Топ 1 предатор apex legends
Apex Legends has grown to be one of the most competitive battle royale games today. This game has quite a lot to offer for casual players. However, the competitive gamers have not been kept in the dark. The Ranked battle royale is a highly competitive game mode where players of similar skill levels play against each other.
Players battle it out for the top title of Apex Predator. This game mode in Apex Legends has seven rank tiers- Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Apex Predator. The list mentioned below consists of the top five Apex Predators in the first split of Ranked Battle Royale in Season 10.
Note: The current list is based on rank scores recorded on September 13, 2021.
Top 5 Apex Predators in Apex Legends
The following list contains the top five Apex Predators in the first split of Season 10 in Apex Legends.
5) xEffect
xEffect is a 16-year-old Russian streamer. He takes the number five spot on this list with a rank score of 51,705. He was number one ranked Apex Predator in seasons 8,9, and 10. xEffect is a sharp-shooting Wraith main.
Platform and Input: Console (PS5)/Controller
4) Joseph “Frexs” Sanchez
Joseph “Frexs” Sanchez is an American professional Apex Legends player currently playing for SpaceStation Gaming. He is now at the number four spot with a Rank score of 62,418. Frexs usually plays Bloodhound or Seer during the ranked matches of Season 10.
Platform and Input: Computer/Mouse and Keyboard
3) Mark “Dropped” Thees
Mark “Dropped” Thees is an American professional Apex Legends player representing SpaceStation Gaming. He is the third-best Apex Predator with a rank score of 67,653. His main legends are Gibraltar or Wattson.
Platform and Input: PC/Mouse and Keyboard
2) Jacob "HisWattson" McMillin
Jacob "HisWattson" McMillin is an American professional Apex Legends player for TSS. He is currently the number two Apex Predator with a Rank score of 75,187. HisWattson usually plays Wattson or Gibraltar.
Platform and Input: PC/Mouse and Keyboard
1) Keon “Keoon” Berghout
Keon “Keoon” Berghout is an American streamer who was an ex junior college basketball player. He dropped his basketball scholarship after getting his Associates’s degree. He is currently the number one Apex Predator in Apex Legends with a Rank score of 77,278. He is a Bloodhound main and has played for the Atlanta-based esports organization- Rare Xcellence.
There are two ranked modes: Ranked Leagues for Battle Royale and Ranked Arenas for Arenas .
Ranked Leagues Information Screen
Ranked Leagues is a game mode introduced in Season 2 . It differs from the normal Play Apex game mode in that players are matched with other players of the same or adjacent tier.
The Ranked Leagues seasons coincide with the main seasons. At the end of a season, players receive a reward based on their rank.
Mechanics [ ]
Ranked matches play the same as the normal Play Apex with the only difference being the matchmaking and the awarding of Ranked Points (RP) after every match. In Ranked, players are matched with players of the same or similar tier with placement, kills, and assists giving away RP which is used to measure progress to the next tier. A set amount of RP is also deducted for each tier after Bronze.
Starting in Season 4 , Ranked Seasons are divided into "splits". Tiers reset after each split and the player's final ranked rewards are determined by the highest rank reached on either split.
Abandon and Penalties [ ]
Prematurely leaving matches results in an abandon penalty. This starts from match is being connected, all the way up to the entire team being eliminated. Even after a player is being eliminated, players will still receive penalties if they leave while their banners are still available to be picked up. If their banners do get picked up, players must wait 2 minutes and 30 seconds before they can leave without penalties.
Disconnecting due to server issues or client end will also result in penalties if the player fails to reconnect within 2 minutes. If one or both teammates go AFK, or seen partially disconnect (that is to say, their name banner still shows in HUD), leaving is considered as abandoning and results in a penalty. If the player does not have a full team (either due to teammates disconnect/abandoning or failure to fill by matchmaking), player must wait until they are in the dropship before they can leave.
Players will be warned via the menus if their leaving may trigger abandon penalties; if the warning does not show up, players are free to leave, subject to the server's calculation.
