War thunder су 100п обзор
СУ-100П (Объект 105) — советская самоходная артиллерийская установка созданная в 1949 году в Свердловске (Екатеринбург) на предприятии «Уралмашзавод». В массовую серию данная САУ не пошла, но оказала огромное влияние на последующие машины и внесла многие новые технические решения, впоследствии нашедшие широкое применение в следующих отечественных проектах бронетехники. Впоследствии на базе СУ-100П были сделаны такие широко известные машины как: САУ 2С5 «Гиацинт-С», гусеничный минный заградитель ГМЗ-2, шасси самоходной гаубицы 2С3 «Акация», шасси самоходного миномёта 2С4 «Тюльпан» и другие.
В игре САУ расположена на IV ранге советской ветки исследования, наряду с первыми послевоенными машинами.
Основные характеристики
Бронезащита и живучесть
САУ СУ-100П имеет довольно слабое бронирование и открытую сзади броневую рубку. Моторно-трансмиссионное отделение расположено в передней части машины, там же находится и место механика-водителя. Остальные члены экипажа сосредоточены в кормовой части машины за массивным орудийным щитом и бортами.
Бронирование реально слабое и защищает только от пулеметов винтовочного калибра, все остальные огневые средства с легкостью поражают агрегаты и членов экипажа. Следует обязательно избегать попадания под артиллерийские удары и штурмовки самолетов.
Подвижность и маневренность одно из самых выдающихся достоинств данной машины. Она очень быстро набирает скорость и хорошо держит ее даже на пересеченной местности, что позволяет быстро и оперативно сменить свое местоположение в бою. Задняя скорость составляет около 20 км/ч, что очень удобно при экстренной смене позиции и дает возможность отступить из под артиллерийского удара или заехать в укрытие для ремонта.
Модификации и экономика
Основное орудие
САУ СУ-100П вооружена орудием Д-50 (100-мм) представляющую собой модифицированную пушку Д-10Т (100-мм), которая была создана специально для данной САУ. Номенклатура снарядов аналогична снарядам использующимся пушкой Д-50.
- БР-412 — Бронебойный остроголовый каморный снаряд
- БР-412Б — Бронебойный тупоголовый каморный снаряд
- БР-412Д — Бронебойный снаряд с бронебойным наконечником и баллистическим колпачком
- ОФ-412 — Осколочно-фугасный снаряд (ОФС)
- ЗДЗ — Дымовой снаряд
Орудие Д-50 имеет среднюю скорость перезарядки ( 7,5 / 9,8 сек ) , что на данном боевом рейтинге и калибре орудия довольно комфортно. Основным используемым снарядом (как наиболее эффективный и универсальный) должен стать топовый каморный БР-412Д. Снаряд имеет отличное пробитие и отличный заброневой урон.
Применение в бою
Благодаря своей подвижности и достаточно низкому силуэту СУ-100П идеально подходит для быстрого занятия ключевых точек и действий из засад. Хорошая скорость заднего хода позволит вовремя отступить для смены позиции или ремонта. Из-за медленной скорости поворота орудия СУ-100П противопоказано участие в ближнем бою, вы просто не успеете довернуть орудие в след атакующей вас машине. Ни в коем случае не следует на данной САУ атаковать в первых рядах, так как в таком случае все закончится довольно быстро — СУ100П практически не держит удар и поражается даже пулеметами винтовочного калибра в открытую рубку. Не стоит также забывать что из-за довольно тяжелого орудия САУ сильно раскачивается после каждого выстрела, что затрудняет производство следующего выстрела.
Поддержка атакующих танков первой линии из укрытия, засады в неожиданных местах и складках местности, точный огонь из укрытий вот стратегия победы на данной машине.
Достоинства и недостатки
- Отличная подвижность
- Хорошее орудие
- Относительно быстрая перезарядка
- Низкий силуэт
- Слабое бронирование
- Довольно сильная раскачка машины после выстрела
- Открытая рубка
- Медленная скорость поворота орудия
Историческая справка
Самоходная установка СУ-100П («Объект 105») предназначалась для вооружения артиллерийских полков танковых дивизий взамен легких самоходных установок СУ-76М. Она была разработана на Уралмашзаводе коллективом конструкторского отдела №3 ОКБ-3 под руководством главного конструктора Льва Израилевича Горлицкого (с июня 1953 г. — Георгия Сергеевича Ефимова).
