Simcity 4 топ модов
VanHiest ты вроде летом сообщал что ты скачивал трамвай, но ты им не пользуешся поэтому 2-ва вопроса:
- почему не пользуешся?
- можеш мне скинуть трамвайный мод?
PS. как-то по чей-то ссылке видал в симпрополисе картинку мода железнодорожной платформы, большой вместимости (5000) а главное 2-х сторонней! точно как у нас - пригородные платформы электричек, не кто это чудо себе не скачивал, не устанавливал?
Платформы: А вообще забиваешь в поисковике симтрополиса слово "railway" и глазеешь на скрины. Там много станций с платформами.
А подскажите как устанавливать моды в СимСити 4, а то я скачал мод The Bomb, а теперь установить не магу.
Maxis’ SimCity series was a pioneer in the city-building genre. Amateur urban engineers worldwide could immerse themselves and just go ham on their cities.
Nowadays, the city-building genre is more successful than ever thanks to games like Cities: Skylines, but few can match the charm of the classics like SimCity 4.
Since this first came out in 2003, it isn’t exactly the most sophisticated game compared to more recent titles. Still, a vibrant modding community has released enough updates for SC4 to stand proud among modern city-builders.
You could begin by installing some fixes and you could spend hours picking new buildings to bring into your simulation, but that’ll only take you so far.
Here I want to share the best mods that are genuinely essential for an updated and improved SC4 experience.
Keep in mind that most of these mods are hosted on sites that require you to register, but it’s always easy and free. And if you like SimCity 4, you’ll be glad you did.
20. Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant
There are countless buildings and lots online that can improve your city building experience.
But I’ll focus on a few simple structures with the potential to completely change the game.
The Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant by creator Sim151 is one of them, helping you diminish the environmental impact of your sprawling industrialist metropolis while also occupying less space than your average Water Purification lot.
It looks pretty legit. And it even creates more jobs for any environmentally-conscious Sims who don’t want to work in polluting industries.
19. Air Purification Plant
Also by Sim151 comes another environmentally-friendly structure – the Air Purification Plant.
It’ll appear listed under “parks”, but no park can give you the level of air cleanliness that this monument to human engineering can.
With it, your industry-heavy city will have no trouble continuing its growth without its inhabitants having to wear masks to work.
It also looks incredibly cool. With a sort of bio-industrial design that brings together the sober concrete with the lush greens of nature.
18. Police Headquarters
One of the most difficult-to-deal-with issues you’ll almost always run into as your city grows is criminality, requiring you to build a police station every two blocks if you wish to retake peace from the hands of wrongdoers.
These massive Police Headquarters by modder JoeRG will solve the issue by covering a colossal radius that’s enough for most megalopolises.
It even has a built-in jail, diminishing the need for a dedicated structure.
Build a couple of these, and you’ll turn an average town into a crime-less dystopia with a police patrol behind every corner.
Big Brother is watching.
17. Steet Cul-de-sac Mod
Real-life cities and suburban areas are filled with cut-off two-way streets that lead nowhere in particular, and cities in SimCity 4 are no different.
With this Cul-de-sac mod by creator Quirlix, any cut-off streets will end in an aesthetically-pleasing cul-de-sac. So?
Well, this allows you to design realistic suburbs and other similar residential areas.
Keep in mind that this change goes a bit beyond the aesthetic and into functionality, so be sure to check out the usage instructions for more information.
16. Crime Doesn’t Pay
We’ve already covered the authoritarian wet dream that is the massive Police Headquarters. But some of you would rather let your Sims roam free, rather than throw them in jail after a few bad decisions.
Well thanks to RaphaelNinja, you can keep them free as a bird.
The Crime Doesn’t Pay mod can almost eliminate crime in a big city with just a couple of small, community-run police stations.
It doesn’t entirely remove crime from the simulation, but it makes it considerably more manageable.
Vanilla SimCity 4 has a built-in day-night cycle, but many users – myself included – find it much too subtle.
Just keep in mind that this mod directly modifies the textures of almost everything to achieve its effect, and may not work on any new structures you install if they don’t specify it.
14. SimCity 4 Extra Cheats Plug-in
The Extra Cheats Plug-in is one of the most interesting tools on this list due to its origins.
In fact, it was a tool used by the developers during testing, and was only released to the public years later by Buggi, a SimTropolis user.
This nifty tool will allow you to cheat in almost every way, from giving yourself unlimited Simoleons to making it snow, or just setting down a new structure for free wherever and whenever you want.
