War robots fenrir топ сборки
“ …An Incredibly powerful energy weapon that damages enemies with a negative energy flow. After a certain number of hits, the target freezes. It's movement speed is lowered and incoming damage is increased.… ” – in-game description
Snear is the light counterpart of the Hel and Skadi. It can also apply freeze effects to robots over time like the cryo weapons: Rime, Cryo, and Glacier
The Snaer is a strong mid-range freezing energy weapon, but can function effectively in close-quarters combat as well. It applies the Freeze effect to an enemy if it fires at them for a long enough period of time (the amount of Freeze accumulated on the target is represented by a grey snowflake next to their health bar that slowly fills with red). If the target stops receiving Freeze from any source for long enough; the accumulated Freeze will slowly start depleting, until either the target's Freeze disperses altogether or if it is re-applied by a source of Freeze again. Once Frozen, a target will slow down and receive extra damage from incoming projectiles for 5 seconds, then develops resistance to any sort of Freeze for 15 seconds.
The Snaer, with its ability to Freeze enemies, firefight range, large clip, reload-while-firing attribute and short reload (for a reload-while-firing weapon), is an ideal support weapon for any commander seeking to help out their allies. While it has a strong damage output, the commander utilizing the Snaer should still attempt to prioritize enemies-hit-and-run, saboteur or infiltrator enemies with their abilities on cooldown should always come first-due to their low health but high threat level while they have their abilities active, an opposing team should always seek to destroy them first when they're vulnerable. Enemies armed with normal energy barriers should also be prioritized, as the Snaer's energy attribute allows the commander to penetrate their shield and deplete their health, thus making them less of a threat to deal with when they go against an ally with weaponry less suited for combating them, for example, rockets or kinetic arms.
Despite seemingly being built around mid-range engagements, the Snaer's high damage output allows it to function extremely effectively as a brawling weapon as well. When brawling, a Snaer commander should try to always have cover handy, as while the Snaer takes a while to unload, its reload time for its full clip is also rather long, making the commander vulnerable while trying to reload the Snaer. While its reload-while-firing attribute allows it to start firing whenever the commander chooses, the commander should always attempt to reload the Snaer to full capacity before engaging again, as that will allow the commander to deal maximum damage to the enemy while they have Freeze applied to them. If things get too bad, the commander can always attempt to flee from the scene, as the Snaer's 600m range allows it to outrange most weapons at its maximum distance.
Не так давно в игре War Robots появился новый и уникальный робот под кодовым названием Scorpion. Машина идеально подходит под незаметную высадку в тыл врага, чтобы максимально грязно нанести удар в спину, когда ты этого не ожидаешь! Многим может показаться, что в чемпионской лиге этому роботу не место, но могу тебя уверить, что это не так. Сейчас я кратко пробегусь по всем 5 сборкам и мы посмотрим, какая из них подходит именно для тебя.
Запомни, это чисто моё мнение и если тебе захочется написать своё - делай это смелее в комментариях.
В данной сборке Gust легко можно заменить на Halо , но я оставил его тут, так как для Halo у нас будет в отдельном сетапе. Растояние атаки 500 метров, что позволяет ему быстро подобраться до врага, но не забывай, что активация способности на 350 метров, чтобы быстро забраться за спину врага!
Расчет боевой мощности МК2:
Gust - 6 020
Storm - 13 600 х2
Итого урона на оптимальном расстоянии 200 метров - 33 200
Лично для меня данная сборка показалась самой медленной и малоэффективной, поэтому смело отдаю ей самое последнее место в нашем топе.
Расчет боевой мощности МК2:
CORONA - 7650
Storm - 11 100 х2
Итого урона на оптимальном расстоянии 200 метров - 29 850
Поиграв за данную сборку могу отметить ее стабильность и удобность в устранении противника, но для меня лично не дотягивает до 3 места.
Расчет боевой мощности МК2:
QUARKER - 1260
ATOMIZER - 1400 х2
Итого урона на оптимальном расстоянии 200 метров - 4 060
Отлично отстегивает титанов и другую полевую братву, но всегда надо держать один глаз на датчике по перегреву, в противном случае всё летит в молоко. Занимает стабильное 3 место, как в моём ангаре, так и в сердечке.
Кто не любит огонь, который сжигает любого противника?! Я вот лично обожаю, но единственный минус это вести огненный луч на упреждением, предсказывая поведения противника. В целом отличная сборка и хорошо проявляет себя в бою. Огонь легко может игнорировать щиты роботов нагревая кабину пилота до красна и выводя все приборы из строя. Идеально подходит для удаления титанов из боя.
Расчет боевой мощности МК2:
BLAZE - 334
IGNITER - 533 х2
Итого урона на оптимальном расстоянии 200 метров - 1 400
The Fenrir is a medium robot with a heavy and 2 medium hardpoints. It is unofficially classified as a heavy robot based on wiki criteria.
Fenrir is one of the Four robots in the Ragnarok Squad, the others being the Tyr, Loki, and Fafnir. Fenrir's ability is called Shapeshift, and features two modes: Assault Mode and Tank Mode. In Assault Mode the Fenrir gains a speed boost and Aegis-class shield, however, its heavy weapon folds back and cannot be fired. In Tank Mode the Fenrir loses the Aegis shield and speed boost and deploys the heavy weapon and receives 50% damage resistance to all weapon types (except for defense mitigation weapons). While in this mode the Aegis shield regenerates its lost durability at 4.5% of its capacity per second, and must regenerate to 15,000 capacity (regardless of level) in order for the shield to be usable.
