Sniper fury обзор
Сейчас уже не время для дипломатии. Пора приступать к активным действиям. Мы решили подключить к операции лучшего в мире снайпера и уничтожить врага, где бы он не оказался. Это не шутки. Будем играть по-взрослому.
• Более 130 рискованных заданий
• Солдаты, наземная и воздушная техника, а также множество врагов других классов
• Суперсовременный киноэффект «Время пули» не позволит пропустить ни одно меткое попадание
• Песчаные бури, гроза, шторм и другие атмосферные явления
• Снайперские, штурмовые винтовки, магнитные пушки, а также сверхсекретные виды вооружения
• Собирай детали и прокачай свой боевой арсенал
• Уникальные настройки оружия
• Взломай защиту других игроков и забери себе их ресурсы в PvP-режиме
• Собери сильную команду, чтобы вместе охранять заработанное добро в PvP-режиме
• Разнообразное поведение ИИ делает действия каждого врага уникальными
• Дополнительные награды за участие в специальных акциях
• Присоединяйся к игровому сообществу и открой новый контент, еще больше конкурсов и наград!
• Заработай достаточно очков, вступи в лигу и открой для себя новые награды! Затем загляни в Списки лидеров и выясни, кто занимает передовые позиции в лиге. Защищай свое золото и позицию от посягательств с новой защитной системой ЩИТ.
• Вступай в существующий снайперский клан или создай новый и играй вместе с другими игроками.
• Продавай или делись ресурсами со своими соратниками по Клану ради обоюдного усиления позиций.
• Групповой чат позволяет вместе разработать стратегию или просто пообщаться друг с другом.
• Построй для своего Клана специальную базу, где его участники смогут сообща работать над его развитием. Здания базы могут открыть кучу всевозможных перков, как например PvP-бонус, соратников 5-го ранга и многое другое.
• Настройся на новый режим игры, где Кланы выступят друг против друга в смертельном противостоянии. Объяви войну конкурирующему Клану, ослабь его Ядро реактора и захвати ресурсы противника!
Описание контента для взрослых
Разработчики описывают контент так:
Sniper Fury features intense violence, blood and gore of human & humanoid creatures (zombies, aliens, werewolves) including dismemberment & head explosions.
11Посмотрим на игру Sniper Fury - шутер, вышедший сегодня в Стиме! Впечатления смешанные, потому смотрите ролик и сами решайте - стоит ли это творение внимания или нет.
Поддержка на развитие канала:
- WMZ - Z268808702719
- WMR - R184842665344
Если ролик понравился - не забудь поставить лайк, прокомментировать и подписаться на канал! Всем приятного просмотра!"
Greetings, Snipers! This update brings new content and changes. Get ready to experience all of them!
- Consumables:
The duration of the Mobility consumable has been reduced to 15s. - Mods:
The Motivity mod values will be reduced from 2-8% to 1-7% cooldown reduction, based on the arena rank.
The maximum cooldown reduction provided by the Motivity mods will be reduced from 75% to 60%. - Relocation:
Increased cooldown from 18 seconds to 24 seconds. - Weapons:
The weapons have been rebalanced and now all the classes have similar power but excel in different situations:
Assault. Best for close-range.
Railgun. Best for medium-range.
Sniper. Best for long-range.
- Squadmates’ Bonus Based on Tier:
The victory chance bonus of squadmates’ fights has been increased to 6% for each tiers of difference between the squadmates. - Class Counter Bonus:
The victory chance bonus provided by countering the defending squadmate’s class has been lowered to 9%.
- Blueprints’ System:
The number of blueprints required have been reduced in the early regions (6 to 14) to ease the new players’ progression and reduce the grind. - Story Missions’ Rewards:
They’ve been slightly increased to ease the progression through the regions. - Region Weapons’ Upgrade Costs:
The upgrade costs of the weapons from region 1 to 7 have been consistently decreased to allow an easier progression through the story missions without being forced to complete too many secondary missions. - Warlord Challenges:
The missions that require to kill rpg or sniper squadmates, which provided medium tier squadmates from Region 3, will now provide squadmates with an increasing tier based on the players’ current region.
Up until Region 3 they will provide Tier 1 squadmates.- From Region 4 to 11 they will provide Tier 1-3 squadmates.
- From Region 13 to 22 they will provide Tier 3-5 squadmates.
- From Region 23+ they will provide Tier 4-7 squadmates.
The squadmates provided have been now fully substituted with the sets used in the exclusive pack. - From Region 4 to 11 they will provide Tier 1-3 squadmates.