ОКР на её разработку была задана Постановлением Совета министров СССР от 9 апреля 1947 г. Уточнённые тактико-технические требования были оформлены Постановлением СМ СССР от 22 июня 1948 г. Вследствие недостаточного опыта творческих кадров и распылённости их сил на большой объём работ, Уралмашзавод в период с 1947-1948 гг. имел отставание от графика в проектировании и изготовлении образцов для заводских испытаний. На стадии опытно-конструкторских работ машина имела обозначение «Объект 105». Осенью 1948 г. начались ходовые испытания опытного образца, которые завершились весной 1949 г. Со 2 по 17 июня 1949 г. были проведены заводские испытания опытной СУ «Объект 105». Конструкция ходовой части, особенно в отношении повышения надёжности её составных частей, была улучшена и во исполнение Постановления СМ СССР от 15 октября 1949 г. в IV квартале 1949 г. опытный образец был предъявлен на государственные испытания. В период государственных испытаний с января по март 1950 г. самоходная установка прошла 3012 км. Установка испытаний не выдержала из-за дефектов ходовой части и трансмиссии (изгиб балансиров, поломка одной оси балансира, сползание бандажей опорных катков и разрушение игольчатых подшипников в коробке передач). После устранения выявленных недостатков опытный образец прошел осенью-зимой 1950 г. заводские испытания в объёме 3000 км. В марте-мае 1951 г. в районе г. Ломоносова Ленинградской области были проведены государственные контрольные испытания, которые подтвердили целесообразность проведённых мероприятий по доработке опытного образца.
СМ СССР Постановлением от 27 декабря 1951 г. обязал Министерство транспортного и тяжёлого машиностроения изготовить на Уралмашзаводе 3 доработанных самоходных установки в III квартале 1952 г. для проведения войсковых испытаний. В результате конструкторской работы по дальнейшему совершенствованию САУ были полностью переработаны щит и тумба, пушка Д50/Д10А и размещение боевого расчёта. Высота линии огня была снижена с 1910 до 1803 мм, а общая высота машины не превышала 2410 мм. Боевой расчёт был увеличен до пяти человек. Войсковые испытания самоходных установок проходили в октябре-ноябре 1952 г. в районе Самарканда. Две машины испытания выдержали, а третья не выдержала вследствие разрушения подшипника бортового редуктора и поломки на 2988 км зуба шестерни постоянного зацепления коробки передач. Осенью 1953 г. две установки, востановленные после испытаний Уралмашзаводом, были переданы ГБТУ для учебных целей. В начале 1954 г. третий испытывавшийся образец СУ (№ 209Я011) был переоборудован и весной-летом того же года успешно прошёл контрольные заводские ходовые испытания в объёме 3100 км. 10 машин установочной партии партии в IV квартале 1954 г. были направлены для войсковой эксплуатации в 4-ю гвардейскую Кантемировскую танковую дивизию. По результатам войсковых испытаний самоходная установка Постановлением СМ СССР от 26 февраля 1955 г. была принята на вооружение Советской Армии под маркой СУ-100П. На заводе транспортного машиностроения им. Я.М. Свердлова (УЗТМ) была выпущена партия СУ-100П в количестве 14 машин.
С целью улучшения узлов и агрегатов самоходной установки СУ-100П Постановлением СМ СССР от 4 февраля 1956 г. УЗТМ была задана разработка полузакрытой СУ-100П с повышенным сроком службы до 7 000 — 10 000 км пробега. Опытный образец машины, получивший обозначение «Объект 105М», был изготовлен в 1958 г. и до 1 августа 1960 г. проходил испытания на НИИБТ полигоне.
The SU-100P is a rank IV Soviet tank destroyer with a battle rating of 6.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.71 "New E.R.A.".
General info
Survivability and armour
The armour on the SU-100P is mediocre except against low-calibre machine guns. Due to being an open vehicle, any tank with machine guns is able to kill the crew (with exception of the driver). This has its benefits as it is considered a "glass cannon with paper armour", meaning it barely has armour but said armour is thin enough to not trigger APHE fuses or create any sort of spalling at all, making the survivability of the SU-100P an unreliable armour yet effective in some cases. The main issues with the tank's survivability are front shots. Rounds fired at the hull will not only destroy engine but will create enough spalling to take a considerable amount of crew members, not only the driver but also the loaders. The crew on the turret are somewhat safe due to the high elevation. This is also an issue as the spalling can over penetrate and hit the ammo rack which is located at the back of the tank. Side shots, on the other hand, will only take the engine, lit the tank on fire and kill the driver if the round is fired at the center of mass of the hull, leaving the turret fully operational. Due to the construction of the turret, most front shots will take 2 crew members at most (commander and a loader or gunner and a loader). Front shots (unless they are at an angle) will not disable your breech most of the times, side shots will destroy the breech and take the two turret members. Due to the way the turret is arranged, most of the players will kill your commander trying to disable your gunner (as gunner in most tanks is located at the left side of the turret if seen from the front, in this case the gunner is at the right side of the turret if seen from the front) leaving them defenceless while they reload and retreat and only being able to fire machine guns but the armour is enough to stop machine gun fire.
