Ksp realism overhaul обзор
Changes KSP's solar system to make it like the real one.
3 Updated Oct 9, 2021
ROCapsules Public
ROCapsules is a mod that takes the best versions of capsules available and uses them as the in-game models for Realism Overhaul parts.
6 Updated Oct 7, 2021
RealPlume-StockConfigs Public
RealPlume configs for stock-sized engines.
2 Updated Oct 6, 2021
ROKerbalism Public
Kerbalism configuration for Realism Overhaul and RP-1
6 Updated Oct 4, 2021
TacLifeSupport Public
Life Support from Thunder Aerospace Corporation
2 Updated Oct 3, 2021
TestFlight Public
KSP Mod that provides a part research and reliability system
1 Updated Sep 28, 2021
ProceduralParts Public
A continuation of StretchySRBs, which is a continuation of StretchyTanks
1 Updated Sep 22, 2021
ROSolar Public
2 Updated Sep 16, 2021
KerbalRenamer Public
0 Updated Sep 13, 2021
Kerbal-Konstructs Public
KSP Mod: Kerbal Konstrucs
0 Updated Sep 10, 2021
USProbesPack Public
A long term US probe project
0 Updated Aug 26, 2021
USRockets Public
Contains some of the older, more obscure US launchers
0 Updated Aug 27, 2021
SovietSpacecraft Public
Soviet spacecraft mod contains Soyuz spacecraft, Vostok, Voskhod and TKS/VA too!
0 Updated Aug 26, 2021
SalyutStations Public
A Salyut stations mod. Contains DOS/OPS style stations.
0 Updated Aug 26, 2021
RSSVE Public
A visual enhancement pack for the Kerbal Space Program RealSolarSystem mod.
1 Updated Aug 16, 2021
RP-1-ExpressInstall Public
Express installation support for RO/RP-1 on CKAN
0 Updated Aug 16, 2021
ROHeatshields Public
Heatshields that can have the diameter dynamically changed.
0 Updated Aug 15, 2021
Blastwave Public
0 Updated Aug 15, 2021
CanaveralPads Public
0 Updated Aug 10, 2021
RSSTimeFormatter Public
2 Updated Aug 10, 2021
A stub to support express CKAN installation of graphics for RSS
0 Updated Aug 10, 2021
DeadlyReentry Public
Heat and force damage for KSP
0 Updated Aug 8, 2021
SolverEngines Public
A subclass of ModuleEnginesFX which supports AJE-style solvers.
0 Updated Aug 5, 2021
ROTanks Public
ROTanks uses modified code of SSTU by Shadowmage45 to provide modular tanks (and more) for Realism Overhaul.
1 Updated Aug 2, 2021
ProceduralFairings Public
Procedural Fairings mod for Kerbal Space Program
0 Updated Jul 31, 2021
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24 июл. 2016 в 13:27 Any engines for RO? i have all the recommended from CKAN for the RO but most engines and parts in those packs clearly state NON RO. The only engines i have require specific fuel amounts etc. to work properly or just dont have the thrust to move anything other than themselves really. Any suggested Packs or anyway to make RO a little more fun without having to turn my room in to NASA HQ and spend days learning the mathn and stuff to even gewt to the moon.Which i have reachred but with some russin pack with the pre built engine fuel clusters which i find cheating tbh. 24 июл. 2016 в 14:25 Think small, unguided probe core small. Dont even think you are able to lift heavy payloads like a film return camera and bio samples and fuel and other stuff to LEO at the beginning. Get handed with "Real Progression Zero", it will guide you well at the beginning to your "Real Solar System/Realism Overhaul" experience. 24 июл. 2016 в 14:39I agree with @RoofCatA -- if you want to play Realism Overhaul (with or without RP-0), then part of the game is having realisticlly poorly performing engines and realistically large planets (which make the engines even worse in comparison). This is, of course, much harder than the base game, which is why we don't have space tourism (yet! :) ).