In Ranked Leagues, these are the penalties:
- A minimum of 10 minutes lockout from ALL modes, including Firing Range and Training.
- Forfeiture of any RP earned, and a double subtraction of the entry cost. For example, an abandon in Silver will yield −24 RP, while doing so in Gold will yield −48 RP.
Loss Forgiveness [ ]
Screen displayed when a player hits three used forgiveness abandons.
Loss Forgiveness is when a player would lose RP in a match and all RP loss becomes zero. For example, a player places last in a Diamond match with two kills. Normally this results in −28 RP, but with loss forgiveness, this becomes 0.
Loss Forgiveness is granted in the following scenarios:
Tiers [ ]
Players are divided into seven tiers, each with four divisions, except Master and Apex Predator where players are ranked globally via their current RP. The rankings are based on platform.
Players cannot rank down tiers, but they can rank down the divisions within those tiers. The exception is Apex Predator, since Apex Predator is defined as the top 750 players.
Tier | RP Needed | Entry Cost | |||
Bronze IV, III, II, I | 0 | 300 | 600 | 900 | Free |
Silver IV, III, II, I | 1200 | 1600 | 2000 | 2400 | −12 RP |
Gold IV, III, II, I | 2800 | 3300 | 3800 | 4300 | −24 RP |
Platinum IV, III, II, I | 4800 | 5400 | 6000 | 6600 | −36 RP |
Diamond IV, III, II, I | 7200 | 7900 | 8600 | 9300 | −48 RP |
Master | 10,000 | −60 RP | |||
Apex Predator | Top 750 players |
Progression [ ]
RP is given to players after each match currently based on two factors: Placement and Kills / Assists. The maximum number of kills/assists that can count for RP is 6.
Assists occur if the player damaged an enemy within 10 seconds of that enemy getting downed by someone else, and that enemy is eliminated. Crypto can also get assists by scanning enemies with his Surveillance Drone .
Placement | 14th+ | 13th | 12th | 11th | 10th | 9th | 8th | 7th | 6th | 5th | 4th | 3rd | 2nd | 1st |
RP given | 0 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 | 100 | ||||||
Kills/assists modifier | 10 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
RP gain/loss per Tier [ ]
⬤ - The player has lost RP.
⬤ - The player is at risk of a net zero or negative RP gain next game.
⬤ - The player is guaranteed to have a net positive RP gain next game.
Ranked Seasons [ ]
Note: since the introduction of Ranked Splits in Season 4 , it's possible to receive an animated Badge instead of a static one if the same Tier is reached in both splits of each Ranked Season.
Нескольких игроков, входящих в мировую десятку лучших по рейтингу в Apex Legends, начали обвинять в нечестной игре. Двое из них, xynoa и Skittles cakes, на данный момент занимают первые два места в списке лидеров, а ещё один, Fruffmeister — десятое.
На Reddit опубликовали несколько видеороликов, судя по которым они заранее объединяются с участниками вражеского отряда и не атакуют друг друга, «зачищая» карту от остальных противников вшестером.
Некоторые пользователи утверждали, что видели во время стримов, как xynoa и Skittles объединяются. Кроме того, многие говорят, что тем же самым занимаются многие другие игроки из топ-500 — чтобы не потерять высший ранг в Apex, «Высший хищник».
Да, мне пришлось на это смотреть весь вчерашний вечер, в реальном времени. Более того, несколько других хищников «ддосили» других игроков, чтобы их не обогнали в таблице. Грустно это. Но, наверное, действительно хороший способ набить себе рейтинг больше 90 тысяч.
Ну и куски дерьма, а. Насколько я знаю, они даже открывают стримы друг друга во время игры, чтобы следить, где находятся. Они получают вдвое больше визуальной информации, чем все остальные. Честно играть они не умеют.
Этим вчера занимались чуть ли не все «высшие хищники», чтобы не пустить никого в топ.
Нас даже приглашал человек, игравший за Лобу Андраде со «смурф»-аккаунта. Говорил, мол, все там так делают, так что и тебе тоже надо. Мы им подпортили все планы, как только присоединились.
