Диабло 2 доспехи тираэля
You have the highest chance drop rate to find Tyrael's Might in (Hell Difficulty) Arreat Summit and other locations listed below.
- (N) = Normal Difficulty
- (NM) = Nightmare Difficulty
- (H) = Hell Difficulty
What Bosses can Drop Tyrael's Might in Diablo 2 Resurrected
Below is a list of the Best Bosses to farm that can drop Tyrael's Might, the (Hell Difficulty) Nihlathak (Act 5 | The Worldstone Chamber) has among the highest chance to drop the Tyrael's Might in D2.
Although its Defense is not the highest of Unique Elite armors, its boost to resistances is especially useful later in the game. Most impressive is its elimination of requirements; since it has no required Strength, even a character such as a caster who allocates much of their points to Vitality can use it, but they still need to meet the required level to be able to put it on. The very rare Slain Monsters Rest in Peace bonus prevents slain monsters from being revived or used for a Corpse Explosion.
Tyrael's Might is a very popular armor for Frost Amazon builds, because it offers many of the benefits of Chains of Honor while allowing for the possibility to have a 15% increased attack speed magic Jewel of Fervor, which makes it possible to reach better breakpoints.
Tyrael's Might is also used by Melee Sorceresses using Passion Phase Blade and Dream helmet or shield.
In late versions of the game, it is the rarest item to ever drop, the second place held by the Zod Rune.
The Great Conflict
Tyrael in the Great Conflict
Tyrael against demons
The Sin War
Tyrael and co. decide the fate of Sanctuary
The Dark Exile
Tyrael in the Tomb of Tal Rasha
The Return of Evil
Tyrael attacking the Dark Wanderer
Tyrael is rescued
Tyrael greets the heroes
Tyrael destroys the Worldstone
Return to the High Heavens
In Arreat's shadow
The End of Days
The Fallen Star
Tyrael confronts Imperius
Tyrael, now mortal
Maghda absconds with Tyrael
Tyrael and Leah cremate Cain's body
Shadows in the Desert
Tyrael meets with Adria and Leah in the archives
Tyrael wakes Leah from her dream
The Siege of Bastion's Keep
Tyrael looks out from Bastion's Keep
Azmodan mocks Tyrael and The Nephalem
After a titanic struggle, The Nephalem came to confront Azmodan himself. Azmodan was defeated, and Leah captured his essence inside the Black Soulstone. Tyrael was in awe, commenting that once the soulstone was destroyed, the Eternal Conflict would finally end. However, Adria pointed out the stone would have to be destroyed under specific circumstances. She would return to the keep and make preparations.
Prime Evil
Tyrael confronts Imperius
Tyrael, Aspect of Wisdom
A New Dawn
Through Mortal Eyes
Tyrael after Diablo's defeat
The Dissonance
Tyrael and Imperius argue over the Black Soulstone's fate
The Waters of Wisdom
Storm of Light
The New Horadrim
After leaving Heaven, Tyrael continued to consult Chalad'ar. It strengthened his resolve, but repeated use began to take a toll on his well-being. Every time he withdrew, he was left more and more drained, and yet hungry for more.
The group were forced to leave in light of a man's death, struck down by a Phantom. Knowing that they would be blamed for the death, Tyrael led the group away, giving them one last chance to leave. None did so, and they left for Bramwell. On the way, Tyrael did his best to answer Cullen's questions, even as mortal life took a physical toll on his body due to lack of food and sleep. Eventually, they reached the town, though Tyrael still advocated caution, lest they draw the attention of a group of Westmarch knights, which were nearby.
Despite this, Tyrael was still uneasy. Jacob had told him of a villager who had raved about a "destroyer of worlds," a term used to describe a Sicarai. That, and there was still no explanation for the phantom creatures, nor was he confident that his group of Horadrim could work effectively as a team. Regardless, with the help of Zayl and the demon X'y'Laq , the group gained entry, after a brief altercation with the Bone Demon Il'qual'Amoul . Inside, they found the bones of the missing people of Bramwell. Tyrael realized that it wasn't a repository, but something far older, even older than Zakarum. To make matters worse, the group again came under attack by demons. They managed to fight their way out, and Tyrael noticed that his new Horadrim were beginning to function together as a team. However, the group had to face a new foe in the form of a Sicarai.
A New Course
The group returned to Bramwell to treat Jacob (who had been injured in the battle). He discussed the artifacts retrieved from the cavern with Cullen, and Borad Nahr. A journal penned by Korsikk gave a hint as to the location of Corvus; Cullen stated that there was a passage to Corvus leading directly from Westmarch itself. Cullen warned however, that Westmarch was a proverbial hornets' nest, as tensions were growing between the Templar Order (who had taken control of the Church of the Holy Order) and the Knights of Westmarch. Tyrael planned to set out on the morrow, but despite his offer, Borad Nahr refused to come, as his duty lay in Bramwell. However, he promised that he would send word ahead to Westmarch, so that the Paladins there knew that the Horadrim could be trusted. He also gave Tyrael a brand bearing the insignia of House Nahr, and bid that he show it to his son, Lorath, so that he knew that the Horadrim had come with Borath's blessing.
Leaving the others to discuss their upcoming journey, Tyrael reflected on events. He concluded that the Sicarai had been sent by Imperius, and once again consulted Chalad'ar. However, when he peered into the chalice's depths, no relief came. Rather, a wave of despair washed over him, more powerful than anything before. He saw flashbacks of the past, of Cain and Leah dying, and visions of Nahr and Cullen dead as well. In the depths of the vision, he screamed.
