Когда выйдет обновление merge dragons
Фантастический мир переполнен разнообразными загадками и тайнами. А попасть в него вы сможете уже сейчас, просто скачав на мобильный приложение Merge Dragons. Сделав это вы окажетесь в мистической стране, где некогда находилось королевство Дракония. Но озлобленные существа опустошили тот мир, и сейчас вам предстоит попытаться вновь дохнуть в те места жизнь. Для этого понадобится использовать разнообразные секреты и прибегнуть к помощи магического дара, совмещая при этом разнообразные элементы.
Совместив яйца вы сможете вывести драконов, которые окажут необходимую помощь. При совмещении драконов вы получите более сильное существо. А начав разгадывать доступные в игре головоломки вы сможете получить ряд наград, которые можно использовать для выращивания разнообразных растений и подобных ресурсов в собственном лагере.
Особенности игры
Скачав Merge Dragons на андроид вы сможете совмещать предметы, которых в игре доступно более 500. Просто перетащите необходимый предмет на другой, совместите их и получите более усовершенствованную версию. Совмещать вы сможете практически любые вещи. К примеру, деревья, драгоценности, звезды, существа и так далее. И все это для того, чтобы вновь возродить некогда живописные земли Драконии, и вдохнуть в эту местность вторую жизнь.
Кроме того, вы сможете собирать драконов разных пород. Всего в долине насчитывается 17 разновидностей данных существ, взросление которых состоит из восьми этапов. Совмещая яйца вы сможете вывести разнообразных дракончиков, которые будут играть за вас и помогут найти в долине полезные ресурсы для использования на благо Драконии.
Также в приложении на андроид доступно порядка 600 логических заданий. Но для их выполнения потребуется использовать хитрости и секреты. Помимо сказанного, в игре есть и засекреченные уровни. Но найти их сможет далеко не каждый пользователь. Хотите испытать собственные силы? Тогда скачивайте представленную игру уже сейчас и приступайте к процессу. К тому же загрузить её можно за несколько минут совершенно на бесплатной основе!
Discover dragon legends, magic, quests, and a secret land of entertainment and mystery in the world of Merge Dragons! where you can combine everything into better and better things by matching and merging!
In a mystical world hidden among the clouds, the vale of Dragonia flourished. Then evil Zomblins cast a void across the vale. The only hope to heal the land rests in YOUR magical power to MATCH ANYTHING -- dragon eggs, trees, treasures, stars, magical flowers, and even mythical creatures.
Match eggs to hatch helpful dragons, then evolve them to discover more powerful dragons! Figure out challenging puzzle levels: match the Gaia statues to win, then bring rewards back to your Camp to collect and grow.
What will you discover as you match your camp to perfection and nurture your dragons?
== Match Objects ==
• Discover over 500 fantastic objects to match and interact with.
• Freely drag objects around the beautiful world and match 3 of a kind evolve them into better things!
• Match nearly anything - plants, buildings, coins, treasures, fallen stars, magic objects, mythical creatures, and more!
• Match Life Essence and tap it to unleash power to heal the vale!
• Discover the Gaia statues stuck in each level’s cursed land. Match them to solve the puzzle and create life!
== Collect New Dragon Breeds ==
• Discover 17 dragon breeds who live in the vale, and evolve them through 8 growth stages for new dragons!
• Match eggs to hatch helpful dragons who will roam the vale and harvest objects for you to use or match.
== Tricky Puzzles ==
• Over 600 quests to challenge your mind!
• Test your puzzle solving skills in more than 140 tricky levels filled with new quests and rewards to help you build your dragon camp!
• Discover hidden levels - can you find them all?
• On your puzzle journey, you may cross paths with evil Zomblins. Watch out and be careful!
Download now and discover where Merge Dragons! will take you!
Merge Dragons! is brought to you by Gram Games, the studio behind the top hit titles 1010!, Merged! and Six!
Последняя актуальная версия Самая свежая версия для приложения Merge Dragons! от 30.09.2021
- Stay tuned for more fun events that will bring you wonderful dragons.
