Control test indirect speech вариант 2
A) The teacher asked Alex if he did his homework yesterday.
B) The teacher asked Alex if he had done his homework the day before.
C) The teacher asked Alex did he do his homework the day before.
D) The teacher asked Jane if he had done his homework yesterday.
E) The teacher asked Alex if he did do his homework yesterday.
6. Переведите в косвенную речь.
“Don’t close the window”, said Max to Alice.
A) Max asked Alice not to close the window.
B) Max asked Alice don’t close the window.
C) Max asked Alice to close not the window.
D) Max asks Alice not to close the window.
E) Max ask Alice not to close the window.
7. Переведите в косвенную речь .
Teacher says to me: “Don’t sleep on the lessons”.
A) Teacher told me don’t sleep on the lessons.
B) Teacher says to me if I don’t sleep on the lessons.
C) Teacher tells me not to sleep on the lessons.
D) Teacher tells me on the lessons not to play.
E) Teacher says to me don’t sleep on the lessons.
8. Выберите правильный русский эквивалент для предложения.
He said he would phone back.
A ) Он сказал, что позвонит назад.
B ) Он сказал, что он звонит ещё раз.
C ) Он сказал, что перезвонит.
D ) Он сказал, что перезвонил домой.
E ) Он сказал, что он перезвонил опять.
9. Переведите в косвенную речь.
“How long does it take you to read 300 page book?” Moldir asks Janna.
A) Moldir asks Janna how long does it take her to read 300 page book.
B) Moldir asks Janna how long it does take her to read 300 page book.
C) Moldir asks Janna how long it take her to read 300 page book.
D) Moldir asks Janna how long it takes her to read 300 page book.
E) Moldir asks Janna how long it takes you to read 300 page book.
10. Переведите в косвенную речь.
The teacher says, “Learn these words by heart”.
A) The teacher ask learn these words by heart.
B) The teacher says to learn these words by heart.
C) The teacher says to learn to these words by heart.
D) The teacher asks to learn these words by heart.
E) The teacher says learn to these words by heart.
11. Выберите правильный вариант.
We were told that the bus … fifteen minutes later.
A) had been arriving
C) would be arriving
12. Выберите правильный вариант.
She wondered if he … the composition by noon.
A) would be written
C) would have written
E ) would be writing
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времён ( Sequence of Tenses ).
Если сказуемое главного предложения, вводящего косвенную речь, имеет форму настоящего или будущего времени ( Present Simple , Present Perfect , Future Simple ), в косвенной речи время глагола-сказуемого придаточного предложения не меняется.
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)
John often says to me: “I want to go to Brazil”.
John often says to me that he wants to go to Brazil.
Если сказуемое главного предложения имеет форму прошедшего времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения обычно также имеет одну из форм прошедшего времени.
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)
Several years ago John said to me: “I want to go to Brazil”.
Several years ago John said to me that he wanted to go to Brazil.
Союз “that” часто опускается после глаголов “to say”, “to think”, “to know” и др .
He thought (that) we had gone to the country.
Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, употребляется в простом прошедшем ( Past Simple ) времени, то в косвенной речи обычно происходят следующие изменения:
Present Simple → Past Simple
Past Simple, Present Perfect → Past Perfect
Future Simple → Future-in-the Past
( shall / will → should / would )
Следует запомнить правило изменения обстоятельств времени и места, указательных местоимений при переводе прямой речи в косвенную.
Direct Speech ( Прямая речь)
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech) ( Косвенная речь )
next week - на следующей неделе
last week - на прошлой неделе
last year - в прошлом году
this - эта, этот, это
ago - тому назад
that day - в тот день
the next day, the following day - на следующий день
the day before - накануне
the previous day - накануне
the next week, the following week - на следующей неделе
the previous week - за неделю до
the year before - за год до
that - та, тот, то
before - раньше, прежде
Если в косвенной речи сообщается о событии, которое является общеизвестным фактом, то в этом случае правило согласования часто не применяется.
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)
He said : “London is the capital of Great Britain”.
He said London is the capital of Great Britain.
