Destiny 2 фрагмент брони эрамис
Фрагмент брони Филакс. Уничтожение воительницы стало первым шагом к победе над Эрамис.
Возможно, для этой вещи найдется место в лагере.
Classified Item
Bungie has the ability to expose information in the API that, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to be seen. We call these items "classified".
Sometimes classified items eventually are revealed to be real, in-game items. However, they are usually just junk data that made it into the API that isn't intended to be seen.
We include these items in the database solely to provide a complete view of what is in the API files. You should not take the presence of this item as a guarantee of something coming in a future update or attempt to analyze its presence too deeply. Doing so likely will only lead to disappointment.
- It was marked as a dummy item in the API files.
- Introduced in Season 12
- Can't be Equipped
- API ID: 3911587622
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Random Rolls FAQ
A: This item is capable of rolling with random perks when it drops. For example, every time you get a Better Devils from Shaxx, it has the potential to be a slightly different version than others before it — maybe better, maybe worse.
Q: Why are there some perks inside of a dashed box and some outside?A: The dashed boxes contain the perks that Bungie's API says are possibilities in each column when the item drops.
Q: What about the stuff outside of those boxes?A: The perks outside of the boxes are a fixed, "curated" roll from Bungie. Sometimes, that fixed version of the item will drop fully masterworked (see Nation of Beasts or Vouchsafe for examples). Other times, those perks are just for display, such as when you preview an item from your collection.
Q: Do the two sets of perks ever cross over? Can I get a Vouchsafe with double Dragonfly?A: If the item is capable of randomly rolling one of its fixed-roll perks, it will be included in the random rolls section as well.
Community Average Rolls FAQ
Q: What does "community average roll" mean?A: Community Average Rolls are a way of "crowdsourcing" what the best roll is on each weapon. By scouring the global Destiny population using the Bungie API, we are able to see which perks a wide variety of players select for each weapon. Those stats are presented as the Community Average Roll.
Q: What do you mean by the "global Destiny population"?A: As part of this feature, we are now tracking all active players using the Bungie API, not just those who have signed in on The statistics displayed here are based on all players that have logged in over the past 2 weeks.
Q: So this hits literally every player and every weapon they own?A: Partially. Presumably if someone has the weapon equipped, they like it, which would mean that the perks equipped on it are perceived to be better. At the same time, most people are probably dismantling rolls that they think are bad, so even if we could see their whole inventory, we might not catch many "dud" rolls. Overall, the phenomenon of (mostly) only being able to see equipped rolls will reduce the overall number of rolls on less popular weapons, but the perks on those that are visible will likely trend toward being more popular, otherwise people wouldn't keep the roll, let alone equip it.
Q: Why do percentages like 19% fill the whole bar?A: The bars for each percentage are relative to the most popular perk in that column. The most popular perk will fill its bar, and each perk under that will illustrate how popular it is relative to the most popular. So, if 22% of rolls use the most popular perk in a column and 11% of rolls use the least popular perk, the bar on the least popular perk should appear to be roughly half full. The intent of displaying it this way is to create better contrast between the options.
Q: How do curated rolls factor into this?A: The usage stats are based only on randomly-rolled, legendary weapons.
Q: Can you explain the letter ranks that are given based on these stats?A: Ranks range from F- to S+, based on how "far" your roll is from the community average roll. A roll with the least popular perk in each column should be ranked F-, and a roll with the most popular perk in each column should be ranked S+.
Item Sunsetting FAQ
A: Bungie has announced that beginning in Season 12, weapons will have a cap on the power to which you are able to infuse them. We're calling this process "sunsetting".
A: There will be one large sunset beginning in Season 12, in which all* legendary weapons and armor from Seasons 1-8 will be retired. After that, weapons and armor will essentially be sunset 1 year after their release.
A: Yes. Bungie has stated that exotics will not sunset. Beyond that, gear from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids will play by different rules than standard armor and weapons, though Bungie has not been fully clear on what those rules will be.
Q: So I can never use my Mountaintop / Luna's Howl / etc again?A: Not exactly. This change essentially only matters in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will still be able to use whatever armor/weapons you want.
Furthermore, Bungie has also hinted that they intend to "re-issue" certain weapons/armor in the future, thus giving them another 12 months in the sun.
Контент и награды Фестиваль усопших 2021
Поскольку Меркурий находится в своде, в Фестивале потерянных произойдут некоторые изменения.
Призрачный лес до сих пор был одним из основных продуктов Фестиваля затерянных, но не будет сюрпризом, если Bungie переключит его на 4-й год.
Обновление на веб-сайте Bungie подтверждает, что в этом году мероприятие будет посвящено зонам с привидениями.
Возвращение фестивальных масок
Эта старая маска Варикса может вернуться на Фестиваль пропавших без вести в 2021 году.
Каждый год мероприятие приносит с собой новые фестивальные маски, а также некоторые маски возвращения из прошлых лет.