One of the most noticeable double-edged swords is the turret rotation mechanism. Due to being a manual guidance, the turret rotation and gun elevation is really slow but due to this, the SU-100P will not be affected if the tank looses all of its power compared to the rest of the tanks which have a hydraulic assisted rotation, this is an advantage if the engine is taken out.
Armour type:
- Rolled homogeneous armour (hull, gun shield, gun mantlet)
- Structural steel (gun breech, gun mount)
- Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick while tracks are 15 mm thick.
- Bottom of the hull is 6 mm thick.
- The engine is placed in front of the vehicle and can absorb shots to some extent.
The armour on the SU-100P is best described as non-existent and although it may sometimes not trigger APHE fuses it would be unwise to rely on it in any way especially since most of your crew is exposed to MG fire and overpressure mechanics.
Game Mode | Max Speed (km/h) | Weight (tons) | Engine power (horsepower) | Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton) | |||
Forward | Reverse | Stock | Upgraded | Stock | Upgraded | ||
Arcade | 71 | 23 | 21.6 | 568 | 763 | 26.3 | 35.32 |
Realistic | 65 | 21 | 354 | 400 | 16.39 | 18.52 |
The SU-100P has good mobility with a top speed of 70 km/h on a flat road capable of getting you into good firing positons early-on in the battle.
It does benefit from neutral steering when idling but not while on the move (the unsolicited track just locks, making it more difficult to turn as you lose speed).
The reverse speed is good enough to enable you to disengage easily and play peek-a-boo with the enemy.
Modifications and economy
Main armament
The main gun is a 100 mm rifled D-50 cannon, almost identical to the D-10T of the T-44-100 and T-54/55 only with a higher velocity. The armament is very powerful for its BR but lacks a fully traversable turret.
The open configuration of the turret gives the 100 mm an impressive 7.5 seconds reload time with an upgraded crew.
100 mm D-50 | Turret rotation speed (°/s) | Reloading rate (seconds) | |||||||||||
Mode | Capacity | Vertical | Horizontal | Stabilizer | Stock | Upgraded | Full | Expert | Aced | Stock | Full | Expert | Aced |
Arcade | 50 | -4°/+37° | ±77° | N/A | 6.2 | 8.5 | 10.4 | 11.5 | 12.2 | 9.75 | 8.63 | 7.95 | 7.50 |
Realistic | 4.2 | 4.9 | 6.0 | 6.6 | 7.0 |
The main ammunition of the SU-100P is the BR-412 with the BR-412D variant being the most deadly with the best penetration values especially at longer distances and with only a smaller TNT filler (93.94g equivalent) compared to the BR-412B (100.1g).
The 3D3 smoke round can be used to provide cover for your team and block the enemy's line of sight.
Penetration statistics | |||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm) | |||||
10 m | 100 m | 500 m | 1,000 m | 1,500 m | 2,000 m | ||
BR-412 | APHE | 218 | 212 | 190 | 164 | 143 | 124 |
BR-412B | APHEBC | 218 | 215 | 201 | 184 | 169 | 155 |
BR-412D | APCBC | 239 | 236 | 220 | 202 | 186 | 170 |
OF-412 | HE | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 |
Shell details | |||||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Fuse delay (m) | Fuse sensitivity (mm) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) | Ricochet | ||
0% | 50% | 100% | |||||||
BR-412 | APHE | 895 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 100.1 | 47° | 60° | 65° |
BR-412B | APHEBC | 895 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 100.1 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
BR-412D | APCBC | 887 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 93.94 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
OF-412 | HE | 900 | 15.6 | 0 | 0.1 | 1,460 | 79° | 80° | 81° |
Smoke shell characteristics | ||||||
Ammunition | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Screen radius (m) | Screen deploy time (s) | Screen hold time (s) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) |
3D3 | 880 | 15.6 | 20 | 5 | 25 | 272 |
Ammo racks
Full ammo | 1st rack empty | Visual discrepancy |
50 | 1 (+49) | No |
- Each row of shells is depleted from left to right. Rows are then depleted from front to rear.
- As they are modeled by sets of 2 or 3, shells disappear from the rack only after you've fired all shells in the set.
Usage in battles
The SU-100P is never to be played as a frontline vehicle as the open hull structure is the main weakness which will make enemy team get a free kill by just using their machine guns, this is why the SU-100P should perform the support role. Support role has a wide variety of tactics and course of action, going from a simple cap defender to the enemy's worst flanking nightmare. The tank is one of the most agile, versatile and fast tanks at the battle rating with a really powerful cannon, able to one shot practically all the vehicles it faces, most of them even frontally.