Reported Questions. Косвенные вопросы
“ Do you watch TV every day?”
“ Have you written the letter?”
Sue wanted to know
I had written the letter.
“ What is your hobby?” he asked.
He asked me what my hobby was.
“ Where are you going?” she wondered.
She wondered where I was going.
“ Who has written this note?” she asked.
She wanted to know who had written that note.
Reported Statements Without Tense Changes
Утвердительные предложения без изменений глагола
the reported words are “always true”
She said, “The world is round”.
She said (that) the world is round.
the reporting verb is
She says, “I don’t go to school on Sunday”.
She says (that) she doesn’t go to school on Sunday.
She has said, “I don’t go to school on Sunday”.
She has said (that) she doesn’t go to school on Sunday.
She will say, “I don’t go to school on Sunday”.
She will say (that) she doesn’t go to school on Sunday.
Reported Statements With Tense Changes
the reporting verb is in the past tense
He said, “I go for a walk every evening”.
He said (that) he went for a walk every evening.
He said, “I am watching TV”.
He said (that) he was watching TV.
He said, “I have finished my work”.
He said (that) he had finished his work.
He said, “I read this book”.
He said (that) he had read that book.
He said, “I’ll call you from London”.
He said (that) he would call me from London.
He said, “I was writing a letter at 7 p.m”.
He said (that) he had been writing a letter at 7 p.m.
He said, “I had finished my work by 5 o’clock”.
He said (that) he had finished his work by 5 o’clock.
Some Other Changes . Некоторые другие изменения
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«Тест по теме "Reported speech" для 10 класса.»
1 вариант
1) Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.
1. Bill asked Mary if she had done anything the previous weekend.
‘Have you done / Did you do anything last weekend?’
2. The policeman asked me if the car belonged to me.
‘Does / Did this car belong to you?’ asked the policeman.
3. Joe asked Tina when she would get back.
‘When will you get / have you got back?’ asked Joe.
4. Eddie asked Steve who he had been to the cinema with.
‘Who did you go / had you been to the cinema with?’ asked Eddie.
2) Rewrite each sentence as direct speech.
1. Graham told Ian he would see him the following day.
…..”I'll see you tomorrow Ian” said Graham.
2. Shirley told Larry she would see him that evening.
3. Bill told Stephen he hadn’t been at home that morning.
4 Margaret told John to phone her on the following day.
5 Tim told Ron he was leaving that afternoon.
3) Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.
1. ‘You can’t park here.’
The police officer told Jack. that he couldn't park there.
2. ‘I’ll see you in the morning, Helen.’
Peter told Helen.
3. ‘I left my umbrella here two days ago.’
Susan told them.
4. ‘I like this hotel very much.’
5. ‘I think it’s going to rain tonight.’
4 )Rewrite each question in indirect speech, beginning as shown.
1 ‘What time does the film start, Peter?’
I asked. Peter what time the film started. .
2. ‘Why did you apply for this job?’ asked the sales manager.
The sales manager asked me.
3. ‘Are you enjoying your flight?’
The flight attendant asked me.
4. ‘How does the photocopier work?’
I asked the salesman.
5. ‘Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?’
5) Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. What time does the next boat leave?
Do you think you could tell me. what time the next boat leaves.
2. How much does this pullover cost?
I’d like to know.
3. How do I get to Victoria Station?
Can you explain.
4. Does this train go to Gatwick Airport?
Could you tell me.
5. Where do you come from?
Would you mind telling me.
2 вариант
1) Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.
1 Helen asked me if I liked visiting old buildings.
Do you like / Did you like visiting old buildings?’ asked Helen.
2. Fiona asked me if I had seen her umbrella anywhere.
‘Did you see / Have you seen my umbrella anywhere?’ asked Fiona.
3. My parents asked me what time I had got home the night before.
‘What time did you get / have you got home last night?’ my parents asked.
4. David asked a passer-by if it was the right road for Hastings.
‘Is / Was this the right road for Hastings?’ asked David.
2) Rewrite each sentence as direct speech.
Graham told Ian he would see him the following day.
