Reborn survival обзор
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Забележка: Докато трае разработката на тази игра от „Ранен достъп“, е възможно по нататък тя да се промени или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още
“We are in a early stage of REBORN and we want to make the best possible game what we love to play. There is still alot of work to do and we think early access gives us the opportunity to listen to the community.” “We cant tell you exactly how long we will stay in the early access stage. But we think 6 - 12 months.”“The early access version will be have a small amount of features which we want to test out with the community. We are planning to release all other features as updates so we can listen to the feedback of our community.
we are also planning
drivable vehicles, player basements on existing houses and villages.
a missions system which will grant reputation and specific faction items and alot more.”
“Like we said, we are in a really early stage of REBORN. We have our Map,
a craft system, PVP Content and the loot system for now. the base mechanics are working and we work at the PVE system right now.
Stay tuned for more information.”
“No, we not want to sell Reborn at a higher price after releasing the full version.”“We do release lots of WIP screenshots on our discord were we get the opinion from the public and what we can do better. The most important thing for us is to listen.
What can we do better, what ideas has the community?
All takes time, and we can do this together.”
Този продукт не поддържа родния Ви език. Моля, прегледайте списъка с поддържани езици по-долу, преди да го купите
Този артикул все още не е достъпен
Заинтересовани сте?Добавете я към своя списък с желания и бъдете известени, когато стане достъпна.
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Относно тази игра
Reborn will be a open world survival game. With rpg elements. You need to survive in an open world. collect food, water, medical supplies, gear & weapons. You will have the opportunity to do missions for different factions to gain reputation and earn specific cosmetics for your character or you just group up with friends and build your own basements. Kill zombies & bandits and loot there camps. sell no needed stuff for ingame currency to dealers and buy other stuff from them. It is up to you how you play and what you do. But remember, every action has consequences.
No, we not want to bring you the same experience you got from many other zombie survival games. Also we are not to have features like temperature, sickness and other kind of stuff.
Loot, gear up, fight.
you will have the opportunity to bring your stuff in specific vaults, so if you die. You will be able to pick up your stuff from the vault. This also will be a faction-based safezone where you can trade with other people without harming anyone.
In this apocalyptic scenario, other player are not your only enemy. There are alot of other fallen soules who raised and just want to eat your brain. But not only the Dead will hunt you. There also will be bandits who will wait for you in there camps. And guess what. they want what is yours.
Описание на съдържание за възрастни
Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:
REBORN is a zombie survival game. So killing zombies and other players will be a fact.
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Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше
“We are in a early stage of REBORN and we want to make the best possible game what we love to play. There is still alot of work to do and we think early access gives us the opportunity to listen to the community.” “We cant tell you exactly how long we will stay in the early access stage. But we think 6 - 12 months.”“The early access version will be have a small amount of features which we want to test out with the community. We are planning to release all other features as updates so we can listen to the feedback of our community.
we are also planning
drivable vehicles, player basements on existing houses and villages.
a missions system which will grant reputation and specific faction items and alot more.”
“Like we said, we are in a really early stage of REBORN. We have our Map,
a craft system, PVP Content and the loot system for now. the base mechanics are working and we work at the PVE system right now.
Stay tuned for more information.”
“No, we not want to sell Reborn at a higher price after releasing the full version.”“We do release lots of WIP screenshots on our discord were we get the opinion from the public and what we can do better. The most important thing for us is to listen.
What can we do better, what ideas has the community?
All takes time, and we can do this together.”
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Об этой игре
Reborn will be a open world survival game. With rpg elements. You need to survive in an open world. collect food, water, medical supplies, gear & weapons. You will have the opportunity to do missions for different factions to gain reputation and earn specific cosmetics for your character or you just group up with friends and build your own basements. Kill zombies & bandits and loot there camps. sell no needed stuff for ingame currency to dealers and buy other stuff from them. It is up to you how you play and what you do. But remember, every action has consequences.
No, we not want to bring you the same experience you got from many other zombie survival games. Also we are not to have features like temperature, sickness and other kind of stuff.
Loot, gear up, fight.
you will have the opportunity to bring your stuff in specific vaults, so if you die. You will be able to pick up your stuff from the vault. This also will be a faction-based safezone where you can trade with other people without harming anyone.
In this apocalyptic scenario, other player are not your only enemy. There are alot of other fallen soules who raised and just want to eat your brain. But not only the Dead will hunt you. There also will be bandits who will wait for you in there camps. And guess what. they want what is yours.
Описание контента для взрослых
Разработчики описывают контент так:
REBORN is a zombie survival game. So killing zombies and other players will be a fact.
Получете незабавен достъп до играта и се ангажирайте с нейното развитие.
Забележка: Докато трае разработката на тази игра от „Ранен достъп“, е възможно по нататък тя да се промени или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още
“We are in a early stage of REBORN and we want to make the best possible game what we love to play. There is still alot of work to do and we think early access gives us the opportunity to listen to the community.” “We cant tell you exactly how long we will stay in the early access stage. But we think 6 - 12 months.”“The early access version will be have a small amount of features which we want to test out with the community. We are planning to release all other features as updates so we can listen to the feedback of our community.
we are also planning
drivable vehicles, player basements on existing houses and villages.
a missions system which will grant reputation and specific faction items and alot more.”
“Like we said, we are in a really early stage of REBORN. We have our Map,
a craft system, PVP Content and the loot system for now. the base mechanics are working and we work at the PVE system right now.
Stay tuned for more information.”