As a sniper:
As expected, the SU-100P has no place in the frontlines and thus it must be used as a support vehicle. Its high speed, relatively low profile, and powerful gun make it one of the best "Hit N' Run" snipers in the BR. This means the SU-100P should stay at a spot, strike as much as possible and relocate in order to avoid detection and enemy engagements. It is not to be used as an extreme long range sniper as it lacks high velocity ammunition (APCR or APDS) and powerful zoom optics (only x8).
As a flanker:
Whenever the situation feels like being an urban map, a closed and tight spaced place, etc, the SU-100P has all the requirements of being an amazing flanker specially when facing the sluggish and slow German and British tanks such as the Panther and Centurion. Be aware as the SU-100P has no machine guns or smoke grenades, it has a relatively slow reload speed and it is not able to strike as fast if tanks are aware of your presence. Due to the fast speed, it is able to poke-fire-retreat as many times as needed in a continuous way with relative high frequency.
Arcade mode
Since many opponents will see the SU-100P immediately due to Arcade markers, it is necessary to either avoid general sightlines or use cover and/or solid sight obstructions to shield the SU-100P from immediate destruction. Whenever you have to leave the cover to move, aim the gun in direction of the presumable enemy position, as otherwise they will machine gun the entire crew in a single swipe. The constant airstrikes of AB will likely destroy the SU-100P, as players tend to aim for vulnerable tanks or for the tanks of the top players on the enemy team. In the case if you match both criteria the entire enemy team might just focus on strafing your tank and there isn't much you can do, but try to destroy every fighter on the enemy team by calling one yourself. For the same reason, the SU-100P is not easy to use in a losing team or as a third tank in a lineup.
The stock performance of the SU-100P is not enough to get into position fast or fight most opponents fair and square, so more obscure arcade aim assist functions should be abused. For example, it is possible to fire through many buildings with kinetic shells, and with high keen vision it is possible to find enemy tanks and briefly mark them while standing behind a house. After that, even though the SU-100P can't scout and make markers remain active for a while, it still can select the tank and fire at its silhouette into presumable weak part semi-blindly before it disappeared. Generally, enemies do not expect such trickery and do not respond to such shots, because they do not see who fires at them, or because they use HEAT projectiles and can't fire through obstacles, or even do not understand how that works. Even though this strategy is only available on certain maps, it can allow for some RP gain to unlock the best shell, which can penetrate most down-tier tanks head-on, including panthers, without much issue.
After gaining some upgrades to douse fires, increase accuracy and penetrate its opponents easier, the SU-100P can imitate the YaG-10 (29-K)'s playstyle by firing broadside to the right, as many opponents will either hit the engine, which shields the driver, or hit one or several of the turret crew members. For better results, some temporary cover can be chosen as to avoid being fired at by an entire squad and to disallow better players to hit the ammo rack directly, as it could easily happen with aim assist on. After the mobility upgrades were unlocked, the SU-100P can finally flank like a light tank and play super aggressively, as often it only loses non-critical crew when first shot. The rest is up to luck, as each shot can end the SU-100P or do almost nothing depending on enemy aim quality and ammo choice.
List of opponents important notes when facing frontally:
- Panther/M48/Pershing: all front can be penetrated with BR-412D
- Tiger II: gun mantlet can be penetrated by BR-412D, hull is impenetrable (aim at the left side of the turret to take gunner, commander and possibly breech. Aim at right side of the turret if the tank is facing at you for a safe reload as this will take his loader out in case he fired)
- Centurion: all front can be penetrated with BR-412D
- Jagdtiger: everything except lower frontal plate is impenetrable
- Leopard 1/AMX-30: all front can be penetrated with BR-412D and higher penetration rounds
- T95: gun mantlet and hull are impenetrable, cupolas can be penetrated with APHE
Pros and cons
- Hard hitting and accurate gun
- Reloads as fast or faster than the 85 mm, while using the 100 mm gun
- Decently mobile hull, reasonably high average and maximum speed when spaded (same as on the Object 120 but without the extra weight of the turret)
- It has a turret unlike other SU SPGs, although it can only turn 77 degrees in either side and will not save from a flank by itself
- Very stable hull, shooting on the move and while stopping is easy
- Low silhouette
- Can fight like YaG-10 (29-K) to prolong its existence for as long as possible if enemy only uses kinetic shells
- There is no reason to not take full ammo load, since if its ammo rack was hit the situation was already unsalvageable
- Any shell capable of overpressure damage will annihilate it in one hit, and many tanks at a BR range have HEAT as their top (or even only) shell
- Crew is exposed to MG fire even from the front due to a poorly placed gun shield, tank can be strafed from the sky with no effort
- Sometimes, APHE hitting the gun shield will detonate the ammo rack as well
- Gun traverse is very slow
- Really awful stock performance, it needs every single upgrade to be good at combat
The SU-100P was a project for an artillery piece in 1945 as well as provide anti-armour capabilities and counter battery (against enemy artillery positions). The main objective was to make it capable of destroying enemies with direct fire. As Europe and the United States were developing Self Propelled Howitzers (SPH) which could fire at close positions and relocate with speed, this was a big concern as towed artilleries were being removed and counter battery started to become a harder task. The Russian artilleries at the time did not have the enough gun elevation to accurately provide artillery support even with towed guns, thus, the main focus was to create a gun which had almost a +40° elevation. The gun chosen for it was the D-50 100 mm rifled bore cannon, a derivation from the widely used D-10 100 mm cannon, the main gun used on the SU-100 tank destroyer.
