War thunder танк xm8 обзор
XM8 - американский экспериментальный лёгкий танк, разработанный в начале 1990-х компанией FMC на замену устаревшей армейской модели M551 Sheridan.
В игре универсальная машина, быстрая и с мощным орудием с короткой перезарядкой. Находится на VI ранге премиумных танков США, добавлена в игру с Обновление 2.5 "Удар копья" как одна из наград первоапрельского марафона.
Основные характеристики
Бронезащита и живучесть
Для XM8 AGS доступно два уровня бронирования.XM8 AGS представлена с первым уровнем защиты и возможностью изменения до третьего уровня путём изучения и установки модификации — такая машина обладает дополнительной композитной бронёй, эффективной против кумулятивных снарядов. При установке защитного комплекта вес машины увеличивается, кроме того, в этом варианте отсутствуют дымовые гранатомёты. В результате у будущих командиров XM8 AGS будет выбор между некоторой защитой от кумулятивных боеприпасов и повышенной мобильностью. Интересной особенностью является разделенная башня, в левой части которой находится боеукладка и автомат заряжания, а в правой наводчик и командир. Это позволило не только повысить живучесть, но и поместить 21 снаряд в башне (боеукладка первой очереди). И если вместо 30 снарядов загрузить 21, то в корпусе, около мехвода, боекладки не останется, что сильно повысит живучесть при обстреле вражескими ОБПС.
Боевая машина пехоты довольно быстрая и маневренная. При весе в 17.6 тонн XM8 оснащен двигателем мощностью 500 лошадиных сил, из-за чего показатель удельной мощности равен 28 л.с./т. В результате при движении по дороге, максимальная скорость машины составляет 73 км/ч, по пересечённой местности до 55 км/ч. На снежной или песчаной карте этот показатель будет меньшим, но этого более чем достаточно для быстрых фланговых обходов или захвате точек. При необходимости быстро отступить, XM не подведет, движении назад — 13 км/ч. В случае установки навесного бронирования удельная мощность падает до 21 л.с./т и общая динамика машины сильно ухудшится, тем самым потеряется одно из важных преимуществ танка - мобильность.
Модификации и экономика
Снижает погрешность и увеличивает максимально определяемое наводчиком расстояние. Улучшает видимость за счёт усиления естественного освещения или активной подсветки. Позволяет видеть тепловое излучение в инфракрасном диапазоне днём и ночью.Основное орудие
Уменьшает раскачку орудия во время движения в двух плоскостях. Автоматически подаёт снаряды в казённик. Скорость не зависит от навыков заряжающего.105-мм пушка XM35 (Боекомплект: 30 выстрелов) классическое орудие, с удобной баллистикой, стабилизатором и дальномером. Автомат заряжания позволяет производить выстрел каждые 5 секунд, что является очень хорошим параметром на данных БР. Боеукладки первой очереди хватит на 21 выстрел, а тепловизор 1-го поколения облегчит обнаружение врага.
- M456 — кумулятивный снаряд со скоростью полёта 1173 м/с и бронепробитием 400 мм.
- M393A2 — хеш фугас с 2.99 кг взрывчатого вещества
- М735 – ОБПС с бронепробитием свыше 300 мм при прямом угле
- С76А1 – ОБПС с бронепробитием свыше 300 мм, флагман из снарядов ХМ8
Пулемётное вооружение
В наличии спаренный с пушкой пулемёт М240 (боезапас 4500 патронов) и зенитный 12.7-мм М2НВ. В игре пулемёт применяется против небронированной техники и для целеуказания союзникам. Но применять пулемет для целеуказания рекомендуется только в крайних случаях, так как трассера пулеметной очереди сильно демаскируют.
Применение в бою
ХМ8 — подвижный, лёгкий, универсальный танк. Он не претендует на звание главной опасности для врагов, что часто спасает жизнь ХМ8. Благодаря скорости можно хорошо маневрировать на поле боя и применять самые разные тактики. Рассмотрим некоторые из них:
Городская карта – например Аляска, Переправа через Рейн, Берлин это стихия ХМ8. На городских картах броня играет второстепенную роль, здесь важна маневренность и мощное орудие. Поэтому можно смело ехать вперед, не боясь прострелов через всю карту, и занимать удобную позицию ближе к точке захвата. Важно чтобы была возможность спрятаться или уехать, если что то пойдет не по плану.
Открытая карта – например Огненная дуга, Поля Польши, Пески Синая. Обычно на таких картах три точки захвата, и лучше направляться в сторону одной из них. Ехать следует крайне осторожно, такие карты простреливаются с холмов почти полностью, особенно Синай. Важно просматривать карту через тепловизор для быстрого и удобного обнаружения противника.