@PILLAplease @MonsterclipRSPN @DKo5 I know this is probably not the answer you're looking for RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW but:
Yes, we see the articles and the claims and will take appropriate action after doing appropriate investigations.
Подобные проблемы возникают в Apex не впервые. Ещё в августе 2019-го игроки и журналисты жаловались на то, что в соло-матчах, которые временно добавили в игру, было слишком просто собираться в команды с противниками.
Их обвиняют лишь в том, что они объединяются с другими командами дабы попасть выше в таблицу? Не в читерстве, а именно в объединение? Если так, как то не вижу ничего ужасного.
Тогда что тут делает этот тег?
Читерство — это не только использование хак-программ и скриптов. Это игра не по правилам в более широком смысле.
А в еще более широком это измена. Может не стоит?
Это одно из понятий, в более широком смысле - это просто "обман"
Вот только то, что я имею в виду, все равно применимо к играм и их правилам.
А вот этот "еще более широкий смысл" уже не катит нисколько. ред.
На самом деле это сродни договорным матчам, а за такое сажают.
В соревновательных матчах за деньги- да. В пабе- Meh
Так тут рейтинговый режим, а не обычный даже, где на такое можно было бы закрыть глаза. Тут есть и награды, и рейтинг и тому подобное, где игроки играют показать свои скил одним словом. И ты например играешь с друзьями, потеешь из-за своего места, и тут 6 стволов выходят на вас и разбирают вашу тиму. Неприятно всё таки.
Да вот только по сути нет ни какого смысла от этого рейтинга. Ты же не висишь на доске почета или получаешь бонусы от разработчика. Рейтинг в апексе такое себе.
Скандалы, интриги, расследования
Сервера респаунов тем временем нещадно сосут
Адовый хит рег и вылеты рандомов из матча приветствуются
А вообще, ребятам бы повторы запилить наконец. ред.
вылеты рандомов из матча приветствуются
Жиза, из 5 матчей только в 2 мы доиграли до конца в полном составе.
Странно, на консоли всё работает. Сижу, апаю рейт до золота и насмехаюсь над Патом.
крюк откатывается вместо 15с -> 35с
У Пата кулдаун крюка увеличен до 30 секунд, а у Миража переработали способности и дали больше возможностей. Вообще после последнего патча игра заиграла новыми красками. Дам тебе ссылку на описание патча на Реддите, но вкратце опишу:
1. Лоба=Пат, разве что ульты разные;
2. Октан — самый быстрые ноги во всей игре, также снизили кулдаун батута;
3. Кустик — его газ больше не замедляет тиммейтов, стало проще играть на нём;
На консоле надо играть
А как, прости, консоли фиксят сервера, абузеров и баги?
Хз, как то фиксят видимо. Все работает как часы.
Ну у меня коробке был 1 (один) вылет за несколько сотен матчей. На других платформах не играл в апекс, не знаю как там дела.
У консолей так-то другой сетевой код
Так они на консолях и сговорились. Там речь про сервера Xbox
Комментарий удален по просьбе пользователя
В нестабильные 50 кадров и 720р? Не, пасиб
Ну хз, за 2 дня новой обновы, только 1 раз вылет был. И то сразу реконект сработал. Раньше было намного хуже. ред.
У меня было весело.
Там есть труба с лутбоксом, из которой вроде как выпавший лут не достать. Стреляю в него - вылет из матча. Возвращаюсь, стреляю снова - вылет. И так 4 раза, потом я решил больше не искушать судьбу =)
Ну, видно рандомам в моих матчах и мне везет меньше)
Раза четыре ловил сегодня гейм лоджик или как ее там.
Brandon “Ace” Winn
Brandon Winn is a Wraith main.
Brandon Winn is an American player on the NRG Esports team. He has an aggressive play style with his main legend, Wraith.
- He and his team won TwitchCon San Diego 2019, with a grand prize of $60,000
- He plays with 800 DPI on a Logitech G Pro Wireless mouse.
