Dead island id карты место нахождения
По всему Мертвому острову, как в версиях для Xbox 360 и PS3, так и для ПК, рассредоточены пять разноцветных и довольно отвратных на вид черепов. Некоторые игроки случайно наткнулись на один-два и забыли о них. Другие обнаружили, что эти черепа обладают необычными свойствами.
После обнаружения одного из черепов, независимо от цвета, он бесследно исчезает. Вы не обнаружите их в наличных вещах, и поэтому многие поспешили прийти к выводу, что они представляют собой обычные пасхальные яйца, оставленные разработчиками.
Как обнаружили самые пытливые из игроков, если отнести эти черепа в определенные места, в которых происходит их активизация, то можно получить награду. Это руководство поможет вам найти все пять черепов Банои, а также поведает, куда их отнести и какую награду вы получите.
Отнесите Коричневый череп к берегу около ID 004, на вершину небольшой горы/холма, на которую можно взобраться по деревянным доскам. Коричневые стрелки укажут вам путь.
За это вы получите рецепт оружия 666, который позволит создать Left Hand of Glova. Для этого потребуется иметь $10,000 и 5 алмазов.
Чтобы получить награду за Оранжевый череп, придется вернуться обратно в канализацию. Через канализацию войдите в City Hall (здание городского совета) и направляйтесь в главную комнату. В левой части этой комнаты есть лестница. Взбирайтесь по ней и идите в первую комнату направо через дверь, и положите Оранжевый череп на груду слева.
Помните комнату, куда вы только что отнесли Фиолетовый череп? Синий череп можно найти в комнате напротив. Вы можете найти его на полке, разбив стекло.
Отправляйтесь на заправочную станцию, а затем на восток до холма с песочной дорожкой вокруг него. Вокруг холма ищите дорожку, на которую можно только запрыгнуть, после чего сможете найти Зеленый череп на другой стороне.
Отнесите Зеленый череп в супермаркет в отдел Surf Shop, где находятся игрушечные медведи.
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ID cards are collectable items in Dead Island. There is an Achievement/Trophy for collecting all of them.
ID Card 02
Location: At the end of a long pier east of the Lifeguard Tower, in the beach bar hut, on a counter above a weapon chest.
ID Card 04
Location: Located on the beach on the eastern coastline near the Silver bungalows. The ID is on top of a newspaper, which is on a blue beach towel near a burnt out fire.
ID Card 09
Location: In one of the open huts in the Diamond Bungalows section, on the nightstand near the bathtub.
ID Card 23
Location: Located in Bungalow 10 in the Hotel Bungalows area. After rescuing Steve Summers go around to the side door and the ID is on the table as you enter.
ID Card 24
Location: Roof of the Tunnel Gas Station shop on the side overlooking the gas pumps. Complete the "Waterdance" quest to get to the roof. The roof has two zombies, a Thug and a Walker.
ID Card 25
Location: On the road to the second gas station you'll pass two police cars and a truck. Check the dash of the truck for the ID.
ID Card 26
Location: On the first desk in the hotel's server room. There is a tattoo shop poster above the desk.
ID Card 31
Location: North of where Joseph crosses the river during the Way of Salvation quest. In an alley inside the quarantine zone north of the gas station, on the ground, next to a pool of blood.
ID Card 32
Location: Inside the pier warehouse in the south part of Moresby where Vang Chi's kidnapped daughter is found. To enter there, you need to have the Heroes and Villains quest. The Id Card is on a desk, in the room previous to the one where she's locked.
ID Card 33
Location: On a small porch just west of the third loudspeaker switch during the quest The Second Head of Cerberus. A little to the west of the Nick's Hub safehouse.
ID Card 34
Location: It's in the broken bridge in the west part of Moresby, just before you leave the playable area. Next to a grey upturned car with a corpse. A little to the north of the Pump Station.
ID Card 35
Location: It's on the counter inside the gas station located in the center of Moresby. Southwest of the Warehouse safehouse.
ID Card 36
Location: It's on the wooden deck between the front door of the Nick's Hub safehouse and the outside, wooden stairs in Moresby. The Gallery Photo below is not typical - area may be void of other objects.
ID Card 37
Location: It's on a table located on a rooftop, next to the 1st loudspeaker of the The Second Head of Cerberus quest.
ID Card 38
Location: It's on the counter inside the shop where the picture of Jack's daughter is found.(Picture of Bliss quest).
ID Card 39
Location: It's on a table next to the 1st hydrant that you have to close during the Drop by Drop quest. A little to the south of the Pump Station.
ID Card 40
Location: It's on a mattress in the Rooftop area within the quarantine zone. Not far east of the 1st speaker for the The Third Head of Cerberus quest. Near the Warehouse safehouse.