- Non-Scaling Region Weapons:
We are going to progressively reduce the number of weapons that can be used in regions that do not have scaling values based on the region and have instead only flat values. Those weapons will be provided with better stats than the regular ones, with a value increase up to 50%, depending on the weapon.
- Arena Packs:
The drop chances of the mods have been redistributed, now it’s more difficult to find permanent mods, due to their high value.
Now it’s possible to find consumables in the premium packs as well, but in higher quantities compared to the regular packs. - Master Pack:
The squadmates’ sets have been updated with new ones (with more effective stats).
Now it provides Ninjas and Suppressors in addition to the other squadmates classes.
Protectors, Ninjas and Suppressors are the classes with the highest drop rate for this pack. - Bronze Pack:
The squadmates present in this pack have been updated with the sets used in the exclusive pack. - Silver Pack:
The squadmates present in this pack have been updated with the sets used in the exclusive pack.
- The maximum tier squadmates can be upgraded to has been increased to 11.
- Consumables cap has been increased from 99 to 150.
- Theme: Undead Witchcraft October
- Halloween Specials
- Frozen items and Holiday content for the
- During the next months, you’ll start seeing more of the new squadmate shields (Void Shield, Ice Veil, Magma Vortex, Chaos Ring, Obsidian Wall).
- Also keep your eyes on the new weapons; some of them will be particularly effective against these new shields.
- After leaving Tokyo you’ll be relocated to the Desert for your next missions – Egypt and Dubai await! But don’t get used to it, as soon as November hits, it’ll start getting frosty.
- Arena Holobadges provided with the arena season will, from now on, have different perks and combinations.
- We have fixed the exploit that generated illegal Tier 11 squadmates and have performed a sweep to remove them from the game. A second sweep is in planning. Stay tuned for news!
The Forum is closing down starting 7th July 2021.
Hop onboard Discord and let's continue the conversations there. ːsteamhappyː
Those of you who are familiar with the Forum, will discover the structure is pretty similar and easy to navigate:
Plus much more!
You'll find the community is helpful and engaged, plus there's support from Moderators, MVPs, and Game Masters, which we're very thankful for! ːsteamthumbsupː
See you on the other side!
Comrades, assemble for instruction!
This update is a big one and you’ll need to be prepared.
• The Forge
We’re launching a new feature to help unload some of the items you don’t need or don’t want to use anymore. What you can gain? That’s your choice. You’ll be able to pick rewards ranging from gear, to bullets, base defenses, banners, even consumables and packs - and that’s not all.
How it works
The Forge works similarly to our VIP events; you win by reaching milestones one by one, the main difference being that in the Forge the choice is yours – you pick what to trade (among gear packs, gold bundles, craft parts, squadmate bundles* or weapons) and what you get out of it.
*the squadmate bundles are preset bundles we’ve made to help you generate fuel faster
The event consists of 2 stages:
Time to show off your resource management skills!
Step 1: choose the rewards you’ve set your eyes on and add them one by one in the available slots**. You can choose the same reward more than once.
Step 2: burn items from your Inventory as fuel and claim the chosen rewards
**you will sometimes find slots or items that require your action, like:
- predefined items occupying a slot; you can either keep it or change it by using rubies
- items that you can only add if you have added x amount of items before (at least x slots have to be occupied)
- premium rewards; you can only add them to the Forge by spending rubies
Important notes:
The feature is available starting Region 4.
When adding an item as fuel, you will see the amount it contributes with, right under its image. Once burned, items cannot be restored, so be mindful of what you choose!
If you have time, you can ignite the Forge multiple times while the event is running.
- Steadfast + Resistant – immune to critical hits and debuffs.
- Steadfast + Resurrect – immune to critical hits and resurrects upon death, if the gadget isn't destroyed in time.
- Resistant + Resurrect – immune to debuffs and resurrects upon death, if the gadget isn't destroyed in time.
- Vigilant + Steadfast – not affected by Sleeping Gas (regular version) and is immune to critical hits.
- Vigilant + Resistant – not affected by Sleeping Gas (regular version) and is not affected by debuffs.
- Vigilant + Resurrect – not affected by Sleeping Gas (regular version) and resurrects upon death, if the gadget isn't destroyed in time.
Anti-Consumable Perks
- Anti Godlike – not affected by the Godlike boost
- Super Vigilant – not affected by the Platinum version of the Sleeping Gas consumable (which bypasses the normal Vigilant perk)
- Anti Jackpot – nullifies the effects of the Jackpot consumable (if it can be doable); works only on the standard Jackpot, the Platinum one is not affected by this
- Anti Ghost – nullifies the effects of the Ghost consumable
5 new shield perks
- Void Shield
- Ice Veil
- Magma Vortex
- Chaos Ring
- Obsidian Wall
• Arena buffs & nerfs
The Arena has been infested with fleas and you’ve asked us to handle it. Here are a few from a series of changes that are bound to help re-establish some balance in this game mode.
