Mountain fold оригами
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Art is the expression of ideas through a medium, and origami challenges the artist with its stringent rules. These rules, of simply folding squares of paper, are not to be thought of as limitations of expression. Instead, they provide the artist with an opportunity to distill and highlight the features of his subject. The works in this book were developed with the additional rule of brevity. In developing these pieces, it was satisfying to see how a direct approach with fewer folds was often the best way.
A few of the works contained here were developed with yet another self-imposed rule. Most origami pieces involve maneuvers that involve both valley and mountain folds happening simultaneously. Valley fold is just the origami terminology for folding your paper in a concave fashion, while mountain fold refers to the convex approach. Even beginner origami practitioners soon realize that the two types of folds are effectively the same, albeit a mountain fold requires the paper to be turned over first. The question of why both types of folds are needed is answered with the more advanced sequences that involve the simultaneous collapsing of a series of mountain and valley folds. John Smith of England pioneered an approach he called Pureland, which requires an origami piece to just use simple valley and mountain folds. You can see that fairly sophisticated results can be obtained in pieces like the Pureland Eagle and Pure-land Ship in a Bottle, using the simplest of folding techniques. The folding sequences are exceptionally easy, making the results even more magical.
At the other end of the spectrum is Homage to Picasso, which is all about achieving a certain look. Picasso, who purportedly dabbled in origami, is famous for his Cubist approach. In Cubism, multiple perspectives of a subject are expressed simultaneously, and such an approach is a rarity in origami. Before designing Homage to Picasso, I studied many of Picasso’s pieces, and the result is a model that represents an amalgamation of various images.
The rest of the models are of some common (and some not too common) subjects. They all were created using the path not commonly taken, so you are certain to have a fun folding experience. Using the included papers, you can have attractive results. Of course you can experiment using your own materials, and even adjust some of the folds to your own personal taste. Enjoy!
S F-18 Hornet Folding Instructions Designed and drafted by-Elmer A. Norvcll, PE 17 December 2005 Start with green colored side down and president's portrait upside down, [fusing foil, place foil side down to produce a shiny modcl. 1. Valley fold along diagonal dashed lines, then unfold. Mountain fold vertical line at intersection of the 45 degree angles. (3 folds total) 2. Mountain Fold along dash-dot line and push sides to produce the following diagram, (water-bomb base) Mountain fold dark triangle and leave folded. 3. Make another water-bomb base with the apex at the seal on the right. (Easiest by making the mountain-fold first.) 4. Fold down top layer only. (This will be the wing.) 5. Valley fold wing down, (no landmarks -approximate with diagram) 6. Valley fold top flap and tuck under crease as show. Make a minute valley fold along the wing, creasing firmly. 9. Inside reverse fold tlirough all layers as shown 10. Fold small valley fold (rudder) down firmly. Fold bottom valley fold tlirough all layers to 90 degree angle. Repeat behind. 11. Fold center fin through all layer to lock the rear of the aircraft together. 12. Shape the rudders by 45 degree valley folds. Sharply crimp fold the wings to make squared intakes. 13. Inside reverse fold elevators as shown. 14. Shape the irodel Three Dimensionally as shown. Copyright 2005c Norvell
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Mountain Folding есть на Facebook. Чтобы связаться с Mountain Folding, войдите в существующий аккаунт или создайте новый.
Mountain Folding è un esperimento che nasce dal desiderio di creare un’esperienza di respiro più ampio rispetto ai convegni origami tradizionali. L’idea è di unire una vacanza fra origamisti ad un summer camp con attività orientate soprattutto all’aspetto creativo, alla sperimentazione e alla condivisione di tecniche e stili differenti.
L’idea è nata fra le risate al convegno CDO 2013 e al principio sembrava solo un sogno condiviso, in apparenza del tutto utopistico. Si è poi trasformata in un progetto concreto e sono state realizzate due edizioni, nel 2014 e nel 2015 , a Madesimo (SO), grazie anche alla fiducia del CDO che ci ha accordato il patrocinio.
Quest’anno Mountain Folding si svolgerà fra Vigolo Vattaro e Vattaro, due tipici paesini di montagna sull’Altopiano della Vigolana in Trentino, a pochi chilometri da Trento e dal bellissimo Lago di Caldonazzo.
Per l’edizione 2020 e 2021 avevamo progettato una formula completamente rivisitata, articolata in tre settimane con programmi e destinatari specifici, per venire incontro alle diverse esigenze emerse nelle edizioni precedenti: una settimana per creatori, una di vacanza e una di corso intensivo per approfondire gli aspetti tecnici dell’origami.
Purtroppo la sopraggiunta emergenza Covid ci ha costretto a ridimensionare e riprogettare Mountain Folding 2021 e l’evento completo sarà rimandato alla prossima estate.
Per questioni logistiche e organizzative e per adeguarci ai protocolli di sicurezza sanitaria, sarà possibile svolgere solo la parte Vacation.
Siamo felicissimi di avere la possibilità di incontrarci con voi per una edizione più intima e ci stiamo impegnando per offrirvi un’esperienza piacevole, interessante e sicura!
Durante la settimana i laboratori di origami e le attività di gruppo si affiancheranno ad attività extraorigamistiche all’aperto, per consolidare il gruppo e favorire lo scambio creativo, divertirsi insieme e trarre spunti interessanti dall’osservazione della natura e dalla sperimentazione di tecniche artistiche e artigianali.
Si è scelto di non limitare la durata del convegno a pochi giorni per aver la possibilità di conoscersi meglio e creare delle condizioni favorevoli ad un clima di condivisione e scambio creativo fertile; oltre all’aspetto prettamente origamistico, ciò offre l’occasione di godersi una vacanza nello splendido scenario delle alpi italiane coltivando i propri interessi culturali o sportivi in compagnia di altri origamisti o accompagnati dalle proprie famiglie.
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