Death stranding цитаты
Российский офис PlayStation поделился промо-артом Death Stranding с цитатами из рецензий русскоязычных изданий. Проблема в том, что одну из цитат исказили кардинальным образом, сделав ее более положительной.
Речь идет о обзоре от GameGuru. Автор Семен Кудряшов в своей рецензии заявил следующее:
Это определенно не тот случай, когда играть нужно всем и каждому.
Однако на постере мы видим, что часть с «определенно не» исчезла. Получается, будто в рецензии автор советует Death Stranding всем, а ведь это не так.
Сам автор рецензии не сильно в обиде на искажение слов. Правда, изданию DTF Семен рассказал, что желал бы увидеть другую цитату:
По правде скажу: я без претензии, кроме одной — для избыточного пафоса и звонкого словца, я в рецензии написал словосочетание «это самая громкая видеоигра, о которой хочется молчать», — чем не топовая фраза, забирающая лавры всего игрожура вообще?
Death Stranding is a game that requires a high level of interpretation due to many hidden meanings. As can be seen through the deep quotes.
You might find similar games to Death Stranding , but the quality of its script is completely unique. This was to be expected from a title directed by Hideo Kojima, and this one brings all the thematic style that the developer is well known for.
Death Stranding has been taken to be a game that requires a high level of interpretation due to many hidden meanings. Some of these are within the quotes uttered, and a whole lot of these have haunting implications. In order to appreciate the story more, it’s best to check out these 10 quotes that give the best representation of the game’s plot.
2 "I'm Fragile, But Not That Fragile."
The benefit of casting A-list actors in video games is that they deliver even relatively cheesy lines in an effective manner. The character of Fragile is a mystery for the most part, leading one to mistake her quiet demeanor to be a sign of caution.
However, Fragile clarified that, while her name might indicate otherwise, she was by no means a fragile person at heart. This became one of the many reasons why the characters in this universe were impossible to predict.
4 "Once, There Was An Explosion, A Bang Which Gave Rise To Life As We Know It. And Then Came The Next Explosion."
The backdrop of the story is set from the beginning through the use of quotes, and this aligns well with them in meaning. The point of it is to highlight how life and death can come from the same thing, a cycle that goes both ways.
According to science, the Big Bang gave birth to all things, and the next “explosion” within the world of Death Stranding resulted in mankind’s fall. The longer version of this quote also claims that this second explosion is the last one, meaning there’s no more hope.
7 "If You're Not Scared Of Death, How Can You Value Life?"
Death Stranding was an innovative game where the storyline was concerned. The thematic quality was shown in the allegory-style of the scenes, with the topic of death covered the most out of any other. This quote easily applies to real life as well.
Although Sam considered the world to be very bleak, he still had a certain caution around the idea of death. The rationalization here was that death needed to be feared in order for life to be appreciated. If you look at it this way, that’s very hard to argue against.
5 "Great, so I'm Mario and you're Princess Peach." - Sam
This reference to the gaming icon comes at an odd moment as Sam and Amelie are on the Beach. He says this in frustration as he learns about the scheme to get him to reconnect the Chiral Network. Amelie and Die-Hardman set the whole thing up. As if this comparison wasn't silly enough, Amelie adds on to it by saying "like Mario and Princess Beach" before they start running their way home. Nothing says morbidly serious science fiction with the fate of the universe at stake like wordplay.
4 "No BTs, no voidouts. just a good old-fashioned boss fight." - Higgs
It wouldn't be Hideo Kojima without reminding the player they are in a video game. Higgs' above quote directly references boss fights. The actual battle with Higgs turns into fisticuffs where the two characters get traditional health bars.
Later on, the antagonist talks about winning the game and says game over. The jest also speaks to Higgs' personality. All this power makes him take the apocalypse like a joke. He's having the time of his life tormenting Sam and Fragile.
3 "But I Wonder, When You Look Death In The Eye, Will You Blink?"
Higgs, the villain of Death Stranding , might have had intentions to trigger the destruction of Earth, but the guy did know his way around words. Before engaging Sam in their deadly duel, he came up with the theory that Sam’s defiance was simply a mask he wore.