…..”I'll see you tomorrow Ian” said Graham.
2. Pauline told the children their swimming things were not there.
3. David told me my letter had arrived the day before.
4. Margaret told John to phone her on the following day.
5. Christine told Michael she had lost her keys the night before.
3) Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.
1. ‘You can’t park here.’
The police officer told Jack. that he couldn't park there.
2. ‘I’m catching the 5.30 plane tomorrow evening.’
3. ‘The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.’
Paul told the dry-cleaners .
4. ‘The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.’
5. ‘I think it’s going to rain tonight.’
4) Rewrite each question in indirect speech, beginning as shown.
1 ‘What time does the film start, Peter?’
I asked. Peter what time the film started. .
2 ‘Do you watch television every evening, Chris?’
The interviewer asked.
3. ‘Are you taking much money with you to France?’
My bank manager wanted to know.
4. ‘When will I know the results of the examination?’
Maria asked the examiner.
5. ‘Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?’
5) Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
2) Папа сказал, что поможет мне сделать домашнее задание.
Ключи к контрольной работе
по английскому языку по теме « Косвенная речь»
2) The doctor told me to take that medicine regularly.
3) She said her brother was reading then.
Ключи к контрольной работе
по английскому языку по теме « Косвенная речь»
1. На какое время изменяется время Present Perfect при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
2. На какое время изменяется время Future Simple при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
3. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол could при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
4. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол may при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
Задание 2. Решите 2 теста (только 1 ответ верный). Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. He says, “You are right.”
a) he says that I am right b) he says which I right
c) he says I was right d) he said I are right
2. She says to him, “I have a right to know.”
a) she tells him that she would have a right to know b) she tell him she have a right to know
c) she says him she has a right to know d) she tells him that she has a right to know
Задание 3. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь.
1. I thought, “He is going to give up his job”.
2. “Go to your room now and do your homework”, the mother said to her son.
3. The teacher asked Nina, “Do you live far from the school?”
4. “What have you bought me for Christmas?” the little boy asked his parents.
5. Helen: I cannot call you, I’ve lost your phone number.
6. Marina: I’ve lost my ticket.
7. “Don’t take my ruler, use yours,” Ann said to Harry.
8. Let’s go to a movie.
9. Nick told us, “I saw Jimmy at a party last week.”
10. ‘’Fasten the seat belts!’’ the stewardess said to passengers.
11. ‘’Have you finished reading my book?’’ my friend asked me.
12. ‘’Why are you looking pale? What’s the matter?’’ asked Mother.
13. Sister: I have been looking for you everywhere, Robbie.
14. David: It’s a bit cold today. I’m going to wear a pullover.
15. Mother said, ‘’Alice, don’t interrupt the grown-ups.’’
16. ‘’Let’s begin the meeting,’’ said the chairman.
17. ‘Eat more fruit and vegetables’, the doctor said.
The doctor said …
18. ‘Shut the door but don’t lock it’, she said to us.
19. ‘Can you speak more slowly? I can’t understand’, he said to me.
20. Don’t come before 6 o’clock’, I said to him.
Variant 2
Задание 1. Проверка теоретических знаний по теме Reported Speech (Косвенная речь).
1. На какое время изменяется время Present Perfect при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
2. На какое время изменяется время Future Simple при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
3. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол could при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
4. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол may при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
Задание 2. Решите 2 теста (только 1 ответ верный). Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. We said to them, “We have no money.”
a) we told them that we have no money b) we told them that we had no money
c) we told them we have no money d) we told to them that we had no money
2. He said, “I have changed my opinion.”
a) he said that he had changed his opinion b) he said that he have changed his opinion
c) he said that he would have changed his opinion d) he said that he changed his opinion
Задание 3. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь.
1. Charles said, ’’Ann has bought a new car.’’
2. ‘’Read the instructions before you switch on the machine,’’ he said to me.
3. He asked Jane, ‘’Can you play the guitar?’’
4. A stranger asked a passer-by, ‘’Where is a bank?’’
5. Ann: I once spent a summer here in this village.
6. Nick: I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Rita.
7. ‘’Don’t go near the fire’’, she said to Ben.