ID Card 41
Location: It's on a counter inside Nikolai's restaurant, Café Kiev, from the A Voice from Above the Sky quest.
ID Card 43
Location: It's on the floor, in front of the Alicia Jacobs house. Northeast of the Warehouse safehouse.
ID Card 45
Location: On the sidewalk near a fruit stand and fold-up chair in the open market area. Right next to a Red Propane Tank. South of the Warehouse safehouse.
ID Card 46
Location: It's on a desk in the pump control room, where you cut the water flow for the Let the Waters Flow quest. During your first visit to the Sewers.
ID Card 47
Location: After getting the ID Card 48 keep advancing until you reach a big room with 2 doors on the left side. The Id Card is in the first one, on the workbench.
ID Card 48
Location: In your first visit to the Sewers, follow the path to the Town Hall until you find a room with 2 cell-like short tunnels on the left side. The ID Card is in the first one, on an open grey suitcase.
ID Card 49
Location: In your path from the Town Hall to the Supermarket. It's on a toolbox up a ladder, in the first big room.
ID Card 50
Location: In the Town Hall after the attack. It's on a notice board next to a workbench, near the door to the sewers where you entered the Town Hall the first time.
ID Card 51
Location: In the Town Hall after returning from the Supermarket, go upstairs. You will find the Id Card on a pile of books on the floor.
ID Card 52
Location: In the Town Hall after the attack. After getting the Universal Key from the infected Todd Tanis, go back to the room previous to the balcony. You will be able to open a door there. The Id Card is on a desk.
ID Card 53
Location: It is located in an office in the back of the Supermarket stockroom. After going upstairs, keep advancing and go past the door to the Supermarket main room (The one with the Coffee sign). You will find the office, the Id Card is on the desk.
ID Card 55
Location: It's on a desk in a room after encountering the first punks in the Police Station. You will see a big police logo on the ground before entering the room.
ID Card 56
Location: It's on the floor of the cell where Bill's corpse is found in the Police Station. Near the security room.
ID Card 57
Location: Police Station, it's on a desk in a cubicle in the large room previous to the one where Jin is located.
ID Card 59
Location: It's in Stan Dart's house during the Grasp All, Lose All quest. Next to a bed, in the upper floor, center room.
ID Card 60
Location: Inside the building where Kwan's brother Cho is found during the Blood Ties quest. When you get into the house go into the second room on the right. Once inside on your left should be a table with the ID card in it.
ID Card 62
Location: In a Bunker near the starting town. In the upper floor, near a questgiver named Sam
ID Card 65
Location: It's on a box, in the bus from Afran's hideout village ("Soldier of Fortune" quest).
ID Card 66
Location: Inside the shack on the pier near the jungle village. Look for it on the table by the bed.
ID Card 67
Location: In the Jungle area (Act 3), on a seat in the middle part of the upper floor of the crashed aircraft that Monica Goldberg (from the Lighthouse) asks you to look for.
ID Card 71
Location: In Jungle Village, the hut where Amanda's camera is found during the quest "Show Must Go On".
ID Card 72
Location: Overpass Camp, in the eastmost building, the pub, on a table behind the bar next to a water jug.
ID Card 73
Location: Overpass Camp, inside the locked warehouse. To get the key, the player needs to kill the Thug in the pub. Unlocking the warehouse completes the quest "Visit to the Pub".
ID Card 74
Location: It's in the laboratory building, on a desk in the room with Nguyen and Monroe. The door will be closed until you come back with the blood sample for the quest Man of Faith.
ID Card 75
Location: On the walkway near the warehouse where you have to pick up the fuses for the Power Slaves quest. Act 3, Laboratory zone.
ID Card 76
Location: It's on a table in the warehouse next to the lab, where you have to enter during the Substance of Matter quest.
ID Card 77
Location: On a desk, in the building where you have to pick the tissue samples during the Rotting Flesh quest.
ID Card 78
Location: In the bathroom of the building where you have to enter for the quest No Sign of Life.
ID Card 79
Location: In a collapsed bungalow in the edge of the cliff, where you must find a scientist's research.
ID Card 80
Location: It's on the armchair in the first building of the quest The Dead Don't Eat Crackers. You will have to break the glass in the ceiling to enter. (You can use a cinder block).
ID Card 81
Location: It's on a table in the second building of the quest The Dead Don't Eat Crackers. The one in front of the questgiver, Sebastian.
ID Card 82
Location: It's on the floor next to a closed door, in the building near the boat in Laboratory area, take stairs all way up.
ID Card 83
Location: Near the Laboratory, in the food storage warehouse you must clear for the quest Scran's not for the Dead.