Предложение прошлого года включало:
- Ана Брей
- Варикс
- Завернутый путешественник
- Разбитый путешественник
- Пузырьки (котел ведьмы из бумаги)
- Экзо незнакомец
Но это еще не все. Ранее, в 2021 году, Bungie позволила фанатам проголосовать за два эксклюзивных комплекта брони, которые рассматривались для участия в мероприятии Фестиваль усопших. Это было между набором Movie Monster и набором Dino, и в отличие от реальной жизни, на этот раз победили Dinos.
Динозавр на Фестивале усопших
Броня динозавра определенно превосходила набор Movie Monster, и результаты голосования показали это.
Каждый тип персонажа имеет свой дизайн брони в наборе Дино.
Titan имеет дизайн, вдохновленный T-Rex, который кажется тематически подходящим, поскольку эти персонажи часто являются оплотом их ударной команды. Мускулистый дизайн усиливает идею о том, что каждый из них представляет собой внушительную фигуру на поле боя.
Чернокнижник больше склоняется к облику трицератопса. Рога и когти придают определенный внутренний элемент, который прекрасно сочетается с хаотической чувствительностью класса Варлок. Этот набор также является хорошим промежуточным звеном между полностью бронированным Титаном и слабо защищенным Охотником.
Игроки будут выглядеть страшнее, чем когда-либо, когда они прорвутся через событие и по ходу будут собирать ограниченную по времени валюту, такую как шоколадные странные монеты и конфеты.
Фрагмент брони Эрамис. Воспоминание о том, что могло произойти.
Возможно, для этой вещи найдется место в лагере.
Classified Item
Bungie has the ability to expose information in the API that, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to be seen. We call these items "classified".
Sometimes classified items eventually are revealed to be real, in-game items. However, they are usually just junk data that made it into the API that isn't intended to be seen.
We include these items in the database solely to provide a complete view of what is in the API files. You should not take the presence of this item as a guarantee of something coming in a future update or attempt to analyze its presence too deeply. Doing so likely will only lead to disappointment.
- It was marked as a dummy item in the API files.
- Introduced in Season 12
- Can't be Equipped
- API ID: 3911587623
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Random Rolls FAQ
A: This item is capable of rolling with random perks when it drops. For example, every time you get a Better Devils from Shaxx, it has the potential to be a slightly different version than others before it — maybe better, maybe worse.
Q: Why are there some perks inside of a dashed box and some outside?A: The dashed boxes contain the perks that Bungie's API says are possibilities in each column when the item drops.
Q: What about the stuff outside of those boxes?A: The perks outside of the boxes are a fixed, "curated" roll from Bungie. Sometimes, that fixed version of the item will drop fully masterworked (see Nation of Beasts or Vouchsafe for examples). Other times, those perks are just for display, such as when you preview an item from your collection.
Q: Do the two sets of perks ever cross over? Can I get a Vouchsafe with double Dragonfly?A: If the item is capable of randomly rolling one of its fixed-roll perks, it will be included in the random rolls section as well.
Community Average Rolls FAQ
Q: What does "community average roll" mean?A: Community Average Rolls are a way of "crowdsourcing" what the best roll is on each weapon. By scouring the global Destiny population using the Bungie API, we are able to see which perks a wide variety of players select for each weapon. Those stats are presented as the Community Average Roll.
Q: What do you mean by the "global Destiny population"?A: As part of this feature, we are now tracking all active players using the Bungie API, not just those who have signed in on The statistics displayed here are based on all players that have logged in over the past 2 weeks.
Q: So this hits literally every player and every weapon they own?A: Partially. Presumably if someone has the weapon equipped, they like it, which would mean that the perks equipped on it are perceived to be better. At the same time, most people are probably dismantling rolls that they think are bad, so even if we could see their whole inventory, we might not catch many "dud" rolls. Overall, the phenomenon of (mostly) only being able to see equipped rolls will reduce the overall number of rolls on less popular weapons, but the perks on those that are visible will likely trend toward being more popular, otherwise people wouldn't keep the roll, let alone equip it.
Q: Why do percentages like 19% fill the whole bar?A: The bars for each percentage are relative to the most popular perk in that column. The most popular perk will fill its bar, and each perk under that will illustrate how popular it is relative to the most popular. So, if 22% of rolls use the most popular perk in a column and 11% of rolls use the least popular perk, the bar on the least popular perk should appear to be roughly half full. The intent of displaying it this way is to create better contrast between the options.
Q: How do curated rolls factor into this?A: The usage stats are based only on randomly-rolled, legendary weapons.
Q: Can you explain the letter ranks that are given based on these stats?A: Ranks range from F- to S+, based on how "far" your roll is from the community average roll. A roll with the least popular perk in each column should be ranked F-, and a roll with the most popular perk in each column should be ranked S+.
Item Sunsetting FAQ
A: Bungie has announced that beginning in Season 12, weapons will have a cap on the power to which you are able to infuse them. We're calling this process "sunsetting".
A: There will be one large sunset beginning in Season 12, in which all* legendary weapons and armor from Seasons 1-8 will be retired. After that, weapons and armor will essentially be sunset 1 year after their release.
