Crysis revival crysis 2 описание
Single player Mod by rGOt Featuring 2 maps, this mod adopts the environment of Crysis 1 (destructible environment, vegetation touch bending) while keeping the newest technology of the CryEngine 3 (DX11, Texture HD, Detail Bump Mapping, TESSelation, Parallax Occlusion Mapping).
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Single player mod for Crysis 2 - Featuring 3 maps, this mod adopts the environment of Crysis 1 (destructible environment, vegetation touch bending) while keeping the newest technology of the CryEngine 3 (DX11, Texture HD, detail bump mapping, tesselation, Parallax occlusion mapping). -Levels: 01, 02 & 03 Configuration recommended: GTX580 X2 or equivalent. -Characteristics: DX11 Features (tesselation, POM. ), destructible environment, textures HD (custom Detail Bump Maping), vegetation with "touch bending" (for v3). -For install MOD: 1- Download archive 2- Copy the folder "Crysis1Revival" (in the archive) in ..Crysis(R)2 Limited EditionMods 3- Start your game and choise "Mods" in menu 4- Load Crysis Revival mod 5- The game restart 6- In the game menu, select campagn mod and the map "LEVEL 1" 7- You can create a shortcut with this target: "..\Crysis2.exe" -mod crysis1revival +g_skipIntro 1 +con_restricted 0
CRYSIS REVIVAL MOD v3.99 by rGOt + C MOD by Wootwoots
Single player mod for Crysis 2 - Featuring 2 maps, this mod
adopts the environment of Crysis 1 (destructible environment, vegetation
touch bending) while keeping the newest technology of the CryEngine 3
(DX11, Texture HD, detail bump mapping, tesselation, Parallax occlusion
01, 02 & 03
Configuration recommended:
GTX580 X2 or equivalent.
DX11 Features (tesselation, POM. ), destructible environment,
textures HD (custom Detail Bump Maping), vegetation with "touch bending"
(for v3).
-For install MOD:
1- Download archive
2- Copy the folder "Crysis1Revival" (in the archive) in ..Crysis(R)2 Limited EditionMods
3- Start your game and choise "Mods" in menu
4- Load Crysis Revival mod
5- The game restart
6- In the game menu, select campagn mod and the map "LEVEL 1"
Map extended, Boids (turtles, crabs. ), News vegetation with touch
bending (dynamique foliage), New particles, New nano parameters,
Decrease in the size of the weapon, News camera movements (first
person), Cutscenes, New ocean rendering, Change IA.
Bugfix on cutscenes, map and textures, IA and physic optimizations.
New ennemi voice, debug vegetation textures, resolve weapon model bug, ocean rendering, voxel optimization, adding a bonus cave, suppression of nanovoice, increased energy consumption of the nanovision
New graphic elements, resolution of many bugs, new AI entites (with special animations), AI displacement optimizations
New AI entities and anim, resolution of many bugs, AI group ID, vegetation and detail bump mapping optimizations, removes DOF, new decals
Map 02, new vegetation material, some modifications on the map 01, blur effect
Resolution of freeze bugs (map 01 & 02)
New map (03), Level 02 will load after the map01 finish, few changes in map01
The HUD is back!, minimaps, map01 fluidity optimizations, cut scenes changes, new forbidden area (AI), new AI path, smoothing the ground, optimization of camera movements in motion (subjective view), Add C MOD 2.3
Modified all maps (good fluidity optimizations), New TOD for the 3 maps, Increasing distance display, Decrease in size of grass, Resolve texture scope bug, Activate C_MOD Crysis 1 weapon, Activate CMOD custom scopes, add quicksave, new minimaps, Lots of graphics bug fixes, resolve map02 freeze bug
*** New Crysis1 weapon models
***Unlock attachement for each weapon.
***MANY correction for serval weapon for somes attachement animation / reload / muzzle flash / fire animation / damage for silencer.. etc
Everything work perfectly for each weapon / attachement.
****Spread have been reduced a lot for each weapon ( individual adjustement ). Allowing to kill at low range without aiming.
***Ballistc Added for the following weapons
Somes ballistic update in the v2.3 Update
- Nova
- Hammer
- Revolver
- Ay69
- Feline
- Scar
- Scarab
- Grendel
- Fy71
- Mk60
- DSG 1
- K-volt ( increase a bit the default bullet drop, but highest bullet speed )
-New Crysis1 weapons
Each bullet drop have been adjusted per ammo type / weapon.
GaussBullet as a "light" ammo dont have bullet drop. But the gauss bullet is now able to create physical reaction, it can push Cars.
***Scar will use Scarab gauss attachment hold position instead of the vanilla position.
*** huge mouse sensibility when using assault scope fixed ( since first C_mod version )
***Mouse Sensibility reduction, when using Stabilize while aiming for the Assault Scope and the Sniper Scope. Allowing a better aiming at long range
*** Increase SniperScope zoom stage :
- 4 to 6
- 10 to 12
***Decrease AssaultScope zoom stage of the following weapons :
-AY69 : 3.0 instead of 3.5
-Revolver : 3.0 instead of 3.5
-Feline : 3.0 instead of 3.5
-Kvolt : 3.0 instead of 3.5
Thoses weapons are going to use the Crysis1 assault scope to correclty show the stage zoom changement. it use a custom crosshair. v2.3 Update
*** Added the Crysis1 sniper scope for the following weapons v2.3 Update
-New Crysis1 weapons
This scope is a single x7 zoom. With custom Crosshair.
the both Scope have been reworked to have a correct google in the Crysis2 Assault / sniper scope.
