Apex legends стим или ориджин сравнения
31 окт. 2020 в 5:55
I'm about to download this game for the 1st time but since it was on steam I'm thinking it might be better if i download it from here knowing sometimes I got some ridiculous issues on Origin. But will the server be different? Do I still need Origin even I download it here?
31 окт. 2020 в 6:23
Same servers, full crossplay/crossprogress between Steam and Origin. And because of the way apex work if origin servers go down you won't be able to play it on steam as well. So just pick the platform you prefer.
(Not official) Seems like you won't need origin, only EA account (all required ea services will be built-in the game).
31 окт. 2020 в 7:44
(Not official) Seems like you won't need origin, only EA account (all required ea services will be built-in the game).
31 окт. 2020 в 9:06
I'm about to download this game for the 1st time but since it was on steam I'm thinking it might be better if i download it from here knowing sometimes I got some ridiculous issues on Origin. But will the server be different? Do I still need Origin even I download it here?
31 окт. 2020 в 11:08
I'm about to download this game for the 1st time but since it was on steam I'm thinking it might be better if i download it from here knowing sometimes I got some ridiculous issues on Origin. But will the server be different? Do I still need Origin even I download it here?
Origin sucks dude. Hell yea they'll burry it anyway. The new EA Play desktop should take its place.
31 окт. 2020 в 11:10
Hell yea they'll burry it anyway. The new EA Play desktop should take its place.
I tried it. It's the same crap :) Anyway, I hate to have tons on launchers, when Apex will be released on Steam I get rid of any of em and will use Steam only \o/
31 окт. 2020 в 11:55
I highly doubt they would allow the game to be played without origin installed. Let's be real it's EA, they would rather double drm and resource ♥♥♥♥♥ so they can pull you away from steam to buy on origin.
31 окт. 2020 в 12:08
I highly doubt they would allow the game to be played without origin installed. Let's be real it's EA, they would rather double drm and resource ♥♥♥♥♥ so they can pull you away from steam to buy on origin.
It's official that the game don't require Origin on Steam.
31 окт. 2020 в 19:23
31 окт. 2020 в 20:02
EA play is origin they will change the name god knows when same package EA play is on origin no difference.
You dont need EA play to play apex on steam all u need is to link origin account when u will launch apex it will pop up for first time log in after that it just launch.
Если ли разница в пинге данной игры? Играю через стим, пинг минимальный 138 (сервера далеко от меня)
Будет ли лучше хотя бы на 5-10 едениц, если играть через ориджин?
Занимаюсь этим ежедневно, желание играть больше, чем проблемы с серверами.
Но Бельгия 1, выдаёт самый наименьший пинг 135-145. Остальные больше 250 в матче.
Нет возможности скачать игру ещё и в Ориджин, чтобы проверить это самостоятельно, именно по этому, пишу вопрос здесь.
Алексей Занн Искусственный Интеллект (128109) Артём Борисов, хорошо бы найти сервера где-то в Германии там крупные дата центры, часто игровые сервера для европы именно там . а Бельгия далековато .
Нету разницы между сервисами стим и ориджин. Мейби у тебя плохой инет?
Тихон Бузынкин Гуру (4091) Артём Борисов, хммм а вот с этого момента пожалуйста поподробней. Если ты в Магадане, то хорошего пинга не будет- серверов там нет)
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@beetle_rus Подмечу, что с некоторыми играми работает банальное перемещение файлов, но на сколько я знаю такое работает, если файлы перемещать из Origin в Steam и не со всеми играми.
Бери где тебе удобнее, сервера всё равно будут теми же, но я бы взял в стиме, но лично у меня игра в стиме весит меньше чем в origin
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