8. Let me post your letters, Granny.
9. She promised, ’’I’ll speak to the manager about him’’.
10. ‘’Nelly, will you shut the window?’’ the teacher said.
11. ‘’Are you a captain of the school football team?’’ the new pupil asked Cyril.
12. ‘’How long does it usually take to learn to skate?’’ Andy asked the physical education teacher.
13. ‘Eat more fruit and vegetables’, the doctor said.
The doctor said …
14. ‘Shut the door but don’t lock it’, she said to us.
15. ‘Can you speak more slowly? I can’t understand’, he said to me.
16. Don’t come before 6 o’clock’, I said to him.
17. Guide: Now we are looking at a magnificent sample of ancient art.
18. Students: We have translated the article and done all exercises.
19. ‘’Don’t feed the animals,’’ said the zoo worker to visitors.
20. ‘’Let me help you to carry your suitcase, Alla,’’ said Nick.
Variant 1
Задание 1.
1. На Past Perfect. 2. Future Simple in the Past.
3. Модальный глагол could не изменяется. 4. На модальный глагол might.
Задание 2.
Задание 3.
1. I thought he was going to give up his job.
2. The mother told her son to go to his room then and do his homework.
3. The teacher asked Nina if she lived far from the school.
4. The little boy asked his parents what they had bought him for Christmas.
5. Helen told me that she couldn’t call me, she had lost my phone number.
6. Marina said she had lost her ticket.
7. Ann told Harry not to take her ruler and use his own.
8. I suggested we go to a movie.
9. Nick told us he had seen Jimmy at a party the week before.
10. The stewardess told passengers to fasten the seat belts.
11. My friend asked me if I had finished reading my book.
12. Mother asked why I was looking pale and what the matter was.
13. Sister told Robbie that she had been looking for him everywhere.
14. David said it was a bit cold that day and he was going to wear a pullover.
15. Mother told Alice not to interrupt the grown-ups.
16. The chairman suggested we begin the meeting.
17. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
18. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
19. He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn’t understand.
20. I told him not to come before 6 o’clock.
Variant 2
Задание 1.
1. На Past Perfect. 2. Future Simple in the Past.
3. Модальный глагол could не изменяется. 4. На модальный глагол might.
Задание 2.
Задание 3.
1. Charles said Ann had bought a new car.
2. He told me to read the instructions before I switch on the machine.
3. He asked Jane if she could play the guitar.
4. A stranger asked a passer-by where a bank was.
5. Ann said that she once had spent a summer there in that village.
6. Nick told Rita he had been looking everywhere for her.
7. She told Ben not to go near the fire.
8. She / he offered to post granny’s letters.
9. She promised she would speak to the manager about him.
10. The teacher asked Nelly to shut the window.
11. The new pupil asked Cyril if he was a captain of the school football team.
12, Andy asked the physical education teacher how long it took to learn to skate.
13. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
14. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
15. He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn’t understand.
16. I told him not to come before 6 o’clock.
17. The guide remarked that they were looking at a magnificent sample of ancient art (then).
18. The students reported they had translated the article and done all exercises.
2.Содержание работы: контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с требованиями, предъявляемыми к уровню подготовки по английскому языку учащимся 5 класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, и соответствует действующему учебнику для 5 класса «Английский язык» (авторы Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.)
3.Структура работы: контрольная работа состоит из 3 заданий в двух (2) вариантах, которые проверяют уровень владения грамматическими навыками по теме “ The Indirect Speech ”. Первое задание на правильный выбор глагола, вводящего косвенную речь, второе задание на трансформацию – перевод прямой речи в косвенную и третье задание проверяет навыки перевода с русского языка на английский.
Put said or told .
Report what has happened to them or what they will do. Don't forget about necessary changes.
Write the same in English.
5.Оценка выполнения контрольной работы: после выполнения работы учитель проверяет ответы учащихся. За каждое выполненное задание учащийся получает один балл. За неверный ответ выставляется ноль баллов.
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