Departing Sanctuary
Tyrael explained to his followers that they would spend the week preparing for their incursion into Heaven. Their trials would include going beyond Sanctuary itself. He took them back to the Tomb of Rakkis, and told them of the emotional and spiritual challenges they would face in Heaven. He gave the Horadrim a chance to back out, but none did so. Therefore, they began planning their incursion. Each member was assigned a task that corresponded to their particular skills bar Jacob and Shanar, whom Tyrael led into the Wastelands for training. He subsequently did the same for the other members. On the night before the incursion, Tyrael's mind was consumed by worry, as he counted all the possible things that could go wrong. As confident as he was in the Horadrim, his mind drifted to Zoltun Kulle. Kulle, he remembered, had been human, and had fallen to darkness. Once again, he took out Chalad'ar, and lost himself in its depths.
Come dawn, they departed, accompanied by some knights. In the bog outside the tomb, they were attacked by Phantoms and a Sicarai, who killed a number of knights. He bid the Horadrim sprint to the tomb, as the Phantoms wouldn't be able to follow them inside. He battled against the Sicarai, able to parry its blows, but could not go on the attack, such was the angel's ferocity. The angel struck him, cutting through his armor, but its blade struck Chalad'ar, though still drew some blood. However, he was saved by Zayl, who was able to get Tyrael inside the tomb. Zayl used his magic to heal Tyrael, and revealed that the satchel that was meant to transport the Black Soulstone had been damaged by the Sicarai.
Entering Heaven
The Horadrim emerged in the Pools of Wisdom. Shanar's magic would mimic the Lightsong, their Luminarei armor should kept them concealed from any non-inquisitive angel, and Jacob would lead them to the Gardens of Hope, then the Courts of Justice, and in turn, the Angiris Council Chamber . During the way, they lost track of Zayl, but Tyrael bid that they keep going, reasoning that Zayl would find his way to the chamber, and if not, they would carry the soulstone with their bare hands.
This section is a stub. You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.Endgame
This section is a stub. You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.Reaper of Souls
Enter the Reaper
Tyrael confronts Malthael
Tyrael met with his former companions later in Westmarch, currently being overrun by Malthael's thralls. He explained that with the defeat of Diablo, Malthael had deemed the time right to end the Eternal Conflict, which meant the eradication of humanity as per its demonic heritage. This was demonstrated when Reapers entered the nearby Zakarum Cathedral, killing many of the people taking shelter there. Fighting alongside the nephalem, Nahr and Westmarch soldiers, Tyrael and his allies were able to defeat the Death Maiden Kasadya and her underlings.
The Nephalem wanted to find Malthael, but Tyrael only knew that he was not in Westmarch, and could be anywhere in Creation. However, he revealed that when Malthael took the stone, a sliver of the artifact broke off. Having retrieved it, Tyrael reasoned that if he studied the sliver, he might be able to locate Malthael.
The Nephalem was able to save Westmarch and learn of Malthael's presence in Pandemonium. Upon learning of this, Tyrael took the Nephalem to the Pandemonium Fortress, informing the hero of Malthael's plan. He intended to use the Black Soulstone to consume all demonic essence in Sanctuary. As human souls were both essences of angels and demons, the loss of their demonic side would destroy them.
The New Face of Death
Tyrael and Imperius observe the Nephalem
New Evils
Diablo IIDiablo II: Lord of Destruction
Diablo Immortal (flashback only)
Diablo III
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Diablo Chess
To Hell and Back
Scales of the Serpent
The Veiled Prophet
The Order (flashback only)
Storm of Light
Sword of Justice
Book of Cain
Book of Tyrael
The Story of Diablo
Book of Adria: A Diablo Bestiary (mentioned only)
The Art of Diablo III
The Art of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
The Art of Diablo
Diablo III: Wrath
Tyrael's Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resistances +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
1. сущ.; сокр. f, fm.
1) фатом, фадом, морская сажень (английская единица длины; = 6 футам, или 182 см)
2) морской лот
3) единица кубатуры древесины (6 x 6 x 6 футов)
4) уст. способность быстрого восприятия; понимание
grasp 1., ability
to be fathoms deep in love — быть влюблённым по уши
2. гл.
1) определять, измерять глубину (воды); делать промер лотом
2) понимать; исследовать; разузнавать; выяснять, расследовать
3) уст. обхватить руками
Trees are so thick that a man could not fathom them. — Деревья такие толстые, что их невозможно обхватить руками.
похоже, это тупо "объятия Смерти" ..или "дружеское рукопожатие полного Песца" =)
Извеняйте, но я полностью незнаю на шмотки цены *за какие руны можно купить следущие вещи:
Hellfire Torch?
Arreat's Face Slayer Guard?
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring или SOJ?
Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet?
Stormshield Monarch?
Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone Gloves?
Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots?
Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil
Leviathan Kraken Shell?
и самое важное Tyrael's Might Sacred Armor? (если у кого есть :D)
уж очень сильно они же не прыгают
ну если 8+ раз это несильно - то смысл спрашивать цену? покупай что предлагают ;D
(на такую разницу от статов - тут половина списка)
ну и когда задаешь вопрос - невредно указывать на HC или SC нужны цены: они для разного шмота по разному отличаются.
да там половина этого шмота не указано (а мне надо полностью все эти), да тем более там не свежые данные, трудно вам написать чтоли?
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