Частично открытая карта – например Пепельная река, Джунгли, Тунис. На этих картах одновременно присутствуют как открытые местности с прострелами, так и узкие безопасные проезды. Практически всегда доступны как объезды для фланговых атак, так и возвышенности и холмы для безопасной стрельбы. Можно комбинировать тактики описанные выше и действовать в зависимости от рельефа или боевой ситуации.
Из за мобильности, часто ХМ8 используется для захвата точек. Для того чтобы выжить дожидаясь захвата, рекомендуется отстрелить дымовые гранаты и заехать в дым, после захвата точки пополнить боекомплект ракет и дымовых гранат. ХМ8 очень универсальная машина, одинаково хорошо чувствует себя на любом БР и любой карте.
Достоинства и недостатки
- Дополнительное сьемное бронирование
- Хорошая пушка с углом склонения -10°
- Неплохая подвижность
- Быстрая перезарядка
Историческая справка
Разработка XM8 AGS началась в июне 1992 года, именно тогда FMC получила контракт на создание нового лёгкого танка — замены устаревшему M551 Sheridan, который состоял на вооружении армии США с конца 1960-х. Инженеры FMC старались минимизировать вес машины, а также использовать как можно больше деталей других танков, стоявших тогда на вооружении, в частности Bradley и Abrams. Это позволило снизить стоимость производства и упростить логистику.
К маю 1994 года военные получили шесть прототипов, которые проходили масштабные испытания вплоть до 1997. Модель уже получила стандартное обозначение и вот-вот должна была пойти на конвейер, но в итоге от проекта отказались в пользу более перспективных разработок, таких как M1128 Stryker. В результате серийное производство XM8 AGS так и не началось. Однако работа над проектом XM8 продолжилась: несколько более поздних моделей даже вышли на экспортный рынок, хотя и не снискали там особого успеха.
The 105 mm Armored Gun System XM8 is a gift rank VI American light tank with a battle rating of 9.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced during Update "Ixwa Strike" as a reward for the Future Technology event.
General info
Survivability and armour
Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicleArmour type:
Game Mode | Max Speed (km/h) | Weight (tons) | Engine power (horsepower) | Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton) | |||
Forward | Reverse | Stock | Upgraded | Stock | Upgraded | ||
Arcade | 81 | 17 | 17.6 | 852 | 1049 | 48.41 | 59.6 |
Realistic | 73 | 15 | 486 | 550 | 27.61 | 31.25 |
Modifications and economy
Unlock order recommendations
The order of modifications should be well thought out. Below is a guide of which modifications to unlock first, but it is just a recommendation and can be modified or adapted depending on the tank commander's preferences.
The highest priority modifications when beginning the stock grind are parts and the M735 APFSDS round. Both of these modifications should be unlocked before moving on to tier 2, but the order of unlocking these two is up to the discretion of the commander. Once these two modifications are unlocked, moving on to tier 2 is recommended.
Most tier 2 modifications are minor but three are required to move on to tier 3. The highest priority should be FPE to allow the putting out of fires, a potentially life saving ability. After that the modifications in this tier aren't essential and can be picked by the commander; adjustment of fire and airstrike are the likeliest candidates but airstrike can be replaced by another if the player does not have any aircraft in the lineup to benefit from it. Once three modifications are unlocked in this tier the player can move on to tier 3.
The first priority in tier 3 ought to be the NVD because it allows the use of the gunner's thermal sight. The thermal sight may be low quality but it makes spotting enemies much easier in battle. After this one more modification is needed to progress to tier 4, but the choice is up to the vehicle commander. Filters and crew replenishment are both good choices (improving mobility and survivability respectively) but elevation mechanism is also a decent choice.
In tier 4 there are some pressing modifications such as engine (which improves mobility) and laser rangefinder which allows for greater accuracy at long range. C76A1 and the level 3 armour package are also good choices but those depend on commander preference - for some players level 3 may never be used due to its lessening of the vehicle's mobility, while C76A1 does not have a huge advantage over M735 and could be put off for later if necessary.
Finishing up
Now that tier 4 has been unlocked and priority modifications are purchased, all that is left to do is go back through and unlock more minor modifications. Some of the more useful ones include tracks, transmission, horizontal drive, adjustment of fire, and either filters, crew replenishment, or elevation mechanism (whichever of the three wasn't previously unlocked). The less important modifications which should be saved for last are improved optics, suspension, brake system, M416, and M393A2.
The Light Armored Car M8 is a premium gift rank I American light tank with a battle rating of 1.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced during Update 1.73 "Vive la France" as part of a vehicle giveaway on War Thunder's 5th anniversary.
General info
Survivability and armour
The M8 Greyhound has next to no armour protection. Its armour can stop rifle-calibre machine gun fire, but nothing more. Even then, the vehicle's turret has an open roof and very thin armour on the sides and the rear, so it is still possible for a few unlucky machine gun bullets to find their way inside. The Greyhound is also vulnerable to overpressure. In addition, the modules are lined up and the crew is close together when looking straight at the front of the vehicle. From the side, however, this is not the case - there is a small area behind the two crew members in the turret but in front of the fuel tank with no modules in it and an even larger area of empty space between the turret crew and the driver/machine gunner.