The SU-100P chassis with this turret configuration proved a wide variety of errors and it never saw mass production but it was the base of many prototype and serviced vehicles at the time, pre Cold War and during Cold War, this being the following:
The SU-100 is a rank IV Soviet tank destroyer with a battle rating of 6.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was one of the first vehicles introduced in the opening of "Ground Forces" in Update 1.41. Featuring the 100 mm gun with the same design from the SU-85M, the SU-100 can prove a menace to anyone on the other end of its gun.
The SU-100 is a classical casemate tank destroyer and as such has a fixed forward gun for its main armament, not too unlike the SU-85(M) tank destroyers. This gives the SU-100 a preference towards a defensive playstyle than an offensive one. As such, it is best to play the SU-100 in a supporting role, firing at distant enemies and ambushing them rather than facing them head-on.
Though external difference is minimal, the gun performance is big enough for a whole rank.
General info
Survivability and armour
The SU-100 does not look very different from the Rank III SU-85M tank destroyer, the only big external difference is the large 100 mm D-10S gun extending from the body, significantly bigger than the 85 mm D-5S gun, which makes it difficult to hide at times.
The armour on the SU-100 is the same 75 mm sloped frontal armour. The engine and weight are also the same. With all these similarities, those familiar with the SU-85 series will feel at home with the SU-100, with the exception that a majority of the enemies in the BR bracket can effortlessly knock out the SU-100 with even a glancing shot, so it is even more difficult to survive in a direct confrontation.
Attempts to angle and deflect shots of any tank of the same or higher BR as the SU-100 will likely be in vain, but should be tried anyway for a chance of not receiving a one-shot, as the crew is still placed in a straight line on the left side. At the very least it works against some Soviet tanks of the same BR in AB, as it still can bounce shots from itself or T-44 on rare occasions or when their users are very poor shot.
There are also non-premium ATGM tanks in the BR range of the SU-100, which can annihilate it on direct hit. The best course of action is to either not interact with them at all or try to immediately turn left after firing at them and try to sacrifice the engine before the ATGM hits the main compartment. This will not really stop ATGM tanks with two launchers if you failed the shot, but at the very least they will be busy reloading after destroying the SU-100 in such case and, maybe, teammates will defeat it.
Armour type:
- Rolled homogeneous armour (Casemate hull)
- Cast homogeneous armour (Gun mantlet, Driver's hatch)
- Suspension wheels and tracks are 20 mm thick.
- The commader's cupola extends out of the right side of the casemate, presenting a protrusion that could be penetrated from the front
- Driver's hatch maximum effective armour is 120 mm.
Game Mode | Max Speed (km/h) | Weight (tons) | Engine power (horsepower) | Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton) | |||
Forward | Reverse | Stock | Upgraded | Stock | Upgraded | ||
Arcade | 55 | 9 | 31.6 | 710 | 954 | 22.47 | 30.19 |
Realistic | 50 | 8 | 442 | 500 | 13.99 | 15.82 |
Modifications and economy
Main armament
The SU-100 boasts high firepower and long effective range due to its 100 mm armament.
The gun is able to penetrate armour similar to the 122 mm on the ISU-122, but also mostly retains a faster reload rate of SU-85M with it being just 3 seconds longer. As such, the SU-100 can lay in wait hidden in an open field and confidently attack enemies up to 1,000 m away.
Do note that tanks with 88 or 85 mm gun will now reload faster than the SU-100, unless their loader has been knocked out, and they might be able to fire back twice. The implication is that, since the SU-100 does not receive any better armour over SU-85M, it is even more vulnerable to the same tanks that bullied it's predecessors before, unless it obliterates them immediately.
The stock 100 mm ammunition boasts penetration levels along the line of the 122 mm, but with much faster muzzle velocity. Upgraded ammunition places the SU-100 more in line with the ASU-85 in terms of firepower.
Aside from that, everything else is the same as the SU-85M. Gun elevation and depression is the same as +20°/-3°.