Keep in mind that this was never designed for recreational use. So it may lead to some stability issues in the simulation, depending on how you use it.
13. RoadTop Mass Transit Plug-in
Roads and transportation are some of the most important things you have to take care of manually for your simulated cities to take off and become sprawling metropolises.
This incredible mod by user DarkMatter makes designing a functional public transportation system much easier by allowing you to build both Bus and Subway stops directly on top of roads rather than to the sides.
This way, there’s no need for any urban re-designing, and your roads will look much more regular.
12. SC4Terraformer
Only the truly hardcore will find any use in the next couple of mods.
But considering you’re playing SimCity 4 about 20+ years after its initial release, maybe that’s you.
The SC4Terraformer was made by SC4Devotion user Wounagaine to simplify creating custom-made regions where to start your cities. As such, it includes several tools for visualization and modification of the terrain.
Whether you want to make a mountainous region or one where water plays a significant role, this tool will turn those ideas into reality.
11. SC4Mapper
Once you’re done with creating new regions, you may want to share them, and that’s where SC4Mapper comes in.
This simple tool lets you take overview pictures of regions, as well as export them and, better yet, import them.
That means you can go into SC4-focused forums, check out other player’s regions and try them out yourself.
If you’re active in the SC4 community, this is a must.
10. Hole Digging Lots
Sometimes, you don’t need to create an entirely new region. But rather make some minor modifications to the one you’re playing in.
In real life, you can hire a firm to move dirt around for you.
In SimCity 4, you’ll have to install this Hole Digging Lots mod by Smoncrie, which simply introduces a lot programmed to dig a 1-lot hole, along with another set to create a 1-lot hill.
Whether you use it to build underpasses, the entrance to tunnels or even an entire city under sea-level like in the Netherlands, this tool makes is a breeze.
9. “Stupid News Ticker” Mod
One of the most annoying aspects of playing an unmodded SimCity 4, and even many newer city-builders, is the excessive amount of “news” you get about what’s going on in the city.
This mod by RedLotus is designed with the idea that this newsfeed is supposed to be a tool instead of just a source of mild entertainment.
It’ll completely discard anything that doesn’t require you to react, leaving you with major upgrade alerts, population milestones, and anything linked to immediate problems.
With it, you’ll no longer have to sift through hundreds of Baby Shower invitations to find the news that require your attention.
8. Opera House Fix
Culture and entertainment are important.
But most cities don’t have a massive temple to the arts every few blocks.
And frankly, they probably don’t need it.
Opera Houses in SC4 have a surprisingly low capacity, limiting the growth of your cities by becoming overcrowded.
The fact that its capacity is a hidden number doesn’t help in identifying the problem.
This mod by Toroca not only makes it easy to see the Opera House’s inner workings, but actually increases their capacity.
This means they’re more realistic and useful, rather than limiting.
7. Functional Landmarks Complete Set
In real life, landmarks aren’t only memorials to times past.
But also sources of tourist income and jobs for the surrounding population.
This mod, also made by user Toroca, makes your SC4 landmarks more than mere decoration.
They’ll create jobs now, and you’ll get to decide how many posts each of them brings in.
Not only is it more realistic, but it’ll let you fill your cities with beautiful landmarks without wasting prime real estate.
6. IH Missing $$$ Jobs Fix
The technology industry is one of the fastest-growing sources of wealth the world over.
And it shouldn’t be any different in SimCity 4.
Regrettably, vanilla SC4 has a tiny bug causing tech industry zones to create a demand for high-earning Sims without actually employing them.
Thanks to creator HeinBloed4711, you only have to install this simple mod to restore IH industrial zones to their intended working order.
5. SimPeg Agricultural Mod (SPAM)
Vanilla SimCity4 treats agriculture and all related structures as a temporary step towards a bustling industrialized metropolis, making them utterly unsustainable in the long run.
But what if you want to create a green city where Sims can reach toward the future? Without losing their connection to the land as well, of course.
This mod by Pegasus does just that.
It changes how farms work and what they can provide to a city. If you want to understand how to build an agricultural enclave in SC4, be sure to check the ReadMe file here before installing.
4. Colossus Addon Mod
If you’ve already seen cities rise and fall several times and feel like you’ve experienced all the SC4 simulation can do for you, consider this revolutionary mod.
The Colossus Add-on by InvisiChem alters the economic, demographic, and environmental simulation on a deep level to accommodate for new growth stages for most zones, fundamentally changing the way cities develop.