Intending on killing Sam, Higgs then openly wondered if the man before him truly wasn’t afraid of facing him. To this end, Higgs had it settled that he wanted to see the light leaving Sam, hoping that he would find the trace of fear he was looking for.
2 "The name's Higgs, the particle of god that permeates all existence." - Higgs
Higgs is all about theatrics. He directly explains what his name references, in case laymen miss the connection. As the mysterious prepper asking for pizza, the alias he uses is Peter Englert, the first name of Peter Higgs and the last name of Francois Englert, two scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in the area of study related to the Higgs boson. The power gets to Higg's head, so it makes sense why he would name himself after a particle connecting all things, living and inanimate.
8 "Everything is true, except for the lies." -Fragile
This piece of philosophical gold comes from Fragile as she's explaining why everybody hates her. Like most inane statements, an ounce of genius can be found if one looks deep enough. What they say about her is true. Fragile brought a bomb into a city, contributing to its destruction. The lie is her willing part in the plan. She was tricked by Higgs into transporting the weapon and even went so far as to sacrifice her body to timefall in order to save another city from the same fate.
6 "If she dies, America dies." - Die-Hardman
This sounds less like something from Death Stranding and more like a trailer for a Jack Howitzer movie, the fictional action star from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Amelie is supposed to take over for Bridget Strand following her death, but the president's daughter is held hostage by Higgs.
Of course, this all turns out to be a ruse, but Sam doesn't know at the time. This line probably came off as insufferable to the main character, since his disdain for the current state of the UCA is well documented. To him, reconnecting the country is a pipe dream.
3 "Back then, I thought I was invincible. I thought I was some kind of action hero." - Die-Hardman
This line comes up as Die-Hardman explains why he is helping Cliff in the flashback. As if being named after a famous action movie franchise wasn't enough, he has to literally explain how dying was hard for him because of Cliff's heroic actions in combat. To make the connection even stronger, the character's name is literally John McClaine. Kojima's love for movies is well documented, so these less than subtle homages are no surprise.
1 "Yeah Boyee!" - Sam
It's not the quote so much as the actions surrounding it. In the middle of speaking with Heartman, the scientist collapses due to his twenty-one-minute life cycle. While leaving the premises, Sam takes the opportunity to do a record scratch on a record player. It's a rare moment of levity from the protagonist. When all alone, who could possibly resist the temptation? Considering it is set far in the future, this very well could have been the first gramophone Sam saw in his whole life.
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When not writing about video games and movies, Jason Wojnar is studying music and the Ukrainian language. Additionally, he writes songs and regularly gigs at open mics and events.
Death Stranding — одна из главных игр 2019 года. А любой крупной релиз всегда сопровождается огромным количеством фана. И поверьте, в Death Stranding очень много поводов для веселья. Собрали для вас лучшие шутки и мемы об очередной работе «гениального» Хидео Кодзимы.
А что кажется самым смешным в Death Stranding вам? Расскажите в комментариях!
- В нашей рецензии на Death Stranding мы рассказали, что не так с игрой. И почему она все равно крайне важна.
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Российское подразделение PlayStation представило постер Death Stranding с хвалебными отзывами критиков. Пользователи соцсетей заметили, что одна из фраз была изменена.
Речь идет о цитате издания GameGuru: на постере написано, что Death Stranding это «тот случай, когда играть нужно всем и каждому», однако в самом обзоре игры фраза немного другая — «это определенно не тот случай, когда играть нужно всем и каждому».
1 "The Particle Of God Permeates All Existence."
A plot point that needs explanation is of Higgs’ mission, which was to bring about the Last Stranding as he began to see himself as something of a God. It appears as if he figured that by ending all existence, he was effectively wielding the power of God.
His logic had to do with him ignoring God the creator and focusing on the destroying aspect. Higgs most likely saw it as his right to end existence, as he had power that humans couldn’t fathom. It’s scary to imagine what it would’ve been like had he succeeded.
Hideo Kojima is famous for his strange, off-the-wall humor, and here are 10 Death Stranding quotes that remind us just who we're dealing with.
Even if one is less than impressed with Hideo Kojima's body of work, no one can ever decry it as bland or uninteresting. The gameplay always takes risks and the story aims to elevate the medium to new heights. One signature aspect of his stories is the often bizarre, incongruous humor, which sometimes breaks the fourth wall or references facets of pop culture one wouldn't expect the characters to know.
