Миска из бумаги оригами
This teacup would be a great favor for any event for women. Fill it with candies or small trinkets for an exceptional gift! I've also included the teabag tag for your sentiment or greeting. There are also several elements for decoupage; I've tried to squeeze everything on 1 page so as not to waste your paper and ink! Again, thanks for looking and Enjoy!
How to make a Paper Tea Cup for Mother's Day. Lovely Teacup Printables or Tea Cup Templates perfect for Mother's Day, Birthdays or Teacher Appreciation Day!
This teacup would be a great favor for any event for women. Fill it with candies or small trinkets for an exceptional gift! I've also included the teabag tag for your sentiment or greeting. There are also several elements for decoupage; I've tried to squeeze everything on 1 page so as not to waste your paper and ink! Again, thanks for looking and Enjoy!
free printable teacup toys ~ these would be cute for a li'l tea party. filled with candy at each place setting
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