100 mm D-10S | Turret rotation speed (°/s) | Reloading rate (seconds) | |||||||||||
Mode | Capacity | Vertical | Horizontal | Stabilizer | Stock | Upgraded | Full | Expert | Aced | Stock | Full | Expert | Aced |
Arcade | 33 | -3°/+20° | ±8° | N/A | 6.2 | 8.5 | 10.4 | 11.5 | 12.2 | 13.65 | 12.08 | 11.13 | 10.50 |
Realistic | 4.2 | 4.9 | 6.0 | 6.6 | 7.0 |
Penetration statistics | |||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm) | |||||
10 m | 100 m | 500 m | 1,000 m | 1,500 m | 2,000 m | ||
BR-412 | APHE | 218 | 212 | 190 | 164 | 143 | 124 |
BR-412B | APHEBC | 218 | 215 | 201 | 184 | 169 | 155 |
BR-412D | APCBC | 239 | 236 | 220 | 202 | 186 | 170 |
OF-412 | HE | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 |
Shell details | |||||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Fuse delay (m) | Fuse sensitivity (mm) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) | Ricochet | ||
0% | 50% | 100% | |||||||
BR-412 | APHE | 895 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 100.1 | 47° | 60° | 65° |
BR-412B | APHEBC | 895 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 100.1 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
BR-412D | APCBC | 887 | 15.9 | 1.2 | 19 | 93.94 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
OF-412 | HE | 900 | 15.6 | 0 | 0.1 | 1,460 | 79° | 80° | 81° |
Smoke shell characteristics | ||||||
Ammunition | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Screen radius (m) | Screen deploy time (s) | Screen hold time (s) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) |
3D3 | 880 | 15.6 | 20 | 5 | 25 | 272 |
Ammo racks
Usage in battles
The SU-100 can be effortlessly defeated by a majority of the enemies faced at the BR bracket. As such, it is most important that the SU-100 makes the first, damaging shot before the enemy could get a shot first. The SU-100 is a classical casemate tank destroyer and as such has a fixed forward gun for its main armament, not too unlike the SU-85 or SU-85M tank destroyers. This gives the SU-100 a preference towards a defensive playstyle than an offensive one. As such, it is best to play the SU-100 in a supporting role, firing at distant enemies and ambushing them rather than facing them head-on. The SU-100 boasts high firepower and long effective range due to its 100 mm armament. The gun is able to penetrate armour similar to the 122 mm on the IS-2, but also a faster reload rate while retaining suitable post-penetration damage to devastating enemy tanks. As such, the SU-100 can lay in wait hidden in an open field and confidently attack enemies up to 1,000 meters away.
- Panther A,G,F: Though the Panther's 75 mm gun can penetrate the SU-100's front armour with little difficulty, the 100 mm gun can penetrate the Panther's front glacis plate at quite a distance (>500m). Thus, getting the first shot off will turn the battle situation towards the SU-100's advantage.
- Tiger (P) and (H): The front glacis of the Tiger II is impervious to the 100 mm, but the turret cheeks are still a major weak point that the gun can easily penetrate. At closer range, the lower glacis is also a weak point on the front area. If the Tiger II decides to traverse its turret slightly away from towards the SU-100, the 100 mm also has enough power to penetrate through the Tiger II turret side rather easily.
- IS-2 (1944): The IS-2 is easily disposable by a good firing on the front glacis, though the 1944 version requires careful aiming on the front glacis, thus it is better to aim at the lower glacis for an easier time at penetrating. The turret cheeks are also easy to penetrate like other heavy tanks.
- M4A3E2: when the Jumbo isn't angling, the SU-100 can penetrate its frontal hull and turret with ease. However when it's angling the hull, it is best to shoot the rather vertical turret for better chances of penetration. The explosives can knock out almost all its crew even when exploding inside the turret.
Pros and cons
- The 100 mm D-10 gun from the T-54 series at 6.3
- Stock shells have high penetration and explosive filler
- Can easily penetrate and one-shot common heavily armoured tanks like the Panther, Jagdpanther and M4A3E2. Can penetrate the Tiger IIs' turret frontally.
- Great top speed and manoeuvrability (56 km/h)
- Decent ammo count
- Although the front armour is sloped and isn't overmatched, it received no upgrades and is overall too weak for its rank
- Can be easily taken out in one shot due to the cramped internals
- Bad gun depression of 3 degrees
- Reloads slower than tanks that it still has to face in down-tiers
- Long cannon make the tank hard to conceal and it is much taller than ASU-85
This tank destroyer takes its lineage from its predecessor SU-85. The SU-85's introduction with its 85 mm D-5 cannon made it a lethal weapon against German tanks, giving it much better firepower than the current T-34 with the 76.2 mm F-34 guns. However, the SU-85 became redundant when the T-34 began to upgrade into the T-34-85, which contains the same 85 mm gun as the SU-85. No longer having the advantage in firepower, the SU-85 was discontinued, but the role of a self-propelled gun was still required to support the armoured forces.
