Total war warhammer grombrindal the white dwarf обзор
Некоторые считают, что это дух Снорри Белобородого - последнего Верховного Короля дворфов. Другие утверждают, что он никто иной как суженый Валаи, богини-предка дворфов и покровительницы домашнего очага.
Появляющийся в разгар великих битв, он бросается в вихрь сражения, и приводит свой народ к победе, чтобы потом также внезапно исчезнуть.
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Magic Resistance: 25%. Damage of magical attacks is reduced by this amount.
Resilience: This unit is immune to the following types of attrition: Snow, Mountain.
Expert Charge Defence: When bracing, this unit negates the charge bonus of any attacker.
Encourage: This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.
Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Grombrindal Has No Fear
Grombrindal - The White Dwarf is a Dwarfs Legendary Lord introduced in Total War: Warhammer. The White Dwarf is a legendary figure - the mightiest living Dawi warrior.
In the campaign, he is an alternative leader of the Karaz-a-Karak faction.
Starting around October 22, 2016 and continuing into November, Steam codes for Grombrindal was given out for free in Games Workshop stores around the world. Additionally codes for Grombrindal came with copies of Games Workshop's White Dwarf Magazine. Following this, he was unavailable for a few months.
Then on January 19, 2017, Grombrindal became available as a free DLC on Steam.
Grombrindal can be downloaded free on Steam here.
Description [ ]
Grombrindal is an enigmatic figure, recorded throughout the Dwarfs' history, appearing to give aid to his bearded kin whenever they find themselves in a particularly dire and unfavourable situation. Just what can one Dwarf do when a Karak is besieged by thousands of Greenskins, or a Dwarf throng surrounded and outnumbered by a warherd of braying, ravenous Beastmen, however? In Grombrindal’s case, it turns out that he can do quite a lot; the White Dwarf is a mighty warrior, some say bettered only by Grimnir himself. Every slash of his legendary axe see the heads of urks tumble from their dishonourable shoulders.
Campaign effects [ ]
- Additional Starting Units
Evasion chance when using the Underway: +60% (all characters) Reinforcement range: +50% for Grombrindal's army Can call upon the power of the Ancestor gods - a special repeating dilemma called The Living Ancestor will appear for you.
- +20% Weapon strength vs. Elves (Lord's army)
- +10 Leadership (Lord's army)
Attributes [ ]
- ↑ Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage.
- ↑ Armour-Piercing: The damage of armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ↑ Melee Expert: Melee Experts might have a very strong melee attack or melee defence, or high values in both. Some also have melee-focused skills like Charge Defence. Use them to counter other strong melee units. When facing them, it is best to take them out before they can enter melee.
Abilities [ ]
Unique items [ ]
Strategy [ ]
The White Dwarf occupies a unique role in the dawi armory. Lacking the raw killing power of the High King or the sturdy resilience of Ironhammer, it can be easy to dismiss the White Dwarf as a useless lord. The reality is quite different.
The White Dwarf excels as a compliment to your army - with his flash-bomb he can slow-down and deal immense damage to a variety of units, from elite infantry to the dreaded SEMs/chariots. Use him to lock enemy units in place and buy-time for your army to reform ranks or focus their fire appropriately, whilst his unbreakable nature enables him to hold the line until his last breath.
In multiplayer, the Flash-Bomb, ideally complimented by the Rune Axe of Grombrdinal allows him to deal immense armour-piercing damage to priority units, whilst simultaneously lowering their morale drastically. But be wary - compared to his compatriots, he does lack some armour making him quite susceptible to focused missile fire.
Белый Гном - легендарный гном, известный на казалиде как Громбриндал, что значит "белобородый предок". За прошедшие столетия у него было множество и других имён, однако именно под этим он известен больше всего.
Никто не знает, где появится Белый Гном в очередной раз. Он является всякий раз и во всяком месте, где его народу приходится туго. Когда кто-либо угрожает гномам – он появляется. На протяжении всей долгой гномьей истории он был замечен не один раз, а его странное и неожиданное появление в самый тёмный час сражения отмечено во многих сагах. Каждый раз, когда он появляется, дело обращается в пользу гномов. Однажды, когда Умти Обречённый и его народ были окружены гоблинами, и когда всё казалось потерянным, орда гоблинов неожиданно отступила в тревоге. Воины Умти слышали, как, убегая, гоблины шептали в страхе “Белый Гном”.
В глубине вражеского воинства был замечен некто белобородый, который размахивал своим могучим топором, пробивая себе дорогу сквозь ряды неприятелей. Израненный и истощённый, но вдохновлённый увиденным, народ Умти в отчаянном усилии совершил рывок вперёд к Белому Гному, который стоял в одиночестве посреди гоблинов. Когда сражение было выиграно, Умти начал искать Белого Гнома оглядывая поле битвы, но тот ушёл, не оставив после себя никаких следов, кроме кучи поверженных врагов. В этом месте теперь стоит храм, посвящённый Громбриндалу, один из множества таких же по всем королевствам гномов.
Некоторые говорят, что Белый Гном - никто иной, как Снорри Белобородый, король Караз-а-Карака, который был единственным гномом, заслужившим должное уважение у эльфийского Короля-Феникса Ултуана. Это было давным-давно, ещё перед Войной Бороды, и если это правда, то Белый Гном - воистину Предок, который некоторым непонятным образом смог ходить среди смертных.