*** New sniper crosshair, AssaultScope crosshair reworked to make it more thin.
*Tweaked all weapons recoil except :
-Dsg1 / gauss
***Each other weapons recoil have been individualy tweaked to have a more realist behavior ( a bit like in BF3 )
***The nanosuit stabilization is now less efficient too, its less cheat.
***The each weapons spread is increase a bit while using any scope. ( the default setting was a bit too unrealist )
***All bullets now visible
***Tracer effect enabled for many weapon. Assault Rifle will only have tracer effect visible in single shoot.
***Special tracer effect for the Gauss / Gauss Attachement and the Kvolt.
All others tracer effects reworked, Tracers are more discreet, for a more natural and realist result in FP.
( FirstPerson and ThirdPerson ) updated in v2.3 Update
***Mike Muzzle Flash / smoke when firing / hit effect / fire effect, are totaly reworked.
*** Tweak of the nearfov when :
-heavy landing
Zoom in (real dimensions: 1599 x 476)Image
-Grabing AI
Zoom in (real dimensions: 1599 x 476)Image
-Grab a Entity
*** reduced the Crosshair Size by 35% and Crosshair spread tweaked.
***Constantly fad the crosshair via FG ( the crosshair look green and way smaller, a bit like in Crysis1 )
*** Disable HUD message for
-Low ammo
-Low Energy
-Weapon information when switch weapon.
It clean up the screens of thoses useless informations.
*** Actualy, all explosive ( even for AI Alien / vehicle ) are able to blow up vehicle like in Crysis1.
Версия: 3.42
Язык: английский
Скриншоты из мода:
Видео из мода:
Описание мода:
Однопользовательский мод для Crysis 2 (от rGOt) + мод Weapon sound (от The_can). Бросая вызов с 4 картами, мод содержит окружение Crysis 1 (разрушаемое окружение), давая насладиться им с новизной CryEngine 3. На 3 часа свободного игрового времени.
- Новые 4 карты на 3 часа игрового времени
- Новые графические элементы (для всех карт)
- Изменённый искусственный интеллект
- Особенности DX11
- Разрушаемое окружение
- Текстуры высокого разрешения (новый Detail Bump Maping)
- Тропическая растительность
Описание сюжета игры Crysis 2:
Читайте завязку истории в статьях Сюжет Crysis и Сюжет Crysis Warhead.Прошло 23 года после пробуждения инопланетян на тихоокеанском острове Лингшан из-за действий исследовательской команды "Международной Археологической Ассоциации" и последующих за этим событий, рассказанных в первой части Crysis. Экспансия пришельцев распространилась почти по всей Земле, в межпланетную войну вовлечены все страны мира, бои идут на земле и в воздухе, крупнейшие города разрушены, а мирное население вымирает от инопланетного вируса. По хорошей традиции высокобюджетных блокбастеров центром противостояния становиться американский город Нью-Йорк, военный силы США, корабли пришельцев, падающие с неба инопланетные зонды, враждебные ко всем наёмники могущественной и тайной корпорации C.E.L.L., общая экстренная эвакуация, эпидемия и разлагающиеся от вируса жители не успевшие убежать из города, рушащиеся небоскрёбы - всё это происходит по всей территории "Большого яблока".
Главный герой игры - морской пехотинец с позывным Алькатрас, который вместе со сослуживцами подплывает к Нью-Йорку на морской подводной лодке по реке Гудзон. Внезапно от мощных взрывов, через образовавшиеся пробоины хлещет вода, сумевшие выбраться из тонущей подлодки морские пехотинцы сразу попадают под вражеский огонь с воздуха, Алькатрас начинает тонуть, но его спасает Пророк со словами: "Алькатрас? Так тебя зовут? Алькатрас… Судьба злая тетка… Потерпи, сейчас мы тебя оденем…", после которых Алькатрас теряет сознание. Алькатрас приходит в сознание в здании расположенным неподалёку от места крушения морской подводной лодки, на нём надет Нанокостюм 2.0.
Single player Mod by rGOt Featuring 4 maps (level 02,03,04 coming soon fir v3.1), this mod adopts the environment of Crysis 1 (destructible environment, vegetation touch bending) while keeping the newest technology of the CryEngine 3 (DX11, Texture HD, detail bump mapping, tesselation, Parallax occlusion mapping) New version (3.0) DX11 ONLY: Map extended, Boids (turtles, crabs. ), News vegetation with touch bending (dynamique foliage), New particles, New nano parameters, Decrease in the size of the weapon, News camera movements (first person), Cutscenes, New ocean, Change IA LEVELS: LEVEL 01; LEVEL 02,03,04 (coming soon) Configuration recommended: GTX580 X2 or equivalent.
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