A: Yes. Bungie has stated that exotics will not sunset. Beyond that, gear from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids will play by different rules than standard armor and weapons, though Bungie has not been fully clear on what those rules will be.
Q: So I can never use my Mountaintop / Luna's Howl / etc again?A: Not exactly. This change essentially only matters in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will still be able to use whatever armor/weapons you want.
Furthermore, Bungie has also hinted that they intend to "re-issue" certain weapons/armor in the future, thus giving them another 12 months in the sun.
Фрагмент брони Кридис. Жрица собиралась воскресить Эрамис, и помешать ей было нелегко.
Возможно, для этой вещи найдется место в лагере.
Classified Item
Bungie has the ability to expose information in the API that, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to be seen. We call these items "classified".
Sometimes classified items eventually are revealed to be real, in-game items. However, they are usually just junk data that made it into the API that isn't intended to be seen.
We include these items in the database solely to provide a complete view of what is in the API files. You should not take the presence of this item as a guarantee of something coming in a future update or attempt to analyze its presence too deeply. Doing so likely will only lead to disappointment.
- It was marked as a dummy item in the API files.
- Introduced in Season 12
- Can't be Equipped
- API ID: 3911587621
Version History
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Random Rolls FAQ
A: This item is capable of rolling with random perks when it drops. For example, every time you get a Better Devils from Shaxx, it has the potential to be a slightly different version than others before it — maybe better, maybe worse.
Q: Why are there some perks inside of a dashed box and some outside?A: The dashed boxes contain the perks that Bungie's API says are possibilities in each column when the item drops.
Q: What about the stuff outside of those boxes?A: The perks outside of the boxes are a fixed, "curated" roll from Bungie. Sometimes, that fixed version of the item will drop fully masterworked (see Nation of Beasts or Vouchsafe for examples). Other times, those perks are just for display, such as when you preview an item from your collection.
Q: Do the two sets of perks ever cross over? Can I get a Vouchsafe with double Dragonfly?A: If the item is capable of randomly rolling one of its fixed-roll perks, it will be included in the random rolls section as well.
Community Average Rolls FAQ
Q: What does "community average roll" mean?A: Community Average Rolls are a way of "crowdsourcing" what the best roll is on each weapon. By scouring the global Destiny population using the Bungie API, we are able to see which perks a wide variety of players select for each weapon. Those stats are presented as the Community Average Roll.
Q: What do you mean by the "global Destiny population"?A: As part of this feature, we are now tracking all active players using the Bungie API, not just those who have signed in on The statistics displayed here are based on all players that have logged in over the past 2 weeks.
Q: So this hits literally every player and every weapon they own?A: Partially. Presumably if someone has the weapon equipped, they like it, which would mean that the perks equipped on it are perceived to be better. At the same time, most people are probably dismantling rolls that they think are bad, so even if we could see their whole inventory, we might not catch many "dud" rolls. Overall, the phenomenon of (mostly) only being able to see equipped rolls will reduce the overall number of rolls on less popular weapons, but the perks on those that are visible will likely trend toward being more popular, otherwise people wouldn't keep the roll, let alone equip it.
Q: Why do percentages like 19% fill the whole bar?A: The bars for each percentage are relative to the most popular perk in that column. The most popular perk will fill its bar, and each perk under that will illustrate how popular it is relative to the most popular. So, if 22% of rolls use the most popular perk in a column and 11% of rolls use the least popular perk, the bar on the least popular perk should appear to be roughly half full. The intent of displaying it this way is to create better contrast between the options.
Q: How do curated rolls factor into this?A: The usage stats are based only on randomly-rolled, legendary weapons.
Q: Can you explain the letter ranks that are given based on these stats?A: Ranks range from F- to S+, based on how "far" your roll is from the community average roll. A roll with the least popular perk in each column should be ranked F-, and a roll with the most popular perk in each column should be ranked S+.
Item Sunsetting FAQ
A: Bungie has announced that beginning in Season 12, weapons will have a cap on the power to which you are able to infuse them. We're calling this process "sunsetting".
A: There will be one large sunset beginning in Season 12, in which all* legendary weapons and armor from Seasons 1-8 will be retired. After that, weapons and armor will essentially be sunset 1 year after their release.
A: Yes. Bungie has stated that exotics will not sunset. Beyond that, gear from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids will play by different rules than standard armor and weapons, though Bungie has not been fully clear on what those rules will be.
Q: So I can never use my Mountaintop / Luna's Howl / etc again?A: Not exactly. This change essentially only matters in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will still be able to use whatever armor/weapons you want.
Furthermore, Bungie has also hinted that they intend to "re-issue" certain weapons/armor in the future, thus giving them another 12 months in the sun.
Хеллоуин в Destiny 2 стартует 12 октября, подтвердила Bungie.
До Хэллоуина остался всего месяц, и у сообщества Destiny есть забавная идея для празднования квеста с участием Saint-14 .
Хотя расширение The Witch Queen было отложено до 2022 года, все обычные события, похоже, прибывают вовремя. Это мероприятие обычно длится часть октября и завершается в начале ноября, и в этом году оно должно снова последовать этой тенденции.
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