ID Card 84
Location: When you walk out of the lab, in front of the green car, theres a dead body, next to that body is the ID.
ID Card 86
Location: On the ground next to a workbench in the Prison Basement. Accessible during the Devil's Labyrinth Quest.
ID Card 87
Location: It's on the top of a self, next to the corpse of a dead guard, in the storage room previous to the kitchen from the quest Dante's Kitchen.
ID Card 89
Location: Just before leaving the sewers, during the Devil's Labyrinth quest, go to the left. The card is on the ground next to the corpse of a dead guard.
ID Card 90
Location: On the ground behind a Thug shortly after leaving the laundry room in the Prison Basement. Accessible during the quest "Devil's Labyrinth".
ID Card 91
Location: During the Quest Chasing the White Rabbit you will come across a stairway, take the way up, there you will find the Card.
ID Card 92
Location: On the ground next to a dead guard under the stairs in the Prison Basement. Shortly after the voice told you to go to the sewers during the Devil's Labyrinth quest.
ID Card 93
Location: It's on a desk in the left side room, after you find the workbench, during the Chasing the White Rabbit quest. The Tape Recorder 11 can be found on one of the beds as well.
ID Card 94
Location: During the Full Metal Jacket quest, when Kevin is trying to unlock the armory door, he will open 2 other rooms. One with a workbench, and the other one with the Id Card.</onlyinclude>
ID Card 96
Location: It's on a table in the kitchen, next to an open oven. It can be accessed when Dante's Kitchen is started.
ID Card 97
Location: It's on top of a console, in one of the first rooms from the prison basement, during the Devil's Labyrinth quest.
ID Card 99
Location: After climbing out of the sewers during the Devil's Labyrinth quest and arriving in the bloody bathroom, turn to the left, it's on the ground between dead bodies.
Побегал по игре и обнаружил кучу разных чертежей, какой лучше и на что лучше потратить ресурсы? А так же где можно найти алмазы?
Вот я нашёл пасхальное оружие и не хватало 3 бриллиантов, называлось оно Develop Craft vol.1 чтоли как-то так. Оно было в канализации где то ползёшь по лестнице, там будет гора черепов за дверю, попрыгай там, а когда пойдёшь назад тебе предложат туда положить ещё череп, тогда дадут чертёж. Уж не знаю что это, но требует 5 алмазов и металолом вроде или магнит, не помню.
Я собрал всё, а там Militari Knife простой получается, нафиг он нужен. И там вроде 2 черепа таких, правда второй я проглядел куда вставлять.
Ну с чертежами просто всё. На ножи, катаны, мачете электричество, на дубины огонь. Там просто чем лучше чертёж, тем большая вероятность срабатывания крафта. Ну и конечно ресурсов для крафтинга больше уходит.
[quote]врёшш, там написано Electro Body[/quote]
У меня нож, может как раз таки у тебя 2 череп был, или там рандомно выпадает.
Элетро мачете не всегда электричеством брыжжет(
ну там чем круче мод, тем больше вероятность.
Алзмазы открываются при прохождении основного квеста,только для чего они )
А как и где открываются? Я игру прошёл, нашёл только 2 алмаза. Сейчас перепрохожу, уже на маяке жителям помог. Алмазов не вижу. Нужны для крафта штуки из топика.
Wr0ng1eR бриллианты есть у какой то светланы ХД в алмазных хижинах (или как их там) ей надо приносить шампанское а она дает вроде деньги и бриллианты
где эта светлана и в каких хижинах
алмазные бунгало, самое верхнее-правое (по карте) бунгало, 1бутылка=1 алмаз. Шампусик в отеле на кухне
Чертежи и модификации, в основном даются за выполнение квестов.
Нашёл на первой карте огнестрел(револьвер 10лв) кому надо . Как спойлер сделать?
Ладно напишу так. Островок напротив маяка , если смотреть от маяка то на нём круглый бар, а за ним три бунгало и ещё одно бунгало снизу от бара.На острове еще три штандарта фиолетового цвета. Вот в том баре , внутри лежит труп и у него ствол.
Револьвер к сожалению без патронов.
Ещё один револьвер (лучше+1 патрон) даёт Омар если провести его на спас.станцию.
Уже 3й день не могу лопату найти нужную. квест Six feet under. Требует найти Spade, но простые лопаты,которыми завалена 1я локация он не берет=\
Подходя к этому дому, будет крик о помощи. В нем можно будет найти модификацию "Стекло", и какой то синий череп=).
Сегодня мы покажем карты всех локаций с отмеченными важными местами и объектами. Приятной прогулки, друзья.
(кликните по картинкам, чтобы открыть в большом разрешении)
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