Arcade classics anniversary collection ps4 трофеи
This is the leaderboard everyone is used to. The points are calculated based on the number of trophies earned of each type.
This leaderboard is similar to the main leaderboard, but the points are then adjusted based on the user's average trophy progress in their games.
With this leaderboard, points are only awarded for 100% complete games. Complete refers to earning 100% of trophies for the game including downloadable content.
This leaderboard rewards players for getting difficult trophies. The points are based on the rareness(difficulty) of a trophy regardless of its type.
This are your own, customized leaderboards as well as any public leaderboards you can view.
1 8 8 список всех трофеев →
История изменения цены на игру (PlayStation Store)
Самая низкая цена: 3,99 € , PS+: 3,99 €
This collection includes 8 arcade masterpieces of the 80s, from Nemesis to Haunted Castle.
Experience these KONAMI classics in all their retro glory, now enhanced with modern features.
・New Features
For the first time, these classic titles support mid-game saves, difficulty levels, and display options which provide a fresh experience to longtime fans.
・Bonus Book
Also includes a bonus eBook packed with new information about the titles, including interviews with the development staff, behind-the-scenes insights, and sketches and design documents never before revealed to the public!
Nemesis (also known as Gradius)
Salamander (also known as Life Force)
Typhoon (also known as A-Jax)
Haunted Castle
Vulcan Venture (also known as Gradius II)
Thunder Cross
This product supports the following languages: English
Offline multiplayer (2 players)
Download of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product. See Terms of Service for more important information.
One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems.
See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product.
1 8 8 список всех трофеев →
История изменения цены на игру (PlayStation Store)
Самая низкая цена: 285 ₽ , PS+: 285 ₽ — Дата выхода: 18 апреля 2019 г.
В эту коллекцию входит 8 шедевров 80-х годов, от Nemesis до Haunted Castle.
Откройте для себя эту классику KONAMI во всей своей славе с новыми современными возможностями.
・Бонусная книга
Коллекция также включает бонусную электронную книгу с новой информацией об играх, включая интервью с разработчиками, кадры о разработке игр, наброски и документы, которые раньше никогда не публиковались!
Nemesis (второе название — Gradius)
Salamander (второе название — Life Force)
Typhoon (второе название — A-Jax)
Haunted Castle
Vulcan Venture (второе название — Gradius II)
Thunder Cross
Данный продукт поддерживает следующие языки; Английский
Автономная многопользовательская игра (2 игрока)
Загрузка осуществляется в соответствии с Условиями обслуживания PlayStation Network, Условиями использования программ и любыми другими применимыми дополнительными документами. Если вы не согласны выполнять условия, не загружайте материалы. Дополнительная информация приведена в Условиях обслуживания.
Перед использованием продукта ознакомьтесь с «Мерами предосторожности», важными для вашего здоровья.
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection
Unlock all other trophies.
Score at least 150,000 points in Nemesis/Gradius. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 200,000 points in Life Force/Salamander. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 100,000 points in Vulcan Venture/Gradius II. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 100,000 points in Scramble.
Score at least 50,000 points in Typhoon/A-JAX. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 50,000 points in TwinBee.
Score at least 300,000 points in Thunder Cross *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 80,000 points in Haunted Castle/Akumajō Dracula. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 300,000 points in Nemesis/Gradius. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 300,000 points in Life Force/Salamander. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 150,000 points in Vulcan Venture/Gradius II. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 150,000 points in Scramble.
Score at least 150,000 points in Typhoon/A-JAX. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 100,000 points in TwinBee.
Score at least 600,000 points in Thunder Cross *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
Score at least 100,000 points in Haunted Castle/Akumajō Dracula. *Cannot be unlocked by playing the Bonus Japanese Versions/Bonus Contents.
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