В "Саге о Громбриндале" говорится, что он блуждает по Краесветным горам, по старым гномьим дорогам, замаскировавшись под пожилого гномьего старателя, закутанного большим плащом. Он примет кружку хорошего гномьего эля от любого путешественника, которого встретит, и взамен предскажет ему судьбу.
Множество раз странный одинокий гном, отвечающий этому описанию, был замечен в гномьих лагерях накануне великой битвы. Порой подобную же фигуру видели и в скоплениях гномьих войск в осаждённых крепостях, что всегда служило знаком победы и надежды. На следующий день после подобных явлений Белый Гном появлялся на поле битвы в полном боевом облачении, присущим лишь королям древности, истинный Предок, чья фигура будто бы сошла с древних гномьих гравюр.
The White Dwarf is the legendary Dwarf known in Khazalid as Grombrindal, which roughly translates as "The White-Bearded Ancestor". He has been given many names over the centuries, but this is the one by which he is most widely known. [2c]
Every Dwarf, from the youngest beardling to the most wizened Longbeard, can recite the Saga of Grombrindal from memory. An epic tale that runs into many hundreds of verses, the Saga of Grombrindal tells how this Dwarf of legend strides the mountainous paths known only to the Dwarfs, appearing unannounced at times when his help is needed most. [3a]
No one knows where the White Dwarf will appear. He turns up wherever and whenever his folk are hard pressed. When the odds are against the Dwarfs, he comes. He has been seen many times throughout the long history of the Dwarfs, his strange and unexpected appearance in the darkest hours of battle is recorded in many sagas. Each time he appears, the tide has turned back in the Dwarfs' favour. There was the time when Umthi the Doomed and his folk were surrounded by Goblins. When all seemed lost, the goblin horde shrank back in dismay. Umthi's clan warriors were heard to whisper in awe "The White Dwarf". [1a] [2c]
Deep in the midst of the foe the white-bearded one could be seen swinging his mighty axe, cutting a swathe through the ranks of the enemy. Inspired by the sight, Umthi's folk, though bleeding and exhausted, took heart and surged forward one last time in a desperate effort to reach the White Dwarf, who stood alone amid the Goblins. When the victory was won, and Umthi gazed across the stricken field, the White Dwarf was gone and no trace of him was found, except for the heaps of slain enemies. A shrine to Grombrindal now stands in this place, one of many throughout the Dwarf realms. [1a] [2c]
So it was at the battle of Whale Bridge, when Grombrindal held the causeway against the horde of An-Cas the Boastful, and the arrogant Goblin Boss was decapitated with a single blow. So it was at Bitter Peak, when the numberless ratmen were put to flight by the woefully outnumbered Miners from Barak Varr, a white-bearded ancient holding their tattered ranks together with shouts of encouragement. So, too, it was at Cragmere, when the mightiest Dwarf heroes of the age crushed the advance of an army of Beastmen, Orcs and Goblins, and stood atop a mound of fallen fully ten corpses deep. [3a]
These tales and a thousand more besides all bear testament to Grombrindal's heroism and the miraculous nature of his arrival - always appearing when the flame of hope is guttering and the spirits of the Dwarfs are at their lowest ebb. [3a]
Some say that the White Dwarf is none other than Snorri Whitebeard, the Dwarf King of Karaz-a-Karak, who was the only Dwarf to receive due and proper respect of the High Elf Phoenix King of Ulthuan. That was a long, long time ago, though - before the War of the Beard - and if it is true, then the White Dwarf is truly an Ancestor, and in some uncanny way must surely have crossed the bounds of mortality. [1b] [2c] These rumours are no doubt aided by the fact that the High King swore on his deathbed to return to his people when their need was greatest. [2a]
Others claim that he was once a paramour of Valaya and beloved of all the Dwarf gods. Whatever the truth, the Saga of Grombrindal contains these and no less than forty-three other suggestions. The White Dwarf is a hero from the time of legends and the knowledge that he walks the world today fills every Dwarfen heart with hope and pride. [3a]
First mentions of the great Dwarf come from the the time of War of the Beard. Like an avenging spirit he had appeared at the first battle against the Elves, when the ancient alliance had been shattered by discord. He is also known to have participated in the Battle of Tor Alessi. As tales of the fighter's prowess spread, he was given a simple name, but one that now conjured up images of bloodshed and vengeance - the White Dwarf. [2b]
In the Saga of Grombrindal it says that he wanders the Worlds Edge Mountains, following the old Dwarf ways disguised as an aged prospector, swathed in a great cloak. He accepts a swig of good dwarf ale from any traveller he meets and in return offers them a prophecy. [1b] [2c]
Many are the times when a strange lone Dwarf of this very description has been seen in a dwarf camp on the eve of a great battle, keeping his own company. Sometimes such a figure has been seen walking the ramparts of a besieged stronghold and this is held as an omen of victory and hope. In the battle the following day the White Dwarf has appeared, bedecked in all his regal panoply of war, like some ancient king of legend, a true Ancestor, a figure come to life from old Dwarf carvings. [1b] [2c] [3a] With ancient fire blazing in his eyes, Grombrindal reaps a bloody tally upon the hated foe. [3a]
On the eve of a battle, when dread looms over the hearts of the Dwarf host like a dark shadow, beardlings and longbeards alike stoke the watchfires a little brighter and keep a tankard of ale aside in case a grey-cloaked stranger seeks to join the throng. [3a]
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