- NRG Esports’ first win was during qualifying finals for Twitch’s 2019 Apex Legends Challenge, which did not have a cash prize.
Watch Ace in action:
Coby “Dizzy” Meadows
Coby Meadows is a Wraith and Pathfinder main.
Coby “Dizzy” Meadows is an American player on the NRG Esports team. He has an aggressive play style with both Wraith and Pathfinder. He’s widely regarded as the world’s best player.
- Once held the most eliminations in a single game, 33.
- Won the first ever tournament for Apex Legends.
- Is a former CS:GO Professional Player.
Watch Dizzy in action:
Lucas Hakansson is a Pathfinder main.
Lucas “Mendokusaii” Håkansson is a Swedish player, currently playing primarily Pathfinder for Team Liquid. He has a defensive play style centered around predicting player movements.
- Former Overwatch Professional Player for Houston Outlaws.
- Beat Dizzy’s 33 elimination record with 36.
- Plays with 450 DPI.
Watch Mendokusaii in action:
Jordan “HusKers” Thomas
Jordan Thomas is a Pathfinder main.
Jordan “HusKers” Thomas is an American player, currently utilising his defensive Pathfinder for Rogue, a team somewhat new to the Apex Legends scene.
- He and his team won $74,000 at the 2019 Twitch Apex Legends Challenge Finals.
- Plays with 400 DPI.
- Played on Team SoloMid for past Apex Legends tournaments.
Watch HusKers in action:
Colton “Viss” Visser
Colton Visser is an Octane main.
Colton “Viss” Visser is an American player for Team SoloMid and VissRespect the Kraft. He has an extremely aggressive playstyle with Octane.
- Plays with 400 DPI
- VissRespect the Kraft is the name of his personal team with Dr. Disrespect and RealKraftyy.
- VissRespect the Kraft has not finished 1st in an Apex Legends tournament yet.
Watch Viss in action:
Jesse “RealKraftyy” Kraft
Jesse Kraft is a Bloodhound main.
Jesse “RealKraftyy” Kraft is an American player, currently streaming for Team SoloMid and competing for VissRespect the Kraft. His defensive playstyle pairs well with his main, Bloodhound.
- Member of the VissRespect the Kraft competitive team.
- Plays with a FOV of 106, which is slightly less than average for a competitive player.
- 650,000 on Twitch.
Watch RealKraftyy in action:
Herschel “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm
Herschel Beahm is a Pathfinder and Wraith main
Herschel “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm is an American full-time streamer, currently streaming Apex with an aggressive Pathfinder and Wraith.
- Almost 7’ tall.
- Won the ESPN Pro-Am Apex Legends match with a prize of $2,000.
- Competes in tournaments with the VissRespect the Kraft team.
Watch Dr. Disrespect in action:
Félix “xQc” Lengyel
Felix Lyngyel is a Wraith main.
Felix “xQc” Lyngyel is a Canadian born, American player who mains Wraith with an aggressive playstyle.
- Member of the FULL TRIHARD competitive team.
- banned from Overwatch and Twitch.
- Former Overwatch competitive player.
Watch xQc in action:
Mark “Dropped” Thees
Mark Thees is a Wraith main.
Mark “Dropped” Thees is an American player with an aggressive playstyle. His current main is Wraith.
- Member of Rogue and HusKers competitive team.
- Came 1st in 2019 Twitch Apex Legends Challenge Qualifier and Finals
- 16,000 followers on Twitch
Watch Dropped in action:
Mike “Shroud” Grzesiek
Mike Grzesiek is a Wraith main.
Mike “Shroud” Grzesiek is a Canadian Apex Legends Player with an aggressive playstyle as Wraith.
- Former member of Cloud9.
- Current member of The Broys competitive team.
- 5.6 million subscribers on YouTube.
Watch Shroud in action:
Chris “Sweetdreams” Sexton
Chris Sexton is a Wattson main.
Chris “Sweetdreams” Sexton is an American player, currently playing for Rogue with an aggressive play style as Wattson.
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