“No, we not want to sell Reborn at a higher price after releasing the full version.”“We do release lots of WIP screenshots on our discord were we get the opinion from the public and what we can do better. The most important thing for us is to listen.
What can we do better, what ideas has the community?
All takes time, and we can do this together.”
Този продукт не поддържа родния Ви език. Моля, прегледайте списъка с поддържани езици по-долу, преди да го купите
Този артикул все още не е достъпен
Заинтересовани сте?Добавете я към своя списък с желания и бъдете известени, когато стане достъпна.
Докладвайте неизправности и оставете отзив за тази игра в дискусионния форум
Относно тази игра
Reborn will be a open world survival game. With rpg elements. You need to survive in an open world. collect food, water, medical supplies, gear & weapons. You will have the opportunity to do missions for different factions to gain reputation and earn specific cosmetics for your character or you just group up with friends and build your own basements. Kill zombies & bandits and loot there camps. sell no needed stuff for ingame currency to dealers and buy other stuff from them. It is up to you how you play and what you do. But remember, every action has consequences.
No, we not want to bring you the same experience you got from many other zombie survival games. Also we are not to have features like temperature, sickness and other kind of stuff.
Loot, gear up, fight.
you will have the opportunity to bring your stuff in specific vaults, so if you die. You will be able to pick up your stuff from the vault. This also will be a faction-based safezone where you can trade with other people without harming anyone.
In this apocalyptic scenario, other player are not your only enemy. There are alot of other fallen soules who raised and just want to eat your brain. But not only the Dead will hunt you. There also will be bandits who will wait for you in there camps. And guess what. they want what is yours.
Описание на съдържание за възрастни
Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:
REBORN is a zombie survival game. So killing zombies and other players will be a fact.
REBORN: Survival — это проект в популярном жанре «Выживание», дополненный постапокалиптическим сеттингом, элементами песочницы, а также зомби и бандитами. Игроки выступают за выживших, которые пытаются сохранить себе жизнь в опасном мире. Требуется строить убежища, прокачиваться, охотиться на диких животных и собирать воду, с целью утолить стандартные физические потребности. Разработчики обещают наличие фракций и безопасных от PvP территорий, торговлю, функции объединения в кланы и многое другое. REBORN: Survival очень похожа на Deadside, DayZ, Rust и ото всех взяла понемногу, но сможет ли она сама выжить в условиях жёсткой конкуренции? Покажет лишь время.
Reborn представляет собой оригинальную MMORPG в жанре фэнтези, которая очень напоминает традиционную ролевую игру, однако здесь есть некоторые особенности, отличающие ее от классических игр такого типа. В первую очередь, это разнообразные возможности для развития героев и продвинутая селекция эльфов, которые являются помощниками главного персонажа.
Особенности игры
События в игре развиваются вполне динамично. Получить первого эльфа в качестве помощника можно будет уже на 15 уровне. Его можно будет в перспективе развивать. Играя, Вы даже не успеете оглянуться, как пройдете не один квест и получите несколько эльфов с питомцем в придачу. Выбирать класс Вы сможете уже на 20 уровне. За это время можно разобраться со всеми нюансами уникального мира Асгарда и уточнить, какая роль больше подойдет вашему персонажу.
Классы в Reborn
В игре Reborn имеется 4 класса героев. В первую очередь это Воин, который выглядит настоящим бойцом, которому из-за хорошей брони ничего не страшно. Также, интересным вариантом является Бард, который обладает способностями воскрешения и исцеления. Еще есть стрелок, который представляет собой меткого разбойника с луком за спиной. Оригинальным персонажем считается маг, который умеет управлять стихиями и обладает способностью телепортироваться. Герои могут использовать в сражениях четыре вида оружия: лиры, посохи, молоты и лук. Каждое оружие привязано к определенному классу персонажа, однако до 20 уровня у вас будет возможность использовать любой вид вооружения.
Развитие героев
Развитие персонажей в Reborn может осуществляться по-разному. Например, при получении опыта Вы получаете определенные скиллы, с помощью которых можно стать настоящим ангелом-хранителем. Последней стадией будет получение так называемой божественности, которая представляет собой трансформацию, благодаря которой герой становится сильнее в сражениях.
Можно развиваться и другим путем, за счет прокачки эльфов. Их характеристики прибавляются к характеристикам главного персонажа. Некоторые из эльфов владеют различными полезными качествами, такими как замораживание врагов, восполнение здоровья и так далее. Этих помощников также можно прокачивать после получения опыта. Они инкрустируются душами, которых в Reborn тоже довольно много.
Система достижений
Интересным в Reborn является и разнообразная система достижений. Чтобы получить какое-либо из достижений, нужно выполнить определенное задание. Например, можно уничтожить указанное количество игроков, убить сильного босса или модернизировать предмет до указанного уровня.
К слову о модернизации, тут Reborn предлагает множество вариантов. Каждый предмет имеет свой уровень качества и заточки. Его можно инкрустировать камнями или специальными святыми знаками. При этом, святые знаки могут усиливать либо атаку, либо защиту. Эти предметы могут действовать только на определенных персонажей или же на все классы героев.
Таким образом, Reborn представляет собой типичную и довольно добротную игру в жанре MMORPG, обладающую всем необходимым: дуэлями, аренами для битв гильдий, расширенным ПК, системой крафта с шестью профессиями, а также всем тем, о чём мы говорили выше. Опытные геймеры могут отметить сходство Reborn с Blood&Soul, которая является еще одним проектом GameNet. Однако, Reborn выглядит более интересным и качественным продуктом, ведь практически все новшества игры оказались удачными.
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