With the Bernadette Legendary Pilot the Fenrir is a tank that can brawl quite well. Without the pilot, the Fenrir is good for flanking, then selectively engaging targets. It is built for short periods of intense brawling after chipping away at enemies from mid-range. In a one-vs-one engagement the Fenrir excels with its very impressive survivability due to its high health and two ability modes offering different forms of protection.
It can use its Assault Mode with increased speed to flank opponents while making use of its Aegis shield, switching to Tank Mode if the shield is depleted or if the Fenrir engages an opponent. While in Tank Mode the Fenrir deploys all weapons and gains 50% damage resistance, allowing it to tank damage and brawl at close range. While in Tank Mode the Aegis shield regenerates allowing the Fenrir to retreat to safety or provide momentary protection from incoming damage. The primary purpose of the Aegis shield is for extra survivability when moving, not for sustained brawling, due to its low shield health. When fighting, the vast majority of time you should be in Tank Mode and close to cover. It is recommended to only rely on the Aegis shield to stop damage when the incoming fire is low DPS or when a burst of splash weapons is depleted (such as a Tulumbas or a Cryo).
Threat Measure
The Fenrir is one of six robots (Blitz, Bulwark, Cerberus, Jaeger and Typhon are the others) to be mounted with a special Aegis-class shield that blocks all weapon damage. The Fenrir is great at flanking and close-range engagement, and if equipped with the right weapons, it can dominate at mid-range. Fenrir is a powerful threat in the higher leagues.
Possible Setups
These are effective setups for the Fenrir:
Note: When "Opt." is next to a slot type, it refers to one of the multiple options that can be used in combination with the other weapon(s) slot type(s).
Each slot type is filled with only one particular weapon. For example, if a robot has 3 light all three of those slots are filled with Pinatas, as mixing weapons of the same slot type is not advisable.
Close Range (350m or less)
Mid-Range (500-600m)
Mark I Statistics
Purchase Information
Level | Durability | Aegis Shield | Speed | Cost |
1 | 99,190 | 31,360 | 42 | 10,000 or 14,000 |
Upgrade Information
Level | Durability | Aegis Shield | Speed | Cost | Time |
2 | 105,530 | 33,370 | 43 | 100,000 | 2 hours |
3 | 112,270 | 35,500 | 44 | 200,000 | 5 hours |
4 | 119,440 | 37,770 | 45 | 400,000 | 14 hours |
5 | 127,070 | 40,190 | 46 | 2,000,000 | 1 day 4 hours |
6 | 135,190 | 42,760 | 47 | 4,000,000 | 2 days 18 hours |
7 | 143,820 | 45,490 | 48 | 6,000,000 | 4 days 6 hours |
8 | 153,010 | 48,400 | 49 | 11,000,000 | 5 days 4 hours |
9 | 162,780 | 51,490 | 50 | 17,000,000 | 5 days 20 hours |
10 | 173,180 | 54,780 | 50 | 36,000,000 | 6 days 4 hours |
11 | 184,240 | 58,280 | 50 | 52,000,000 | 6 days 12 hours |
12 | 196,000 | 62,000 | 50 | 70,000,000 | 6 days 20 hours |
Cost | Time | |
Totals | 198,700,000 | 39 days 13 hours |
Mark II Statistics
Purchase Information
Level | Durability | Aegis Shield | Speed | Cost |
1 | 196,000 | 62,000 | 50 | 500 |
Note: Level 12 Mark I is required to enhance (purchase) to Mark II.
Upgrade Information
Level | Durability | Aegis Shield | Speed | Cost | Time |
2 | 199,600 | 63,100 | 50 | 2,500,000 | 1 day |
3 | 203,200 | 64,200 | 50 | 5,000,000 | 2 days |
4 | 206,800 | 65,300 | 50 | 10,000,000 | 3 days |
5 | 210,400 | 66,400 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
6 | 214,000 | 67,500 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
7 | 217,600 | 68,600 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
8 | 221,200 | 69,700 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
9 | 224,800 | 70,800 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
10 | 228,400 | 71,900 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
11 | 232,000 | 73,000 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
12 | 235,600 | 74,100 | 50 | 22,500,000 | 4 days |
Cost | Time | |
Totals | 197,500,000 | 38 days |
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Нееее, FENRIR при этом никак не теряет свою скорость. Просто щит не работает и всё.
Сергей, вот тебе ещё пример. Довольно часто, по крайней мере мне, приходится бороться за маяк(Феня и должен захватывать + удерживать) против Найтингейла. С щитом тебе по хрен на его "проклинающею" пукалку и когда он приземлился, ты его встречаешь во всеоружии. Без щита же, ты будешь стоять и втыкать несколько секунд, ждать когда твои орудия придут в норму, а Соловей в это время успевает залить в тебя обойму заморозок(к примеру) и уйти за укрытие.
Тимур, поверь пилоту двух соловьев( крио и атомайзер) проще прыгнуть под щит хоть фене хоть бульварку и пока он переключаться между щитами я наношу основной дамаг.
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