Thanks to the thin armour, it is very possible for rounds to over-penetrate and passes through without dealing any significant damage. The vehicles size, or lack thereof, should also be taken into account. The M8 Greyhound is very small and short, making it easy to exploit hiding spots and hills for protection. It can stay out of sight and use stealth to its advantage with little trouble. The .50 calibre machine gun on the roof is raised up, but there are no critical modules surrounding it and it is relatively small so it can be used to shoot over obstacles without risking damage to the armoured car. While the raw armour and protection on the M8 Greyhound are lacking, where it shines is in its ability to hide and use its good top speed to get around quickly and avoid being hit.
Armour type:
- Rolled homogeneous armour (hull)
- Cast homogeneous armour (turret, gun mantlet)
- The turret is mostly open-topped, but the very front portion is covered by 6.35 mm
- Wheels - 10 mm
- Suspension - 5 mm
- 4 mm fenders cover most of the hull sides in addition to the base 9.5 mm
Game Mode | Max Speed (km/h) | Weight (tons) | Engine power (horsepower) | Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton) | |||
Forward | Reverse | Stock | Upgraded | Stock | Upgraded | ||
Arcade | 101 | 14 | 7.9 | 129 | 210 | 16.33 | 26.58 |
Realistic | 91 | 13 | 97 | 110 | 12.28 | 13.92 |
While it has poor armour and survivability, the M8 Greyhound excels in terms of mobility. As a wheeled vehicle it reaches 60 km/h on road in arcade with stock modules and 40 km/h off road. In realistic it reaches 38 km/h off road, and 55 km/h on road with 7 gears, it also has -12 km/h reverse speed on two reverse gears.
Modifications and economy
Main armament
Reduces the swing of the gun in one plane while movingThe M8 Greyhound is armed with an 37 mm M6 cannon as its main armament. This is a small calibre fast-firing gun with a maximum penetration of 84 mm at 100 m (M51B1/B2 shell), being able to penetrate almost all the opponents it will ever face. While it lacks the post-penetration damage to one-shot most enemy vehicles, it can quickly finish them off with its fast reload. The penetration and trajectory drop significantly beyond 500 m. Note that the gun has a vertical stabiliser, giving the player a huge advantage in some cases, but keep in mind that the stabiliser only works when the tank is slower than 10 km/h.
37 mm M6 | Turret rotation speed (°/s) | Reloading rate (seconds) | |||||||||||
Mode | Capacity | Vertical | Horizontal | Stabilizer | Stock | Upgraded | Full | Expert | Aced | Stock | Full | Expert | Aced |
Arcade | 80 | -10°/+20° | ±180° | Vertical | 19.0 | 26.4 | 32.0 | 35.4 | 37.6 | 3.77 | 3.33 | 3.07 | 2.90 |
Realistic | 11.9 | 14.0 | 17.0 | 18.8 | 20.0 |
Penetration statistics | |||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm) | |||||
10 m | 100 m | 500 m | 1,000 m | 1,500 m | 2,000 m | ||
M74B1 | AP | 79 | 76 | 65 | 54 | 45 | 37 |
M51B1/B2 | APCBC | 87 | 84 | 73 | 60 | 50 | 41 |
Shell details | |||||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Fuse delay (m) | Fuse sensitivity (mm) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) | Ricochet | ||
0% | 50% | 100% | |||||||
M74B1 | AP | 883 | 0.87 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 47° | 60° | 65° |
M51B1/B2 | APCBC | 883 | 0.87 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 48° | 63° | 71° |
Ammo racks
Machine guns
The two machine guns on the M8 Greyhound are the good old .50 cal M2HB and the 7.62 mm M1919A4. The roof-mounted .50 cal can traverse 360 degrees and has great depression & elevation, posting a big threat to any plane that is flying too close to the M8. It has an unbelievable penetration of 31mm at 10m, meaning it can easily penetrate plenty of lightly armoured vehicles and even the side of some medium tanks. The 7.62mm, on the other hand, can only efficiently damage exposed crews due to its low penetration.12.7 mm M2HB | ||||
Mount | Capacity (Belt) | Fire rate | Vertical | Horizontal |
Commander pintle | 400 (200) | 576 | -10°/+40° | ±180° |
7.62 mm M1919A4 | ||||
Mount | Capacity (Belt) | Fire rate | Vertical | Horizontal |
Coaxial | 1,500 (250) | 500 | N/A | N/A |
Usage in battles
When using this vehicle keep in mind that you are virtually naked to every main gun, that means you should not expose yourself unnecessarily and not give the opponents a chance to shoot at you, coupled with the fact that the main gun can penetrate every other vehicle in its rank. Its excellent mobility gives this vehicle a very viable hit-and-run tactic. Ambush your opponent on your terms. After you destroy him, change your position again, find concealment or cover, use your fast reverse speed to your advantage, avoid one on one fights, and fair fights.