Death Stranding continues this trend in full force, as the following ten quotes will prove. A couple of these are from late in the game or revolve around certain plot points, so be wary of spoilers going forward.
8 "Round And Round It Goes: Connect, Reconnect — It's Not That Simple!"
A criticism of Death Stranding is that a lot of it doesn’t make sense. The truth is that this was deliberate on the part of the developers, as nothing in the game’s universe is meant to be simple. This was partly why Sam was against the idea of change.
When he was asked to go against the status quo, Sam would argue that using a bunch of big words wouldn’t work on him because that just simplified things and he knew there was no easy solution.
9 "I Was Living A Lie. I Was Broken. But Somewhere Along The Way, I Started Changing."
Sam is easily one of the best characters to be seen on the PS4 in the last decade. The reason for this is character development, as he went from someone who thought the world couldn’t get any worse to a man who became actively involved in preserving it.
This quote gives an insight on why he was so reluctant to give life a chance, as he claimed that he’d been lying to himself the whole time. Fortunately, things did change along the way, but it’s a shame that he had made himself believe that he deserved to live such a meaningless existence.
5 "My Body May Be Present But My Soul Is On The Beach. I'm Already Dead."
Heartman might be the most tragic character in the game. After having lost his family and being close to death himself, he was pulled back into the living, following which Heartman considered himself to be dead within the soul.
This was the game’s way of tackling the issue of love and loss, with Heartman claiming that all anyone saw of him was his functioning body, while his mind and soul had moved on long ago. The way he articulated himself confirmed that Heartman was all numb inside.
7 "Nothing like the eve of extinction to bring focus to the mind. Makes folks honest." - Higgs
This is classic Higgs, but is he wrong? After all, what's the point in lying and distractions if existence's time is short. A real apocalypse would put things into perspective for a lot of people, making them realize what is truly important.
How many spouses would turn to their partner with minutes left on the world's lifespan and say "I never really loved you," or "I'm in love with someone else?" Employees would call up their bosses and curse them out, getting all that frustration off their chest. Of course, one thing they don't think about when doing this is the afterlife and the possibility of seeing these people again.
9 A Strand is a part of a rope or bond, while stranded means being washed up on the shore, and being stranded is when you can't go home." - Amelie
Where would America's reading comprehension skills be if it weren't for Amelie explaining the subtle differences between words? The line has its place in the story, but it doesn't make it sound any less ridiculous.
The game's titular post-apocalyptic event left humanity disconnected, stranded in their own little cities, communities, or shelters. Sam is going across the country connecting them all once again, making each of them a strand of the Chiral Network.
6 "Humanity Only Has A Hundred Thousand Years Left, Why Not End It Here, Right Now?"
Staying true to the nihilistic storytelling of the game, this quote raises more questions than it should. After all, what was the point of the characters going on if they didn’t consider the world a place worth living anymore?
It’s a fair point that there’s no reason to continue if a person doesn’t have plans to evolve or search for meaning. There’s a prediction that humanity might go extinct in the future, and going by the logic of Death Stranding characters, they truly needed to find purpose or just pull the trigger if they weren’t going anywhere.
10 "If you were a spy on a mission, you would have failed. But you're not, so be proud of those tracks, they're proof you existed." - Die-Hardman
This quote is in reference to sneaking past and through Mule camps. Getting spotted isn't the end of the world like it was in some of the Metal Gear Solid entries. Die-Hardman's words towards Sam work in two ways as an homage to the iconic series. The first and most obvious is the stealth. Secondly is the idea of leaving behind some trace of existence. Solidus Snake from Metal Gear Solid 2 laments about this right before the final boss fight. All he wanted was to be remembered. Thankfully, Sam doesn't have this problem.
10 "Sam, If We Don't All Come Together Again, Humanity Will Not Survive."
One of the things considered to be the best about Death Stranding are the many sides of the same story. The characters could have differences of opinion, but all of them would have a point. For instance, Sam was a complete cynic, and even this impassioned plea didn’t get to him.
The part that haunts the soul is that this quote should convince just about anyone, yet it wasn’t to be. There’s also the fact that nobody wants to live in a world where someone needs to beg their fellow people to stick together for survival.
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