- We’ve got exciting news! This is the most jam-packed Merge Dragons! update maybe, ever? See what you can accomplish along with your Den-mates in the Fluff Cove Den event, then de-stress a little with the Camp & Chill event the next weekend. The Shrooms & Fairies event will fly into your games after that - who doesn’t enjoy a little magic? And to top it all off, we’ve even packed in a new season - Night Sky! Update to play.
- This update might just be the best one yet - we’re serious! Take a little time to focus on your camp with a Camp & Chill event, then dive on into a weekend Ocean Breeze event. After you cool off, it’s time to have some fun with the Toys Galore event, and some of the cutest items and Dragons in Dragonia! Don’t miss out!
- Hold your dragons - this might be one of the most exciting updates of the year! We’ve packed in not one, not two, but THREE awesome events one after another! Kick things off with the new and improved Fluff Mountain Den event, then sail into the sunset with the Dragon Boat event the next weekend! Finally, kickstart your summer fun with the sunny Summer Delight event!
- Hold your dragons - this might be one of the most exciting updates of the year! We’ve packed in not one, not two, but THREE awesome events one after another! Kick things off with the new and improved Fluff Mountain Den event, then sail into the sunset with the Dragon Boat event the next weekend! Finally, kickstart your summer fun with the sunny Summer Delight event!
- This might just be the most exciting event of the year! We’ve packed in a NEW + IMPROVED Fluff Mountain Den Event plus two exciting weekend events! Feel the love with the Red Rose event before being whisked away to faraway lands with the Dragon Boat event!
- This version includes something super-special: a new and improved Fluff Mountain Den Event! We know how much you all love playing with your friends, so we wanted to make it even better. Make sure you’re a Den member before the start of the event so you can experience all of the improvements we made!
- This version has not one but TWO incredible events to whisk you away. First, it’s time for a fantastic adventure with the Once Upon a Time event where you’ll be able to meet the magical Fairy and (brand new!) Fay dragons. Then, travel back in time with the Odyssey Event where the Zeus and Hera dragons will help you on your way!
Exciting news! 5 New Levels in the Spell Shore region are ready for you to puzzle through!
- Bug fixes and .
The hoptastic Easter Event is on its way! Get ready - you’ll soon be able to play this event, and have the chance to .
Guess what? The event you’ve all been waiting for is coming soon! The Flufflands Den event will let you make the very .
It’s time to sparkle! The Healing Crystals Event is on its way. Lucky you - you’ll have the chance to meet the Nilla .
Discover dragon legends, magic, quests, and a secret land of entertainment and mystery in the world of Merge Dragons! where you can combine everything into better and better things by matching and merging!
In a mystical world hidden among the clouds, the vale of Dragonia flourished. Then evil Zomblins cast a void across the vale. The only hope to heal the land rests in YOUR magical power to MATCH ANYTHING -- dragon eggs, trees, treasures, stars, magical flowers, and even mythical creatures.
Match eggs to hatch helpful dragons, then evolve them to discover more powerful dragons! Figure out challenging puzzle levels: match the Gaia statues to win, then bring rewards back to your Camp to collect and grow.
What will you discover as you match your camp to perfection and nurture your dragons?
== Match Objects ==
• Discover over 500 fantastic objects to match and interact with.
• Freely drag objects around the beautiful world and match 3 of a kind evolve them into better things!
• Match nearly anything - plants, buildings, coins, treasures, fallen stars, magic objects, mythical creatures, and more!
• Match Life Essence and tap it to unleash power to heal the vale!
• Discover the Gaia statues stuck in each level’s cursed land. Match them to solve the puzzle and create life!
== Collect New Dragon Breeds ==
• Discover 17 dragon breeds who live in the vale, and evolve them through 8 growth stages for new dragons!
• Match eggs to hatch helpful dragons who will roam the vale and harvest objects for you to use or match.
== Tricky Puzzles ==
• Over 600 quests to challenge your mind!
• Test your puzzle solving skills in more than 140 tricky levels filled with new quests and rewards to help you build your dragon camp!
• Discover hidden levels - can you find them all?
• On your puzzle journey, you may cross paths with evil Zomblins. Watch out and be careful!
Download now and discover where Merge Dragons! will take you!
Merge Dragons! is brought to you by Gram Games, the studio behind the top hit titles 1010!, Merged! and Six!
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