Among other things, this maximizes the potential of industrial districts, making sustained growth easier to achieve.
3. Industrial Revolution Mod (IRM)
Speaking of maximizing the potential of industrial districts, we can’t overlook the Industrial Revolution Mod.
Developed by creator Twrecks, the IRM makes a wealth of changes to industrial lots with enjoyment in mind, making them look less repetitive.
They’ll also evolve more organically.
With it, you can choose the kind of industrial district look you want, including brick-heavy old-timey ones and more modern, minimal-looking facilities.
They’ll no longer be an unavoidable ugly part of town.
But rather the beating heart that keeps the city moving.
2. Network Addon Mod (NAM)
Ask anyone online what’s the most essential mod for SimCity 4, and they’ll say “NAM” 100% of the time.
This massive mod by the NAM Team is a compilation of transport-related fixes, additions, and expansions that bring countless new features into the transport system.
These features include new overpasses, highways on ramps, better intersections, and many, many more goodies.
It’s easy to install, and it will forever change the way you design your cities, giving you a level of freedom you’ve only dreamed of until now.
1. SC4 Launcher
While the NAM is the most essential mod you need, there’s something even more fundamental that you really shouldn’t ignore.
Created by Logic_Bomb, the SC4 Launcher is a tool that’ll solve a bunch of issues before even running the game.
It applies fixes to issues you never knew were there, mostly to help with stability.
It’ll also let you set auto-save intervals, disable or enable the intro cinematic, and more.
And this launcher auto-detects your resolution and determines the best settings for your computer. Add to that the built-in Mod Manager, and you’ll begin to see why this has to be at the top.
Nelson Chitty
Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. He’s a writer and translator passionate about history and foreign cultures. His ideal weekend is spent between leisurely playing games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon.
While SimCity 2013 did move the series forward with new features, many saw it as a huge step back due to the online-only nature of the game. This effectively made it impossible to play at launch due to server issues.
Things have improved considerably since then, but it’s fair to say that players want more from this title.
Fast forward to today and SimCity 2013 is more alive than ever, in large part thanks to the many mods developed by the community.
Whether you’re picking this up for the first time or just looking to replay some SimCity fun, here’s a list of all the best mods we feel truly improve the game: new features, new visuals, and new reasons to keep you glued to your PC.
15. The Unisphere
If you want your city to be the best looking of all time, you need a memorable landmark.
Even if you lift it straight from another city.
14. Public Transport Stops
Modders have come to the rescue once again, with a mod that introduces new Public Transport Stops for Trams, Buses, and School Buses.
13. Central Train Station
This new Central Train Station not only looks quite good, but it also has some neat features that you would never see in vanilla.
Such as the ability to build this train station on roads, tracks, and at a much higher capacity. The downside is that you can only use it in offline mode.
12. Museum
Museums are great to have in your city.
Not only they will make your citizens more educated, but they’ll also line up your pockets with money.
This museum mod, which can only be used offline, is both a landmark and a library that will make it easier for you to earn tons of money thanks to its gift shop.
With something like this in the city, you definitely have the chance of becoming the mayor of the year. Or even of the century!
11. World Trade Center Pack
The World Trade Center was a true New York City landmark until tragedy struck on 9/11.
Gone but never forgotten, as they say.
One of the best ways to remember these older days of NYC is to keep the memory of the Twin Towers alive inside Sim City 2013.
10. HQ Upgrades
If you pull the plug(or rather your router cable) a whole new world of possibility will open up.
Among the best mods you can download for SimCity 2013 offline is this HQ Upgrades mod. It’ll let you obtain HQ upgrades instantly.
9. New RCI 1.1
A city thrives as long as its citizens do. So enough talk, let’s get to thriving.
The New RCI 1.1 mod is actually a pretty complex addition to the game. It allows your city to have more citizens while reducing the number of total buildings needed.
8. SUGC Pack
The number of mods released for Sim City 2013 can be so overwhelming that you may give up on installing any of them altogether.
Or, you can just take a look at this pack to see the world of possibilities modding opens up.
All the mods included are compatible with one another, too. So you can enjoy a newer Sim City 2013 without having to worry about glitches, crashes, and all those annoyances that come with modding… well, the won’t be coming with this pack!
7. Coastline and Waterways Tools
All the best cities in the world have thriving ports that bring tourism and trade.
The best city in the world has one that can be placed wherever you want.
The Coastline and Waterways Tools is a must-try addon that allows you to place docks for both the trade port and ferry wherever you want. Their efficacy is not getting increased, to tell the truth… but this is not important when you have the ability to customize how your city looks without any limitations.
6. The Extended Worker Data
Having a constant and reliable flow of data in SimCity 2013 is no longer something unattainable, all thanks to the Extended Worker Data mod.
5. Regional Bridge and Tunnels
So imagine my joy when I found out about the Regional Bridge and Tunnels mod.
This introduces a variety of different tunnels and bridges that can be used in a lot of different city designs, no matter the theme you’re following, no matter their size.
4. Project Orion
Project Orion is an essential mod for SimCity 2013. Why?
It lets you push way beyond the boundaries set by the developers.
While the project is rather complex, all you need to know about Orion is that it adds an extended map that is much bigger than the vanilla one. As such, it may bring performance and stability issues for older systems, but this is a risk that every true SimCity player should take.
You’ll be busy for hours, trust me.
Installing Project Orion properly can be a feat in itself. It needs a lot of different mods to function properly.
2. UniDirectional Networks
Any true modern city needs to have massive elevated road networks to be considered a big boy.
Even your virtual cities.
This UniDirectional Networks mod allows you to create elevated road networks to help alleviate traffic and cram more people into your sardine city.
Now this can only be employed in offline mode, so keep that in mind. But with these new tools, you really have the chance to show off your creativity.
1. Project Akar: UI Enhancement
A game like SimCity 2013 needs an amazing user interface.
An interface like the one introduced by Project Akar!
Custom tools, modifications and enhancements for SimCity 4.
829 Files
CoriBoom MySimtropolis: Members Immortalized in SC4
Total of 166 Members Included (So Far)
Following the Sign Up thread, we announced the successful breakthrough technical development of a hex editing method. This has allowed data to be imported in the MySim entry format recognised by the game, adding each to the selection panel. There's a seemingly unlimited number of places, and so we've asked members to volunteer and have their ST identity preserved in our mod.
The profile for each MySimtropolis Sim consists of:
Avatar Name Gender Zodiac
As of this update (11 Oct 2021), the following members are included as part of this initiative:
IMPORTANT: The main files must not be installed inside Plugins, unlike regular SC4 content!
Inside the zip file there is a readme document and 2 folders:
Copy entire contents to: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\SimCity 4\MySim
This contains the avatars of each Sim as 36x41 BMP files, each featuring TPPT corner transparency. Most essentially it also contains a file named MySims.dat which is the 'brains' behind all the functionality being the hex data.
If the "MySim" folder doesn't already exist, it needs creating at this location.
Note: For the Aspyr/App Store Mac version, this MySim folder must be created at:
/Users/UserName/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.simcity4.appstore/Data/Documents/SimCity 4/MySim
Locale (Recommended)
Copy included file to: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins
This is an optional file named MySimtropolis_Rulez.dat which serves as an overhaul to the MySim Mode. (See details below for more info.)
Note: For the Aspyr/App Store Mac version, the Plugins folder is located at:
/Users/UserName/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.simcity4.appstore/Data/Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins
Thanks to @c4bl3fl4m3 for clarifying the Mac details!
The Selection Panel
Here is where all the MySims can be viewed. There are 3 rows of 7 per page, and they're all listed in sequence as per the order of immortalization for those who've signed up.
As follows:
The pages can be navigated by clicking each number, and over on the left side there are filter options to sort alphabetically, by gender, or zodiac sign.
Please Note:
Although we've made every effort to ensure data entry is correct, we are human and it's possible there are mistakes. Should you notice anything in error or wish to request an avatar amendment, feel free to post in the main thread, the comments below, or send us a PM to let us know. Thanks!
MySimtropolis Rulez (Recommended)
This is an added bonus which transforms the display of the MySims Mode. The most notable feature is by removing all default Sims from the selection panel. It also renames titles and labels in the menus. It's not required for the MySims to be displayed in the game, but for added authenticity it's something we recommend using too.
In Summary:
Prevents the default MySims from displaying for selection. Renames "My Sim Mode" to "MySimtropolis Mode". Renames "Select A My Sim" to "Select MySimtropolis Member". Renames "My Sims" to "Resident <CityName> MySimtropolis Sims".
Plus over 20 other locale edits in-keeping with the MySimtropolis idea.
Note: As an alternative to the main Rulez file, there's also a "Less Rulez" edition available here.
Use this version instead if you wish to preserve the 21 built-in Sims as well.
You can join too!
You may have just become aware of this mod, and at this point might be wondering if you can also be immortalized as a MySim. The good news is it's not too late, nor is there a deadline to join yourself. The idea is anyone can post and be included in the next available slot just like everyone else.
Sign up in this thread:
You can be next.
We'll then release periodic updates to this file entry here on the STEX, including those newly immortalized who are equally welcome to be part of this as well. We plan to do this in batches, aiming for around a weekly basis (time dependent of course on our other current commitments).
Want to share your MySimtropolis pics?
Post in the dedicated Show Us Your MySimtropolis Sims topic.
Interested in the technical details as a quick and efficient means of adding your own MySims?
View this thread:
MySims.dat - The Techy, Hexy Details
As a little bonus.
Additionally, everyone who signs up to be included receives a special commemorative profile badge.
As follows:
Future Idea
In due course as hinted about here, we've got an additional mod planned, expanding on the usefulness of MySims to measure simulation factors with greater accuracy.
Stay tuned!
Special Thanks
From what started as something prospectively small, the response to our idea has been overwhelmingly positive and kind. Cori and I both agree this reception and feedback already fully exceeded our expectations. We're truly grateful for everyone who has decided to get involved, and anyone who still wishes to do so.
Thanks to each and every one of you.
MySimtropolis quite simply wouldn't have been possible otherwise, and this release is our gift to you all.
// CoriBoom™ Productions Release \\
MySimtropolis v1.166 — (11 Oct 2021)
Updated Monday at 09:18 PM
Colossus Addon Mod
Updated June 24, 2018
SC4Fix: Third-party patches for SC4
Updated January 21, 2018
Updated April 3, 2020
nam 42 Network Addon Mod (NAM) - Cross-Platform
The Network Addon Mod (NAM) combines all transportation network-related fixes, additions and new creations that have been released so far. It will add countless new features to the existing network tools, such as new overpasses, highway onramps, intersections, ped-malls, a ground light rail network, roundabouts and turning lanes.
This is the standard release version of the 42nd edition of the Network Addon Mod, NAM 42.
See below for installation details and a list of new features in the Changelog at the very bottom.
In memory of Paul Pedriana, Lead Programmer for SimCity 4, who passed away in July 2021 from a sudden heart attack while cycling. Thank you, Paul, for everything--we wouldn't be here without you.
Before you run off in excitement to install the new NAM version, please make sure to read this (short) document first, to ensure the best Network Addon Mod experience.
Note that without the 4GB Patch being properly applied to the game by Windows (and Linux/WINE) users (or the use of the "Low RAM/No RHW" Controller option for users on lower-spec systems/32-bit operating systems), the game will crash to desktop.
The installation for the NAM on Windows has changed, as there is now a batch file (NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version42.bat) that users should run to begin installation, which will automate the 4GB Patch process.
macOS users should continue to use the .jar file, and since the macOS version is a 64-bit application, the 4GB Patch is not required on macOS.
Java Runtime Environment (available from AdoptOpenJDK--a 64-bit Windows copy of JRE 11 is enclosed in the download)
[For Windows Users running the 4GB Full NAM Controller and RealHighway (RHW) System]: NTCore 4GB Patch (included in download (4gb_patch.exe) with new automated installation (NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version42.bat), or available from NTCore)
A copy of SimCity 4 Deluxe/Rush Hour. Windows/Linux copies must be updated to at least Version 1.1.638. (GOG and Steam digital copies are already at Version 1.1.641 and ready to use with the NAM.) Only the Steam version of the Aspyr macOS port is supported on macOS 11 (Big Sur) and later, as the App Store version no longer supports mods, due to Big Sur's sandboxing changes.
New Features for NAM 42
See the Changelog below
Before beginning the installation process, if you have used a previous version of the NAM, make sure you remove it before proceeding further.
To install the mod, if you are on Windows, open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version42.bat to begin the installation process. This will begin with the process to install the 4GB Patch on the game, and then move onto the actual NAM installation process.
On macOS, open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version42.jar to begin installation.
On Linux, open to begin installation.
Note that the NAM is packaged in an installer, and simply dumping the contents of the download into the Plugins folder will not install the mod. Doing so will only slow the game down, and none of the NAM's menu additions will appear.