It was decided to up-gun the SU-85 model with a much bigger cannon. Lev I. Gorlitsky, the chief designer of Soviet medium self-propelled guns, began the development of improving the SU-85. It was decided that the new cannon will be of 100 mm in calibre, and work started on developing the prototype in February 1944. In March, the prototype named "Object 138" was made for testing, mainly by trying many different 100 mm guns to see which would prove most effective. It was decided that the 100 mm D-10 gun produced by Fyodor F. Petrov's design bureau, which was an adapted S-34 naval gun, was to be used as the main armament of the self-propelled gun, now named the SU-100.
While the vehicle is essentially a SU-85 reworked to mount the larger 100 mm cannon, the SU-100 body has some major improvements compared to its predecessor. Armour on the front is increased from the regular 45 mm to 75 mm, the commander's workplace was enlarged into a small sponson on the right side of the hull with a commander's cupola, which increased his combat effectiveness. Two new ventilator units were also installed for increased ventilation of the gun's propellant gases. Production started in September 1944 and continued until some time in 1947 with a total of 2,335 units produced.
Combat usage
In its introduction in the last few months of World War II, the SU-100 proved to be a very successful tank destroyer. The 100 mm D-10 gun could penetrate 125 mm of armour at 2,000 meters away, against the Panther, it could take it out from 1,500 meters away easily. Most of the SU-100 in service saw action in Hungary in March 1945, most notably in the German offensive Operation Frühlingserwachen (Spring Awakening). Although never intended for infantry support, the SU-100 even saw action in the Battle of Berlin in the close-quarters combat of urban warfare as its 100 mm gun was very good against heavy fortifications, but the lack of any machine guns has the vehicle work in cohesion with infantry or aircraft.
After World War II, the Red Army retained the SU-100 for a few more years until retiring them to reserves in 1947, still existing to this day. The SU-100 was given out to Warsaw Pact allies such as Egypt, Angola, Cuba, China, and Czechoslovakia. The SU-100 saw service in many Cold-War conflicts such as the Korean War in 1950, Vietnam War in 1955, Suez Crisis in 1956, the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Some were modified to adapt to the sandy environment of the Middle East, these were designated the SU-100M. These exported SU-100s continue to see service up to today in some countries, but most replaced it by 1970s. One of the most recent usages of the SU-100 is in Yemen during the Yemen Civil War of 2015.
In-game description
In connection with the increased armour of new enemy heavy tanks, it became necessary to create a self-propelled gun more powerful than the SU-85. Mass production of a new SPG under the designation SU-100 began at UZTM in August 1944. The engine, transmission, undercarriage and many other key parts from the T-34-85 tank were used in its design. It was armed with a 100 mm D-10S cannon with a 56 calibre barrel length. This weapon perfectly combined a high rate of fire with good ballistic characteristics. Its armour-piercing shell could penetrate 160 mm thick armour from a distance of 1000 metres. The vehicle had a standard design, with the driving compartment in the front, the fighting compartment in the middle and the engine compartment in the rear. Above the commander's place, the cabin's roof contained a fixed command cupola with five observation slots for all-round visibility. The command cupola's hatch housed an MK-4 observation instrument and rotated on a bearing.
The SPG was manufactured between 1944 and 1947, and 2,495 SPGs of this type were produced during the Great Patriotic War.
The SU-100 was first deployed in battle in January 1945. The SPGs showed their worth and earned a reputation as a reliable and powerful combat vehicle.
The vehicle also inherited negative aspects from its base tank, such as its outdated suspension construction, its fuel tank positioning in the fighting compartment, and its unfavourable layout for an SPG. The SU-100's barrel length was even greater than that of the SU-85, making manoeuvring difficult on rough terrain and in urban areas.
After the war, the vehicle was modernised numerous times and remained in service in the Soviet Army for several decades. These SPGs were supplied to the USSR's allies and took part in a range of local post-war conflicts.
The SU-100Y is a premium rank III Soviet tank destroyer with a battle rating of 5.0 (AB) and 4.7 (RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.51 "Cold Steel". A rather large profile tank destroyer on-par with the KV-2, but with a much more powerful 130 mm naval cannon, it serves well as a defensive vehicle against an offensive force.
General info
Survivability and armour
Armour type:
- Rolled homogeneous armour
- Cast homogeneous armour (rear hatch)
- Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick while the tracks are 30 mm thick.
- The protection is only 60 mm thick at its strongest. So it will not absorb any rounds anytime soon. Weapon calibres exceeding 20 mm can pierce the armour, turning SPAAG into a real threat, if close enough. It is a good idea to stay with teammates or remain at distance from the main battle.
