue to the best of his abilities. It is however through the work of Afonso's uncle, Dom Henrique, Henry the Navigator, that Portugal will leave its mark upon the world.Under Henrique's direction Portugal has made great leaps in shipbuilding and navigation, embarking on expeditions long past cape Bojador in the south. Seeking gold, spices and perhaps the legendary Kingdom of Prester John, Portuguese sailors are about to undertake voyages all over the globe. They are reaching for new continents in the west as well as India, Indonesia and even China and Japan in the East. Indeed Portuguese sailors might one day circumnavigate the entire globe.
As of 1444 Afonso is still a minor, with the daily rule of the kingdom entrusted to another uncle, Dom Pedro, Duke of Coimbra. Dom Pedro's regency has been fraught with the difficulties of controlling the strong Portuguese nobility at court, but the duke has so far been able to ably strengthen royal power at their expense. As Afonso grows older however other forces at court will try to control him, hoping to use the young king for their own designs.
While Castile has had a series of weak rulers and strong nobles, the Castilians can be a serious threat to the Portuguese. The royal house of Avis has therefore pursued a policy of intermarriage with the Castilian royal family, hoping to ensure a lasting friendship and possibly strengthen future Portuguese claims to the Castilian throne.
As a Tier 1 country, Portugal has a large amount of missions and events, which are therefore listed on separate pages. Portugal 's missions include the exploration and colonization of South America and the Caribbeans, Africa, Arabia, India and Indonesia, as well as trade control of Indonesia, Southern China and Japan. The Portuguese may also bring Iberia to their knees.
National missions
Colonization of the New World
Mission Completion requirements Effects Prerequisites Beyond Cape Bojador Portugal has discovered any province in the West African Coast. Has at least 1 Colonist.
Portugal gets "Unknown Frontier" for 15 years, giving the following effects:
Portugal owns at least one fully colonized province in the Colonial Brazil colonial region.
Portugal or its non-tributary subjects own all provinces in the following areas:
Increased chance of discovering Gold.
Else, at least 35 provinces in Colonial Brazil owned by Portugal or non-tributary subjects have same Religion than us
Else, gains 100 Diplomatic Power
Colonize Africa
Portugal owns at least one fully colonized province in the Kongo region.
Every owned province in Africa producing Slaves gets "Triangle Trade" for 20 years, giving the following effects:
Settle in Central Africa
Light ships represent at least 25% of the Naval Force Limit.
Total navy size at least 100% of the Naval Force Limit.Portugal gains permanent claims on the following:
Owned by Portugal:
Portugal gains claims on the following area:
Portugal gains permanent claims on the following:
Zanzibar gets "Western Fortification" until the end of the game, giving the following effects:
Portugal gains permanent claims on Hormuz
Asian trade companies
Hormuz gets "Western Fortification" until the end of the game, giving the following effects:
+25% Local Defensiveness +25% Supply Limit Modifier
Portugal gains a permanent claim on the Muscat Area.
The event ‘Vasco da Gama in India’ happens. Portugal gains a permanent claim on Malabar Area.
Portugal gains a permanent claim on the following areas:
Portugal owns at least one fully colonized province in the Malaya region.
Portugal gains a permanent claim on Malacca province.
Malacca gets "Portuguese Malacca" until the end of the game, giving the following effects:
Lisboa gets "Mastery of the Unknown" until the end of the game, giving the following effect:
Portugal gains a claim on: