Роб топ geometry dash
A: There was an item duplication bug in version 2.1 that gave users extra rewards. This has been fixed in 2.11 and those rewards have been removed. So if you lose shards/diamonds etc after loading 2.11 its because they were bugged. Sorry :/
If you can login but still get the error message, please contact support.
First make sure you have entered the correct email. If you are sure the email is correct, follow the steps below.
Q: I cannot see my global rank, have I been leaderboard banned?
A: Right now the minimum stars to have a global rank is 2000. If you have below 2000 stars you will not see a global rank even if you are not leaderboard banned.
The system is currently begin changed, so ranks etc. may not work properly. For now just wait 🙂
Geometry Dash + Newgrounds
This lead to additional problems, where players would upload stolen music and then convince other community members to scout them. The NG moderation team is a group of volunteers, and handling this matter was taking up hours of their time every day. Because of this, a change in how the system works has to be made.
Under the new system, all previously approved artists can still be used in Geometry Dash. However no new artists will be able to have their music used in GD by default.
This means that even if you get a stolen song past the NG moderators and even if you convince someone to scout you, your song will still never work in Geometry Dash. We are hoping this will stop the growing problem with song theft, so that Geometry Dash can continue to use Newgrounds as a resource for music.
Not allowing new artists in Geometry Dash was my choice, so please do not show any anger towards Newgrounds for this decision.
I believe this solution will work well for both sides, and will hopefully solve the problem of users uploading music they did not create.
There is also a second change in how artists from Newgrounds will make their songs available in Geometry Dash.
Newgrounds will be implementing a specific permissions settings for allowing music to be used in Geometry Dash. Artists will be able to select whether or not they want their songs available in Geometry Dash as a separate option.
Hopefully these changes will make the system work smoother, and we can all focus on what we love, creating art and music for everyone to enjoy 🙂
I have added a few questions and answers below that may come up:
Q: How can I upload my music to Newgrounds and use it in Geometry Dash?
Q: Does this mean there will be no new custom songs?
A: No. New songs uploaded by already approved artists can still be available in the game. The change is that no NEW artists will be added to the game.
Q: Will you never add custom songs from new artists?
A: I can manually approve new artists if I want to, but they will be few, and I will manually verify that they are legit before adding them.
A: I am the only one that can approve new artists for use in Geometry Dash. Do not ask Newgrounds about this as they cannot help you.
Q: I am a Newgrounds artist, how can I disable my music in Geometry Dash?
A: Wait for Newgrounds to add the new option. You can then manually toggle on/off having your song in Geometry Dash.
Q: When is Geometry Dash coming back to Steam?
Q: DJRubRub is my favorite artist, does he have any new songs?
Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will try to answer all I can 🙂
RobTop Level Mix (рус. Микс уровней RobTop) — 2.0-уровень от игрока Sir Heis, представляющий из себя микс всех официальных уровней Geometry Dash (от RobTop.
В этом уровне взяты небольшие части из всех уровней RobTop'а (не считая Meltdown, GDW и SubZero уровни). RobTop Level Mix находится на 7-ом месте среди самых популярных уровней со сложностью .
Stereo Madness: необходимо перепрыгнуть через два шипа, а затем подняться по столбам.
Back On Track: нужно перепрыгнуть через шипы и батуты.
Polargeist: часть, которая начинается с 10%. Необходимо прыгать через шипы и нажимать на сферы.
Dry Out: нужно прыгать и опускаться по столбам, а затем поочередно перепрыгивать через шипы.
Base After Base: этап куба с затемнённым фоном.
Can't Let Go: этап корабля на чёрном фоне.
Jumper: куб с другой гравитацией, взятый из конца оригинального уровня.
Time Machine: часть куба перед этапом корабля. Необходимо перепрыгивать через тройные шипы и перемещаться по блокам.
Cycles: этап шара из концовки оригинала.
xStep: этап корабля, где необходимо облетать кубы с шипами.
Clutterfunk: момент мини-куба, где подниматься и опускаться по столбам и платформам, при этом нажимая на сферы.
Theory of Everything: момент НЛО, где требуется менять гравитацию с помощью порталов.
Electroman Adventures: момент корабля после мини-НЛО, где нужно пролетать между столбами.
Clubstep: этапы мини-корабля и куба. На корабле необходимо пролететь в небольшом туннеле, меняя гравитацию, а после пройти часть куба, на котором нужно нажать на две сферы.
Electrodynamix: этап ускоренного куба. Нужно прыгать по столбам, а затем по таймингу прыгнуть на батут.
Hexagon Force: этап раздвоенного корабля, где нужно сначала зажать, а потом осторожно пролететь, не задевая шипов.
Blast Processing: весь этап первой волны из оригинального уровня (вместе с раздвоением).
Geometrical Dominator: начало оригинального уровня (части куба и робота).
Deadlocked: сначала идёт часть робота, в которой нужно перепрыгивать через шипы и запрыгивать на платформы, а затем этапы корабля и НЛО с адским оформлением.
A: There was an item duplication bug in version 2.1 that gave users extra rewards. This has been fixed in 2.11 and those rewards have been removed. So if you lose shards/diamonds etc after loading 2.11 its because they were bugged. Sorry :/
If you can login but still get the error message, please contact support.
First make sure you have entered the correct email. If you are sure the email is correct, follow the steps below.
Q: I cannot see my global rank, have I been leaderboard banned?
A: Right now the minimum stars to have a global rank is 2000. If you have below 2000 stars you will not see a global rank even if you are not leaderboard banned.
The system is currently begin changed, so ranks etc. may not work properly. For now just wait 🙂
Geometry Dash + Newgrounds
This lead to additional problems, where players would upload stolen music and then convince other community members to scout them. The NG moderation team is a group of volunteers, and handling this matter was taking up hours of their time every day. Because of this, a change in how the system works has to be made.
Under the new system, all previously approved artists can still be used in Geometry Dash. However no new artists will be able to have their music used in GD by default.
This means that even if you get a stolen song past the NG moderators and even if you convince someone to scout you, your song will still never work in Geometry Dash. We are hoping this will stop the growing problem with song theft, so that Geometry Dash can continue to use Newgrounds as a resource for music.
Not allowing new artists in Geometry Dash was my choice, so please do not show any anger towards Newgrounds for this decision.
I believe this solution will work well for both sides, and will hopefully solve the problem of users uploading music they did not create.
There is also a second change in how artists from Newgrounds will make their songs available in Geometry Dash.
Newgrounds will be implementing a specific permissions settings for allowing music to be used in Geometry Dash. Artists will be able to select whether or not they want their songs available in Geometry Dash as a separate option.
Hopefully these changes will make the system work smoother, and we can all focus on what we love, creating art and music for everyone to enjoy 🙂
I have added a few questions and answers below that may come up:
Q: How can I upload my music to Newgrounds and use it in Geometry Dash?
Q: Does this mean there will be no new custom songs?
A: No. New songs uploaded by already approved artists can still be available in the game. The change is that no NEW artists will be added to the game.
Q: Will you never add custom songs from new artists?
A: I can manually approve new artists if I want to, but they will be few, and I will manually verify that they are legit before adding them.
A: I am the only one that can approve new artists for use in Geometry Dash. Do not ask Newgrounds about this as they cannot help you.
Q: I am a Newgrounds artist, how can I disable my music in Geometry Dash?
A: Wait for Newgrounds to add the new option. You can then manually toggle on/off having your song in Geometry Dash.
Q: When is Geometry Dash coming back to Steam?
Q: DJRubRub is my favorite artist, does he have any new songs?
Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will try to answer all I can 🙂
Robert Topala запись закреплена
Robert Topala запись закреплена
A bit tricky to fit everything on one page but I think this works :)Robert Topala запись закреплена
Played around some more. I think this is a good balance of new colors. Will probably tweak some of them a little. (No outline = new color)
Also now when you unlock a secondary color you also unlock that color as glow (if you have glow enabled)
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