Note that the NTCore 4GB Patch is REQUIRED if you are running the Full NAM Controller ("4GB Full" options in the installer), which is required to use the RealHighway (RHW) system. If the installation procedure is begun via NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version42.bat, as is the new recommended procedure, the 4GB Patch should be automatically applied to the game. Otherwise, the patch can be found inside the download, or downloaded directly from NTCore here, where further instructions on use of the patch can be found. Also due to this installer change, the NAM Controller Compiler is no longer run as part of the installation process.
Users will have an option to install one of two pre-built NAM Controller options, the Full "4GB" option, which has a substantial size and requires the 4GB Patch and a 64-bit operating system, or a "Low RAM/No RHW" version that does not require the 4GB Patch, and does not include the code for the RealHighway (RHW) system, the most expansive feature in the mod. The "Low RAM/No RHW" version should be used by those with 32-bit operating systems (i.e. Windows XP), less than 4GB RAM, and/or by those not using the RHW. Users wishing for further customization of NAM Controller size can still run the Controller Compiler manually, as it is available in the download.
Users wishing to simply use the NAM's Traffic Simulator improvements should skip the main NAM Installation and instead load up the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool (TSCT), which is in the folder of the same name. The tool itself is "TSCT.jar", though may be easier to open using the batch file ("TSCT.bat"). Note that the TSCT also requires the Java Runtime Environment.
The Network Addon Mod, in its current form with the full slate of installation options, is designed to run on systems with a 64-bit operating system and more than 4GB RAM. Most modern PCs should be able to comfortably run the mod. It is possible to run the NAM on 32-bit operating systems, and/or systems with 4GB or less RAM, by selecting a smaller feature set (minus the RHW) and the "Low RAM/No RHW" NAM Controller option, or manually compiling a smaller NAM Controller using the Controller Compiler.
At least 1.2 GB of hard drive space is required, in order to fully unpack the installer, but actual installation size may run from as little as 1.7 MB to as much as 850 MB, depending on the options chosen and if one selects to manually run the Controller Compiler after installation.
The Network Addon Mod is compatible with the following versions of the game:
A) Retail Windows disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack, updated to at least Version 1.1.638. B) Retail Windows digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack (Version 1.1.641), from all digital retailers except Origin (i.e., Steam, Amazon). C) Digital Windows copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe obtained redeeming an existing CD key (not purchasing) through Origin Customer Support. D) Retail Mac digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe, purchased through Steam, or, if on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or earlier, the App Store. (NOTE: Platform-specific technical support for the NAM on macOS is extremely limited). E) Retail Mac disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe, running on macOS/OS X Version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or earlier. (NOTE: Platform-specific technical support for the NAM on macOS is extremely limited.)
The Network Addon Mod is NOT compatible with the following versions of the game:
F) Retail disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack that have not been patched (Version 1.1.610 or 1.1.613). G) Retail Windows digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe purchased from Origin. H) Copies utilized as part of EA Play (formerly Origin Access)/Xbox Game Pass. I) The App Store version of the Mac port, if running on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later. J) Retail disc copies of non-Deluxe SimCity 4 (sometimes marketed later as "SimCity 4 Classic"), without the Rush Hour Expansion Pack (Version 1.0.272 or earlier). K) Pirated or cracked copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack.
What should I do if the NAM installer rejects my copy of the game?
The new NAM installer (introduced with the NAM 37 Release Candidate) no longer runs a version check. However, it is strongly recommended that users check the version they are running, as unpatched copies can be unstable. Version 1.1.610 and Version 1.1.613 are NOT supported. In Case F, the solution is simply to install the EP1 Update 1 patch, which can be downloaded from from Simtropolis here or SimCity 4 Devotion here.
To determine the correct SKU version for your copy of SimCity 4, find the installation directory, and look in the subfolder named sku_data. Alternatively, one can simply try all the SKU versions of the patch, until one works.
For Cases G and H, see the section about Origin here.
For Case I, changes Apple made to the "sandboxing" system with macOS 11 (Big Sur) have effectively made it impossible to play the App Store version with any kind of mods or plugins. We recommend you seek a refund and instead purchase the Steam version of the macOS port. Users still running the App Store version on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or earlier should still be able to install the mod, though with more difficulty than the Steam version, due to the reliance on sandboxing.
For Cases J and K, it is recommended that you purchase a digital copy of SimCity 4 Deluxe (NOT from Origin).
Please note that NAM 41 and earlier have been discontinued, and are no longer eligible for any form of technical support.
Thank you all for your continued support--hope you enjoy!
©2021 NAM Team
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