At the start of the match, the M8 is best used for a point-capping vehicle. Find a road connecting to a point to unleash its scary 90 km/h on-road top speed, and it is likely to get to the point before the enemy can. Once the point is capped, quickly move away as there are likely to be artillery strikes, which can critically damage the M8.
After capping a point, there are two good options (just examples, the player is free to play in their way). One is to hide at the side of the point, waiting for the enemy to re-cap it. Use its small profile to set up a good ambush, and flank the enemy unexpectedly. The fast-firing gun will genuinely shine when attacking several enemies from the side or rear, allowing the player to knock out a surprising amount of enemies. Once the enemies are wiped out, quickly re-cap the point and ambush again. Note that the player might want to change their position as some enemies might try and revenge.
Another playstyle is the hit-n-run tactic, thanks to its great mobility and small profile. If careful enough, it can travel between points like a ghost without being noticed and flank the enemies. The stabilizer will help a lot as it gives the player the ability to fire first. If the first shell missed or didn't penetrate, it can even finish off the enemy with the .50 cal alone!
Enemies worth noting:
LVT series (mixed battle/against Chinese LVT):
These amphibious tanks are well known for their huge hull size. Indeed, there is a huge space between the driving compartment and the fighting compartment that will absorb almost any incoming shells, and unfortunately, the M8's solid AP can't cope with this. If an M8 doesn't know where are the crew is located on an LVT, they will die due to not being able to knock out the crew effectively. Remember their crew location, and the M8 can easily take them out.
The driver is at the foremost part of the hull. Behind him, there is absolutely nothing, so you must avoid shooting there. Behind the empty space, the turret houses 2-3 crew. Shoot there to disable its gun. And don't forget, at the very rear of the LVT, the two exposed machine gunners can be taken out with the .50 cal. Memorize those three main locations of the crew, and you can effectively destroy any LVT out there with your rapid reload. Also, if the angle isn't too large, the .50 can penetrate the LVT's weak armour.
Pros and cons
- The M51 shell has enough power to penetrate common opponents like the Pz.II, Pz.III B or Ha-Go, and the fast reload helps to precisely knock out the crew one by one
- Pintle-mounted heavy machine gun is very lethal against other similarly armoured vehicles (eg. AS 42, L3/33 CC) and slow biplanes
- One of the fastest vehicles on road with a max speed of 90 km/h allows it to get to positions quickly
- Reverse speed allows it to retreat from danger quickly
- Small profile makes ambushing/hiding easy
- Wheeled vehicle, performs poorly off-road and cannot turn in place, and especially slow in desert maps like Sinai and snowy maps like Frozen Pass
- Virtually no armour, tight crew and open top make this vehicle very vulnerable to rapid-firing tanks like the Pz.II, M13 or strafing planes
- M6 cannon requires precision shots, as post penetration effects are weak especially against the LVT(A) series which are super spacious
- Turret traverse is rather sluggish, might not get the gun on target sometimes
- Looks very similar to the Chinese M8 LAC, the lighter coloured camouflage can be hard to distinguish in Simulator Battles
The M8 replaced the M3A1 Scout Car and M2 Halftrack as the main armoured vehicle of the US mechanized cavalry starting in late 1943. 8,500 were built. The vehicle's lightweight and 6x6 drive gave it the excellent speed and cross-country mobility. It was well-liked by the crews but was still thin-skinned and under-gunned when compared to the opposition.
War Thunder
9 апр в 23:39 How would you play it? as a light tank or a heavy tank, perhaps even a destroyer?^ by that i mean what style would you play it in, personally i'd just be scared ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to even try moving out of a spot with that tank 9 апр в 23:51
i know it boasts some thicc armor package, but heavy tank is quite the stretch.
its rounds are afaik too sub-par to be worth calling a tank destroyer.
therefore, play it like a light tank unless your shots can penetrate the opposition from the front. its mobility sure is mediocre, but that probably is what the M stands for :v
9 апр в 23:55play like a MBT but with no armor and can scout.
the whole tanks wrong currently, mobility and speed is all incorrect which they are looking at, and its makes no sense for it to have the rounds that it does.
and never use the lvl 3 armor package, your just making the xm8 even slower for armor that pretty much does nothing.
9 апр в 23:58play like a MBT but with no armor and can scout.
the whole tanks wrong currently, mobility and speed is all incorrect which they are looking at, and its makes no sense for it to have the rounds that it does.
and never use the lvl 3 armor package, your just making the xm8 even slower for armor that pretty much does nothing.
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