Game Mode | Max Speed (km/h) | Weight (tons) | Engine power (horsepower) | Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton) | |||
Forward | Reverse | Stock | Upgraded | Stock | Upgraded | ||
Arcade | 36 | 5 | 64 | 1,207 | 1622 | 18.86 | 25.34 |
Realistic | 33 | 5 | 752 | 850 | 11.75 | 13.28 |
Modifications and economy
Main armament
130 mm B-13 | Turret rotation speed (°/s) | Reloading rate (seconds) | |||||||||||
Mode | Capacity | Vertical | Horizontal | Stabilizer | Stock | Upgraded | Full | Expert | Aced | Stock | Full | Expert | Aced |
Arcade | 30 | -5°/+15° | ±10° | N/A | 6.16 | 8.53 | 10.36 | 11.46 | 12.19 | 24.96 | 22.08 | 20.35 | 19.20 |
Realistic | 4.17 | 4.90 | 5.95 | 6.58 | 7.00 |
Penetration statistics | |||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm) | |||||
10 m | 100 m | 500 m | 1,000 m | 1,500 m | 2,000 m | ||
PB-46A | SAPCBC | 202 | 199 | 190 | 179 | 168 | 158 |
OF-46 | HE | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 |
Shell details | |||||||||
Ammunition | Type of warhead | Velocity (m/s) | Projectile Mass (kg) | Fuse delay (m) | Fuse sensitivity (mm) | Explosive Mass (TNT equivalent) (g) | Ricochet | ||
0% | 50% | 100% | |||||||
PB-46A | SAPCBC | 870 | 33.5 | 1.2 | 19 | 2,350 | 48° | 63° | 71° |
OF-46 | HE | 870 | 33.4 | 0 | 0.1 | 3,580 | 79° | 80° | 81° |
Ammo racks
Usage in battles
This tank is all about the gun. It defines what being a bonafide tank destroyer is. Bad armour, bad mobility, but amazing firepower. Just park the tank in a position where the SU-100Y will be difficult to flank. That way when the vehicles do fire the gun, it can immediately run and hide while the gun reloads. It can not be emphasized enough, this tank can not let itself get shot at. It just doesn't have the armour. But once ready to let one of the 130 mm shells loose, this tank fears few.
Pros and cons
SU-100Y's B-13 cannon is one of the more powerful guns at its rank, able to penetrate
- Skilled players will recognize the threat SU-100Y poses - expect to be the centre of the enemy's attention
- This is a huge tank, finding decent cover or a good ambush location is difficult at best
- Sub-par armour - every gun that this tank can face poses a serious threat
- Extremely vulnerable cannon breech and barrel. Problematic as a single hit to them will result in them being in critical condition
- With a terrible manoeuvrability, a mediocre reverse speed and a massive size, dodging enemy fire is nearly impossible
- Even a good crew will take more than 20 seconds to reload the gun
After the failure of the vehicle from testing in the Winter War, the T-100, along with the SMK, fell back into the drawing boards along with other designs that didn't make the cut. But in December 1939, the Red Army requested that Factory No. 185 produce a vehicle based on the failed T-100 chassis. The specifications were for the vehicle to not only operate as a self-propelled gun but in a multitude of roles such as a bridge layer, explosive transporter, and tank recovery.
Development started with the proposal to mount the 152 mm cannon onto the T-100 in order to be able to combat fortifications like the KV-2 with the same armament. The factory manager instead proposed the mounting of a 100 or 130 mm naval gun onto the vehicle instead, and this proposal was accepted on January 8, 1940. The designs, designated T-100-X, was sent to the Izhorskyi factory. At that moment, the T-100-X had a box-shaped fighting compartment with a 130 mm B-13 naval gun. The vehicle had a torsion-bar suspension to stay mobile. Over time, the prototype was redesigned with a modified fighting compartment and such and was resubmitted to the factory for production on February 24, 1940, and redesignated as the SU-100Y. The produced design was tested in March, but the design was dropped from production due to the low demand and the ending of the Winter War. This leaves the SU-100Y with only one prototype ever built. Other methods to either modernize the T-100 or into other variants were made in complementary to the SU-100Y, such as mounting the 152 mm M-10 gun and designating it the T-100-Z. This idea never went past the drawing boards as the success of the KV-1 and KV-2s proved the designs unnecessary. Another idea was to use the T-100 as coastal defence weapon with the 130 mm gun on a turret than a casemate structure, along with three machine guns, like the T-100-Z, this didn't pass the drawing boards.
The SU-100Y prototype was sent to Kubinka in 1940 once the project stopped, however in the Battle of Moscow in 1941, the SU-100Y and its T-100 self-propelled variants SU-14 and SU-14-1 were pressed into service in the Independent Artillery Division for Special Duties. Combat records for these units are not known, but it left the SU-100Y in intact shape, allowing it to be preserved today in the Kubinka Tank Museum.
In-game description
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