- the cooldown of Relocate ability has been increased from 15s to 18s;
- the Mobility consumable has now an increased cooldown after its usage, it was 10s and now it’s 30s.
- the max value of Motivity has been reduced from 12% to 8%
We’ll continue to monitor the activity in the Arena, and establish the next course of action based on your feedback. The plan is to gradually introduce changes to ensure balance.
• General Chat improvements
We’ve switched up to an upgraded online censoring system (it sends the input to the server and it checks if the word is blacklisted or not). Plus, we’ve made adjustments to the previous lists of banned words.
This system will also give you more flexibility when choosing a clan or player name.
The clan description will continue to work as before.
Just remember to keep it fun, casual and clean!
• Transparent weapon upgrade requirements
The upgrade requirements for weapons have always been available as you progress through TLEs, but you’ve asked to know more in advance. Said and done! Look out for the event pop-ups and read more about completion requirements.
• Consumables activation
Some consumables will no longer activate automatically; you will be able to store them in inventory and activate them manually. This affects:
- Unlimited Energy for 10 min.
- Unlimited Spotter for 10 min.
- Unlimited Slow Time for 10 min.
- Triple XP for 10 min.
- Double XP for 15 min.
Starting with the previous update, back in March, we launched the Bug Fixing Roadmap on Trello.
- Killed so far: 20 bugs
- Working on fixing: 20 issues
- Anti-hacking investigations: 3 ongoing exploits
• Your feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so we’ll continue running the Monthly VIP Events, in addition to the regular VIPs.
• We've changed some enemy types in Exotic Events:
- Alien Sky enemies changed to XXV squadmate set
- Carmine Blizzard enemies changed to XXII squadmate set
- Dam of Doom enemies changed to XVI squadmate set
- Stranded enemies changed to XVIII squadmate set
• Made some visual adjustments to the DAM location:
- removed the radioactivity,
- removed green decals
- removed all radioactive elements
• We’ve added another layer to the Cellstrike Lucky Draw; after you win all the prizes, you can restart it for a wheel full of consumable items.
We were very happy to be able to launch the Memorial Squad last month. As some of you noticed and mentioned, we were not able to commemorate all of our fallen snipers as heroes in the game, but this was just the beginning. With your support, we will maybe turn this into an annual Memorial Day Event.
In the meantime, we are adding a section in the game Credits to remember not only the members of the Memorial Squad, but all the other Snipers you told us about on our social channels during the remembrance campaign. They will not be forgotten!
Forum Closure
The official Gameloft Forums will be closing very soon. We are considering newer, more modern, and more user-friendly options to communicate with all of you. The Sniper Fury Forum will be substituted by our two official Discord servers, which starting with this update you’ll find linked in the About section of the game.
Discontinuing operations on Windows 8/ 8.1 and iOS 9
Sniper Fury will no longer be available on your device if you’re running on Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or iOS 9. In order to continue playing, you will need to upgrade the operating system. We strongly advise you save your progress with your social account so you can continue where you left off after the upgrade.
We have everything in place, and ready to go live ASAP.
The battlefield is ready. Are you?
Sniper Fury, свежий шутер от Gameloft уже появился в App Store и Google Play. Он предлагает вам начать борьбу с терроризмом, выполняя снайперские миссии по всему миру.
Так как эта игра скорее организована как виртуальный тир, то, возможно, многие геймеры будут разочарованы. В ней вам придётся искать врагов на экране с помощью свайпов и отстреливать их, предварительно прицелившись. Игра неплохо анимирована, но традиционного для шутеров насилия в ней вы не обнаружите — всё будет весьма скромно, да и экшна, судя по отзывам уже опробовавших её геймеров явно маловато.
Игровая механика реализована просто и доступно для понимания, а вот апгрейды оружия слишком неглубоки и настоящей отдачи от них вы не почувствуете.
Неплохое впечатление производит режим асинхронного мультиплеера, в котором вы сможете нападать на базы ваших врагов, но он требует большого количества энергии – извечной проблемы всех игр от Gameloft.
В целом, отзывы о Sniper Fury свидетельствуют, что эта игра опоздала со своим появлением – шутеры такого рода были востребованы пару лет назад, а сейчас правят бал игры несколько более динамичные и зрелищные.
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