However, most people don't find this *fun* and its why the base game has absurdly energy rich fuel, more powerful engines, scaling everything down, and so forth.
if you want to stick with RO, note that you can use a procedural tank (which is, oddly enough, RP-0), make it very large (3 m plus), attach a thrust plate, then attach 4 1.5m engines, attach 4x boosters (burning in parallel with your core stage), plus two more upper stages is enough to get a fairly hefy payload to Earth orbit. Specifically, enough for an unmanned lunar orbit, manned LEO (maybe even a manned lunar flyby), unmanned flybies for Mars and Venus (probably), and so forth. This can all be done with tech level 1-3 parts, and will obviously yield tons of science and funds to unlock further into the tech tree.
I got rid of most of my "Non-RO, Non-RP0" parts by starting clean in GameData and adding "Real Progression-0" in CKAN and letting it do its thing.. This grabs recommended mods from RP-0, but I noticed doesn't install everything that it does if you install RO directly (specifically, it leaves out stuff like "forgotten engines") .. The only part packs I have in my RO/RSS install that add engines are "Advanced Jet Engine" and "Taerobee".. Now, my early game engine selection was very limited, so you definitely have to cluster but you don't need a thrust plate to place symmetry engines on a procedural fuel tank..
But yes.. getting to the real moon is still a very purposeful and deliberate thing (for me anyway). You can't just slap some tanks together like in stock. You're up against: limited ignitions, locked throttle, ullage, and inclination.. not to mention the "entry price" of 9500m/s just to get to the starting line..
Евгений, А можете уточнить, что под RSS адаптировать? По сути я просто взял картинку, которой сам пользуюсь, и т.к. меня задолбало переключаться между ней и игрой (или держать ее в распечатке), то просто запихнул ее в ресурсы игры. КСПедия достаточно просто расширяется любой информацией без особых плясок с бубном )
Александр, или подскажи как добавлять, в плане мододельства я нубасина полная
Александр, кстати в скане такая карта для стока уже давно есть ;)
Андрей, не сомневаюсь, что подобное уже было. Так как я занимаюсь моддингом для души, то стояла задача разобраться с кспедией. Вот и убил двух зайцев )
Антон, не думаю, что ради такой мелочи стоит заводить отдельный топик на официальном форуме. Просто решил поделиться. И это не совсем мод. Это просто бандл созданный и сконфигурированный по аналогии со стоковыми в Unity. Поэтому исполняемого кода в виде полноценного мода там нет. Просто КСП думает, что это стандартный ресурс, загружает его и подключает к базе согласно встроенным конфигам.
Kerbal Space Program
7 мар. 2020 в 7:56 I managed to get ckan to install everything but for some reason my planets stay the same and dont switch the to earth like rss should. Am i doing something wrong or not installing something right?[A] Max K; 7 мар. 2020 в 7:56
7 мар. 2020 в 8:37 7 мар. 2020 в 8:48 7 мар. 2020 в 14:18I wonder if, even though you've got CKAN to install things, is it pulling the right version of Kopernicus? Or even all the other RO mods.
It might be worth considering building the mod collection in a 1.7.3 install.
7 мар. 2020 в 15:51I wonder if, even though you've got CKAN to install things, is it pulling the right version of Kopernicus? Or even all the other RO mods.
It might be worth considering building the mod collection in a 1.7.3 install.
I mean i can try but its just weird how i watched a video installing it for 1.2.2 and it dosent change.7 мар. 2020 в 16:01
How old is the video?
I think RSS and RO did take a while to move on from KSP 1.2.2 which resulted in a lot of players sticking with that build but it's currently available to work with 1.7.3 from my quick search.
Main reason I suspect something related to Kopernicus, it is the mod ultimately responsible for handling the solar system configuration and it uses version locking to prevent it loading in incorrect versions of KSP. I don't know if it only prevents loading in "future" versions or if it actually hard locks to specific versions for each release.
RSS is effectively configs and textures for Kopernicus these days, though this wasn't always the case if I recall correctly.
7 мар. 2020 в 16:03How old is the video?
I think RSS and RO did take a while to move on from KSP 1.2.2 which resulted in a lot of players sticking with that build but it's currently available to work with 1.7.3 from my quick search.
Main reason I suspect something related to Kopernicus, it is the mod ultimately responsible for handling the solar system configuration and it uses version locking to prevent it loading in incorrect versions of KSP. I don't know if it only prevents loading in "future" versions or if it actually hard locks to specific versions for each release.
RSS is effectively configs and textures for Kopernicus these days, though this wasn't always the case if I recall correctly.
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