Обзор посейдон саммонерс варс
mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_77,h_77,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/Water%20Sea%20Emperor.jpg" alt="Water Sea Emperor.jpg" width="" height="" />
mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_77,h_77,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/Poseidon%20SW.jpg" alt="Poseidon SW.jpg" width="" height="" />
HOW TO GET: Mystical Scroll, Temple of Wishes, Water Scroll, Legendary Scroll
GOOD FOR: GB12, DB12, ToA, Lab, Dimensional Hole, PvP
mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_131,h_131,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2/POSEIDON%20Water%20Sea%20Emperor.jpg" alt="POSEIDON Water Sea Emperor.jpg" width="" height="" />
MAX STATS (6* & Awakened)
HP: 10050 ATK: 790 DEF: 681 SPD: 101
Increases Accuracy by 25%
mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_122,h_27,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2/high%20water%20essence.jpg" alt="high water essence.jpg" width="" height="" />
20 High 10 Mid 15 High 5 Mid
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Skillups Needed: 9 (Use Devilmons)
Power Surge: Attacks an enemy, dealing damage and transferring a harmful effect on you to the enemy.
Multiplier - 400% of the ATK stat before reduction
Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
Multiplier - 30 0% of the ATK stat before reduction
Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Multiplier - ( + 350)/100 of the ATK stat before reduction
Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 33%.
Early-Mid Game
Focus on Spd, Hp, Def, Acc
2 - Sets | Blade, Revenge
4 - Set | Despair
End Game
Focus on Spd, Atk, CR, CD, Hp, Def, Acc
4 - Set | Violent
mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_157,h_170,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/RUNE%20EMPTY.jpg" alt="RUNE EMPTY.jpg" width="" height="" />
ATK% / HP%
CD% / CR%
If you’re looking for detailed rune and stat builds you should take a look at SWMaster’s Rune Farming Guide – I have been a member of their site since I was new to Summoners War and would highly recommend it to all players.
Learn About Runes, Drop Locations, and More!
•The Water Sea Emperor, Poseidon is a Crowd Control King!
•His 1st skill transfers harmful effects to your opponent.
•His 2nd skill has an AoE Silence.
•He is a ToA and Lab Beast!
•He can be built as a support or attack monster.
•His leader skill can be used anywhere to deal more damage.
•His 2nd and 3rd skill needs to be fully skilled up to get the most out of him.
•Any AoE immunity monsters like Fran or Chloe can make him useless.
GB12 (9/10): Poseidon is a great for clearing and controlling the mobs for a safer Giants B12 run.
DB10 (8/10): He has a similiar role in Dragons B12 as he does in GB12.
ToA (10/10): He is an excellent monster here due to his abundant crowd control. He needs to be on despair here to be effective.
Labyrinth (10/10): He is usable in many of the Lab stages and has the same role as in ToA here..
Dimensional Hole (9/10): He is a great CC unit here for many stages.
Arena (7/10): He is a good monster to put on Defense. Putting him on Revenge or Nemesis can help him cut it.
RTA (8/10): He holds his own in RTA. You should build him as a bruiser to deal some damage while also controlling the other team.
План гайда:
1. обзор персонажа и скилов
2. обзор рун
3. подбор пати
4. заключение
1. Итак Водный пират , далее Галеон , это персонаж изначально 4* При эвейке приобретает красивый скин с пернатым воротником , с которого осыпаются перышки ^^
Галеон - идеальный саппорт под масс дд для ошеломительной атаки . Большее применение вижу ему на арене , для тех у кого нету люшена но есть хороший масс дд в рейдже . В качестве заливки больше подходит грифон (меган не будет стыковаться с опять же бафом атаки галеона, а для атаки нам деф никчему)
ПАТИ на мега урон - Грифон заливка -> пират атака+слом -> масс дд абсолютно любой - жульен, сигма, пирет(вода,огонь), ифрит ветра + еще масс дд . При такой схеме масс дд будут выдавать огроменный урон не хуже люшена поверьте . Больше из подходит ветер т.к. можно поставить грифона в лидерку .
ПАТИ для штурмовой атаки - лидерка спд (сильфы,сукуба воды и т.д), грифон+пират , масс дд
Так же неплохо зайдет в паре с Купером (броня ветра) если у вас купер в неочень хороших рунах.
ПВЕ: в пве представляю этого персонажа в быстром свифте или виоленте + много хп, для того чтобы постоянно поддерживал баф атаки на пати и слом брони на противнике . Если у вас нет люшена (игнор брони) но есть хорошие масс дд то Галеон будет вашим люб
Poseidon (Water Sea Emperor) is a great crowd controller with 2 very interesting AoE skills and as first skill a debuff transfer.
He is very useful and versatile on Arena defense, Arena offence, Guild war, raid, TOA and obviously as a Faimon Hell farmer.
Despite his third skill "Maelstrom" has a multiplier of 500% we don't suggest a nuker runage on him (at least not on your first one :) but with an high accuracy (>=75%) he can be paired even with a slow nuker to make him/her shine.
Using Poseidon in DB10
Poseidon is a great alternative to Spectra to have in your Dragon B10 team, he is not squishy at all, he doesn't need great runes to do the work and he have the elemental advantage.
Teaming him with Verdehile (L) , Veromos, Belladeon and Sigmarus could lead you to a 95% success rate.
Poseidon rune build
Crowd Controller - Despair/Focus SPD/HP%/HP% with acc% substats
Known alternative (to be tested): Violent/Revenge Spd/HP%/HP% with acc%substats
Mixed nuker cc - Despair/Revenge Spd/Hp%/Atk%
In-depth stats about Poseidon could be retrieved on SWARFARM
The overall rating is based on review by our experts
Poseidon together with the rest of Sea Emperor, as a natural born 5 star (nb5), is awesome. I mean really awesome. Poseidon got a set of skills that could make him more of a support than a HP type monsters.
Poseidon first skill which basically attacks an enemy and then transfer all debuffs that you are suffering to the enemy. That is very helpful in the arena. His second skill attacks all enemies with mighty waves, preventing them from using skills with cool times for 1 turn. This skill is pretty deadly to the enemy in the arena. This skill is very awesome but his Maelstrom is much awesome. He basically attacks all enemies and decreases their attack bar by 75% and slowing down their Attack Speed for 2 turns. His third skill make him ideal part of a speed team.
I would recommend to rune Poseidon with Swift/Energy(SPD/HP/Accuracy). Make him as fast as possible for him to throw the first strike. All energy would also work with him to make him tanky as possible but that would diminish the effect of his second and third skill. Poseidon has 2 AOE skills thus despair would also work. But my personal preference would be to rune him with swift to make him land his 3rd skill first thus giving way to your nuker to erase the enemies in the arena before they even hit.
So where you can use Poseidon?
You can use him everywhere because he got awesome support skills and tanky enough to survive the onslaught of giant and dragon boss.
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